   * Deletes the trash entries with the matching group ID considering permissions.
   * @param groupId the primary key of the group
   * @throws PortalException if a portal exception occurred
   * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
  @Transactional(noRollbackFor = {TrashPermissionException.class})
  public void deleteEntries(long groupId) throws PortalException, SystemException {

    boolean throwTrashPermissionException = false;

    List<TrashEntry> entries = trashEntryPersistence.findByGroupId(groupId);

    PermissionChecker permissionChecker = getPermissionChecker();

    for (TrashEntry entry : entries) {
      try {
        TrashHandler trashHandler = TrashHandlerRegistryUtil.getTrashHandler(entry.getClassName());

        if (!trashHandler.hasTrashPermission(
            permissionChecker, 0, entry.getClassPK(), ActionKeys.VIEW)) {


      } catch (TrashPermissionException tpe) {
        throwTrashPermissionException = true;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error(e, e);

    if (throwTrashPermissionException) {
      throw new TrashPermissionException(TrashPermissionException.EMPTY_TRASH);
  public void restoreFileEntryFromTrash(long userId, FileEntry fileEntry)
      throws PortalException, SystemException {

    // File entry

    DLFileEntry dlFileEntry = (DLFileEntry) fileEntry.getModel();


    dlFileEntryPersistence.update(dlFileEntry, false);

    FileVersion fileVersion = new LiferayFileVersion(dlFileEntry.getLatestFileVersion(true));

    TrashEntry trashEntry =
            DLFileEntryConstants.getClassName(), fileEntry.getFileEntryId());

    // File version

    Map<String, Serializable> workflowContext = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();

    List<TrashVersion> trashVersions = trashEntryLocalService.getVersions(trashEntry.getEntryId());

    workflowContext.put("trashVersions", (Serializable) trashVersions);

        new ServiceContext());

    // File shortcut


    // File rank


    // Social

        DLFileEntryConstants.getClassName(), fileEntry.getFileEntryId());


    // Trash

    trashEntryLocalService.deleteEntry(trashEntry.getClassName(), trashEntry.getClassPK());
Exemple #3
  public PortletURL getViewContentURL(HttpServletRequest request, String className, long classPK)
      throws PortalException {

    ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);

    if (!themeDisplay.isSignedIn()
        || !isTrashEnabled(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId())
        || !PortletPermissionUtil.hasControlPanelAccessPermission(
            PortletKeys.TRASH)) {

      return null;

    TrashHandler trashHandler = TrashHandlerRegistryUtil.getTrashHandler(className);

    if (trashHandler.isInTrashContainer(classPK)) {
      TrashEntry trashEntry = trashHandler.getTrashEntry(classPK);

      className = trashEntry.getClassName();
      classPK = trashEntry.getClassPK();

      trashHandler = TrashHandlerRegistryUtil.getTrashHandler(className);

    TrashRenderer trashRenderer = trashHandler.getTrashRenderer(classPK);

    if (trashRenderer == null) {
      return null;

    Layout layout = themeDisplay.getLayout();

    PortletURL portletURL =
            request, PortletKeys.TRASH, layout.getLayoutId(), PortletRequest.RENDER_PHASE);

    portletURL.setParameter("struts_action", "/trash/view_content");
    portletURL.setParameter("redirect", themeDisplay.getURLCurrent());

    TrashEntry trashEntry = TrashEntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntry(className, classPK);

    if (trashEntry.getRootEntry() != null) {
      portletURL.setParameter("className", className);
      portletURL.setParameter("classPK", String.valueOf(classPK));
    } else {
      portletURL.setParameter("trashEntryId", String.valueOf(trashEntry.getEntryId()));

    portletURL.setParameter("type", trashRenderer.getType());
    portletURL.setParameter("showActions", Boolean.FALSE.toString());
    portletURL.setParameter("showAssetMetadata", Boolean.TRUE.toString());
    portletURL.setParameter("showEditURL", Boolean.FALSE.toString());

    return portletURL;
   * Returns a range of all the trash entries matching the group ID.
   * @param groupId the primary key of the group
   * @param start the lower bound of the range of trash entries to return
   * @param end the upper bound of the range of trash entries to return (not inclusive)
   * @param obc the comparator to order the trash entries (optionally <code>null</code>)
   * @return the range of matching trash entries ordered by comparator <code>obc</code>
   * @throws PrincipalException if a system exception occurred
   * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred
  public TrashEntryList getEntries(long groupId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
      throws PrincipalException, SystemException {

    TrashEntryList trashEntriesList = new TrashEntryList();

    int entriesCount = trashEntryPersistence.countByGroupId(groupId);

    boolean approximate = entriesCount > PropsValues.TRASH_SEARCH_LIMIT;


