Exemple #1
 public DVector parseLootPolicyFor(MOB mob) {
   if (mob == null) return new DVector(3);
   Vector lootPolicy =
           ? new Vector()
           : CMParms.parseCommas(CMProps.getVar(CMProps.SYSTEM_ITEMLOOTPOLICY), true);
   DVector policies = new DVector(3);
   for (int p = 0; p < lootPolicy.size(); p++) {
     String s = ((String) lootPolicy.elementAt(p)).toUpperCase().trim();
     if (s.length() == 0) continue;
     Vector compiledMask = null;
     int maskDex = s.indexOf("MASK=");
     if (maskDex >= 0) {
       s = s.substring(0, maskDex).trim();
       compiledMask =
               .maskCompile(((String) lootPolicy.elementAt(p)).substring(maskDex + 5).trim());
     } else compiledMask = new Vector();
     Vector parsed = CMParms.parse(s);
     int pct = 100;
     for (int x = 0; x < parsed.size(); x++)
       if (CMath.isInteger((String) parsed.elementAt(x)))
         pct = CMath.s_int((String) parsed.elementAt(x));
       else if (CMath.isPct((String) parsed.elementAt(x)))
         pct = (int) Math.round(CMath.s_pct((String) parsed.elementAt(x)) * 100.0);
     int flags = 0;
     if (parsed.contains("RUIN")) flags |= CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_RUIN;
     else if (parsed.contains("LOSS")) flags |= CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_LOSS;
     if (flags == 0) flags |= CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_LOSS;
     if (parsed.contains("WORN")) flags |= CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_WORN;
     else if (parsed.contains("UNWORN")) flags |= CMMiscUtils.LOOTFLAG_UNWORN;
     policies.addElement(Integer.valueOf(pct), Integer.valueOf(flags), compiledMask);
   return policies;
Exemple #2
  public void grantAbilities(MOB mob, boolean isBorrowedClass) {
    super.grantAbilities(mob, isBorrowedClass);

    if (mob.playerStats() == null) {
      final List<AbilityMapper.AbilityMapping> V =
              .getUpToLevelListings(ID(), mob.charStats().getClassLevel(ID()), false, false);
      for (final AbilityMapper.AbilityMapping able : V) {
        final Ability A = CMClass.getAbility(able.abilityID);
        if ((A != null)
            && ((A.classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES) == Ability.ACODE_CHANT)
            && (!CMLib.ableMapper().getDefaultGain(ID(), true, A.ID())))
              CMLib.ableMapper().getDefaultProficiency(ID(), true, A.ID()),
              CMLib.ableMapper().getDefaultParm(ID(), true, A.ID()),

    final Vector grantable = new Vector();

    final int level = mob.charStats().getClassLevel(this);
    int numChants = 2;
    for (final Enumeration<Ability> a = CMClass.abilities(); a.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      final Ability A = a.nextElement();
      if ((CMLib.ableMapper().getQualifyingLevel(ID(), true, A.ID()) == level)
          && ((CMLib.ableMapper().getQualifyingLevel(ID(), true, A.ID()) <= 25)
              && (!CMLib.ableMapper().getSecretSkill(ID(), true, A.ID()))
              && (!CMLib.ableMapper().getDefaultGain(ID(), true, A.ID()))
              && ((A.classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES) == Ability.ACODE_CHANT))) {
        if (!grantable.contains(A.ID())) grantable.addElement(A.ID());
    for (int a = 0; a < mob.numAbilities(); a++) {
      final Ability A = mob.fetchAbility(a);
      if (grantable.contains(A.ID())) {
    for (int i = 0; i < numChants; i++) {
      if (grantable.size() == 0) break;
      final String AID = (String) grantable.elementAt(CMLib.dice().roll(1, grantable.size(), -1));
      if (AID != null) {
            CMLib.ableMapper().getDefaultProficiency(ID(), true, AID),
            CMLib.ableMapper().getDefaultParm(ID(), true, AID),
  public boolean invoke(
      MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) {
    if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false;

    if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false;

