public void onClick(View view) { Sherlock.m13347c("Ins OFD order placed"); Sherlock.m13334a("Ins OFD order placed"); this.f9600b.m13545a(this.f9599a); this.f9600b.m13522b("Continue"); this.f9600b.f9642z.dismiss(); }
public void onClick(View view) { switch (view.getId()) { case this.f10989t = true; m14514h(); case if (this.f10993x) { Localytics.tagEvent("Cancelled booking_Cancel clicked"); m14500a("cancel"); return; } this.f10989t = true; this.f10979j.onBackPressed(); case if (Utils.m14909a(this.f10979j.getApplicationContext())) { Sherlock.m13334a("Ins KP ride booked"); if (this.f10993x) { Localytics.tagEvent("Cancelled Booking_Retry clicked"); m14500a("retry"); return; } m14513g(); return; } m14501a(Constants.CONNECTION_TIME_OUT_HEADER, Constants.NO_NETWORK_TEXT); default: } }
public void onSuccess(Object obj) { if (this.f10956a.isAdded()) { BookingCabInfoResponse bookingCabInfoResponse = (BookingCabInfoResponse) obj; if (bookingCabInfoResponse != null && bookingCabInfoResponse.isForceLogout()) { new ForceLogoutCommand(true).m13270a(this.f10956a.getActivity()); } if (bookingCabInfoResponse.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("SUCCESS") && bookingCabInfoResponse.getStateId() != AppState.HOME_PAGE.ordinal()) { this.f10956a.m14530p(); if (bookingCabInfoResponse.getStateId() != 5) { this.f10956a.f10988s = bookingCabInfoResponse.getBooking().getBookingId(); } else if (bookingCabInfoResponse.getBookingId() != null) { this.f10956a.f10988s = bookingCabInfoResponse.getBookingId(); } else { bookingCabInfoResponse.getBooking().getBookingId(); } this.f10956a .f10969D .m13218d() .setAppState(AppState.m12881a(bookingCabInfoResponse.getStateId())); this.f10956a.m14527n(); Ola.f11494k = false; HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("Local taxi category", this.f10956a.f10980k); if (Utils.m14924g(this.f10956a.f10991v)) { hashMap.put("Booking city", this.f10956a.f10991v); } else { hashMap.put("Booking city", "NA"); } Sherlock.m13340a("Ins KP ride booked", hashMap); this.f10956a.f10968C.m13564a(this.f10956a.f10988s); } } }
public void onClick(View view) { switch (view.getId()) { case m13536l(); case case supportFinishAfterTransition(); case startActivity(FaqActivity.m13493a((Context) this, getString(R.string.url_ofd_faq))); case dt c = this.f9624h.m13209c(); if (Utils.m14924g(c.getPhoneNumber()) && Utils.m14924g(c.getName()) && c.isVerified()) { m13534k(); m13537m(); return; } m13518a( getString(R.string.missing_phone_number_header), getString(R.string.missing_phone_number_desc)); case m13517a("Cancelled"); m13538n(); case Sherlock.m13334a("Ins OFD order placed"); m13517a("Confirmed"); m13539o(); default: } }
public void onSuccess(Object obj) { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); if (Utils.m14924g(this.f9590a.f9624h.m13209c().getCity())) { hashMap.put("Booking city", this.f9590a.f9624h.m13209c().getCity()); } else { hashMap.put("Booking city", "NA"); } Sherlock.m13340a("Ins OFD order placed", hashMap); OLog.m13313b("Order successful", new Object[0]); this.f9590a.m13555f(); this.f9590a.m13525d(((CheckoutResponse) obj).getId()); }
public void onFailure(Throwable th) { if (this.f10956a.isAdded()) { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("Local taxi category", this.f10956a.f10980k); if (Utils.m14924g(this.f10956a.f10991v)) { hashMap.put("Booking city", this.f10956a.f10991v); } else { hashMap.put("Booking city", "NA"); } Sherlock.m13342a("Ins KP ride booked", hashMap, (VolleyError) th); OLog.m13310a("Fetch Configuration Request failed", th); } }
public void onFailure(Throwable th) { OLog.m13310a("Failed to place food order", th); VolleyError volleyError = (VolleyError) th; this.f9590a.m13555f(); Object obj = "Network Error"; if (!(volleyError == null || volleyError.f464a == null)) { byte[] bArr = volleyError.f464a.f498b; if (bArr != null) { String str = "Other"; String str2 = new String(bArr); try { bt btVar = (bt) new Gson().m12343a(str2, bt.class); bz bzVar = (bz) new Gson().m12343a(str2, bz.class); if (volleyError.f464a.f497a != HttpStatus.SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY || bzVar.getPartialItems() == null || bzVar.getPartialItems().isEmpty()) { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); if (Utils.m14924g(this.f9590a.f9624h.m13209c().getCity())) { hashMap.put("Booking city", this.f9590a.f9624h.m13209c().getCity()); } else { hashMap.put("Booking city", "NA"); } Sherlock.m13338a( "Ins OFD order placed", "Failure", volleyError, btVar.getText(), true, hashMap); this.f9590a.m13518a(btVar.getHeader(), btVar.getText()); } else { this.f9590a.m13521b(bzVar); } obj = str; } catch (Exception e) { String str3 = str; } } } if (this.f9590a.f9624h.m13209c() != null && this.f9590a.f9624h.m13209c().getCity() != null) { Map hashMap2 = new HashMap(); hashMap2.put("City name", this.f9590a.f9624h.m13209c().getCity()); hashMap2.put(Constants.BUNDLE_TYPE, obj); Localytics.tagEvent("OlaFood error message", hashMap2); } }
private void m14510f() { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("Local taxi category", this.f10980k); if (Utils.m14924g(this.f10991v)) { hashMap.put("Booking city", this.f10991v); } else { hashMap.put("Booking city", "NA"); } Sherlock.m13342a("Ins KP ride booked", hashMap, null); if (getView() != null) { if (m14538c()) { Localytics.tagEvent("AUTO stock out"); } else { Localytics.tagEvent("KP stock out"); } getView().findViewById(; View findViewById = getView().findViewById(; findViewById.setVisibility(0); if (Ola.f11494k) { ((Button) getView().findViewById("CANCEL"); if (!this.f10994y) { ((Button) getView().findViewById(; } } else { ((Button) getView().findViewById("OK"); ((Button) getView().findViewById(; } if (Utils.m14909a(this.f10979j.getApplicationContext())) { TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById.findViewById(; TextView textView2 = (TextView) findViewById.findViewById(; if (Ola.f11494k) { textView.setText("Booking Cancelled!"); if (m14538c()) { textView2.setText( Ola.f11492i != null ? Ola.f11492i : "Regret to inform that driver cancelled the booking"); return; } else { textView2.setText( Ola.f11492i != null ? Ola.f11492i : "Regret to inform that driver cancelled the booking"); return; } } else if (m14538c()) { textView.setText("No Autos available\nnear you!"); textView2.setText("How about choosing\nanother category?"); return; } else { textView.setText("No Kaali Peelis\nnear you!"); textView2.setText("How about choosing\nanother category?"); return; } } ((TextView) findViewById.findViewById( .setText("No internet connection available!"); ((TextView) findViewById.findViewById( .setText("Please check your settings or try again later."); } }
public void onClick(View view) { this.f9601a.f9642z.dismiss(); Sherlock.m13347c("Ins OFD order placed"); this.f9601a.m13522b("Cancel"); this.f9601a.m13550c(); }