    List<TrashEntry> entries =
        trashEntryPersistence.findByGroupId(groupId, 0, end + PropsValues.TRASH_SEARCH_LIMIT, obc);

    List<TrashEntry> filteredEntries = new ArrayList<TrashEntry>();

    PermissionChecker permissionChecker = getPermissionChecker();

    for (TrashEntry entry : entries) {
      String className = entry.getClassName();
      long classPK = entry.getClassPK();

      try {
        TrashHandler trashHandler = TrashHandlerRegistryUtil.getTrashHandler(className);

        if (trashHandler.hasTrashPermission(permissionChecker, 0, classPK, ActionKeys.VIEW)) {

      } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error(e, e);

    int filteredEntriesCount = filteredEntries.size();

    if ((end != QueryUtil.ALL_POS) && (start != QueryUtil.ALL_POS)) {
      if (end > filteredEntriesCount) {
        end = filteredEntriesCount;

      if (start > filteredEntriesCount) {
        start = filteredEntriesCount;

      filteredEntries = filteredEntries.subList(start, end);


    return trashEntriesList;
  protected void deleteEntry(TrashEntry entry) throws PortalException {
    PermissionChecker permissionChecker = getPermissionChecker();

    TrashHandler trashHandler = TrashHandlerRegistryUtil.getTrashHandler(entry.getClassName());

    if (!trashHandler.hasTrashPermission(
        permissionChecker, 0, entry.getClassPK(), ActionKeys.DELETE)) {

      throw new TrashPermissionException(TrashPermissionException.DELETE);

   * Restores the trash entry to its original location. In order to handle a duplicate trash entry
   * already existing at the original location, either pass in the primary key of the existing trash
   * entry's entity to overwrite or pass in a new name to give to the trash entry being restored.
   * <p>This method throws a {@link TrashPermissionException} if the user did not have the
   * permission to perform one of the necessary operations. The exception is created with a type
   * specific to the operation:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>{@link TrashPermissionException#RESTORE} - if the user did not have permission to restore
   *       the trash entry
   *   <li>{@link TrashPermissionException#RESTORE_OVERWRITE} - if the user did not have permission
   *       to delete the existing trash entry
   *   <li>{@link TrashPermissionException#RESTORE_RENAME} - if the user did not have permission to
   *       rename the trash entry
   * </ul>
   * @param entryId the primary key of the trash entry to restore
   * @param overrideClassPK the primary key of the entity to overwrite (optionally <code>0</code>)
   * @param name a new name to give to the trash entry being restored (optionally <code>null</code>)
   * @return the restored trash entry
   * @throws PortalException if a matching trash entry could not be found, if the user did not have
   *     permission to overwrite an existing trash entry, to rename the trash entry being restored,
   *     or to restore the trash entry in general
  public TrashEntry restoreEntry(long entryId, long overrideClassPK, String name)
      throws PortalException {

    PermissionChecker permissionChecker = getPermissionChecker();

    TrashEntry entry = trashEntryPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(entryId);

    TrashHandler trashHandler = TrashHandlerRegistryUtil.getTrashHandler(entry.getClassName());

    if (!trashHandler.hasTrashPermission(
        permissionChecker, 0, entry.getClassPK(), TrashActionKeys.RESTORE)) {

      throw new TrashPermissionException(TrashPermissionException.RESTORE);

    if (overrideClassPK > 0) {
      if (!trashHandler.hasTrashPermission(
          permissionChecker, 0, overrideClassPK, TrashActionKeys.OVERWRITE)) {

        throw new TrashPermissionException(TrashPermissionException.RESTORE_OVERWRITE);


      trashHandler.checkRestorableEntry(entry, TrashEntryConstants.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_ID, null);
    } else if (name != null) {
      if (!trashHandler.hasTrashPermission(
          permissionChecker, 0, entry.getClassPK(), TrashActionKeys.RENAME)) {

        throw new TrashPermissionException(TrashPermissionException.RESTORE_RENAME);

      trashHandler.checkRestorableEntry(entry, TrashEntryConstants.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_ID, name);

      trashHandler.updateTitle(entry.getClassPK(), name);

    trashHandler.restoreTrashEntry(getUserId(), entry.getClassPK());

    return entry;
  protected List<TrashEntry> filterEntries(List<TrashEntry> entries) throws PrincipalException {

    List<TrashEntry> filteredEntries = new ArrayList<>();

    PermissionChecker permissionChecker = getPermissionChecker();

    for (TrashEntry entry : entries) {
      String className = entry.getClassName();
      long classPK = entry.getClassPK();

      try {
        TrashHandler trashHandler = TrashHandlerRegistryUtil.getTrashHandler(className);

        if (trashHandler.hasTrashPermission(permissionChecker, 0, classPK, ActionKeys.VIEW)) {

      } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error(e, e);

    return filteredEntries;