private void buildFromDocstring(@NotNull final PsiElement elementDefinition, boolean isProperty) { PyClass pyClass = null; final PyStringLiteralExpression docStringExpression = ((PyDocStringOwner) elementDefinition).getDocStringExpression(); if (elementDefinition instanceof PyClass) { pyClass = (PyClass) elementDefinition; myBody.add(PythonDocumentationProvider.describeDecorators(pyClass, TagItalic, BR, LCombUp)); myBody.add(PythonDocumentationProvider.describeClass(pyClass, TagBold, true, false)); } else if (elementDefinition instanceof PyFunction) { PyFunction pyFunction = (PyFunction) elementDefinition; if (!isProperty) { pyClass = pyFunction.getContainingClass(); if (pyClass != null) { myBody .addWith( TagSmall, PythonDocumentationProvider.describeClass(pyClass, TagCode, true, true)) .addItem(BR) .addItem(BR); } } myBody .add(PythonDocumentationProvider.describeDecorators(pyFunction, TagItalic, BR, LCombUp)) .add(PythonDocumentationProvider.describeFunction(pyFunction, TagBold, LCombUp)); if (docStringExpression == null) { addInheritedDocString(pyFunction, pyClass); } } else if (elementDefinition instanceof PyFile) { addModulePath((PyFile) elementDefinition); } if (docStringExpression != null) { myBody.addItem(BR); addFormattedDocString(myElement, docStringExpression.getStringValue(), myBody, myEpilog); } }
/** * Adds type and description representation from function docstring * * @param parameter parameter of a function * @return true if type from docstring was added */ private boolean addTypeAndDescriptionFromDocstring(@NotNull final PyNamedParameter parameter) { final PyFunction function = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(parameter, PyFunction.class); if (function != null) { final String docString = PyPsiUtils.strValue(function.getDocStringExpression()); final Pair<String, String> typeAndDescr = getTypeAndDescription(docString, parameter); final String type = typeAndDescr.first; final String description = typeAndDescr.second; if (type != null) { final PyType pyType = PyTypeParser.getTypeByName(parameter, type); if (pyType instanceof PyClassType) { myBody .addItem(": ") .addWith( new LinkWrapper(PythonDocumentationProvider.LINK_TYPE_PARAM), $(pyType.getName())); } else { myBody.addItem(": ").addItem(type); } } if (description != null) { myEpilog.addItem(BR).addItem(description); } return type != null; } return false; }
private void addModulePath(PyFile followed) { // what to prepend to a module description? final VirtualFile file = followed.getVirtualFile(); if (file == null) { myProlog.addWith(TagSmall, $(PyBundle.message("QDOC.module.path.unknown"))); } else { final String path = file.getPath(); RootFinder finder = new RootFinder(path); RootVisitorHost.visitRoots(followed, finder); final String rootPath = finder.getResult(); if (rootPath != null) { String afterPart = path.substring(rootPath.length()); myProlog.addWith(TagSmall, $(rootPath).addWith(TagBold, $(afterPart))); } else { myProlog.addWith(TagSmall, $(path)); } } }
private static void addFormattedDocString( PsiElement element, @NotNull String docstring, ChainIterable<String> formattedOutput, ChainIterable<String> unformattedOutput) { final Project project = element.getProject(); List<String> formatted = PyStructuredDocstringFormatter.formatDocstring(element, docstring); if (formatted != null) { unformattedOutput.add(formatted); return; } boolean isFirstLine; final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] lines = removeCommonIndentation(docstring); // reconstruct back, dropping first empty fragment as needed isFirstLine = true; int tabSize = CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(project).getTabSize(PythonFileType.INSTANCE); for (String line : lines) { if (isFirstLine && ourSpacesPattern.matcher(line).matches()) continue; // ignore all initial whitespace if (isFirstLine) { isFirstLine = false; } else { result.add(BR); } int leadingTabs = 0; while (leadingTabs < line.length() && line.charAt(leadingTabs) == '\t') { leadingTabs++; } if (leadingTabs > 0) { line = StringUtil.repeatSymbol(' ', tabSize * leadingTabs) + line.substring(leadingTabs); } result.add(combUp(line)); } formattedOutput.add(result); }
private void buildFromParameter( @NotNull final TypeEvalContext context, @Nullable final PsiElement outerElement, @NotNull final PsiElement elementDefinition) { myBody.addItem(combUp("Parameter " + PyUtil.getReadableRepr(elementDefinition, false))); boolean typeFromDocstringAdded = addTypeAndDescriptionFromDocstring((PyNamedParameter) elementDefinition); if (outerElement instanceof PyExpression) { PyType type = context.getType((PyExpression) outerElement); if (type != null) { String typeString = null; if (type instanceof PyDynamicallyEvaluatedType) { if (!typeFromDocstringAdded) { typeString = "\nDynamically inferred type: "; } } else { if (outerElement.getReference() != null) { PsiElement target = outerElement.getReference().resolve(); if (target instanceof PyTargetExpression) { final String targetName = ((PyTargetExpression) target).getName(); if (targetName != null && targetName.equals(((PyNamedParameter) elementDefinition).getName())) { typeString = "\nReassigned value has type: "; } } } } if (typeString == null && !typeFromDocstringAdded) { typeString = "\nInferred type: "; } if (typeString != null) { myBody.addItem(combUp(typeString)); PythonDocumentationProvider.describeTypeWithLinks( myBody, elementDefinition, type, context); } } } }
