public String actionOnFeedback() { String returnResult = ERROR; boolean sessionFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (sessionFlag) { try { if (dashFor != null && getDeptId() == null && feedStatus.equals("Pending")) { headingTitle = "Pending Feedback >> View"; returnResult = SUCCESS; } else if ((dashFor != null && getDeptId() == null) && feedStatus.equals("Snooze")) { headingTitle = "Snooze Feedback >> View"; returnResult = SUCCESS; } else if ((dashFor != null && getDeptId() == null) && feedStatus.equals("High Priority")) { headingTitle = "High Priority Feedback >> View"; returnResult = SUCCESS; } else if ((dashFor != null && getDeptId() == null) && feedStatus.equals("Resolved")) { fromDate = DateUtil.getNewDate("month", -1, DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); toDate = DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat(); headingTitle = "Resolved Feedback >> View"; returnResult = SUCCESS; } setGridColomnNames(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { returnResult = LOGIN; } return returnResult; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void getTicketDetail( String status_for, String deptid, String empName, SessionFactory connectionSpace) { try { // System.out.println("ddddddd "+deptid); List ticketData = new AssetDashboardHelper().getLodgedTickets(deptid, status_for, empName, connectionSpace); ticketsList = new ArrayList<FeedbackPojo>(); System.out.println(">>>>>>> " + ticketData.size()); if (ticketData != null && ticketData.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = ticketData.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object = (Object[]); FeedbackPojo fp = new FeedbackPojo(); fp.setId(Integer.parseInt(object[0].toString())); fp.setTicket_no(object[1].toString()); fp.setFeed_by(DateUtil.makeTitle(object[2].toString())); fp.setOpen_date(DateUtil.convertDateToIndianFormat(object[3].toString())); fp.setOpen_time(object[4].toString().substring(0, 5)); fp.setStatus(object[5].toString()); ticketsList.add(fp); } } System.out.println(" >>>>>> " + ticketsList.size()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public String beforeResModeView() { boolean valid = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (valid) { try { if (getMode() != null && getMode().equalsIgnoreCase("App")) { setMainHeaderName("Feedback >>Response Mobile App "); setGridColomnNamesNegative(); } else if (getMode() != null && getMode().equalsIgnoreCase("Online")) { setMainHeaderName("Feedback >>Response Online "); setGridColomnNamesNegative(); } else if (getMode() != null && getMode().equalsIgnoreCase("SMS")) { setMainHeaderName("Feedback >>Response SMS "); setGridColomnNamesNegative(); } else if (getMode() != null && getMode().equalsIgnoreCase("Voice")) { setMainHeaderName("Feedback >>Response Voice "); setGridColomnNamesNegative(); } return SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error( "Problem in method beforeResModeView of class" + getClass() + " on " + DateUtil.getCurrentDateIndianFormat() + " at " + DateUtil.getCurrentTimeHourMin(), e); return ERROR; } } else { return LOGIN; } }
public String takeActionForAudit() { boolean validFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (validFlag) { try { System.out.println(">>>>>edit>>>>>"); Map<String, Object> wherClause = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> condtnBlock = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherClause.put("action_type", request.getParameter("actionType")); wherClause.put("comments", request.getParameter("comments")); wherClause.put("action_by", userName); wherClause.put( "action_date_time", DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat() + ", " + DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); System.out.println("id>>>>>" + getId()); condtnBlock.put("id", getId()); boolean b = cbt.updateTableColomn( "feedback_audit_report", wherClause, condtnBlock, connectionSpace); if (b) { addActionMessage("Action Taken Successfullly!!!"); return SUCCESS; } else { addActionMessage("Oops!!! There is some error."); return ERROR; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ERROR; } } else { return LOGIN; } }
public String beforeAuditHeader() { boolean sessionFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (sessionFlag) { try { fromDate = DateUtil.getNewDate("day", -6, DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); toDate = DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat(); return SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ERROR; } } else { return LOGIN; } }
public void run() { try { // method calling Alert generation. VSAH.alertGeneration(connection, VSAHU, CH); Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); rt.gc(); System.out.println( "Sleeping......................" + DateUtil.getCurrentDateIndianFormat() + " at " + DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); Thread.sleep(1000 * 60); System.out.println( "Woke Up......................." + DateUtil.getCurrentDateIndianFormat() + " at " + DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public String beforeShowClientBirthdayTable() { String returnValue = ERROR; if (ValidateSession.checkSession()) { try { StringBuilder query7 = new StringBuilder(""); query7.append( "select cbd.clientName, ccd.personName, ccd.birthday from client_basic_data as cbd, " + "client_contact_data as ccd where = ccd.clientName " + "and (ccd.birthday >= '" + DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat() + "' and ccd.birthday <= '" + DateUtil.getDateAfterDays(7) + "') order by ccd.birthday "); List dataCount7 = coi.executeAllSelectQuery(query7.toString(), connectionSpace); if (dataCount7 != null && dataCount7.size() > 0) { birthdayList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); for (Iterator iterator = dataCount7.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object = (Object[]); if (object != null && object[2] != null && !object[2].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<String>(); data.add(object[0].toString()); data.add(object[1].toString()); data.add(DateUtil.convertDateToIndianFormat(object[2].toString())); birthdayList.add(data); } } } returnValue = SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { returnValue = LOGIN; } return returnValue; }
public String beforeActionOnFeedback() { String returnResult = ERROR; boolean sessionFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (sessionFlag) { try { if (moduleName != null && !moduleName.equals("") && moduleName.equalsIgnoreCase("DREAM_HDM") && feedStatus != null && !feedStatus.equals("") && (feedStatus.equals("Pending") || feedStatus.equals("Snooze") || feedStatus.equals("High Priority"))) { setFromDate(DateUtil.getNewDate("week", -1, DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat())); toDate = DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat(); statusList(); deptList(); returnResult = SUCCESS; } else if (moduleName != null && !moduleName.equals("") && moduleName.equalsIgnoreCase("DREAM_HDM") && feedStatus != null && !feedStatus.equals("") && feedStatus.equals("Resolved")) { setFromDate(DateUtil.getNewDate("week", -1, DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat())); toDate = DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat(); statusList(); deptList(); returnResult = SUCCESS; } if (moduleName != null && !moduleName.equals("") && moduleName.equalsIgnoreCase("DREAM_HDM")) { setGridColomnNames(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { returnResult = LOGIN; } return returnResult; }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public String updateFeedbackStatus() { String returnResult = ERROR; boolean sessionFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (sessionFlag) { try { HelpdeskUniversalHelper HUH = new HelpdeskUniversalHelper(); new HelpdeskUniversalAction(); MsgMailCommunication MMC = new MsgMailCommunication(); FeedbackPojo fbp = new FeedbackPojo(); String duration = "NA"; Map<String, Object> wherClause = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> condtnBlock = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String snDate = "", snTime = "", snUpToDate = "", snUpToTime = "", snDuration = ""; List ticketData = new HelpdeskUniversalAction() .getMultipleColumns( "complaint_status", "sn_on_date", "sn_on_time", "sn_upto_date", "sn_upto_time", "sn_duration", "id", getFeedid(), "", "", connectionSpace); if (ticketData != null && ticketData.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = ticketData.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object = (Object[]); if (object[0] != null && !object[0].toString().equals("")) { snDate = object[0].toString(); } else { snDate = "NA"; } if (object[1] != null && !object[1].toString().equals("")) { snTime = object[1].toString(); } else { snTime = "NA"; } if (object[2] != null && !object[2].toString().equals("")) { snUpToDate = object[2].toString(); } else { snUpToDate = "NA"; } if (object[3] != null && !object[3].toString().equals("")) { snUpToTime = object[3].toString(); } else { snUpToTime = "NA"; } if (object[4] != null && !object[4].toString().equals("")) { snDuration = object[4].toString(); } else { snDuration = "NA"; } } } if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Resolved")) { String cal_duration = ""; if (open_date != null && !open_date.equals("") && open_time != null && !open_time.equals("")) { duration = DateUtil.time_difference( DateUtil.convertDateToUSFormat(open_date), open_time, DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat(), DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); } if (!snDuration.equals("") && !snDuration.equals("NA")) { boolean flag = DateUtil.time_update(snUpToDate, snUpToTime); if (flag) { cal_duration = DateUtil.getTimeDifference(duration, snDuration); if (cal_duration != null && !cal_duration.equals("") && !cal_duration.contains("-")) { duration = cal_duration; } } else { String newduration = DateUtil.time_difference( snDate, snTime, DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat(), DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); if (newduration != null && !newduration.equals("") && !newduration.equals("NA")) { String new_cal_duration = DateUtil.getTimeDifference(duration, newduration); if (new_cal_duration != null && !new_cal_duration.equals("") && !new_cal_duration.contains("-")) { duration = new_cal_duration; } } } } wherClause.put("status", getStatus()); wherClause.put("action_by", userName); wherClause.put("resolve_date", DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); wherClause.put("resolve_time", DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); wherClause.put("resolve_duration", duration); wherClause.put("resolve_remark", DateUtil.makeTitle(getRemark())); wherClause.put("resolve_by", getResolver()); wherClause.put("spare_used", getSpareused()); wherClause.put("resolve_rca", getRca()); wherClause.put("resolve_capa", getCapa()); condtnBlock.put("id", getFeedid()); } else if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Snooze")) { if (snDate.equals("NA") || snTime.equals("NA")) { if (snoozeDate != null && !snoozeDate.equals("") && snoozeTime != null && !snoozeTime.equals("")) { duration = DateUtil.time_difference( DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat(), DateUtil.getCurrentTime(), DateUtil.convertDateToUSFormat(snoozeDate), snoozeTime); } } else { if (snoozeDate != null && !snoozeDate.equals("") && snoozeTime != null && !snoozeTime.equals("")) { duration = DateUtil.time_difference( snDate, snTime, DateUtil.convertDateToUSFormat(snoozeDate), snoozeTime); } } wherClause.put("status", getStatus()); wherClause.put("sn_reason", DateUtil.makeTitle(getSnoozecomment())); if (snDate.equals("NA") || snTime.equals("NA")) { wherClause.put("sn_on_date", DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); wherClause.put("sn_on_time", DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); } wherClause.put("sn_upto_date", DateUtil.convertDateToUSFormat(snoozeDate)); wherClause.put("sn_upto_time", snoozeTime); wherClause.put("sn_duration", duration); wherClause.put("action_by", userName); condtnBlock.put("id", getFeedid()); } else if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("High Priority")) { wherClause.put("status", getStatus()); wherClause.put("hp_date", DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); wherClause.put("hp_time", DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); wherClause.put("hp_reason", DateUtil.makeTitle(getHpcomment())); wherClause.put("action_by", userName); condtnBlock.put("id", getFeedid()); } else if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Ignore")) { wherClause.put("status", getStatus()); wherClause.put("ig_date", DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); wherClause.put("ig_time", DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); wherClause.put("ig_reason", DateUtil.makeTitle(getIgnorecomment())); wherClause.put("action_by", userName); condtnBlock.put("id", getFeedid()); } /*else if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Re-Assign")) { String feedBy="NA",mobNo="NA",emailId="NA",bysubdept="NA",feedBrief="NA",location="NA"; List existTicketData = new HelpdeskUniversalHelper().getTransferTicketData(getFeedid(), connectionSpace); if (existTicketData!=null && existTicketData.size()>0) { for (Iterator iterator = existTicketData.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Object[] object = (Object[]); if (object[0]!=null && !object[0].toString().equals("")) { feedBy=object[0].toString(); } if (object[1]!=null && !object[1].toString().equals("")) { mobNo=object[1].toString(); } if (object[2]!=null && !object[2].toString().equals("")) { emailId=object[2].toString(); } if (object[3]!=null && !object[3].toString().equals("")) { bysubdept=object[3].toString(); } if (object[4]!=null && !object[4].toString().equals("")) { feedBrief=object[4].toString(); } if (object[5]!=null && !object[5].toString().equals("")) { location=object[5].toString(); } } boolean flag = transferComplaint(feedBy,mobNo,emailId,bysubdept,feedBrief,location,getFeedid()); if (flag) { wherClause.put("status", "Transfer"); wherClause.put("transfer_date", DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); wherClause.put("transfer_time", DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); wherClause.put("transfer_reason", DateUtil.makeTitle(getReAssignRemark())); wherClause.put("action_by", userName); condtnBlock.put("id", getFeedid()); } } }*/ boolean updateFeed = HUH.updateTableColomn("complaint_status", wherClause, condtnBlock, connectionSpace); if (updateFeed) { ComplaintLodgeHelper CLH = new ComplaintLodgeHelper(); String levelMsg = "", complainatMsg = "", mailText = "", mailSubject = "", mailheading = ""; List data = CLH.getFeedbackDetail(getFeedid(), getStatus(), connectionSpace); if (data != null && data.size() > 0) { fbp = CLH.setFeedbackDataValues(data, getStatus(), connectionSpace); } if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Resolved")) { // levelMsg = "Close Feedback Alert: Ticket No: " + fbp.getTicket_no() + ", Reg. By: " + // DateUtil.makeTitle(fbp.getFeed_registerby().trim()) + ", Location: " + // fbp.getLocation() + ", Brief: " + remark + " is Closed."; // complainatMsg = "Dear " + DateUtil.makeTitle(fbp.getFeed_registerby().trim()) + ", // Ticket No: " + fbp.getTicket_no() + ", Location: " + fbp.getLocation() + ", Brief: " // + remark + " is Closed."; mailSubject = "Close Ticket Alert: " + fbp.getTicket_no(); mailheading = "Close Ticket Alert: " + fbp.getTicket_no(); } else if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("High Priority")) { // levelMsg = "High Priority Alert: Ticket No: " + fbp.getTicket_no() + ", Reg. By : " + // DateUtil.makeTitle(fbp.getFeed_registerby().trim()) + ", Location: " + // fbp.getLocation() + ", Brief: " + fbp.getFeed_brief() + ",Reason: " + // fbp.getHp_reason() + "."; // complainatMsg = "Dear " + DateUtil.makeTitle(fbp.getFeed_registerby().trim()) + ", // Ticket No: " + fbp.getTicket_no() + ", Location: " + fbp.getLocation() + ", Brief: " // + fbp.getFeed_brief() + ",Reason: " + fbp.getHp_reason() + " is on High Priority."; mailSubject = "High Priority Feedback Alert: " + fbp.getTicket_no(); mailheading = "High Priority Case Ticket Alert"; } else if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Snooze")) { // levelMsg = "Snooze Alert: Ticket No: " + fbp.getTicket_no() + ", Reg. By: " + // DateUtil.makeTitle(fbp.getFeed_registerby().trim()) + ", Location: " + // fbp.getLocation() + ", Brief: " + fbp.getFeed_brief() + " will be Snoozed till " + // fbp.getSn_duration() + ",Reason: " + fbp.getSn_reason() + "."; // complainatMsg = "Dear " + DateUtil.makeTitle(fbp.getFeed_registerby().trim()) + ", // Ticket No: " + fbp.getTicket_no() + ", Location: " + fbp.getLocation() + ", Brief: " // + fbp.getFeed_brief() + ",Status: Snoozed to " + fbp.getSn_on_date() + " " + // fbp.getSn_on_time() + " Hrs, Reason:" + fbp.getSn_reason() + "."; mailSubject = "Snooze Feedback Alert: " + fbp.getTicket_no(); mailheading = "Snooze Case Ticket Alert"; } else if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Ignore")) { // levelMsg = "Ignore Feedback Alert: Ticket No: " + fbp.getTicket_no() + ", Reg. By: " // + DateUtil.makeTitle(fbp.getFeed_registerby()) + ", Location: " + fbp.getLocation() + // ", Brief: " + fbp.getFeed_brief() + ",Reason: " + fbp.getIg_reason() + " should be // Ignored."; // complainatMsg = "Dear " + DateUtil.makeTitle(fbp.getFeed_registerby()) + ", Ticket // No: " + fbp.getTicket_no() + ", Location: " + fbp.getLocation() + ", Brief: " + // fbp.getFeed_brief() + ",Reason: " + fbp.getIg_reason() + " is Ignored."; mailSubject = "Ignore Feedback Alert: " + fbp.getTicket_no(); mailheading = "Ignore Case Ticket Alert"; } if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Resolved")) { /*if (fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno() != null && fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno() != "" && fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno().trim().length() == 10 && (fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno().startsWith("9") || fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno().startsWith("8") || fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno().startsWith("7"))) { MMC.addMessage(fbp.getFeed_registerby(), fbp.getFeedback_by_dept(), fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno(), complainatMsg, ticket_no, getStatus(), "0", "HDM"); }*/ if (fbp.getFeedback_by_emailid() != null && !fbp.getFeedback_by_emailid().equals("")) { mailText = CLH.getConfigMessage( fbp, mailheading, getStatus(), false, fbp.getClientFor(), fbp.getClientName(), fbp.getOfferingName()); MMC.addMail( fbp.getFeed_registerby(), fbp.getFeedback_by_dept(), fbp.getFeedback_by_emailid(), mailSubject, mailText, ticket_no, getStatus(), "0", "", "DREAM_HDM"); } /*if (fbp.getResolve_by_mobno() != null && fbp.getResolve_by_mobno() != "" && fbp.getResolve_by_mobno().trim().length() == 10 && (fbp.getResolve_by_mobno().startsWith("9") || fbp.getResolve_by_mobno().startsWith("8") || fbp.getResolve_by_mobno().startsWith("7"))) { MMC.addMessage(fbp.getResolve_by(), fbp.getFeedback_to_dept(), fbp.getResolve_by_mobno(), levelMsg, ticket_no, getStatus(), "0", "HDM"); }*/ if (fbp.getResolve_by_emailid() != null && !fbp.getResolve_by_emailid().equals("")) { mailText = CLH.getConfigMessage( fbp, mailheading, getStatus(), true, fbp.getClientFor(), fbp.getClientName(), fbp.getOfferingName()); MMC.addMail( fbp.getResolve_by(), fbp.getFeedback_to_dept(), fbp.getResolve_by_emailid(), mailSubject, mailText, fbp.getTicket_no(), "Pending", "0", "", "DREAM_HDM"); } } else if (getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("High Priority") || getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Snooze") || getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Ignore")) { /* if (fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno() != null && fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno() != "" && fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno().trim().length() == 10 && (fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno().startsWith("9") || fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno().startsWith("8") || fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno().startsWith("7"))) { MMC.addMessage(fbp.getFeed_registerby(), fbp.getFeedback_by_dept(), fbp.getFeedback_by_mobno(), complainatMsg, ticket_no, getStatus(), "0", "HDM"); } */ if (fbp.getFeedback_by_emailid() != null && !fbp.getFeedback_by_emailid().equals("")) { mailText = CLH.getConfigMessage( fbp, mailheading, getStatus(), false, fbp.getClientFor(), fbp.getClientName(), fbp.getOfferingName()); MMC.addMail( fbp.getFeed_registerby(), fbp.getFeedback_by_dept(), fbp.getFeedback_by_emailid(), mailSubject, mailText, ticket_no, getStatus(), "0", "", "DREAM_HDM"); } /*if (fbp.getMobOne() != null && fbp.getMobOne() != "" && fbp.getMobOne().trim().length() == 10 && (fbp.getMobOne().startsWith("9") || fbp.getMobOne().startsWith("8") || fbp.getMobOne().startsWith("7"))) { MMC.addMessage(fbp.getFeedback_allot_to(), fbp.getFeedback_to_dept(), fbp.getMobOne(), levelMsg, ticket_no, getStatus(), "0", "HDM"); }*/ if (fbp.getEmailIdOne() != null && !fbp.getEmailIdOne().equals("")) { mailText = CLH.getConfigMessage( fbp, mailheading, getStatus(), true, fbp.getClientFor(), fbp.getClientName(), fbp.getOfferingName()); MMC.addMail( fbp.getFeedback_allot_to(), fbp.getFeedback_to_dept(), fbp.getEmailIdOne(), mailSubject, mailText, fbp.getTicket_no(), "Pending", "0", "", "DREAM_HDM"); } } addActionMessage("Feedback Updated in " + getStatus() + " Successfully !!!"); returnResult = SUCCESS; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { returnResult = LOGIN; } return returnResult; }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public String getFeedbackDetail() { String returnResult = ERROR; boolean sessionFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (sessionFlag) { try { String userName = (String) session.get("uName"); SessionFactory connectionSpace = (SessionFactory) session.get("connectionSpace"); ComplaintLodgeHelper CLH = new ComplaintLodgeHelper(); feedbackList = new ArrayList<FeedbackPojo>(); List data = null; String dept_subdept_id = ""; String contactLoggedId = null; String[] empData = CLH.getEmpDetailsByUserName( "DREAM_HDM", Cryptography.encrypt(userName, DES_ENCRYPTION_KEY), connectionSpace); if (empData != null && empData.length > 0) { dept_subdept_id = empData[4]; contactLoggedId = empData[0]; } if (dept_subdept_id != null && !dept_subdept_id.equals("")) { if (dataFlag != null && dataFlag.equals("M")) { toDate = DateUtil.convertDateToUSFormat(toDate); fromDate = DateUtil.convertDateToUSFormat(fromDate); } else { toDate = toDate; fromDate = fromDate; } data = CLH.getFeedbackDetail( "complaint_status", getFeedStatus(), fromDate, toDate, dept_subdept_id, contactLoggedId, "", "ASC", "DREAM_HDM", searchField, searchString, searchOper, connectionSpace); } if (data != null && data.size() > 0) { setRecords(data.size()); int to = (getRows() * getPage()); @SuppressWarnings("unused") int from = to - getRows(); if (to > getRecords()) to = getRecords(); feedbackList = CLH.setFeedbackValues(data, getFeedStatus(), connectionSpace); setTotal((int) Math.ceil((double) getRecords() / (double) getRows())); } returnResult = SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { addActionError("Ooops!!! There is some problem in getting Feedback Data"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { returnResult = LOGIN; } return returnResult; }
public boolean addMail( String emailid, String subject, String mailtext, String ticketno, String status, String statusflag, String attachment, String module, SessionFactory connection) { boolean flag = false; try { CommonOperInterface cot = new CommonConFactory().createInterface(); InsertDataTable ob = new InsertDataTable(); List<InsertDataTable> insertData = new ArrayList<InsertDataTable>(); ob.setColName("ticket_no"); ob.setDataName(ticketno); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("emailid"); ob.setDataName(emailid); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("subject"); ob.setDataName(subject); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("mail_text"); ob.setDataName(mailtext); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("flag"); ob.setDataName(statusflag); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("status"); ob.setDataName(status); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("attachment"); ob.setDataName(attachment); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("module"); ob.setDataName(module); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("userName"); ob.setDataName("escalate"); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("date"); ob.setDataName(DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("time"); ob.setDataName(DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); insertData.add(ob); cot.insertIntoTable("instant_mail", insertData, connection); insertData.clear(); flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return flag; }
// Add Sms to client and server. public boolean addMessageClientServer( String mobone, String msg, String ticketno, String status, String statusflag, String module, SessionFactory connection) { boolean flag = false; boolean statusserver = false; try { // CommonOperInterface cot = new CommonConFactory().createInterface(); CommonOperInterface cbt = new CommonConFactory().createInterface(); /* InsertDataTable ob=new InsertDataTable(); List <InsertDataTable> insertData=new ArrayList<InsertDataTable>(); ob.setColName("ticket_no"); ob.setDataName(ticketno); insertData.add(ob); ob=new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("mobno"); ob.setDataName(mobone); insertData.add(ob); ob=new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("msg_text"); ob.setDataName(msg); insertData.add(ob); ob=new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("flag"); ob.setDataName(statusflag); insertData.add(ob); ob=new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("status"); ob.setDataName(status); insertData.add(ob); ob=new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("module"); ob.setDataName(module); insertData.add(ob); ob=new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("user"); ob.setDataName("escalate"); insertData.add(ob); ob=new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("date"); ob.setDataName(DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); insertData.add(ob); ob=new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("time"); ob.setDataName(DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); insertData.add(ob); cot.insertIntoTable("instant_msg",insertData,connection); insertData.clear();*/ /** Code to insert data on server database. */ PreRequestserviceStub objstatus = new PreRequestserviceStub(); // InsertIntoTable obj=new InsertIntoTable(); List<String> Tablecolumename = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> Tablecolumevalue = new ArrayList<String>(); /*Tablecolumename.add("ticket_no"); Tablecolumevalue.add(ticketno);*/ Tablecolumename.add("mobno"); Tablecolumevalue.add(mobone); Tablecolumename.add("msg_text"); Tablecolumevalue.add(msg); Tablecolumename.add("flag"); Tablecolumevalue.add(statusflag); Tablecolumename.add("status"); Tablecolumevalue.add(status); Tablecolumename.add("module"); Tablecolumevalue.add(module); Tablecolumename.add("user"); Tablecolumevalue.add("escalate"); Tablecolumename.add("date"); Tablecolumevalue.add(DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); Tablecolumename.add("time"); Tablecolumevalue.add(DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); StringBuilder createTableQuery = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO " + "instant_msg" + " ("); int i = 1; // append Column for (String h : Tablecolumename) { if (i < Tablecolumename.size()) createTableQuery.append(h + ", "); else createTableQuery.append(h + ")"); i++; } createTableQuery.append(" VALUES ("); i = 1; for (String h : Tablecolumevalue) { if (i < Tablecolumevalue.size()) createTableQuery.append("'" + h + "', "); else createTableQuery.append("'" + h + "')"); i++; } createTableQuery.append(" ;"); // System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>"+createTableQuery); // obj.setCreateTableQuery(createTableQuery.toString()); // insert into local database. int maxId = cbt.insertIntoTable(createTableQuery.toString(), connection); // insert into Server database. // statusserver= objstatus.insertIntoTable(obj).get_return(); if (statusserver) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return flag; }
// Define A method for Creating Excel File public String createExcelformate( String titleString, String sheetString, String[] headerTitles, String titleKey, String filePath) { String file = null; Workbook wb; int col = 0; try { // check Header Title if (headerTitles != null && headerTitles.length > 0) col = headerTitles.length; wb = (Workbook) new HSSFWorkbook(); // Hear we are getting whole property List<ConfigurationUtilBean> titleMap = new CustomerCommonPropertyMap().getTitles(titleKey); Map<String, CellStyle> styles = createStyles(wb); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetString); PrintSetup printSetup = sheet.getPrintSetup(); printSetup.setLandscape(true); sheet.setFitToPage(true); sheet.setHorizontallyCenter(true); Header header = sheet.getHeader(); header.setCenter("Center Header"); header.setLeft("Left Header"); header.setRight("Right Footer"); Footer footer = sheet.getFooter(); footer.setCenter("center footer"); footer.setLeft("left footer"); footer.setRight("right footer"); // Title Row.... Row titleRow = sheet.createRow(0); titleRow.setHeightInPoints(20); Cell titleCell = titleRow.createCell(0); titleCell.setCellValue(titleString); titleCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("title")); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, col - 1)); // Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(1); headerRow.setHeightInPoints(15); Cell headerCell = null; if (headerTitles != null) { for (ConfigurationUtilBean cell : titleMap) { int titleIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < headerTitles.length; i++) { if (cell.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(headerTitles[titleIndex].trim())) { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(titleIndex); headerCell.setCellValue(cell.getValue()); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } titleIndex++; } } } for (int titleIndex = 0; titleIndex < headerTitles.length; titleIndex++) sheet.autoSizeColumn(titleIndex); // adjust width of the column file = filePath + File.separator + "ContactReport" + DateUtil.getCurrentDateIndianFormat() + (DateUtil.getCurrentTime()).replaceAll(":", "-") + ".xls"; if (wb instanceof XSSFWorkbook) file += "x"; FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); wb.write(out); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } return file; }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public String viewAuditReport() { System.out.println("viewAuditReport"); boolean sessionFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (sessionFlag) { try { masterViewList = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<Object> Listhb = new ArrayList<Object>(); List dataList = null; StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append( "SELECT,feed.clientId,feed.patientId,feed.clientName,far.feedDataId,action_type,far.comments,action_by FROM feedback_audit_report AS far "); query.append(" INNER JOIN feedbackdata AS feed ON "); query.append(" WHERE!