    final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto);
    if (success) {
      final CMMsg msg =
              verbalCastCode(mob, null, auto),
                  ? ""
                  : L("^S<S-NAME> @x1 for knowledge of the lower law here.^?", prayWord(mob)));
      if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) {
        mob.location().send(mob, msg);
        final Area O = CMLib.law().getLegalObject(mob.location());
        final LegalBehavior B = CMLib.law().getLegalBehavior(mob.location());
        if ((B == null) || (O == null)) mob.tell(L("No lower law is established here."));
        else {
          final Law L = B.legalInfo(O);
          final Vector<String> crimes = new Vector<String>();
          possiblyAddLaw(L, crimes, "TRESPASSING");
          possiblyAddLaw(L, crimes, "ASSAULT");
          possiblyAddLaw(L, crimes, "MURDER");
          possiblyAddLaw(L, crimes, "NUDITY");
          possiblyAddLaw(L, crimes, "ARMED");
          possiblyAddLaw(L, crimes, "RESISTINGARREST");
          possiblyAddLaw(L, crimes, "PROPERTYROB");
          for (final String key : L.abilityCrimes().keySet())
            if (key.startsWith("$")) crimes.add(key.substring(1));
          if (L.taxLaws().containsKey("TAXEVASION"))
            crimes.add(((String[]) L.taxLaws().get("TAXEVASION"))[Law.BIT_CRIMENAME]);
          for (int x = 0; x < L.bannedSubstances().size(); x++) {
            final String name = L.bannedBits().get(x)[Law.BIT_CRIMENAME];
            if (!crimes.contains(name)) crimes.add(name);
          for (int x = 0; x < L.otherCrimes().size(); x++) {
            final String name = L.otherBits().get(x)[Law.BIT_CRIMENAME];
            if (!crimes.contains(name)) crimes.add(name);
                  "The following lower crimes are divinely revealed to you: @x1.",
                  CMLib.english().toEnglishStringList(crimes.toArray(new String[0]))));
    } else
      beneficialWordsFizzle(mob, null, L("<S-NAME> @x1, but nothing is revealed.", prayWord(mob)));

    return success;
Exemple #4
 protected StringBuilder getAbilities(
     MOB viewerM, MOB ableM, Vector ofTypes, int mask, boolean addQualLine, int maxLevel) {
   final int COL_LEN1 = ListingLibrary.ColFixer.fixColWidth(3.0, viewerM);
   final int COL_LEN2 = ListingLibrary.ColFixer.fixColWidth(18.0, viewerM);
   final int COL_LEN3 = ListingLibrary.ColFixer.fixColWidth(19.0, viewerM);
   int highestLevel = 0;
   final int lowestLevel = ableM.phyStats().level() + 1;
   final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("");
   for (final Enumeration<Ability> a = ableM.allAbilities(); a.hasMoreElements(); ) {
     final Ability A = a.nextElement();
     int level = CMLib.ableMapper().qualifyingLevel(ableM, A);
     if (level < 0) level = 0;
     if ((A != null)
         && (level > highestLevel)
         && (level < lowestLevel)
         && (ofTypes.contains(Integer.valueOf(A.classificationCode() & mask))))
       highestLevel = level;
   if ((maxLevel >= 0) && (maxLevel < highestLevel)) highestLevel = maxLevel;
   for (int l = 0; l <= highestLevel; l++) {
     final StringBuilder thisLine = new StringBuilder("");
     int col = 0;
     for (final Enumeration<Ability> a = ableM.allAbilities(); a.hasMoreElements(); ) {
       final Ability A = a.nextElement();
       int level = CMLib.ableMapper().qualifyingLevel(ableM, A);
       if (level < 0) level = 0;
       if ((A != null)
           && (level == l)
           && (ofTypes.contains(Integer.valueOf(A.classificationCode() & mask)))) {
         if (thisLine.length() == 0) thisLine.append("\n\rLevel ^!" + l + "^?:\n\r");
         if ((++col) > 3) {
           col = 1;
                 + CMStrings.padRight(Integer.toString(A.proficiency()), COL_LEN1)
                 + "%^?]^N"
                 + " " // +(A.isAutoInvoked()?"^H.^N":" ")
                 + CMStrings.padRight(
                     "^<HELP^>" + A.name() + "^</HELP^>", (col == 3) ? COL_LEN2 : COL_LEN3));
     if (thisLine.length() > 0) msg.append(thisLine);
   if (msg.length() == 0) msg.append(L("^!None!^?"));
   else if (addQualLine)
             "\n\r\n\rUse QUALIFY to see additional skills you can GAIN.")); // ^H.^N =
                                                                             // passive/auto-invoked."));
   return msg;
Exemple #5
  public String composition() {
    String comp = "";
    if (trail != null) {
      String t = trail.toString();
      final int[] counts = new int[stuff.length];
      int x = t.indexOf(';');
      while (x >= 0) {
        final int q = CMath.s_int(t.substring(0, x));
        t = t.substring(x + 1);
        if (q >= 0) {
          for (int i = 0; i < stuff.length; i++) {
            if (CMath.s_int(stuff[i][0]) == q) counts[i]++;
        x = t.indexOf(';');
      int wa = -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < stuff.length; i++)
        if (CMath.s_int(stuff[i][0]) == CMMsg.TYP_WEAPONATTACK) {
          wa = i;