@Nullable private PsiElement resolveToDocStringOwner() { // here the ^Q target is already resolved; the resolved element may point to intermediate // assignments if (myElement instanceof PyTargetExpression) { final String targetName = myElement.getText(); myReassignmentChain.addWith( TagSmall, $(PyBundle.message("$0", targetName)).addItem(BR)); final PyExpression assignedValue = ((PyTargetExpression) myElement).findAssignedValue(); if (assignedValue instanceof PyReferenceExpression) { final PsiElement resolved = resolveWithoutImplicits((PyReferenceExpression) assignedValue); if (resolved != null) { return resolved; } } return assignedValue; } if (myElement instanceof PyReferenceExpression) { myReassignmentChain.addWith( TagSmall, $(PyBundle.message("$0", myElement.getText())).addItem(BR)); return resolveWithoutImplicits((PyReferenceExpression) myElement); } // it may be a call to a standard wrapper if (myElement instanceof PyCallExpression) { final PyCallExpression call = (PyCallExpression) myElement; final Pair<String, PyFunction> wrapInfo = PyCallExpressionHelper.interpretAsModifierWrappingCall(call, myOriginalElement); if (wrapInfo != null) { String wrapperName = wrapInfo.getFirst(); PyFunction wrappedFunction = wrapInfo.getSecond(); myReassignmentChain.addWith( TagSmall, $(PyBundle.message("$0", wrapperName)).addItem(BR)); return wrappedFunction; } } return myElement; }
public PyDocumentationBuilder(PsiElement element, PsiElement originalElement) { myElement = element; myOriginalElement = originalElement; myResult = new ChainIterable<String>(); myProlog = new ChainIterable<String>(); myBody = new ChainIterable<String>(); myEpilog = new ChainIterable<String>(); myResult .add(myProlog) .addWith(TagCode, myBody) .add(myEpilog); // pre-assemble; then add stuff to individual cats as needed myResult = wrapInTag("html", wrapInTag("body", myResult)); myReassignmentChain = new ChainIterable<String>(); }
private void buildForKeyword(@NotNull final String name) { try { final FileReader reader = new FileReader(PythonHelpersLocator.getHelperPath("/tools/python_keywords/" + name)); try { final String text = FileUtil.loadTextAndClose(reader); myEpilog.addItem(text); } catch (IOException ignored) { } finally { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) { } }
private void buildFromAttributeDoc() { PyClass cls = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(myElement, PyClass.class); assert cls != null; String type = PyUtil.isInstanceAttribute((PyExpression) myElement) ? "Instance attribute " : "Class attribute "; myProlog .addItem(type) .addWith(TagBold, $().addWith(TagCode, $(((PyTargetExpression) myElement).getName()))) .addItem(" of class ") .addWith(PythonDocumentationProvider.LinkMyClass, $().addWith(TagCode, $(cls.getName()))) .addItem(BR); final String docString = ((PyTargetExpression) myElement).getDocStringValue(); if (docString != null) { addFormattedDocString(myElement, docString, myBody, myEpilog); } }
private void addPredefinedMethodDoc(PyFunction fun, String mothodName) { PyClassType objectType = PyBuiltinCache.getInstance(fun) .getObjectType(); // old- and new-style classes share the __xxx__ stuff if (objectType != null) { PyClass objectClass = objectType.getPyClass(); PyFunction predefinedMethod = objectClass.findMethodByName(mothodName, false); if (predefinedMethod != null) { PyStringLiteralExpression predefinedDocstring = predefinedMethod.getDocStringExpression(); String predefinedDoc = predefinedDocstring != null ? predefinedDocstring.getStringValue() : null; if (predefinedDoc != null && predefinedDoc.length() > 1) { // only a real-looking doc string counts addFormattedDocString(fun, predefinedDoc, myBody, myBody); myEpilog.addItem(BR).addItem(BR).addItem(PyBundle.message("QDOC.copied.from.builtin")); } } } }
public String build() { final TypeEvalContext context = TypeEvalContext.userInitiated(myElement.getProject(), myElement.getContainingFile()); final PsiElement outerElement = myOriginalElement != null ? myOriginalElement.getParent() : null; final PsiElement elementDefinition = resolveToDocStringOwner(); final boolean isProperty = buildFromProperty(elementDefinition, outerElement, context); if (myProlog.isEmpty() && !isProperty && !isAttribute()) { myProlog.add(myReassignmentChain); } if (elementDefinition instanceof PyDocStringOwner) { buildFromDocstring(elementDefinition, isProperty); } else if (isAttribute()) { buildFromAttributeDoc(); } else if (elementDefinition instanceof PyNamedParameter) { buildFromParameter(context, outerElement, elementDefinition); } else if (elementDefinition != null && outerElement instanceof PyReferenceExpression) { myBody.addItem(combUp("\nInferred type: ")); PythonDocumentationProvider.describeExpressionTypeWithLinks( myBody, (PyReferenceExpression) outerElement, context); } if (elementDefinition != null && PythonDialectsTokenSetProvider.INSTANCE .getKeywordTokens() .contains(elementDefinition.getNode().getElementType())) { buildForKeyword(elementDefinition.getText()); } if (myBody.isEmpty() && myEpilog.isEmpty()) { return null; // got nothing substantial to say! } else { return myResult.toString(); } }