=0 "); if (getFromDate() != null && getToDate() != null && !getFromDate().equalsIgnoreCase("") && !getToDate().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { String str[] = getFromDate().split("-"); if (str[0] != null && str[0].length() > 3) { query.append( " AND far.insert_date BETWEEN '" + ((getFromDate())) + "' AND '" + ((getToDate())) + "'"); } else { query.append( " AND far.insert_date BETWEEN '" + (DateUtil.convertDateToUSFormat(getFromDate())) + "' AND '" + (DateUtil.convertDateToUSFormat(getToDate())) + "'"); } } query.append(" ORDER BY DESC "); System.out.println("query data:::::" + query); dataList = cbt.executeAllSelectQuery(query.toString(), connectionSpace); if (dataList != null && dataList.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = dataList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object = (Object[]); Map<String, Object> one = new HashMap<String, Object>(); one.put("id", (object[0])); if (object[1] != null) { one.put("clientId", (object[1])); } if (object[2] != null && !object[2].equals("-1")) { one.put("patientId", (object[2])); } else { one.put("patientId", "NA"); } if (object[3] != null && !object[3].equals("-1")) { one.put("clientName", (object[3])); } else { one.put("clientName", "NA"); } if (object[4] != null && !object[4].equals("-1")) { one.put("feedDataId", (object[4])); } else { one.put("feedDataId", "NA"); } if (object[5] != null && !object[5].equals("-1")) { one.put("action_type", (object[5])); } else { one.put("action_type", "NA"); } if (object[6] != null && !object[6].equals("-1")) { one.put("comments", (object[6])); } else { one.put("comments", "NA"); } if (object[7] != null && !object[7].equals("-1")) { one.put("action_by", (object[7])); } else { one.put("action_by", "NA"); } Listhb.add(one); } } setMasterViewList(Listhb); if (masterViewList != null && masterViewList.size() > 0) { setRecords(masterViewList.size()); int to = (getRows() * getPage()); @SuppressWarnings("unused") int from = to - getRows(); if (to > getRecords()) to = getRecords(); setTotal((int) Math.ceil((double) getRecords() / (double) getRows())); } return SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ERROR; } } else { return LOGIN; } }
@Entity @org.hibernate.annotations.Proxy(lazy = false) @Table(name = "registation_sinup") public class Registation { @Id @Column(name = "id", nullable = false, unique = true) @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private int id; @Column(name = "org_reg_name") private String org_Registation_name; @Column(name = "org_name") private String orgname; @Column(name = "org_type") private String orgtype = "PRL"; @Column(name = "industry") private String industry = "DS-10011"; @Column(name = "regAddress") private String regaddress; @Column(name = "city") private String city; @Column(name = "pincode") private String pincode; @Column(name = "contactNo") private String contactNo; @Column(name = "contact_emailid") private String contact_emailid; @Column(name = "country") private String country; @Column(name = "confirm_key") private String confirm_key; @Column(name = "confirm_agreement") private boolean confirm_agreement; @Column(name = "created_datetime") private String create_datetime = "NA"; @Column(name = "update_datetime") private String update_datetime = "NA"; @Column(name = "brief") private String brief = "NA"; @Column(name = "accountType") private String accountType = "NA"; @Column(name = "accountid") private String accountid = "0"; @Column(name = "uuid") private String uuid = "0"; @Column(name = "isAccountActive") private String isAccountActive = "D"; @Column(name = "signupstep") private String iscomplited = "N"; @Column(name = "reg_user") private String reguser = null; @Column(name = "user_accountid") private String useraccountid; @Column(name = "companysize") private String companysize; @Column(name = "jobfunctionalArea") private String jobfunctionalArea; @Column(name = "jobtitle") private String jobtitle; @Column(name = "bPhonenumber") private String bPhonenumber; @Column(name = "demoAccount") private String demoAccount = "0"; @Column(name = "date") private String date = DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat(); public Registation() {} public Registation( String city, boolean confirm_agreement, String confirm_key, String contactNo, String contact_emailid, String country, String create_datetime, String industry, String orgname, String orgtype, String pincode, String regaddress, String org_Registation_name, String bief, String accountType, String accountid, String uuid, String isAccountActive, String reguser, String useraccountid, String companysize, String jobfunctionalArea, String jobtitle, String bPhonenumber) { this.companysize = companysize; this.jobfunctionalArea = jobfunctionalArea; this.jobtitle = jobtitle; this.bPhonenumber = bPhonenumber; this.accountType = accountType; this.reguser = reguser; this.brief = bief; this.org_Registation_name = org_Registation_name; = city; this.confirm_agreement = confirm_agreement; this.confirm_key = confirm_key; this.contactNo = contactNo; this.contact_emailid = contact_emailid; = country; this.create_datetime = create_datetime; this.industry = industry; this.orgname = orgname; this.orgtype = orgtype; this.pincode = pincode; this.regaddress = regaddress; this.accountid = accountid; this.uuid = uuid; this.isAccountActive = isAccountActive; this.useraccountid = useraccountid; } public String getCompanysize() { return companysize; } public void setCompanysize(String companysize) { this.companysize = companysize; } public String getJobfunctionalArea() { return jobfunctionalArea; } public void setJobfunctionalArea(String jobfunctionalArea) { this.jobfunctionalArea = jobfunctionalArea; } public String getJobtitle() { return jobtitle; } public void setJobtitle(String jobtitle) { this.jobtitle = jobtitle; } public String getBPhonenumber() { return bPhonenumber; } public void setBPhonenumber(String phonenumber) { bPhonenumber = phonenumber; } public String getUseraccountid() { return useraccountid; } public void setUseraccountid(String useraccountid) { this.useraccountid = useraccountid; } public String getReguser() { return reguser; } public void setReguser(String reguser) { this.reguser = reguser; } public String getIscomplited() { return iscomplited; } public void setIscomplited(String iscomplited) { this.iscomplited = iscomplited; } public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { = id; } public String getAccountid() { return accountid; } public void setAccountid(String accountid) { this.accountid = accountid; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } public String getIsAccountActive() { return isAccountActive; } public void setIsAccountActive(String isAccountActive) { this.isAccountActive = isAccountActive; } public String getPincode() { return pincode; } public void setPincode(String pincode) { this.pincode = pincode; } public String getContactNo() { return contactNo; } public void setContactNo(String contactNo) { this.contactNo = contactNo; } public String getAccountType() { return accountType; } public void setAccountType(String accountType) { this.accountType = accountType; } public String getBrief() { return brief; } public void setBrief(String brief) { this.brief = brief; } public String getOrg_Registation_name() { return org_Registation_name; } public void setOrg_Registation_name(String org_Registation_name) { this.org_Registation_name = org_Registation_name; } public String getOrgname() { return orgname; } public void setOrgname(String orgname) { this.orgname = orgname; } public String getOrgtype() { return orgtype; } public void setOrgtype(String orgtype) { this.orgtype = orgtype; } public String getIndustry() { return industry; } public void setIndustry(String industry) { this.industry = industry; } public String getRegaddress() { return regaddress; } public void setRegaddress(String regaddress) { this.regaddress = regaddress; } public String getCity() { return city; } public void setCity(String city) { = city; } public String getContact_emailid() { return contact_emailid; } public void setContact_emailid(String contact_emailid) { this.contact_emailid = contact_emailid; } public String getCountry() { return country; } public void setCountry(String country) { = country; } public String getConfirm_key() { return confirm_key; } public void setConfirm_key(String confirm_key) { this.confirm_key = confirm_key; } public boolean isConfirm_agreement() { return confirm_agreement; } public void setConfirm_agreement(boolean confirm_agreement) { this.confirm_agreement = confirm_agreement; } public String getCreate_datetime() { return create_datetime; } public void setCreate_datetime(String create_datetime) { this.create_datetime = create_datetime; } public String getUpdate_datetime() { return update_datetime; } public void setUpdate_datetime(String update_datetime) { this.update_datetime = update_datetime; } public String getDemoAccount() { return demoAccount; } public void setDemoAccount(String demoAccount) { this.demoAccount = demoAccount; } public String getDate() { return date; } public void setDate(String date) { = date; } }
