/** * Test Case to Create Single Use Token with Missing Card Expiry Month Field. * * @throws Exception */ public void testMissingCardExpiryMonth() throws Exception { client = new OptimalApiClient(apiKey, apiPassword, Environment.TEST, accountNumber); try { SingleUseToken sObjResponse = client .customerVaultService() .createSingleUseToken( SingleUseToken.builder() .card() .holderName("Mr. John Smith") .cardNum("4917480000000008") .cardExpiry() .year(2019) .done() .billingAddress() .street("100 Queen Street West") .street2("Unit 201") .city("Toronto") .country("CA") .state("ON") .zip("M5H 2N2") .done() .done() .build()); Assert.assertEquals("5068", sObjResponse.getError().getCode()); Assert.assertEquals( "card.cardExpiry.month", sObjResponse.getError().getFieldErrors().get(0).getField()); Assert.assertEquals( "must be greater than or equal to 1", sObjResponse.getError().getFieldErrors().get(0).getError()); } catch (IOException ioExp) { // Log IO Exception if (Constants.TAG_LOG) Log.e(LOG_APPLICATION_TEST, ioExp.getMessage()); } catch (OptimalException oExp) { // Log Optimal Exception if (Constants.TAG_LOG) Log.e(LOG_APPLICATION_TEST, oExp.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { // Log Exception if (Constants.TAG_LOG) Log.e(LOG_APPLICATION_TEST, e.getMessage()); } } // end of testMissingCardExpiryMonth()
/** * Test Case to Create Single Use Token With All Fields. * * @throws Exception */ public void testCreateSingleUseToken() throws Exception { client = new OptimalApiClient(apiKey, apiPassword, Environment.TEST, accountNumber); try { SingleUseToken sObjResponse = client .customerVaultService() .createSingleUseToken( SingleUseToken.builder() .card() .holderName("Mr. John Smith") .cardNum("4917480000000008") .cardExpiry() .month(7) .year(2019) .done() .billingAddress() .street("100 Queen Street West") .street2("Unit 201") .city("Toronto") .country("CA") .state("ON") .zip("M5H 2N2") .done() .done() .build()); Assert.assertNotNull("Single Use Token should have an id", sObjResponse.getId()); } catch (IOException ioExp) { // Log IO Exception if (Constants.TAG_LOG) Log.e(LOG_APPLICATION_TEST, ioExp.getMessage()); } catch (OptimalException oExp) { // Log Optimal Exception if (Constants.TAG_LOG) Log.e(LOG_APPLICATION_TEST, oExp.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { // Log Exception if (Constants.TAG_LOG) Log.e(LOG_APPLICATION_TEST, e.getMessage()); } } // end of testCreateSingleUseToken()
/** * Test Case to Create Single Use Token with Missing Billing Address Details. * * @throws Exception */ public void testMissingBillingAddressDetails() throws Exception { client = new OptimalApiClient(apiKey, apiPassword, Environment.TEST, accountNumber); try { SingleUseToken sObjResponse = client .customerVaultService() .createSingleUseToken( SingleUseToken.builder() .card() .holderName("Mr. John Smith") .cardNum("4917480000000008") .cardExpiry() .month(7) .year(2019) .done() .done() .build()); Assert.assertEquals("5068", sObjResponse.getError().getCode()); Assert.assertEquals( "card.billingAddress", sObjResponse.getError().getFieldErrors().get(0).getField()); Assert.assertEquals( "Missing billing address details", sObjResponse.getError().getFieldErrors().get(0).getError()); } catch (IOException ioExp) { // Log IO Exception if (Constants.TAG_LOG) Log.e(LOG_APPLICATION_TEST, ioExp.getMessage()); } catch (OptimalException oExp) { // Log Optimal Exception if (Constants.TAG_LOG) Log.e(LOG_APPLICATION_TEST, oExp.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { // Log Exception if (Constants.TAG_LOG) Log.e(LOG_APPLICATION_TEST, e.getMessage()); } } // end of testMissingBillingAddressDetails()