private boolean compileLeft() { cleft = new ArrayList<Construct>(); if (label != null && label.startsWith("!")) { if (label.length() > 1) { label = label.substring(1); } nolog = true; } for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) { Token t = left.get(i); if (t.value.startsWith("/")) { cleft.add(new Command(t.val(),; } else if (t.type == Token.TType.VARIABLE) { cleft.add(new Variable(t.val(), null,; } else if (t.type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR)) { Variable v = new Variable(t.val(), null,; v.setFinal(true); cleft.add(v); } else if (t.type.equals(TType.LSQUARE_BRACKET)) { if (i + 2 < left.size() && left.get(i + 2).type.equals(TType.OPT_VAR_ASSIGN)) { Variable v = new Variable(left.get(i + 1).val(), left.get(i + 3).val(),; v.setOptional(true); if (left.get(i + 1).type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR)) { v.setFinal(true); } cleft.add(v); i += 4; } else { t = left.get(i + 1); Variable v = new Variable(t.val(), null,; v.setOptional(true); if (t.val().equals("$")) { v.setFinal(true); } cleft.add(v); i += 2; } } else { cleft.add(new CString(t.val(), t.getTarget())); } } return true; }
private boolean verifyLeft() throws ConfigCompileException { boolean inside_opt_var = false; boolean after_no_def_opt_var = false; String lastVar = null; // Go through our token list and readjust non-spaced symbols. Any time we combine a symbol, // the token becomes a string List<Token> tempLeft = new ArrayList<Token>(); for (int i = 0; i < left.size(); i++) { Token t = left.get(i); if (i == 0 && t.type == TType.NEWLINE) { continue; } if (t.type.isSymbol() && left.size() - 1 > i && left.get(i + 1).type != TType.WHITESPACE) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(t.value); i++; Token m = left.get(i); while (m.type.isSymbol() && m.type != TType.WHITESPACE) { b.append(m.value); i++; m = left.get(i); } if (m.type != TType.WHITESPACE && m.type != TType.LABEL) { b.append(m.value); } t = new Token(TType.STRING, b.toString(),; if (m.type == TType.LABEL) { tempLeft.add(t); tempLeft.add(m); continue; } } // Go ahead and toString the other symbols too if (t.type.isSymbol()) { t = new Token(TType.STRING, t.value,; } if (t.type != TType.WHITESPACE) { tempLeft.add(t); } } // Look through and concatenate all tokens before the label, if such exists. boolean hasLabel = false; for (int i = 0; i < tempLeft.size(); i++) { if (tempLeft.get(i).type == TType.LABEL) { hasLabel = true; break; } } if (hasLabel) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; while (tempLeft.get(count).type != TType.LABEL) { b.append(tempLeft.get(count).val()); count++; } tempLeft.set(0, new Token(TType.STRING, b.toString(), Target.UNKNOWN)); for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { tempLeft.remove(1); } } left = tempLeft; for (int j = 0; j < left.size(); j++) { Token t = left.get(j); // Token prev_token = j - 2 >= 0?c.tokens.get(j - 2):new Token(TType.UNKNOWN, "", t.line_num); Token last_token = j - 1 >= 0 ? left.get(j - 1) : new Token(TType.UNKNOWN, "", t.getTarget()); Token next_token = j + 1 < left.size() ? left.get(j + 1) : new Token(TType.UNKNOWN, "", t.getTarget()); Token after_token = j + 2 < left.size() ? left.get(j + 2) : new Token(TType.UNKNOWN, "", t.getTarget()); if (j == 0) { if (next_token.type == TType.LABEL) { this.label = t.val(); j--; left.remove(0); left.remove(0); continue; } } if (t.type == TType.LABEL) { continue; } if (t.type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR) && left.size() - j >= 5) { throw new ConfigCompileException( "FINAL_VAR must be the last argument in the alias",; } if (t.type.equals(TType.VARIABLE) || t.type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR)) { Variable v = new Variable(t.val(), null,; lastVar = t.val(); v.setOptional(last_token.type.equals(TType.LSQUARE_BRACKET)); left_vars.put(t.val(), v); if (v.isOptional()) { after_no_def_opt_var = true; } else { v.setDefault(""); } } // We're looking for a command up front if (j == 0 && !t.value.startsWith("/")) { if (!(next_token.type == TType.LABEL && after_token.type == TType.COMMAND)) { throw new ConfigCompileException( "Expected command (/command) at start of alias." + " Instead, found " + t.type + " (" + t.val() + ")",; } } if (last_token.type.equals(TType.LSQUARE_BRACKET)) { inside_opt_var = true; if (!(t.type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR) || t.type.equals(TType.VARIABLE))) { throw new ConfigCompileException( "Unexpected " + t.type.toString() + " (" + t.val() + "), was expecting" + " a $variable",; } } if (after_no_def_opt_var && !inside_opt_var) { if (t.type.equals(TType.VARIABLE) || t.type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR)) { throw new ConfigCompileException( "You cannot have anything other than optional arguments after your" + " first optional argument.",; } } if (!t.type.equals(TType.LSQUARE_BRACKET) && !t.type.equals(TType.OPT_VAR_ASSIGN) && !t.type.equals(TType.RSQUARE_BRACKET) && !t.type.equals(TType.VARIABLE) && !t.type.equals(TType.LIT) && !t.type.equals(TType.COMMAND) && !t.type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR)) { if (j - 1 > 0 && !( /*t.type.equals(TType.STRING) &&*/ left.get(j - 1).type.equals(TType.OPT_VAR_ASSIGN))) { throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected " + t.type + " (" + t.val() + ")",; } } if (last_token.type.equals(TType.COMMAND)) { if (!(t.type.equals(TType.VARIABLE) || t.type.equals(TType.LSQUARE_BRACKET) || t.type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR) || t.type.equals(TType.LIT))) { throw new ConfigCompileException( "Unexpected " + t.type + " (" + t.val() + ") after command",; } } if (inside_opt_var && t.type.equals(TType.OPT_VAR_ASSIGN)) { if (!((next_token.type.equals(TType.STRING) || next_token.type.equals(TType.LIT)) && after_token.type.equals(TType.RSQUARE_BRACKET) || (next_token.type.equals(TType.RSQUARE_BRACKET)))) { throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected token in optional variable",; } else if (next_token.type.equals(TType.STRING) || next_token.type.equals(TType.LIT)) { left_vars.get(lastVar).setDefault(next_token.val()); } } if (t.type.equals(TType.RSQUARE_BRACKET)) { if (!inside_opt_var) { throw new ConfigCompileException("Unexpected " + t.type.toString(),; } inside_opt_var = false; // if (last_token.type.equals(TType.VARIABLE) // || last_token.type.equals(TType.FINAL_VAR)) { // after_no_def_opt_var = true; // } } } return true; }