  * @param list
  * @exception IOException
  * @exception DicomException
 public CEchoRequestCommandMessage(AttributeList list) throws DicomException, IOException {
   groupLength = Attribute.getSingleIntegerValueOrDefault(list, groupLengthTag, 0xffff);
   affectedSOPClassUID =
       Attribute.getSingleStringValueOrNull(list, TagFromName.AffectedSOPClassUID);
   commandField = Attribute.getSingleIntegerValueOrDefault(list, TagFromName.CommandField, 0xffff);
   messageID = Attribute.getSingleIntegerValueOrDefault(list, TagFromName.MessageID, 0xffff);
   * @exception IOException
   * @exception DicomException
  public CEchoRequestCommandMessage() throws DicomException, IOException {

    commandField = MessageServiceElementCommand.C_ECHO_RQ;
    messageID = super.getNextAvailableMessageID();
    int dataSetType = 0x0101; // none

    // NB. The Affected SOP Class UID should have no extra trailing padding, otherwise the
    // SCP may fail and send an A-ABORT :) (Part 5 says one null (not space) is allowed)
    // This is taken care of by the Attribute.write()

    AttributeList list = new AttributeList();
      AttributeTag t = groupLengthTag;
      Attribute a = new UnsignedLongAttribute(t);
      list.put(t, a);
      AttributeTag t = TagFromName.AffectedSOPClassUID;
      Attribute a = new UniqueIdentifierAttribute(t);
      list.put(t, a);
      AttributeTag t = TagFromName.CommandField;
      Attribute a = new UnsignedShortAttribute(t);
      list.put(t, a);
      AttributeTag t = TagFromName.MessageID;
      Attribute a = new UnsignedShortAttribute(t);
      list.put(t, a);
      AttributeTag t = TagFromName.CommandDataSetType;
      Attribute a = new UnsignedShortAttribute(t);
      list.put(t, a);

    ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    DicomOutputStream dout =
        new DicomOutputStream(
            bout, null /* no meta-header */, TransferSyntax.ImplicitVRLittleEndian);
    bytes = bout.toByteArray();

    groupLength = bytes.length - 12;
    bytes[8] = (byte) groupLength; // little endian
    bytes[9] = (byte) (groupLength >> 8);
    bytes[10] = (byte) (groupLength >> 16);
    bytes[11] = (byte) (groupLength >> 24);
    // System.err.println("CEchoRequestCommandMessage: bytes="+HexDump.dump(bytes));