Exemple #1
 * A, well, Race
 * @author Bo Zimmerman
public interface Race extends Tickable, StatsAffecting, MsgListener, CMObject, Modifiable {
   * Return a nice, displayable name for this race
   * @return the races name
  public String name();
   * Which racial category this race falls in.
   * @return racial category
  public String racialCategory();
   * Returns one or a combination of the Area.THEME_* constants from the Area interface. This bitmap
   * then describes the types of areas, skills, and classes which can interact. This bitmap is also
   * used to to tell whether the race is available for selection by users at char creation time,
   * whether they can change to this race via spells, or whether the race is utterly unavailable to
   * them.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Areas.interfaces.Area
   * @return the availability/theme of this race
  public int availabilityCode();
   * After a mob is set or changed to a new race, this method should be called to finalize or
   * initialize any settings from this race. The verify flag is almost always true, unless the mob
   * is a new player being created, in which case false is sent.
   * @param mob the mob or player being set to this race
   * @param verifyOnly true flag unless this is a new player character
  public void startRacing(MOB mob, boolean verifyOnly);
   * Will initialize a player or mobs height and weight based on this races parameters.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Common.interfaces.PhyStats
   * @param stats the PhyStats object to change
   * @param gender the mobs gender 'M' or 'F'
  public void setHeightWeight(PhyStats stats, char gender);
   * The minimum height of males of this race.
   * @return minimum height of males in inches
  public int shortestMale();
   * The minimum height of females of this race.
   * @return minimum height of females in inches
  public int shortestFemale();
   * The amount from 0-this to add to the minimum height to achieve a random height.
   * @return a range of inches to add to the mimiumum height
  public int heightVariance();
   * The lightest weight for a member of this race
   * @return the lightest weight for something of this race
  public int lightestWeight();
   * The amount from 0-this to add to the minumum weight to achieve a random weight.
   * @return a range of pounds to add to the minimum weight
  public int weightVariance();
   * Returns an integer array equal in size and index to the Race.AGE_* constants in the Race
   * interface. Each value in the index represents the first mudyear age of that age category.
   * @see Race
   * @return an integer array mapping ages to age categories
  public int[] getAgingChart();
   * A bitmap showing which on locations a member of this race can not wear clothing, even if the
   * members have one or more of the required limbs. The bitmap is made from Wearable.WORN_*
   * constant values.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Items.interfaces.Item
   * @return the illegal wear location bitmap
  public long forbiddenWornBits();
   * Returns an array indexed by body part codes as defined by the BODY_* constants in the Race
   * interface. Each value is either -1 to show that the body part does not apply, 0 to show that
   * the body part is not found on this race, and 1 or more to show how many of that part this race
   * normally has.
   * @return an array of body parts
  public int[] bodyMask();

   * Converts this race to a generic race (if it isn't already) and returns it. Returns itself if
   * its already generic.
   * @return the generic race.
  public Race makeGenRace();

   * Converts this race to a generic race (if it isn't already) and mixes its attributes with the
   * race passed it. A new race ID and a new race name must also be provided.
   * @param race the race to use as a baseline
   * @param newRaceID the id of the new race
   * @param newRaceName the name of the new race
   * @return the generic race.
  public Race mixRace(Race race, String newRaceID, String newRaceName);

   * Returns a vector of Item objects representing the standard clothing, weapons, or other objects
   * commonly given to players of this race just starting out.
   * @param myChar one who will receive the objects
   * @return a vector of Item objects
  public List<Item> outfit(MOB myChar);
   * Returns a description of the given mobs description, by consulting the mobs
   * curState().getHitPoints method.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.MOBS.interfaces.MOB#curState()
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Common.interfaces.CharState#getHitPoints()
   * @param viewer the mob observing the health of this one
   * @param mob the mob whose health to check
   * @return a string describing his health
  public String healthText(MOB viewer, MOB mob);

   * Returns the list of ability IDs of skills that this race is flatly and quietly immune to,
   * whether malicious or not -- it just won't happen.
   * @return the list of Ability IDs.
  public String[] abilityImmunities();

   * Sends back a generic mob name appropriate to a mob of this race, at the given gender and
   * age-group.
   * @param gender the gender of the mob
   * @param age the age category
   * @return a good name
  public String makeMobName(char gender, int age);