public String viewCustomerResInGrid() { boolean valid = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (valid) { try { CommonOperInterface cbt = new CommonConFactory().createInterface(); { custDataList = new ArrayList<CustomerPojo>(); Map session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession(); SessionFactory connectionSpace = (SessionFactory) session.get("connectionSpace"); StringBuilder queryNew2 = new StringBuilder(""); if (getMode() != null) { // System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>Online"+getMode()); queryNew2.append( "select as feedback_ticketId,feedbt.feedTicketNo,feedData.openDate,feedData.openTime," + " feedbck.escalation_date,feedbck.escalation_time,feedbck.level,feedData.clientId,feedData.clientName,feedData.mobNo," + " feedData.emailId,feedData.refNo,feedData.centerCode,feedData.centreName,,feedData.problem," + " feedData.compType,feedData.handledBy,feedData.remarks," + " feedData.kword,feedData.ip from feedback_ticket as feedbt" + " inner join feedback_status as feedbck on " + " inner join feedbackdata as feedData on where (feedData.targetOn='No' || feedData.targetOn='Yes') && feedData.mode='" + getMode() + "'"); queryNew2.append(" order by feedData.openDate DESC"); } // System.out.println("Querry is as >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+queryNew2); List ticketDataList = cbt.executeAllSelectQuery(queryNew2.toString(), connectionSpace); // System.out.println("size of the list ticketDataList>>>>>>"+ticketDataList.size()); List<CustomerPojo> tempList = new ArrayList<CustomerPojo>(); int i = 1; if (ticketDataList != null && ticketDataList.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = ticketDataList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { CustomerPojo feed = new CustomerPojo(); Object[] type = (Object[]); if (type[14] != null) { feed.setId(Integer.parseInt(type[14].toString())); } if (type[0] != null) { feed.setFeedTicketId(Integer.parseInt(type[0].toString())); } if (type[1] != null) { feed.setTicketNo(type[1].toString()); } if (type[2] != null) { feed.setOpenDate(DateUtil.convertDateToIndianFormat(type[2].toString())); } if (type[3] != null) { feed.setOpenTime(type[3].toString()); } if (type[4] != null) { feed.setEscalationDate(DateUtil.convertDateToIndianFormat(type[4].toString())); } if (type[5] != null) { feed.setEscalationTime(type[5].toString()); } if (type[6] != null) { feed.setLevel(type[6].toString()); } if (type[7] != null) { feed.setClientId(type[7].toString()); } if (type[8] != null) { feed.setClientName(type[8].toString()); } if (type[9] != null) { feed.setMobNo(type[9].toString()); } if (type[10] != null) { feed.setEmailId(type[10].toString()); } if (type[11] != null) { feed.setRefNo(type[12].toString()); } if (type[12] != null) { feed.setCentreCode(type[12].toString()); } if (type[13] != null) { feed.setCentreName(type[13].toString()); } if (type[15] != null) { feed.setProblem(type[15].toString()); } if (type[16] != null) { feed.setComplaintType(type[16].toString()); } if (type[17] != null) { feed.setHandledBy(type[17].toString()); } if (type[18] != null) { feed.setRemarks(type[18].toString()); } if (type[19] != null) { feed.setKeyWord(type[19].toString()); } if (type[20] != null) { feed.setIp(type[20].toString()); } tempList.add(feed); } setCustDataList(tempList); } } return SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error( "Problem in method viewCustomerResInGrid of class " + getClass() + " on " + DateUtil.getCurrentDateIndianFormat() + " at " + DateUtil.getCurrentTimeHourMin(), e); return ERROR; } } else { return LOGIN; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String createPdf(List data, String[] headerTitles, String titleKey, String filePath) { int col = 0; String fileName = null; PdfPCell cell = null; try { if (headerTitles != null && headerTitles.length > 0) col = headerTitles.length; List<ConfigurationUtilBean> titleMap = new CustomerCommonPropertyMap().getTitles(titleKey); Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 20, 20, 50, 50); fileName = filePath + File.separator + "Customer Report" + DateUtil.getCurrentDateIndianFormat() + (DateUtil.getCurrentTime()).replaceAll(":", "-") + ".pdf"; PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(fileName));; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(col); table.setWidthPercentage(100f); float[] widths = new float[col]; for (int wx = 0; wx < col; wx++) widths[wx] = 100f / col; table.setWidths(widths); table.setHeaderRows(2); if (headerTitles != null) { for (ConfigurationUtilBean title : titleMap) { for (int i = 0; i < headerTitles.length; i++) { if (title.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(headerTitles[i].trim())) { cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(title.getValue())); cell.setBackgroundColor(new BaseColor(204, 204, 204)); cell.setBorderColor(new BaseColor(170, 170, 170)); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); table.addCell(cell); } } } } int altr = 1; String cellValue = "NA"; try { if (data != null && data.size() > 0) { for (Iterator it = data.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object[] obdata = (Object[]); for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < headerTitles.length; cellIndex++) { if (obdata[cellIndex] != null && !obdata[cellIndex].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(obdata[cellIndex].toString())); } else { cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(cellValue)); } if (altr % 2 == 0) { cell.setBackgroundColor(new BaseColor(240, 240, 240)); cell.setBorderColor(new BaseColor(170, 170, 170)); } else { cell.setBackgroundColor(new BaseColor(255, 255, 255)); cell.setBorderColor(new BaseColor(170, 170, 170)); } cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); table.addCell(cell); } altr++; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } document.add(table); document.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } return fileName; }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public class AssetComplaintDashAction extends ActionSupport { public Map session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession(); SessionFactory connectionSpace = (SessionFactory) session.get("connectionSpace"); public static final String DES_ENCRYPTION_KEY = "ankitsin"; String dept = "", dept_id = "", empName = "", loginType; List<FeedbackPojo> ticketsList = null; List<DashboardPojo> dept_counterList = null; List<DashboardPojo> dept_subdeptcounterList = null; DashboardPojo dashObj; Map<String, Integer> graphCatgMap = null; private String fromDate = DateUtil.getNextDateFromDate(DateUtil.getCurrentDateIndianFormat(), -5); private String toDate = DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat(); List<FeedbackPojo> catgCountList = null; public Integer rows = 0; // Get the requested page. By default grid sets this to 1. public Integer page = 0; // sorting order - asc or desc public String sord = ""; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort. public String sidx = ""; // Search Field public String searchField = ""; // The Search String public String searchString = ""; // The Search Operation // ['eq','ne','lt','le','gt','ge','bw','bn','in','ni','ew','en','cn','nc'] public String searchOper = ""; // Your Total Pages public Integer total = 0; // All Record public Integer records = 0; private boolean loadonce = true; // Grid colomn view public String oper; public String id; List<AssetDashboardBean> allAssetReminderList = null; List<AssetDashboardBean> allPendingPreventiveSupportList = null; // First method for Asset Complaint Dashboard public String beforeDashboardAction() { String returnResult = ERROR; boolean sessionFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (sessionFlag) { try { String userName = (String) session.get("uName"); ComplianceUniversalAction CUA = new ComplianceUniversalAction(); AssetUniversalHelper AUH = new AssetUniversalHelper(); String logedDeptId = null; logedDeptId = CUA.getEmpDataByUserName(userName)[3]; String userEmpID = null; String empIdofuser = (String) session.get("empIdofuser"); if (empIdofuser == null || empIdofuser.split("-")[1].trim().equals("")) return ERROR; userEmpID = empIdofuser.split("-")[1].trim(); String userContID = null; userContID = CUA.getEmpDetailsByUserName("ASTM", userName)[0]; if (logedDeptId != null) { allAssetReminderList = new ArrayList<AssetDashboardBean>(); allAssetReminderList = AUH.getAllReminderOfAsset(logedDeptId, userEmpID, userContID, connectionSpace); } if (logedDeptId != null) { allPendingPreventiveSupportList = new ArrayList<AssetDashboardBean>(); allPendingPreventiveSupportList = AUH.getPendingPreventiveSupportData(userEmpID, connectionSpace); } // ********************************************// // Scrolling Data(First Block) // getTicketDetail(loginType,dept_id,empName, connectionSpace); // ********************************************// // *******************************************/ // Ticket Counters on the basis of status(Second Block) // getCounterData(); // ********************************************// // ********************************************// // Level wise Ticket Detail in Table (Fifth Block) // getTicketDetailByLevel("T"); // Level wise Ticket Detail in Graph (Fifth Block) // getTicketDetailByLevel("G"); // ********************************************// // ********************************************// // Analytics for category in table (Third Block) // getAnalytics4SubCategory("T"); // Analytics for category in graph (Third Block) // getAnalytics4SubCategory("G"); // ********************************************// // getDataInBars(connectionSpace); return SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { addActionError( "Ooops There Is Some Problem In beforeDashboardAction in AssetComplaintDashAction !!!"); e.printStackTrace(); return ERROR; } } else { return LOGIN; } } public void generalMethod() { try { String userName = (String) session.get("uName"); List empData = new HelpdeskUniversalAction() .getEmpDataByUserName(Cryptography.encrypt(userName, DES_ENCRYPTION_KEY), "2"); if (empData != null && empData.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = empData.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object = (Object[]); empName = object[0].toString(); dept_id = object[3].toString(); dept = object[4].toString(); loginType = object[7].toString(); /* if(loginType.equalsIgnoreCase("H")) { hodFlag=true; headerValue=dept; } else if (loginType.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) { mgmtFlag=true; headerValue="All Department"; } else if (loginType.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { headerValue=DateUtil.makeTitle(empName); normalFlag=true; }*/ } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void getTicketDetail( String status_for, String deptid, String empName, SessionFactory connectionSpace) { try { // System.out.println("ddddddd "+deptid); List ticketData = new AssetDashboardHelper().getLodgedTickets(deptid, status_for, empName, connectionSpace); ticketsList = new ArrayList<FeedbackPojo>(); System.out.println(">>>>>>> " + ticketData.size()); if (ticketData != null && ticketData.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = ticketData.