private Point createFeedPoint(final User user) throws NimbitsException { final EntityName name = CommonFactoryLocator.getInstance().createName(Const.TEXT_DATA_FEED, EntityType.point); final Entity entity = EntityModelFactory.createEntity( name, "", EntityType.feed, ProtectionLevel.onlyConnection, user.getKey(), user.getKey(), UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // final Entity r = EntityServiceFactory.getInstance().addUpdateEntity(user, entity); Point point = PointModelFactory.createPointModel(entity); final Point result = (Point) EntityServiceFactory.getInstance().addUpdateEntity(point); postToFeed( user, "A new data point has been created for your data feed. Your data feed is just " + "a data point. Points are capable of storing numbers, text, json and xml data. Nimbits uses " + "a single data point to drive this feed.",; return result; }
@Override public void updateSystemPoint( final String pointName, final double value, final boolean incrementAsCounter, final PointType type) throws NimbitsException { EntityName name = CommonFactory.createName(pointName, EntityType.point); User admin = userService.getAdmin(); List<Entity> e = entityService.getEntityByName(admin, name, EntityType.point); Point p; if (e.isEmpty()) { String ownerKey = admin.getKey(); Entity ep = EntityModelFactory.createEntity( name, "", EntityType.point, ProtectionLevel.onlyMe, ownerKey, ownerKey, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); Point pm = PointModelFactory.createPointModel( ep, 0.0, EXPIRE, "", 0.0, false, false, false, 0, false, FilterType.none, 0.0, false, type, 0, false, 0.0); p = (Point) entityService.addUpdateEntity(admin, pm); } else { p = (Point) e.get(0); } Value vx; if (incrementAsCounter) { List<Value> c = valueService.getCurrentValue(p); double cd = !c.isEmpty() ? c.get(0).getDoubleValue() : 0.0; vx = ValueFactory.createValueModel(cd + value); } else { vx = ValueFactory.createValueModel(value); } valueService.recordValue(admin, p, vx); }
@Override public void handleEvent(final MessageBoxEvent be) { final String newEntityName = be.getValue(); if (!Utils.isEmptyString(newEntityName)) { final EntityName categoryName; try { categoryName = CommonFactoryLocator.getInstance().createName(newEntityName, EntityType.category); } catch (NimbitsException e) { FeedbackHelper.showError(e); return; } final EntityServiceAsync service = GWT.create(EntityService.class); Entity entity = EntityModelFactory.createEntity(categoryName, EntityType.category); service.addUpdateEntity(entity, new AddUpdateEntityAsyncCallback()); } }