      if (wa >= 0) counts[wa] = counts[wa] / 25;

      final Vector<Integer> V = new Vector<Integer>();
      while (V.size() < counts.length) {
        int high = -1;
        int which = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
          if ((counts[i] > high) && (!V.contains(Integer.valueOf(i)))) {
            high = counts[i];
            which = i;
        if (which >= 0) V.addElement(Integer.valueOf(which));
      final Vector<Integer> V2 = new Vector<Integer>();
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        final Integer ref = V.elementAt(i);
        Integer which = null;
        while ((which == null) || (V2.contains(which))) {
          final Integer w = V.elementAt(CMLib.dice().roll(1, V.size(), -1));
          if (counts[w.intValue()] == counts[ref.intValue()]) which = w;
        comp += which.intValue() + ";" + counts[which.intValue()] + ";";
    return comp;
  public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) {
    super.tick(ticking, tickID);
    if ((canAct(ticking, tickID)) && (ticking instanceof MOB)) {
      if (DoneEquipping) return true;

      final MOB mob = (MOB) ticking;
      final Room thisRoom = mob.location();
      if (thisRoom.numItems() == 0) return true;

      DoneEquipping = true;
      final Vector<Item> stuffIHad = new Vector<Item>();
      for (int i = 0; i < mob.numItems(); i++) stuffIHad.addElement(mob.getItem(i));
      mob.enqueCommand(new XVector<String>("GET", "ALL"), MUDCmdProcessor.METAFLAG_FORCED, 0);
      Item I = null;
      final Vector<Item> dropThisStuff = new Vector<Item>();
      for (int i = 0; i < mob.numItems(); i++) {
        I = mob.getItem(i);
        if ((I != null) && (!stuffIHad.contains(I))) {
          if (I instanceof DeadBody) dropThisStuff.addElement(I);
          else if ((I.container() != null) && (I.container() instanceof DeadBody))
      for (int d = 0; d < dropThisStuff.size(); d++)
            new XVector<String>("DROP", "$" + dropThisStuff.elementAt(d).Name() + "$"),
      mob.enqueCommand(new XVector<String>("WEAR", "ALL"), MUDCmdProcessor.METAFLAG_FORCED, 0);
    return true;
Exemple #7
 protected boolean parsedOutIndividualSkill(MOB mob, String qual, Vector acodes) {
   if ((qual == null) || (qual.length() == 0) || (qual.equalsIgnoreCase("all"))) return false;
   if (qual.length() > 0)
     for (int i = 1; i < Ability.DOMAIN_DESCS.length; i++)
       if (Ability.DOMAIN_DESCS[i].replace('_', ' ').equalsIgnoreCase(qual)) return false;
       else if ((Ability.DOMAIN_DESCS[i].replace('_', ' ').indexOf('/') >= 0)
           && (Ability.DOMAIN_DESCS[i]
               .replace('_', ' ')
               .substring(Ability.DOMAIN_DESCS[i].indexOf('/') + 1)
               .equalsIgnoreCase(qual))) return false;
   final Ability A = CMClass.findAbility(qual);
   if ((A != null)
       && (CMLib.ableMapper().qualifiesByAnyCharClass(A.ID()))
       && (acodes.contains(Integer.valueOf(A.classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES)))) {
     final Ability A2 = mob.fetchAbility(A.ID());
     if (A2 == null) mob.tell(L("You don't know '@x1'.", A.name()));
     else {
       int level = CMLib.ableMapper().qualifyingLevel(mob, A2);
       if (level < 0) level = 0;
       final StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer("");
       line.append("\n\rLevel ^!" + level + "^?:\n\r");
               + CMStrings.padRight(Integer.toString(A2.proficiency()), 3)
               + "%^?]^N "
               + CMStrings.padRight("^<HELP^>" + A2.name() + "^</HELP^>", 19));
       if (mob.session() != null) mob.session().wraplessPrintln(line.toString());
     return true;
   return false;
Exemple #8
 public void setMiscText(String text) {
   if (!(affected instanceof MOB)) {
     Vector parms = CMParms.parse(text.toUpperCase());
     unLocatable = parms.contains("UNLOCATABLE");
Exemple #9
  public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) {
    if ((!built) && (affected instanceof MOB)) {
      built = true;
      CharClass C = null;
      final Vector allowedClasses = new Vector();
      final Vector allowedExpertises = new Vector();
      final Vector<String> V = CMParms.parse(text());
      String s = null;
      for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) {
        s = V.elementAt(v);
        if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) continue;
        C = CMClass.getCharClass(s);
        if (C != null) {
          if ((v > 0) && (V.elementAt(v - 1).equalsIgnoreCase("ALL"))) {
            final String baseClass = C.baseClass();
            for (final Enumeration c = CMClass.charClasses(); c.hasMoreElements(); ) {
              C = (CharClass) c.nextElement();
              if ((C.baseClass().equalsIgnoreCase(baseClass)) && (!allowedClasses.contains(C)))
          } else allowedClasses.addElement(C);
        } else {
          final ExpertiseLibrary.ExpertiseDefinition def = CMLib.expertises().getDefinition(s);
          if (def != null) allowedExpertises.addElement(def);
      if (allowedClasses.size() == 0)
        for (final Enumeration c = CMClass.charClasses(); c.hasMoreElements(); )
      if (allowedExpertises.size() == 0)
        for (final Enumeration e = CMLib.expertises().definitions(); e.hasMoreElements(); )