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object = (Object[]); FeedbackPojo fp = new FeedbackPojo(); fp.setId(Integer.parseInt(object[0].toString())); fp.setTicket_no(object[1].toString()); fp.setFeed_by(DateUtil.makeTitle(object[2].toString())); fp.setOpen_date(DateUtil.convertDateToIndianFormat(object[3].toString())); fp.setOpen_time(object[4].toString().substring(0, 5)); fp.setStatus(object[5].toString()); ticketsList.add(fp); } } System.out.println(" >>>>>> " + ticketsList.size()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Ticket Counters on the basis of status At HOD Level @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void getCounterData() { dashObj = new DashboardPojo(); // subdeptdashList=new ArrayList<DashboardPojo>(); DashboardPojo DP = null; try { this.generalMethod(); // dept_subdeptcounterList = new ArrayList<DashboardPojo>(); // String uid = new HelpdeskUniversalAction().getData("useraccount", "id", "userID", // Cryptography.encrypt(userName,DES_ENCRYPTION_KEY)); List dept_subdeptNameList = new AssetDashboardHelper().getDeptList(connectionSpace); if (dept_subdeptNameList != null && dept_subdeptNameList.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = dept_subdeptNameList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object1 = (Object[]); DP = new DashboardPojo(); DP.setId(object1[0].toString()); DP.setDeptName(object1[1].toString()); // List for counters for Pending/ Snooze/ High Priority/ Ignore Status List dept_subdeptCounterList = new ArrayList(); dept_subdeptCounterList = new AssetDashboardHelper() .getDashboardCounter("All", empName, object1[0].toString(), connectionSpace); if (dept_subdeptCounterList != null && dept_subdeptCounterList.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator2 = dept_subdeptCounterList.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object2 = (Object[]); if (object2[0].toString().equals("High Priority")) { DP.setHpc(object2[1].toString()); } else if (object2[0].toString().equals("Ignore")) { DP.setIgc(object2[1].toString()); } else if (object2[0].toString().equals("Pending")) { DP.setPc(object2[1].toString()); } else if (object2[0].toString().equals("Snooze")) { DP.setSc(object2[1].toString()); } } } // List for counters for Resolved Status List dept_subdeptRSCounterList = new ArrayList(); dept_subdeptRSCounterList = new AssetDashboardHelper() .getDashboardCounter("Resolved", empName, object1[0].toString(), connectionSpace); if (dept_subdeptRSCounterList != null && dept_subdeptRSCounterList.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator3 = dept_subdeptRSCounterList.iterator(); iterator3.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object3 = (Object[]); if (object3[0].toString().equals("Resolved")) { DP.setRc(object3[1].toString()); } } } dept_subdeptcounterList.add(DP); dashObj.setDashList(dept_subdeptcounterList); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void getAnalytics4SubCategory(String status_for) { try { this.generalMethod(); List catgData = new AssetDashboardHelper() .getAnalyticalData( "C", fromDate, toDate, dept_id, "-1", "", empName, searchField, searchString, searchOper, connectionSpace); if (catgData != null && catgData.size() > 0) { if (status_for.equalsIgnoreCase("T")) { catgCountList = new ArrayList<FeedbackPojo>(); for (Iterator iterator = catgData.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object = (Object[]); if (status_for.equalsIgnoreCase("T")) { FeedbackPojo fp = new FeedbackPojo(); fp.setId(Integer.parseInt(object[0].toString())); fp.setFeedback_catg(object[1].toString()); fp.setCounter(object[2].toString()); catgCountList.add(fp); } } } else if (status_for.equalsIgnoreCase("G")) { System.out.println("Inside G Block"); graphCatgMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Iterator iterator = catgData.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object = (Object[]); graphCatgMap.put(object[1].toString(), Integer.parseInt(object[2].toString())); } System.out.println( "Map Size for graph is:::::::::::::::::::::::: " + graphCatgMap.size()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public List<FeedbackPojo> getCatgCountList() { return catgCountList; } public void setCatgCountList(List<FeedbackPojo> catgCountList) { this.catgCountList = catgCountList; } public List<FeedbackPojo> getTicketsList() { return ticketsList; } public void setTicketsList(List<FeedbackPojo> ticketsList) { this.ticketsList = ticketsList; } public List<DashboardPojo> getDept_counterList() { return dept_counterList; } public void setDept_counterList(List<DashboardPojo> dept_counterList) { this.dept_counterList = dept_counterList; } public Integer getRows() { return rows; } public void setRows(Integer rows) { this.rows = rows; } public Integer getPage() { return page; } public void setPage(Integer page) { = page; } public String getSord() { return sord; } public void setSord(String sord) { this.sord = sord; } public String getSidx() { return sidx; } public void setSidx(String sidx) { this.sidx = sidx; } public String getSearchField() { return searchField; } public void setSearchField(String searchField) { this.searchField = searchField; } public String getSearchString() { return searchString; } public void setSearchString(String searchString) { this.searchString = searchString; } public String getSearchOper() { return searchOper; } public void setSearchOper(String searchOper) { this.searchOper = searchOper; } public Integer getTotal() { return total; } public void setTotal(Integer total) { = total; } public Integer getRecords() { return records; } public void setRecords(Integer records) { this.records = records; } public boolean isLoadonce() { return loadonce; } public void setLoadonce(boolean loadonce) { this.loadonce = loadonce; } public String getOper() { return oper; } public void setOper(String oper) { this.oper = oper; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public Map<String, Integer> getGraphCatgMap() { return graphCatgMap; } public void setGraphCatgMap(Map<String, Integer> graphCatgMap) { this.graphCatgMap = graphCatgMap; } public List<AssetDashboardBean> getAllAssetReminderList() { return allAssetReminderList; } public void setAllAssetReminderList(List<AssetDashboardBean> allAssetReminderList) { this.allAssetReminderList = allAssetReminderList; } public List<AssetDashboardBean> getAllPendingPreventiveSupportList() { return allPendingPreventiveSupportList; } public void setAllPendingPreventiveSupportList( List<AssetDashboardBean> allPendingPreventiveSupportList) { this.allPendingPreventiveSupportList = allPendingPreventiveSupportList; } }
// Define A method for Creating Excel File public String createExcel( String titleString, String sheetString, String subTitleString, List data, String[] headerTitles, String titleKey, String filePath) { String file = null; Workbook wb; int col = 0; try { // check Header Title if (headerTitles != null && headerTitles.length > 0) col = headerTitles.length; wb = (Workbook) new HSSFWorkbook(); // Hear we are getting whole property List<ConfigurationUtilBean> titleMap = new CustomerCommonPropertyMap().getTitles(titleKey); Map<String, CellStyle> styles = createStyles(wb); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetString); PrintSetup printSetup = sheet.getPrintSetup(); printSetup.setLandscape(true); sheet.setFitToPage(true); sheet.setHorizontallyCenter(true); Header header = sheet.getHeader(); header.setCenter("Center Header"); header.setLeft("Left Header"); header.setRight("Right Footer"); Footer footer = sheet.getFooter(); footer.setCenter("center footer"); footer.setLeft("left footer"); footer.setRight("right footer"); // Title Row.... Row titleRow = sheet.createRow(0); titleRow.setHeightInPoints(20); Cell titleCell = titleRow.createCell(0); titleCell.setCellValue(titleString); titleCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("title")); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, col - 1)); // Sub Title Row..... // System.out.println("Sub Title String >>>>>>"+subTitleString); Row headerRow = null; if (subTitleString != "") { Row subTitleRow = sheet.createRow(1); subTitleRow.setHeightInPoints(18); Cell subTitleCell = subTitleRow.createCell(0); subTitleCell.setCellValue(subTitleString); subTitleCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("subTitle")); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 0, col - 1)); headerRow = sheet.createRow(2); headerRow.setHeightInPoints(15); // } else { headerRow = sheet.createRow(1); headerRow.setHeightInPoints(15); } Cell headerCell = null; if (headerTitles != null) { for (ConfigurationUtilBean cell : titleMap) { int titleIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < headerTitles.length; i++) { if (cell.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(headerTitles[titleIndex].trim())) { headerCell = headerRow.createCell(titleIndex); headerCell.setCellValue(cell.getValue()); headerCell.setCellStyle(styles.get("header")); } titleIndex++; } } } Row dataRow = null; Cell dataCell = null; int rowIndex = 2; /* List Iteration text */ try { if (data != null && data.size() > 0) { for (Iterator it = data.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object[] obdata = (Object[]); dataRow = sheet.createRow(rowIndex); for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < headerTitles.length; cellIndex++) { dataCell = dataRow.createCell(cellIndex); if (obdata[cellIndex] != null && !obdata[cellIndex].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { dataCell.setCellValue(obdata[cellIndex].toString()); } else { dataCell.setCellValue("NA"); } } rowIndex++; } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } for (int titleIndex = 0; titleIndex < headerTitles.length; titleIndex++) sheet.autoSizeColumn(titleIndex); // adjust width of the column file = filePath + File.separator + "OpportunityReportDetail_" + DateUtil.getCurrentDateIndianFormat() + (DateUtil.getCurrentTimeHourMin()).replaceAll(":", "-") + ".xls"; if (wb instanceof XSSFWorkbook) file += "x"; FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); wb.write(out); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } return file; }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public String viewDARReportData() { if (ValidateSession.checkSession()) { try { SessionFactory connectionSpace = (SessionFactory) session.get("connectionSpace"); CommonOperInterface cbt = new CommonConFactory().createInterface(); String accountID = (String) session.get("accountid"); String userName = (String) session.get("uName"); DARReportHelper DRH = new DARReportHelper(); TaskRegistrationHelper TRH = new TaskRegistrationHelper(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(""); query.append("select count(*) from task_registration"); List dataCount = cbt.executeAllSelectQuery(query.toString(), connectionSpace); if (dataCount != null) { BigInteger count = new BigInteger("3"); Object obdata = null; for (Iterator it = dataCount.