   * Returns a Weapon object representing what a member of this race fights with when unarmed. This
   * method may change what it returns on every call to mix things up a bit.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Items.interfaces.Weapon
   * @return a Weapon object representing claws or teeth, etc..
  public Weapon myNaturalWeapon();
   * Returns resource codes of what this race can breathe as an atmosphere. The list is guarenteed
   * sorted. If the list is empty, the race can breathe anything at all.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Items.interfaces.RawMaterial
   * @return a list of resource codes that this race can breathe
  public int[] getBreathables();
   * Returns a list of RawMaterial objects (usually GenFoodResource, GenLiquidResource, or
   * GenResource items) representing what is left over of a member of this race after they've been
   * butchered and cut up.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Items.interfaces.RawMaterial
   * @return a list of rawmaterial objects
  public List<RawMaterial> myResources();
   * Returns the corpse of a member of this race, populates it with the equipment of the given mob,
   * and places it in the given room. If the destroyBodyAfterUse returns true, it will also populate
   * the body with the contents of the myResources method.
   * @see #myResources()
   * @param mob the mob to use as a template for the body
   * @param room the room to place the corpse in
   * @return the corpse generated and placed in the room
  public DeadBody getCorpseContainer(MOB mob, Room room);
   * Whether this race object represents a Generic Race, or one which is modifiable by builders at
   * run-time.
   * @return whether this race is modifiable at run-time.
  public boolean isGeneric();
   * Whether this race is usually rideable; helps determine the appropriate java class to use.
   * @return whether this race is generally rideable
  public boolean useRideClass();
   * If this race is modifiable at run time, this method will return an xml document describing the
   * several attributes of this race.
   * @see #isGeneric()
   * @see #setRacialParms(String)
   * @return an xml document describing this race
  public String racialParms();
   * If this race is modifiable at run time, this method will use the given xml document describing
   * the several attributes of this race to populate this races fields and attributes.
   * @see #isGeneric()
   * @see #racialParms()
   * @param parms an xml document describing this race
  public void setRacialParms(String parms);
   * Returns the string describing what folks see when a member of this race enters a room. Should
   * give an idea of the gate or walking style of this race.
   * @return what people see what this race enters a room
  public String arriveStr();
   * Returns the string describing what folks see when a member of this race leaves a room. Should
   * give an idea of the gate or walking style of this race.
   * @return what people see what this race leaves a room
  public String leaveStr();
   * This method is called whenever a player gains a level while a member of this race. If there are
   * any special things which need to be done to a player who gains a level, they can be done in
   * this method. By default, it doesn't do anything.
   * @param mob the mob to level up
   * @param gainedAbilityIDs the set of abilities/skill IDs gained during this leveling process
  public void level(MOB mob, List<String> gainedAbilityIDs);

   * Whenever a player or mob of this race gains experience, this method gets a chance to modify the
   * amount before the gain actually occurs.
   * @param host the player or mob whose race object this is
   * @param mob the player or mob gaining experience
   * @param victim if applicable, the mob or player who died to give the exp
   * @param amount the amount of exp on track for gaining
   * @return the adjusted amount of experience to gain
  public int adjustExperienceGain(MOB host, MOB mob, MOB victim, int amount);
   * Returns true if the given race is actually the same as the current race. Usually just
   * ID().equals(ID()), or if either is human. Passing the race to itself in this method is a good
   * way to check for general fertility.
   * @param R the race to check
   * @return true if its the same as this one, false otherwise
  public boolean canBreedWith(Race R);
   * Whether this race can be associated with a character class.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.CharClasses.interfaces.CharClass
   * @return whether this race can have a class
  public boolean classless();
   * Whether players of this race can be associated with an experience level.
   * @return whether players of this race can have a level
  public boolean leveless();
   * Whether players of this race can gain or lose experience points.
   * @return whether players of this race can gain or lose experience points
  public boolean expless();

   * Return a vector of skills, spells, and other ability ids granted to the given mob when they are
   * created as this race.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Abilities.interfaces.Ability
   * @return a pairvector of the Ability names, and profficiencies
  public PairVector<String, Integer> culturalAbilities();
   * Return a vector of skills, spells, and other abilities granted to the given mob of the given
   * mobs level.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Abilities.interfaces.Ability
   * @param mob the mob to grant the abilities to
   * @return a vector of the Ability objects
  public SearchIDList<Ability> racialAbilities(MOB mob);
   * Return a vector of skills, spells, and other abilities granted to the given mob of the given
   * mobs level. This method is not functionally used because it doesn't quite work correctly yet.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Abilities.interfaces.Ability
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Races.interfaces.Race#numRacialEffects(MOB)
   * @param mob the mob to grant the abilities to
   * @return a vector of the Ability objects
  public ChameleonList<Ability> racialEffects(MOB mob);

   * Returns the number of racial effects elligible to the given lob. Must faster and more efficient
   * than getting the whole list and checking its size.
   * @param mob the mob to grant the abilities to
   * @return number of entries in the ability object vector
  public int numRacialEffects(MOB mob);

