      command = "tp",
      aliases = {"teleport"},
      arguments = {"target player[s]", "destination player"},
      description = "teleports <target player[s]> to <destination player>",
      permissions = {"other"})
  public static boolean teleport(
      CommandSender sender, String targetPlayer, String destinationPlayer)
      throws EssentialsCommandException {
    // try to find the destination player
    Player destination = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(destinationPlayer);
    if (destination == null) {
      throw new EssentialsCommandException(
          "&cI couldn't find player '%s' to teleport to!", destination);

    // get a list of all target players
    ArrayList<Player> targetPlayers = PlayerSelector.selectPlayersExact(targetPlayer);

    // make sure we have at least one target player
    if (targetPlayers.size() == 0) {
      throw new EssentialsCommandException(
          "I couldn't find target player[s] '%s' to teleport!", targetPlayer);

    // loop through all target players
    for (Iterator<Player> it = targetPlayers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      // get the player
      Player target = it.next();

      // do it!

      // alert everyone
          "&6You have been teleported to " + destination.getName() + " by " + sender.getName());
      if (!destination.getName().equals(sender.getName())) {
            "&6" + target.getName() + " has been teleported to you by " + sender.getName());
          sender, "&6" + target.getName() + " has been teleported to " + destination.getName());

    return true;
      command = "origin",
      aliases = {"tporigin"},
      description = "sends you back to where you were before you started teleporting",
      permissions = {"history.origin"},
      playerOnly = true)
  public static boolean origin(CommandSender sender) throws EssentialsCommandException {
    // get our player
    Player player = (Player) sender;

    // make sure we have somewhere else to go
    if (!player.hasMetadata("tpHistory")) {
      throw new EssentialsCommandException("You don't have anywhere to go!");

    // get their last location
    Location lastLocation = getFirstLocationAndClear(player);

    // disable teleport logging
    ignoreTeleport(player, true);

    // and send them there
    ColourHandler.sendMessage(player, "&6!hsooW");

    return true;
     command = "tpclear",
     aliases = {"rewind"},
     description = "clears your teleport history",
     permissions = {"history.clear"},
     playerOnly = true)
 public static boolean clearHistory(CommandSender sender) throws EssentialsCommandException {
   clearHistory((Player) sender);
   ColourHandler.sendMessage(sender, "&6Your teleport history has been wiped!");
   return true;
      command = "tptoggle",
      aliases = "notp",
      description = "prevents other players from teleporting you / to you",
      permissions = {"teleport.toggle"},
      playerOnly = true)
  public static boolean tpToggle(CommandSender sender) throws EssentialsCommandException {
    // determine whether they have teleporting disabled or not
    boolean disabled = tpDisabled((Player) sender);

    // change their status
    disableTP((Player) sender, !disabled);

    // alert them
    if (!disabled) {
      ColourHandler.sendMessage(sender, "&3Teleports have been turned off");
    } else {
      ColourHandler.sendMessage(sender, "&3Teleports have been turned on");

    return true;
      command = "tp",
      aliases = {"teleport"},
      arguments = {"target player[s]", "world name", "x", "y", "z"},
      tabCompletions = {
      description = "teleports <player[s]> to the given coordinates in the given world",
      permissions = {"othercoords"})
  public static boolean teleport(
      CommandSender sender, String targetPlayer, String worldName, float x, float y, float z)
      throws EssentialsCommandException {
    // make sure the world exists
    World targetWorld = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(worldName);
    if (targetWorld == null) {
      throw new EssentialsCommandException("I couldn't find world '%s' to teleport to!", worldName);

    // get a list of all target players
    ArrayList<Player> targetPlayers = PlayerSelector.selectPlayers(targetPlayer);

    // make sure we have at least one target player
    if (targetPlayers.size() == 0) {
      throw new EssentialsCommandException(
          "I couldn't find target player[s] '%s' to teleport!", targetPlayer);

    // loop through all target players
    for (Iterator<Player> it = targetPlayers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      // get the player
      Player target = it.next();

      // make sure that player doesn't have teleporting disabled
      if (tpDisabled(target)
          && !PermissionsManager.playerHasPermission(sender, "teleport.toggle.override")) {
            sender, "%s &cdoesn't have teleporting enabled!", target.getName());

      // build their destination
      Location destination =
          new Location(
              targetWorld, x, y, z, target.getLocation().getYaw(), target.getLocation().getPitch());

      // do it!

      // alert everyone
          "&6You have been teleported to ("
              + destination.getBlockX()
              + ", "
              + destination.getBlockY()
              + ", "
              + destination.getBlockZ()
              + ") in world: "
              + destination.getWorld().getName()
              + " by "
              + sender.getName());
      if (!target.getName().equals(sender.getName())) {
                + target.getName()
                + " has been teleported to ("
                + destination.getBlockX()
                + ", "
                + destination.getBlockY()
                + ", "
                + destination.getBlockZ()
                + ") in world: "
                + destination.getWorld().getName());

    return true;
      command = "tp",
      aliases = {"teleport"},
      arguments = {"target player[s]", "world name", "x", "y", "z"},
      description = "teleports <player[s]> to the given coordinates in the given world",
      permissions = {"othercoords"},
      playerOnly = true)
  public static boolean teleport(
      CommandSender sender, String targetPlayer, String worldName, float x, float y, float z)
      throws EssentialsCommandException {
    // make sure the world exists
    World targetWorld = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(worldName);
    if (targetWorld == null) {
      throw new EssentialsCommandException("I couldn't find world '%s' to teleport to!", worldName);

    // get a list of all target players
    ArrayList<Player> targetPlayers = PlayerSelector.selectPlayersExact(targetPlayer);

    // make sure we have at least one target player
    if (targetPlayers.size() == 0) {
      throw new EssentialsCommandException(
          "I couldn't find target player[s] '%s' to teleport!", targetPlayer);

    // loop through all target players
    for (Iterator<Player> it = targetPlayers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      // get the player
      Player target = it.next();

      // build their destination
      Location destination =
          new Location(
              targetWorld, x, y, z, target.getLocation().getYaw(), target.getLocation().getPitch());

      // do it!

      // alert everyone
          "&6You have been teleported to ("
              + destination.getBlockX()
              + ", "
              + destination.getBlockY()
              + ", "
              + destination.getBlockZ()
              + ") in world: "
              + destination.getWorld().getName()
              + " by "
              + sender.getName());
              + target.getName()
              + " has been teleported to ("
              + destination.getBlockX()
              + ", "
              + destination.getBlockY()
              + ", "
              + destination.getBlockZ()
              + ") in world: "
              + destination.getWorld().getName());

    return true;