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { obdata = (Object); count = (BigInteger) obdata; } setRecords(count.intValue()); int to = (getRows() * getPage()); if (to > getRecords()) to = getRecords(); String userEmpID = null; String alltedTo = null; String empIdofuser = (String) session.get("empIdofuser"); if (empIdofuser == null || empIdofuser.split("-")[1].trim().equals("")) return ERROR; userEmpID = empIdofuser.split("-")[1].trim(); String userContID = null; userContID = TRH.getEmpDetailsByUserName("DAR", userName, connectionSpace)[0]; alltedTo = TRH.getContactListForReports(userEmpID, userContID, connectionSpace); // System.out.println(">>>>>> FINAL CONTACT LIST IS AS :::: "+alltedTo); query.setLength(0); query.append("SELECT "); List fieldNames = Configuration.getColomnList( "mapped_dar_configuration", accountID, connectionSpace, "dar_configuration"); List<Object> Listhb = new ArrayList<Object>(); int i = 0; for (Iterator it = fieldNames.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { obdata = (Object); if (obdata != null) { if (!obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("userName") && !obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("date") && !obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("time")) { if (obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("tasktype")) { query.append("ty.tasktype" + ","); } else if (obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("allotedto")) { query.append("emp1.empName as allotedto,"); } else if (obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("allotedby")) { query.append("emp2.empName as allotedby,"); } else if (obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("validate_By_2")) { query.append("emp3.empName as val2,"); } else if (obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("validate_By_1")) { query.append("emp4.empName as val1,"); } else if (obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("guidance")) { query.append("emp5.empName as guidance,"); } else { query.append("tr." + obdata.toString() + ","); } } } i++; } fieldNames.remove("userName"); fieldNames.remove("date"); fieldNames.remove("time"); i = 0; List gridFields = new ArrayList(); List fieldNames1 = Configuration.getColomnList( "mapped_dar_configuration", accountID, connectionSpace, "dar_submission_configuration"); for (Iterator it = fieldNames1.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { obdata = (Object); if (obdata != null) { if (!obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("taskname") && !obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("id") && !obdata.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("userName")) { gridFields.add(obdata.toString()); if (i < fieldNames1.size() - 1) query.append("ds." + obdata.toString() + ","); else query.append("ds." + obdata.toString()); } } i++; } query.append(" FROM task_registration AS tr "); query.append(" LEFT JOIN dar_submission AS ds ON "); query.append("LEFT JOIN compliance_contacts AS cc1 ON "); query.append("LEFT JOIN compliance_contacts AS cc2 ON "); query.append("LEFT JOIN compliance_contacts AS cc3 ON "); query.append("LEFT JOIN compliance_contacts AS cc4 ON "); query.append("LEFT JOIN compliance_contacts AS cc5 ON "); query.append("LEFT JOIN employee_basic emp1 ON cc1.emp_id= "); query.append("LEFT JOIN employee_basic emp2 ON cc2.emp_id= "); query.append("LEFT JOIN employee_basic emp3 ON cc3.emp_id= "); query.append("LEFT JOIN employee_basic emp4 ON cc4.emp_id= "); query.append("LEFT JOIN employee_basic emp5 ON cc5.emp_id= "); query.append("LEFT JOIN task_type ty ON tr.tasktype= "); if (fdate.split("-")[0].length() < 3) { fdate = DateUtil.convertDateToUSFormat(fdate); tdate = DateUtil.convertDateToUSFormat(tdate); } query.append(" WHERE BETWEEN '" + fdate + "' AND '" + tdate + "' "); if (allotTo != null && !allotTo.equalsIgnoreCase("-1")) { query.append(" AND tr.allotedTo='" + allotTo + "' "); } if (clientFor != null && !clientFor.equalsIgnoreCase("-1")) { query.append(" AND tr.clientfor='" + clientFor + "' "); } if (taskTyp != null && !taskTyp.equalsIgnoreCase("-1")) { query.append(" AND tr.tasktype='" + taskTyp + "' "); } if (taskPriority != null && !taskPriority.equalsIgnoreCase("-1")) { query.append(" AND tr.priority='" + taskPriority + "' "); } if (statusWork != null && !statusWork.equalsIgnoreCase("-1")) { query.append(" AND tr.status='" + statusWork + "' "); } if (alltedTo != null && alltedTo.length() > 0) { query.append(" AND tr.allotedTo IN (" + alltedTo + ") "); } if (getSearchField() != null && getSearchString() != null && !getSearchField().equalsIgnoreCase("") && !getSearchString().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { query.append(" and "); if (getSearchOper().equalsIgnoreCase("eq")) { query.append(" " + getSearchField() + " = '" + getSearchString() + "'"); } else if (getSearchOper().equalsIgnoreCase("cn")) { query.append(" " + getSearchField() + " like '%" + getSearchString() + "%'"); } else if (getSearchOper().equalsIgnoreCase("bw")) { query.append(" " + getSearchField() + " like '" + getSearchString() + "%'"); } else if (getSearchOper().equalsIgnoreCase("ne")) { query.append(" " + getSearchField() + " <> '" + getSearchString() + "'"); } else if (getSearchOper().equalsIgnoreCase("ew")) { query.append(" " + getSearchField() + " like '%" + getSearchString() + "'"); } } System.out.println("QUERY OF REPORT IS AS :::: " + query.toString()); List data = cbt.executeAllSelectQuery(query.toString(), connectionSpace); for (int k = 0; k < gridFields.size(); k++) { fieldNames.add(gridFields.get(k).toString()); } if (data != null && data.size() > 0) { String clientData = null; String clientVal = null; Object[] obdata11 = null; for (Iterator it = data.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { obdata11 = (Object[]); Map<String, Object> one = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int k = 0; k < fieldNames.size(); k++) { if (fieldNames.get(k) != null && obdata11[k] != null && !obdata11[k].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { if (obdata11[k].toString().matches("\\d{4}-[01]\\d-[0-3]\\d")) { one.put( fieldNames.get(k).toString(), DateUtil.convertDateToIndianFormat(obdata11[k].toString())); } /*else if(fieldNames.get(k).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("attachment")|| fieldNames.get(k).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("attachmentt")||fieldNames.get(k).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("reviewDoc") ) { String str=obdata11[k].toString().substring(obdata11[k].toString().indexOf("//"), obdata11[k].toString().length()); String docName=str.substring(14,str.length()); one.put(fieldNames.get(k).toString(),docName); }*/ else if (fieldNames.get(k).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("clientfor")) { clientVal = obdata11[k].toString(); if (obdata11[k].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("PA")) { one.put(fieldNames.get(k).toString(), "Prospect Associate"); } else if (obdata11[k].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("PC")) { one.put(fieldNames.get(k).toString(), "Prospect Client"); } else if (obdata11[k].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { one.put(fieldNames.get(k).toString(), "Other"); } else if (obdata11[k].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("EC")) { one.put(fieldNames.get(k).toString(), "Existing Client"); } else if (obdata11[k].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("EA")) { one.put(fieldNames.get(k).toString(), "Existing Associate"); } else if (obdata11[k].toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IN")) { one.put(fieldNames.get(k).toString(), "Internal"); } } else if (fieldNames.get(k).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("cName")) { clientData = obdata11[k].toString(); one.put( fieldNames.get(k).toString(), DRH.clientName(clientVal, obdata11[k].toString(), connectionSpace)); } else if (fieldNames.get(k).toString().equalsIgnoreCase("offering")) { one.put( fieldNames.get(k).toString(), DRH.offeringName( clientVal, clientData, obdata11[k].toString(), connectionSpace)); } else { one.put(fieldNames.get(k).toString(), obdata11[k].toString()); } } else { one.put(fieldNames.get(k).toString(), "NA"); } } Listhb.add(one); } setViewList(Listhb); setTotal((int) Math.ceil((double) getRecords() / (double) getRows())); } } return SUCCESS; } catch (Exception exp) { exp.printStackTrace(); return ERROR; } } else { return ERROR; } }
public boolean addMail( String name, String dept, String emailid, String subject, String mailtext, String ticketno, String status, String statusflag, String attachment, String module) { boolean flag = false; @SuppressWarnings("unused") String returnResult = ERROR; boolean sessionFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (sessionFlag) { try { Map session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession(); String userName = (String) session.get("uName"); SessionFactory connectionSpace = (SessionFactory) session.get("connectionSpace"); CommonOperInterface cot = new CommonConFactory().createInterface(); List<TableColumes> tablecolumn = new ArrayList<TableColumes>(); TableColumes tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("name"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(80)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("sub_type_id"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(80)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("email_id"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(100)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("subject"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(100)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("mail_text"); tc.setDatatype("text"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("flag"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(10)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("status"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(50)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("attachment"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(300)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("module"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(300)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("userName"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(25)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("date"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(10)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("time"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(10)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("update_date"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(10)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); tc = new TableColumes(); tc.setColumnname("update_time"); tc.setDatatype("varchar(10)"); tc.setConstraint("default NULL"); tablecolumn.add(tc); @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean aa = cot.createTable22("instant_mail", tablecolumn, connectionSpace); InsertDataTable ob = new InsertDataTable(); List<InsertDataTable> insertData = new ArrayList<InsertDataTable>(); ob.setColName("name"); ob.setDataName(name); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("sub_type_id"); ob.setDataName(dept); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("email_id"); ob.setDataName(emailid); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("subject"); ob.setDataName(subject); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("mail_text"); ob.setDataName(mailtext); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("flag"); ob.setDataName(statusflag); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("status"); ob.setDataName(status); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("attachment"); ob.setDataName(attachment); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("module"); ob.setDataName(module); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("userName"); ob.setDataName(userName); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("date"); ob.setDataName(DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("time"); ob.setDataName(DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("update_date"); ob.setDataName("0000:00:00"); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("update_time"); ob.setDataName("00:00:00"); insertData.add(ob); cot.insertIntoTable("instant_mail", insertData, connectionSpace); insertData.clear(); flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { returnResult = LOGIN; } return flag; }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public String beforeReportView() { if (ValidateSession.checkSession()) { try { String userName = (String) session.get("uName"); CommonOperInterface cbt = new CommonConFactory().createInterface(); SessionFactory connectionSpace = (SessionFactory) session.get("connectionSpace"); TaskRegistrationHelper TRH = new TaskRegistrationHelper(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); String userEmpID = null; String alltedTo = null; String empIdofuser = (String) session.get("empIdofuser"); if (empIdofuser == null || empIdofuser.split("-")[1].trim().equals("")) return ERROR; userEmpID = empIdofuser.split("-")[1].trim(); String userContID = null; userContID = TRH.getEmpDetailsByUserName("DAR", userName, connectionSpace)[0]; alltedTo = TRH.getContactListForReports(userEmpID, userContID, connectionSpace); query.append("SELECT DISTINCT (,emp.empName FROM task_registration AS tr "); query.append("INNER JOIN compliance_contacts as contact ON "); query.append( "INNER JOIN employee_basic as emp ON WHERE IN (" + alltedTo + ")"); List data = cbt.executeAllSelectQuery(query.toString(), connectionSpace); allotedTo = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); if (data != null && data.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = data.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object = (Object[]); if (object[1] != null) { allotedTo.put((Integer) object[0], object[1].toString()); } } } allotedTo.put(-1, "All Employee"); query.setLength(0); if (data != null && data.size() > 0) { data.clear(); } query.append("SELECT id,tasktype FROM task_type"); taskType = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); data = cbt.executeAllSelectQuery(query.toString(), connectionSpace); if (data != null && data.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = data.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Object[] object = (Object[]); if (object[1] != null) { taskType.put((Integer) object[0], object[1].toString()); } } } fromDate = DateUtil.getNewDate("day", -7, DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); return SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ERROR; } } else { return ERROR; } }
public boolean addMessageHR( String name, String dept, String mobone, String msg, String ticketno, String status, String statusflag, String module, SessionFactory connectionSpace) { System.out.println("mobone >>addMessageHR>>" + mobone); System.out.println("INSIDE THIS"); boolean flag = false; @SuppressWarnings("unused") String returnResult = ERROR; // boolean sessionFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); // System.out.println("sessionFlag"+sessionFlag); { try { // Map session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession(); // String userName = (String)session.get("uName"); // SessionFactory connectionSpace =(SessionFactory) session.get("connectionSpace"); CommonOperInterface cot = new CommonConFactory().createInterface(); TableColumes ob1 = new TableColumes(); List<TableColumes> TableColumnName = new ArrayList<TableColumes>(); ob1.setColumnname("name"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(80)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("dept"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(80)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("mobno"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(15)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("msg_text"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(250)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("flag"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(10)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("status"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(100)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("module"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(20)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("user"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(100)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("date"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(10)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("time"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(10)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("update_date"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(10)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("update_time"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(10)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); TableColumnName.add(ob1); cot.createTable22("instant_msg", TableColumnName, connectionSpace); InsertDataTable ob = new InsertDataTable(); List<InsertDataTable> insertData = new ArrayList<InsertDataTable>(); ob.setColName("name"); ob.setDataName(name); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("dept"); ob.setDataName(dept); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("mobno"); ob.setDataName(mobone); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("msg_text"); ob.setDataName(msg); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("flag"); ob.setDataName(statusflag); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("status"); ob.setDataName(status); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("module"); ob.setDataName(module); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("user"); ob.setDataName("Shailendra"); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("date"); ob.setDataName(DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat()); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("time"); ob.setDataName(DateUtil.getCurrentTime()); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("update_date"); ob.setDataName("0000-00-00"); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("update_time"); ob.setDataName("00-00-00"); insertData.add(ob); cot.insertIntoTable("instant_msg", insertData, connectionSpace); insertData.clear(); flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return flag; }
public String addEscalationConfig() { boolean sessionFlag = ValidateSession.checkSession(); if (sessionFlag) { try { String query = "SELECT esc_type FROM feedback_escalation_type_config"; List dataList = cbt.executeAllSelectQuery(query, connectionSpace); if (dataList != null && dataList.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = dataList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { String type = (String); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("escType"))) { addActionMessage("Opps. Escalation Type is already exist!!!"); return SUCCESS; } } } List<InsertDataTable> insertData = new ArrayList<InsertDataTable>(); InsertDataTable ob = null; List<TableColumes> tableColume = new ArrayList<TableColumes>(); TableColumes ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("esc_type"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(20)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); tableColume.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("user_name"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(30)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); tableColume.add(ob1); ob1 = new TableColumes(); ob1.setColumnname("date"); ob1.setDatatype("varchar(20)"); ob1.setConstraint("default NULL"); tableColume.add(ob1); cbt.createTable22("feedback_escalation_type_config", tableColume, connectionSpace); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("esc_type"); ob.setDataName(request.getParameter("openType")); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("user_name"); ob.setDataName(userName); insertData.add(ob); ob = new InsertDataTable(); ob.setColName("date"); ob.setDataName(DateUtil.getCurrentDateUSFormat() + " " + DateUtil.getCurrentTimeHourMin()); insertData.add(ob); boolean status = cbt.insertIntoTable("feedback_escalation_type_config", insertData, connectionSpace); if (status) { addActionMessage("Data saved sucessfully."); return SUCCESS; } else { addActionMessage("Opps. There are some problem in data save!!!"); return ERROR; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); addActionMessage("Opps. There are some problem in data save!!!"); return ERROR; } } else { return LOGIN; } }