private void addInheritedDocString( @NotNull final PyFunction pyFunction, @Nullable final PyClass pyClass) { boolean notFound = true; final String methodName = pyFunction.getName(); if (pyClass == null || methodName == null) { return; } final boolean isConstructor = PyNames.INIT.equals(methodName); Iterable<PyClass> classes = pyClass.getAncestorClasses(null); if (isConstructor) { // look at our own class again and maybe inherit class's doc classes = new ChainIterable<PyClass>(pyClass).add(classes); } for (PyClass ancestor : classes) { PyStringLiteralExpression docstringElement = null; PyFunction inherited = null; boolean isFromClass = false; if (isConstructor) docstringElement = pyClass.getDocStringExpression(); if (docstringElement != null) { isFromClass = true; } else { inherited = ancestor.findMethodByName(methodName, false); } if (inherited != null) { docstringElement = inherited.getDocStringExpression(); } if (docstringElement != null) { final String inheritedDoc = docstringElement.getStringValue(); if (inheritedDoc.length() > 1) { myEpilog.addItem(BR).addItem(BR); String ancestor_name = ancestor.getName(); String marker = (pyClass == ancestor) ? PythonDocumentationProvider.LINK_TYPE_CLASS : PythonDocumentationProvider.LINK_TYPE_PARENT; final String ancestor_link = $().addWith(new LinkWrapper(marker + ancestor_name), $(ancestor_name)).toString(); if (isFromClass) { myEpilog.addItem(PyBundle.message("QDOC.copied.from.class.$0", ancestor_link)); } else { myEpilog.addItem(PyBundle.message("QDOC.copied.from.$0.$1", ancestor_link, methodName)); } myEpilog.addItem(BR).addItem(BR); ChainIterable<String> formatted = new ChainIterable<String>(); ChainIterable<String> unformatted = new ChainIterable<String>(); addFormattedDocString(pyFunction, inheritedDoc, formatted, unformatted); myEpilog.addWith(TagCode, formatted).add(unformatted); notFound = false; break; } } } if (notFound) { // above could have not worked because inheritance is not searched down to 'object'. // for well-known methods, copy built-in doc string. // TODO: also handle predefined __xxx__ that are not part of 'object'. if (PyNames.UnderscoredAttributes.contains(methodName)) { addPredefinedMethodDoc(pyFunction, methodName); } } }
private boolean buildFromProperty( PsiElement elementDefinition, @Nullable final PsiElement outerElement, @NotNull final TypeEvalContext context) { if (myOriginalElement == null) { return false; } final String elementName = myOriginalElement.getText(); if (!PyNames.isIdentifier(elementName)) { return false; } if (!(outerElement instanceof PyQualifiedExpression)) { return false; } final PyExpression qualifier = ((PyQualifiedExpression) outerElement).getQualifier(); if (qualifier == null) { return false; } final PyType type = context.getType(qualifier); if (!(type instanceof PyClassType)) { return false; } final PyClass cls = ((PyClassType) type).getPyClass(); final Property property = cls.findProperty(elementName, true, null); if (property == null) { return false; } final AccessDirection direction = AccessDirection.of((PyElement) outerElement); final Maybe<PyCallable> accessor = property.getByDirection(direction); myProlog .addItem("property ") .addWith(TagBold, $().addWith(TagCode, $(elementName))) .addItem(" of ") .add(PythonDocumentationProvider.describeClass(cls, TagCode, true, true)); if (accessor.isDefined() && property.getDoc() != null) { myBody.addItem(": ").addItem(property.getDoc()).addItem(BR); } else { final PyCallable getter = property.getGetter().valueOrNull(); if (getter != null && getter != myElement && getter instanceof PyFunction) { // not in getter, getter's doc comment may be useful final PyStringLiteralExpression docstring = ((PyFunction) getter).getDocStringExpression(); if (docstring != null) { myProlog .addItem(BR) .addWith(TagItalic, $("Copied from getter:")) .addItem(BR) .addItem(docstring.getStringValue()); } } myBody.addItem(BR); } myBody.addItem(BR); if (accessor.isDefined() && accessor.value() == null) elementDefinition = null; final String accessorKind = getAccessorKind(direction); if (elementDefinition != null) { myEpilog.addWith(TagSmall, $(BR, BR, accessorKind, " of property")).addItem(BR); } if (!(elementDefinition instanceof PyDocStringOwner)) { myBody .addWith( TagItalic, elementDefinition != null ? $("Declaration: ") : $(accessorKind + " is not defined.")) .addItem(BR); if (elementDefinition != null) { myBody.addItem(combUp(PyUtil.getReadableRepr(elementDefinition, false))); } } return true; }