   * Apply any affects of the given mob at the given age to the given base and/or current char
   * stats.
   * @see com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Common.interfaces.CharState
   * @param mob the mob to apply changes to
   * @param baseStats permanent charstats changes
   * @param charStats temporary charstats changes
  public void agingAffects(MOB mob, CharStats baseStats, CharStats charStats);

   * Returns a list of the stat adjustments made by this race
   * @return a list of the stat adjustments made by this race
  public String getStatAdjDesc();
   * Returns the adjustment to practices made by this race (or nothing)
   * @return the adjustment to practices made by this race (or nothing)
  public String getPracAdjDesc();
   * Returns the adjustment to trains made by this race (or nothing)
   * @return the adjustment to trains made by this race (or nothing)
  public String getTrainAdjDesc();
   * Returns the list of modifications to senses done by this race or nothing.
   * @return the list of modifications to senses done by this race
  public String getSensesChgDesc();
   * Returns the list of modifications to disposition done by this race or nothing.
   * @return the list of modifications to disposition done by this race
  public String getDispositionChgDesc();
   * Returns the list of racial abilities granted to those of this race or nothing.
   * @return the list of racial abilities granted to those of this race
  public String getAbilitiesDesc();
   * Returns the list of racial languages granted to those of this race or nothing.
   * @return the list of racial languages granted to those of this race
  public String getLanguagesDesc();

  /** Age constant for an infant */
  public static final int AGE_INFANT = 0;
  /** Age constant for a toddler */
  public static final int AGE_TODDLER = 1;
  /** Age constant for a child */
  public static final int AGE_CHILD = 2;
  /** Age constant for a yound adultt */
  public static final int AGE_YOUNGADULT = 3;
  /** Age constant for the mature adult */
  public static final int AGE_MATURE = 4;
  /** Age constant for the middle aged adult */
  public static final int AGE_MIDDLEAGED = 5;
  /** Age constant for the old */
  public static final int AGE_OLD = 6;
  /** Age constant for the very old */
  public static final int AGE_VENERABLE = 7;
  /** Age constant for the very very old */
  public static final int AGE_ANCIENT = 8;
  /** Constant string list for the names of the age constants, in their order of value */
  public static final String[] AGE_DESCS =
              new String[] {
                "Young adult",

  /** Age in Years constant for an immortal thing */
  public static final int YEARS_AGE_LIVES_FOREVER = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

  /** body part constant representing antenea */
  public static final int BODY_ANTENEA = 0;
  /** body part constant representing eyes */
  public static final int BODY_EYE = 1;
  /** body part constant representing ears */
  public static final int BODY_EAR = 2;
  /** body part constant representing head */
  public static final int BODY_HEAD = 3;
  /** body part constant representing neck */
  public static final int BODY_NECK = 4;
  /** body part constant representing arm */
  public static final int BODY_ARM = 5;
  /** body part constant representing hand */
  public static final int BODY_HAND = 6;
  /** body part constant representing torso */
  public static final int BODY_TORSO = 7;
  /** body part constant representing legs */
  public static final int BODY_LEG = 8;
  /** body part constant representing feet */
  public static final int BODY_FOOT = 9;
  /** body part constant representing noses */
  public static final int BODY_NOSE = 10;
  /** body part constant representing gills */
  public static final int BODY_GILL = 11;
  /** body part constant representing mouth */
  public static final int BODY_MOUTH = 12;
  /** body part constant representing waists */
  public static final int BODY_WAIST = 13;
  /** body part constant representing tails */
  public static final int BODY_TAIL = 14;
  /** body part constant representing wings */
  public static final int BODY_WING = 15;
  /** the number of body part constants */
  public static final int BODY_PARTS = 16;
  /** constant string list naming each of the BODY_* constants in the order of their value */
  public static final String[] BODYPARTSTR = {
    "ANTENEA", "EYE", "EAR", "HEAD", "NECK", "ARM", "HAND", "TORSO", "LEG", "FOOT", "NOSE", "GILL",
    "MOUTH", "WAIST", "TAIL", "WING"
  /** constant hash of BODYPARTSTR */
  public static final Map<Object, Integer> BODYPARTHASH = CMStrings.makeNumericHash(BODYPARTSTR);