      final MOB mob = (MOB) affected;
      for (int c = 0; c < allowedClasses.size(); c++) {
        C = (CharClass) allowedClasses.elementAt(c);
        addCharClassIfNotFound(mob, C);
      for (int e = 0; e < allowedExpertises.size(); e++)
            ((ExpertiseLibrary.ExpertiseDefinition) allowedExpertises.elementAt(e)).ID);
    return super.tick(ticking, tickID);
Exemple #10
 public Vector getNamedTickingObjects(String name) {
   Vector V = new Vector();
   Tick almostTock = null;
   TockClient C = null;
   name = name.toUpperCase().trim();
   for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) {
     almostTock = e.next();
     for (Iterator i = almostTock.tickers(); i.hasNext(); ) {
       C = (TockClient) i.next();
       if ((C.clientObject != null)
           && (C.clientObject.name().toUpperCase().indexOf(name) >= 0)
           && (!V.contains(C.clientObject))) V.addElement(C.clientObject);
   return V;
Exemple #11
 public boolean shutdown() {
   // int numTicks=tickGroup.size();
   int which = 0;
   while (ticks.size() > 0) {
     // Log.sysOut("ServiceEngine","Shutting down all tick "+which+"/"+numTicks+"...");
     Tick tock = ticks.getFirst();
     if (tock != null) {
           "Shutting down...shutting down Service Engine: killing Tick#"
               + tock.getCounter()
               + ": "
               + tock.getStatus());
     try {
     } catch (Exception e) {
       "Shutting down...shutting down Service Engine: " + ID() + ": thread shutdown");
   // force final time tick!
   Vector timeObjects = new Vector();
   for (Enumeration e = CMLib.map().areas(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
     Area A = ((Area) e.nextElement());
     if (!timeObjects.contains(A.getTimeObj())) timeObjects.addElement(A.getTimeObj());
       "Shutting down...shutting down Service Engine: " + ID() + ": saving time objects");
   for (int t = 0; t < timeObjects.size(); t++) ((TimeClock) timeObjects.elementAt(t)).save();
   Log.sysOut("ServiceEngine", "Shutdown complete.");
   return true;
 public void possiblyAddLaw(Law L, Vector<String> V, String code) {
   if (L.basicCrimes().containsKey(code)) {
     final String name = L.basicCrimes().get(code)[Law.BIT_CRIMENAME];
     if (!V.contains(name)) V.add(name);
  public boolean invoke(
      MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) {
    if (commands.size() < 2) {
      if (mob.isMonster() && (commands.size() == 1)) {
        final String parm = correctItem(mob);
        if (parm != null) commands.add(parm);
      if (commands.size() < 2) {
        mob.tell(L("You must specify a target, and what item to swap on the target!"));
        return false;
    final Item I = mob.findItem(null, commands.get(commands.size() - 1));
    if ((I == null) || (!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(I, mob))) {
      mob.tell(L("You don't seem to have '@x1'.", (commands.get(commands.size() - 1))));
      return false;
    if (((I instanceof Armor) && (I.basePhyStats().armor() > 1))
        || ((I instanceof Weapon) && (I.basePhyStats().damage() > 1))) {
      mob.tell(L("@x1 is not buffoonish enough!", I.name(mob)));
      return false;
    commands.remove(commands.size() - 1);

