/** Initiation of the GUI. */ public void initGui() { int margin = 5; int yMargin = 0; int yCorrection = 0; gpsIcon = new GpsIndicator(ctx); gpsIcon.setX(screenWidth - (gpsIcon.getImage().getWidth() + margin)); gpsIcon.setY(margin); gpsIcon.updateLayout(); yMargin = gpsIcon.getImage().getHeight() + margin; radar = new Radar(ctx, this); radar.setX(getScreenWidth() - (radar.getImage().getWidth() + margin)); radar.setY(getScreenHeight() - (radar.getImage().getHeight() + margin)); radar.updateLayout(); yCorrection = radar.getImage().getHeight() + 2 * margin + yMargin; rightSlide = new SlideBar(ctx, this); rightSlide.setX(getScreenWidth() - (rightSlide.getImage().getWidth())); rightSlide.setY( ((getScreenHeight() - yCorrection) / 2) - (rightSlide.getImage().getHeight() / 2) + yMargin); rightSlide.updateLayout(); titleBar = new TitleBar(ctx, this); titleBar.setX(getLeft()); titleBar.setY(getTop()); titleBar.updateLayout(); poiReinit = new ReplacePoi(ctx, this); poiReinit.setX(margin); poiReinit.setY(getScreenHeight() - (poiReinit.getImage().getHeight() + margin)); poiReinit.updateLayout(); yCorrection = poiReinit.getImage().getHeight() + 2 * margin + yMargin; splash = new SplashScreen(ctx, getScreenWidth(), getScreenHeight()); splash.setX(0); splash.setY(0); splash.updateLayout(); }
public boolean evaluateTouch(MotionEvent event) { if (SPLASH && gpsIcon.getGpsStatus() == GpsIndicator.GPS_STATUS_DISCONNECTED && splash.dispatchTouchEvent(event)) return true; else if (gpsIcon.dispatchTouchEvent(event)) return true; else if (radar.dispatchTouchEvent(event)) return true; else if (rightSlide.dispatchTouchEvent(event)) return true; else if (titleBar.dispatchTouchEvent(event)) return true; else if (poiReinit.dispatchTouchEvent(event)) return true; return false; }
@Override public void onDraw(Canvas c) { // Log.e("Spec","Updating "+arViews.size()+" views"); // long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Enumeration<ARSphericalView> e = getArViews().elements(); Enumeration<ARSphericalView> e2 = getArViews().elements(); Paint p = new Paint(); float precision = 10000; if (DEBUG) { p.setColor(Color.WHITE); c.drawText( "Compass:"******"Inclination" + String.valueOf(Math.round(getInclination() * precision) / precision), 150, 20, p); // --------------------------------- ARSphericalView view; if (e2.hasMoreElements()) { view = e2.nextElement(); c.drawText("POI1: " + view.isVisible(), 20, 80, p); } if (e2.hasMoreElements()) { view = e2.nextElement(); c.drawText("POI2: " + view.isVisible(), 20, 100, p); } if (e2.hasMoreElements()) { view = e2.nextElement(); c.drawText("POI3: " + view.isVisible(), 20, 120, p); } // ------------------ if (getCurLocation() != null) { c.drawText("Lat : " + String.valueOf(getCurLocation().getLatitude()), 20, 60, p); c.drawText("Long : " + String.valueOf(getCurLocation().getLongitude()), 250, 60, p); } } while (e.hasMoreElements()) { MagnitudePOI view = (MagnitudePOI) e.nextElement(); if (view.getAzimuth() < 330 && view.getAzimuth() > 30) { if (Math.abs(view.getAzimuth() - direction) < 30) { view.drawLine(c); } } else { view.drawLine(c); } } e = getArViews().elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { MagnitudePOI view = (MagnitudePOI) e.nextElement(); if (view.getAzimuth() < 330 && view.getAzimuth() > 30) { if (Math.abs(view.getAzimuth() - direction) < 30) { view.setVisible(true); view.draw(c); } else { view.setVisible(false); } } else { view.setVisible(true); view.draw(c); } } if (TITLEBAR) titleBar.draw(c); if (RADAR) radar.draw(c); if (SCROLL) rightSlide.draw(c); if (GPS) gpsIcon.draw(c); if (poiMove) poiReinit.draw(c); if (SPLASH && gpsIcon.getGpsStatus() == GpsIndicator.GPS_STATUS_DISCONNECTED) splash.draw(c); }