  /** constant used to set and check the classless flag on generic races */
  public static final int GENFLAG_NOCLASS = 1;
  /** constant used to set and check the levelless flag on generic races */
  public static final int GENFLAG_NOLEVELS = 2;
  /** constant used to set and check the expless flag on generic races */
  public static final int GENFLAG_NOEXP = 4;
  /** constant used to set and check the charming flag on generic races */
  public static final int GENFLAG_NOCHARM = 8;
  /** constant used to set and check the fertility flag on generic races */
  public static final int GENFLAG_NOFERTILE = 16;
  /** constant string list naming each of the GENFLAG_* constants in the order of their value */
  public static final String[] GENFLAG_DESCS = {

  public static final Map<String, Integer> BODYPARTHASH_RL_LOWER =
      new SHashtable<String, Integer>(
          new Enumeration<Pair<String, Integer>>() {
            private int index = 0;
            private final Stack<Pair<String, Integer>> others = new Stack<Pair<String, Integer>>();

            public boolean hasMoreElements() {
              return (others.size() > 0) || (index < BODYPARTSTR.length);

            public Pair<String, Integer> nextElement() {
              if (!hasMoreElements()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
              if (others.size() > 0) return others.pop();
                  new Pair<String, Integer>(
                      BODYPARTSTR[index].toLowerCase(), Integer.valueOf(index)));
                  new Pair<String, Integer>(
                      "left " + BODYPARTSTR[index].toLowerCase(), Integer.valueOf(index)));
                  new Pair<String, Integer>(
                      "right " + BODYPARTSTR[index].toLowerCase(), Integer.valueOf(index)));
              return others.pop();

  /** array mapping worn locations to body parts, indexed by body parts. */
  public static final long[] BODY_WEARVECTOR = {
    Wearable.WORN_HEAD, // ANTENEA, having any of these removes that pos
    Wearable.WORN_EYES, // EYES, having any of these adds this position
    Wearable.WORN_EARS, // EARS, gains a wear position here for every 2
    Wearable.WORN_HEAD, // HEAD, gains a wear position here for every 1
    Wearable.WORN_NECK, // NECK, gains a wear position here for every 1
    Wearable.WORN_ARMS, // ARMS, gains a wear position here for every 2
    Wearable.WORN_HANDS, // HANDS, gains a wear position here for every 1
    Wearable.WORN_TORSO, // TORSO, gains a wear position here for every 1
    Wearable.WORN_LEGS, // LEGS, gains a wear position here for every 2
    Wearable.WORN_FEET, // FEET, gains a wear position here for every 2
    Wearable.WORN_HEAD, // NOSE, No applicable wear position for this body part
    Wearable.WORN_HEAD, // GILLS, No applicable wear position for this body part
    Wearable.WORN_MOUTH, // MOUTH, gains a wear position here for every 1
    Wearable.WORN_WAIST, // WAIST, gains a wear position here for every 1
    Wearable.WORN_BACK, // TAIL, having any of these removes that pos
    Wearable.WORN_BACK, // WINGS, having any of these removes that pos

   * 2 dimentional array, indexed first by body_ part constant, with each row having two values: the
   * first being the Wearable.WORN_ location which is affected by having or losing this body part,
   * and then the number of such body parts necessary to gain or lose one such wear location. A
   * value of -1 means N/A
  public static final long[][] BODY_WEARGRID = {
    {Wearable.WORN_HEAD, -1}, // ANTENEA, having any of these removes that pos
    {Wearable.WORN_EYES, 2}, // EYES, having any of these adds this position
    {Wearable.WORN_EARS, 2}, // EARS, gains a wear position here for every 2
    {Wearable.WORN_HEAD, 1}, // HEAD, gains a wear position here for every 1
    {Wearable.WORN_NECK, 1}, // NECK, gains a wear position here for every 1
    {Wearable.WORN_ARMS, 2}, // ARMS, gains a wear position here for every 2
          | Wearable.WORN_HELD
          | Wearable.WORN_HANDS
          | Wearable.WORN_LEFT_FINGER
          | Wearable.WORN_LEFT_WRIST
          | Wearable.WORN_RIGHT_FINGER
          | Wearable.WORN_RIGHT_WRIST,
    }, // HANDS, gains a wear position here for every 1
    // lots of exceptions apply to the above
    {Wearable.WORN_TORSO | Wearable.WORN_BACK, 1}, // TORSO, gains a wear position here for every 1
    {Wearable.WORN_LEGS, 2}, // LEGS, gains a wear position here for every 2
    {Wearable.WORN_FEET, 2}, // FEET, gains a wear position here for every 2
    {-1, -1}, // NOSE, No applicable wear position for this body part
    {-1, -1}, // GILLS, No applicable wear position for this body part
    {Wearable.WORN_MOUTH, 1}, // MOUTH, gains a wear position here for every 1
    {Wearable.WORN_WAIST, 1}, // WAIST, gains a wear position here for every 1
    {-1, -1}, // TAIL, having any of these removes that pos
    {Wearable.WORN_BACK, -1}, // WINGS, having any of these removes that pos