    final MOB target = getTarget(mob, commands, givenTarget);
    if (target == null) return false;

    final Item targetItem = targetItem(target);
    if (targetItem == null) {
      if (!freePosition(target)) {
        mob.tell(L("@x1 has no free wearing positions!", target.name(mob)));
        return false;

    if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false;

    int levelDiff = target.phyStats().level() - mob.phyStats().level();

    final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto);
    if (levelDiff > 0)
      levelDiff = -(levelDiff * ((!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(mob, target)) ? 5 : 15));
    else levelDiff = -(levelDiff * ((!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(mob, target)) ? 1 : 2));

    if (success) {
      final CMMsg msg =
                  | (auto ? CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS : 0),
              auto ? "" : L("<S-NAME> do(es) buffoonery to <T-NAMESELF>."));
      if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) {
        mob.location().send(mob, msg);
        long position = -1;
        if (targetItem != null) {
          position = targetItem.rawWornCode();
        } else {
          final Vector<Long> free = getFreeWearingPositions(target);
          if (free.size() < 1) {
            mob.tell(L("@x1 has no free wearing positions!", target.name(mob)));
            return false;
          if ((free.contains(Long.valueOf(Wearable.WORN_WIELD)))
              && ((I instanceof Weapon) || (!(I instanceof Armor)))) position = Wearable.WORN_WIELD;
          else position = free.elementAt(CMLib.dice().roll(1, free.size(), -1)).longValue();
        if (position >= 0) {
    } else
      return beneficialVisualFizzle(
          mob, target, L("<S-NAME> attempt(s) buffoonery on <T-NAMESELF>, but fail(s)."));

    return success;
Exemple #14
  public boolean execute(MOB mob, Vector commands, int metaFlags) throws java.io.IOException {
    if (mob.location().numInhabitants() == 1) {
      mob.tell("You will need to find someone to teach you first.");
      return false;
    if (commands.size() == 1) {
      mob.tell("Learn what?  Enter QUALIFY or TRAIN to see what you can learn.");
      return false;
    String teacherName = "";
    if (commands.size() > 1) {
      teacherName = " " + (String) commands.lastElement();
      if (teacherName.length() > 1) {
        commands.removeElementAt(commands.size() - 1);
        if ((commands.size() > 1) && (((String) commands.lastElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("FROM")))
          commands.removeElementAt(commands.size() - 1);
      } else teacherName = "";

