  * 站长回复留言板之留言
  * @param mapping
  * @param form
  * @param request
  * @param response
  * @return
  * @throws Exception
 protected ActionForward doReply(
     ActionMapping mapping,
     ActionForm form,
     HttpServletRequest request,
     HttpServletResponse response)
     throws Exception {
   GuestBookForm msgform = (GuestBookForm) form;
   super.validateClientId(request, msgform);
   if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(msgform.getReply())) {
     UserBean loginUser = super.getLoginUser(request, response);
     if (loginUser != null) {
       // 判断是否为站长
       SiteBean site = SiteDAO.getSiteByID(msgform.getSid());
       if (site != null && site.isOwner(loginUser)) {
         // 回复留言
         GuestBookBean gbean = GuestBookDAO.getMsg(msgform.getSid(), msgform.getId());
         if (gbean != null) {
           String reply = super.autoFiltrate(site, msgform.getReply());
           if (reply.length() > MAX_GB_REPLY_LENGTH)
             reply = reply.substring(0, MAX_GB_REPLY_LENGTH);
           gbean.setReplyTime(new Date());
   String ext = null;
   if (msgform.getPage() > 1) {
     ext = "page=" + msgform.getPage();
   return makeForward(mapping.findForward("list"), msgform.getSid(), ext);
   * 留言板之发表留言
   * @param mapping
   * @param form
   * @param request
   * @param response
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  protected ActionForward doCreate(
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws Exception {
    GuestBookForm msgform = (GuestBookForm) form;
    super.validateClientId(request, msgform);
    ActionMessages msgs = new ActionMessages();
    while (true) {
      if (StringUtils.isEmpty(msgform.getContent())) {
        msgs.add("content", new ActionMessage("error.empty_content"));
      UserBean loginUser = super.getLoginUser(request, response);
      if (loginUser == null) {
        msgs.add("message", new ActionMessage("error.user_not_login"));
      } else if (loginUser.getStatus() != UserBean.STATUS_NORMAL) {
        msgs.add("message", new ActionMessage("error.user_not_available"));
      SiteBean site = super.getSiteByID(msgform.getSid());
      if (site == null) {
        msgs.add("message", new ActionMessage("error.site_not_available"));
      // 检查黑名单
      if (isUserInBlackList(site, loginUser)) {
        msgs.add("message", new ActionMessage("error.user_in_blacklist"));
      GuestBookBean msgbean = new GuestBookBean();
      String content = super.autoFiltrate(site, msgform.getContent());
      if (content.length() > MAX_GB_COUNT_LENGTH)
        content = content.substring(0, MAX_GB_COUNT_LENGTH);
      msgbean.setClient(new ClientInfo(request, 0));
      try {
      } catch (HibernateException e) {
        context().log("undelete diary failed.", e);
        msgs.add("message", new ActionMessage("error.database", e.getMessage()));

    if (!msgs.isEmpty()) {
      saveMessages(request, msgs);
      return mapping.findForward("pub");

    return makeForward(mapping.findForward("list"), msgform.getSid());
Exemple #3
  * 获取网站的精华帖子数
  * @param site
  * @param fbean
  * @return
 public static int getEliteCount(SiteBean site, ForumBean fbean) {
   StringBuffer hql =
       new StringBuffer("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TopicBean AS t WHERE t.status=:status");
   if (site != null) hql.append(" AND t.site.id=:site");
   if (fbean != null) hql.append(" AND t.forum.id=:forum");
   hql.append(" AND (t.type=:elite OR t.type=:top_elite)");
   Session ssn = getSession();
   Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString());
   q.setInteger("status", TopicBean.STATUS_NORMAL);
   q.setInteger("elite", TopicBean.INFO_TYPE_ELITE);
   q.setInteger("top_elite", TopicBean.INFO_TYPE_TOP_ELITE);
   if (site != null) q.setInteger("site", site.getId());
   if (fbean != null) q.setInteger("forum", fbean.getId());
   return ((Number) q.uniqueResult()).intValue();
Exemple #4
  * 列出精华帖
  * @param site
  * @param fbean
  * @param fromIdx
  * @param count
  * @return
 public static List listEliteTopics(SiteBean site, ForumBean fbean, int fromIdx, int count) {
   StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("FROM TopicOutlineBean AS t WHERE t.status=:status");
   if (site != null) hql.append(" AND t.site.id=:site");
   if (fbean != null) hql.append(" AND t.forum.id=:forum");
       " AND (t.type=:elite OR t.type=:top_elite) ORDER BY ROUND(t.type / 16, 0) DESC, t.id DESC");
   Session ssn = getSession();
   Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString());
   q.setInteger("status", TopicBean.STATUS_NORMAL);
   q.setInteger("elite", TopicBean.INFO_TYPE_ELITE);
   q.setInteger("top_elite", TopicBean.INFO_TYPE_TOP_ELITE);
   if (site != null) q.setInteger("site", site.getId());
   if (fbean != null) q.setInteger("forum", fbean.getId());
   if (fromIdx > 0) q.setFirstResult(fromIdx);
   if (count > 0) q.setMaxResults(count);
   return q.list();
Exemple #5
  * 分页浏览某个论坛的热门帖子 帖子按照回帖数
  * @param forum_id
  * @param fromIdx
  * @param count
  * @return
 public static List listHotTopics(
     SiteBean site, ForumBean forum, int fromIdx, int count, int days) {
   StringBuffer hql =
       new StringBuffer(
           "FROM TopicOutlineBean AS t WHERE t.site.id=? AND t.status=? AND t.createTime >= ? AND t.replyCount > 0");
   if (forum != null) hql.append(" AND t.forum.id=?");
   hql.append(" ORDER BY ROUND(t.type / 16, 0) DESC, t.replyCount DESC, t.id DESC");
   Session ssn = getSession();
   try {
     Query q = ssn.createQuery(hql.toString());
     q.setInteger(0, site.getId());
     q.setInteger(1, TopicOutlineBean.STATUS_NORMAL);
     Calendar cur_time = Calendar.getInstance();
     cur_time.add(Calendar.DATE, -days);
     q.setTimestamp(2, new Timestamp(cur_time.getTime().getTime()));
     if (forum != null) q.setInteger(3, forum.getId());
     if (fromIdx > 0) q.setFirstResult(fromIdx);
     return q.list();
   } finally {
     hql = null;
  * 查询某个HTTP会话上传的且尚未被领取的所有文件信息 要把文件大小计算进site中
  * @param userid
  * @param sessionId
  * @return
  * @throws CapacityExceedException
 public static int pickupOrphanFiles(
     int userid, String sessionId, SiteBean site, int refId, int refType)
     throws CapacityExceedException {
   int er = 0;
   try {
     // 要把文件大小计算进site中
     Number totalSize =
         executeNamedStat("SUM_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE", new Object[] {new Integer(userid), sessionId});
     if (totalSize != null) {
       int iTotalSize = totalSize.intValue();
       int file_size = DLOG4JUtils.sizeInKbytes(iTotalSize);
       if (site.getCapacity().getDiaryTotal() > 0
           && site.getCapacity().getDiaryUsed() + file_size > site.getCapacity().getDiaryTotal()) {
         // 已然超过可用的空间
         throw new CapacityExceedException(site.getCapacity().getDiaryTotal());
       executeNamedUpdate("INC_SITE_UPLOAD_SPACE", Math.max(1, file_size), site.getId());
       // 更新尚未领取文件的归属信息
           new Object[] {
             new Integer(site.getId()),
             new Integer(refId),
             new Integer(refType),
             new Integer(userid),
     return er;
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
     throw e;