  * Formats a log message for the logging module.
  * @param connectionId the id of the connection
  * @param now the current ime expressing in milliseconds
  * @param elapsed the time in milliseconds that the operation took to complete
  * @param category the category of the operation
  * @param prepared the SQL statement with all bind variables replaced with actual values
  * @param sql the sql statement executed
  * @return the formatted log message
 public String formatMessage(
     final int connectionId,
     final String now,
     final long elapsed,
     final String category,
     final String prepared,
     final String sql) {
   // SingleLine Format
   // return now + "|" + elapsed + "|" + category + "|connection " + connectionId + "|" +
   // P6Util.singleLine(prepared) + "|" +
   // P6Util.singleLine(sql);
   // MultiLine Format
   // return "#" + now + " | took " + elapsed + "ms | " + category + " | connection " +
   // connectionId + "|" + prepared + "\n" + sql + ";";
   final String statement = StringUtils.isNotBlank(sql) ? sql : prepared;
   return category
       + (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statement) ? " : " + P6Util.singleLine(statement) : "")
       + " | "
       + elapsed
       + "ms";