    String what = CMParms.combine(commands, 0);
    Vector V = Train.getAllPossibleThingsToTrainFor();
    if (V.contains(what.toUpperCase().trim())) {
      Vector CC = CMParms.makeVector("SAY", "I would like to be trained in " + what);
      mob.doCommand(CC, metaFlags);
      if (teacherName.length() > 0) commands.addElement(teacherName.trim());
      Command C = CMClass.getCommand("TRAIN");
      if (C != null) C.execute(mob, commands, metaFlags);
      return true;
    if (CMClass.findAbility(what + teacherName, mob) != null) {
      Vector CC = CMParms.makeVector("SAY", "I would like you to teach me " + what);
      mob.doCommand(CC, metaFlags);
      return true;
    ExpertiseLibrary.ExpertiseDefinition theExpertise = null;
    Vector V2 = CMLib.expertises().myListableExpertises(mob);
    for (Enumeration e = V2.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      ExpertiseLibrary.ExpertiseDefinition def =
          (ExpertiseLibrary.ExpertiseDefinition) e.nextElement();
      if ((def.name.equalsIgnoreCase(what + teacherName) || def.name.equalsIgnoreCase(what))
          || (def.name.toLowerCase().startsWith((what + teacherName).toLowerCase())
              && (CMath.isRomanNumeral(def.name.substring((what + teacherName).length()).trim())
                  || CMath.isNumber(def.name.substring((what + teacherName).length()).trim())))
          || (def.name.toLowerCase().startsWith((what).toLowerCase())
              && (CMath.isRomanNumeral(def.name.substring((what).length()).trim())
                  || CMath.isNumber(def.name.substring((what).length()).trim())))) {
        theExpertise = def;
    if (theExpertise == null)
      for (Enumeration e = CMLib.expertises().definitions(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        ExpertiseLibrary.ExpertiseDefinition def =
            (ExpertiseLibrary.ExpertiseDefinition) e.nextElement();
        if ((def.name.equalsIgnoreCase(what + teacherName) || def.name.equalsIgnoreCase(what))) {
          theExpertise = def;
    if (theExpertise != null) {
      Vector CC = CMParms.makeVector("SAY", "I would like you to teach me " + theExpertise.name);
      mob.doCommand(CC, metaFlags);
      return true;

    for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++)
      if (((String) V.elementAt(v)).startsWith(what.toUpperCase().trim())) {
        Vector CC = CMParms.makeVector("SAY", "I would like to be trained in " + what);
        mob.doCommand(CC, metaFlags);
        if (teacherName.length() > 0) commands.addElement(teacherName.trim());
        Command C = CMClass.getCommand("TRAIN");
        if (C != null) C.execute(mob, commands, metaFlags);
        return true;
    Vector CC = CMParms.makeVector("SAY", "I would like you to teach me " + what + teacherName);
    mob.doCommand(CC, metaFlags);
    return false;
Exemple #15
 public boolean okMessage(Environmental myHost, CMMsg msg) {
   if (!super.okMessage(myHost, msg)) return false;
   if (CMath.bset(flags(), Area.FLAG_INSTANCE_CHILD)) return true;
   if ((msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_ENTER)
       && (msg.target() instanceof Room)
       && (CMath.bset(flags(), Area.FLAG_INSTANCE_PARENT))
       && (isRoom((Room) msg.target()))
       && (!CMSecurity.isAllowed(msg.source(), (Room) msg.target(), "CMDAREAS"))
       && (((msg.source().getStartRoom() == null)
           || (msg.source().getStartRoom().getArea() != this)))) {
     synchronized (children) {
       int myDex = -1;
       for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
         Vector V = (Vector) children.elementAt(i, 1);
         if (V.contains(msg.source())) {
           myDex = i;
       HashSet grp = msg.source().getGroupMembers(new HashSet());
       for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
         if (i != myDex) {
           Vector V = (Vector) children.elementAt(i, 1);
           for (int v = V.size() - 1; v >= 0; v--) {
             MOB M = (MOB) V.elementAt(v);
             if (grp.contains(M)) {
               if (myDex < 0) {
                 myDex = i;
               } else if ((CMLib.flags().isInTheGame(M, true))
                   && (M.location().getArea() != (Area) children.elementAt(i, 2))) {
                 ((Vector) children.elementAt(myDex, 1)).addElement(M);
       StdThinInstance redirectA = null;
       if (myDex < 0) {
         StdThinInstance newA = (StdThinInstance) this.copyOf();
         newA.properRooms = new Vector(1);
         newA.properRoomIDSet = null;
         newA.metroRoomIDSet = null;
         newA.blurbFlags = new Vector(1);
         newA.setName((++instanceCounter) + "_" + Name());
         newA.flags |= Area.FLAG_INSTANCE_CHILD;
         for (Enumeration e = getProperRoomnumbers().getRoomIDs(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
           newA.addProperRoomnumber(newA.convertToMyArea((String) e.nextElement()));
         redirectA = newA;
         newA.setAreaState(Area.STATE_ACTIVE); // starts ticking
         children.addElement(CMParms.makeVector(msg.source()), redirectA);
       } else redirectA = (StdThinInstance) children.elementAt(myDex, 2);
       Room R =
               redirectA.convertToMyArea(CMLib.map().getExtendedRoomID((Room) msg.target())));
       if (R != null) msg.setTarget(R);
   return true;