public int doEndTag() throws JspException { ViewBean vb = getParentViewBean(); NonSyncStringBuffer buffer = new NonSyncStringBuffer(); buffer.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""); buffer .append(AuthViewBeanBase.PAGE_ENCODING) .append("\" value=\"") .append(vb.getDisplayFieldValue("gx_charset")) .append("\">") .append("</form>"); writeOutput(buffer); return EVAL_PAGE; }
/** * performs start tag * * @return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE always * @throws JspException if request context is null */ public int doStartTag() throws JspException { reset(); Map m = getValueMap(); NonSyncStringBuffer buffer = new NonSyncStringBuffer("<form "); for (Iterator it = m.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); String val = (String) m.get(key); buffer.append(" " + key + "=\"" + val + "\""); } buffer.append(">"); writeOutput(buffer); return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; }
/** To construct the copy information string in the summary page */ private void constructCopyInfoString(SamWizardModel wizardModel) { int totalCopies = ((Integer) wizardModel.getValue(ISPolicyWizardImpl.TOTAL_COPIES)).intValue(); if (totalCopies == 0) { return; } // Grab the HashMap that contains copy information from wizardModel HashMap copyNumberHashMap = (HashMap) wizardModel.getValue(ISPolicyWizardImpl.COPY_HASHMAP); NonSyncStringBuffer buf = new NonSyncStringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < totalCopies; i++) { // Retrieve the CopyInfo data structure from the HashMap CopyInfo info = (CopyInfo) copyNumberHashMap.get(new Integer(i + 1)); if (info == null) { // won't happen continue; } ArchiveCopyGUIWrapper myWrapper = info.getCopyWrapper(); if (myWrapper == null) { // won't happen continue; } ArchivePolCriteriaCopy copy = myWrapper.getArchivePolCriteriaCopy(); ArchiveCopy archiveCopy = myWrapper.getArchiveCopy(); ArchiveVSNMap vsnMap = archiveCopy.getArchiveVSNMap(); buf.append("<b>") .append(SamUtil.getResourceString("archiving.copynumber", Integer.toString(i + 1))) .append(": </b>") .append(copy.getArchiveAge()) .append(" ") .append(SamUtil.getTimeUnitL10NString(copy.getArchiveAgeUnit())); // Comma and Media Type buf.append(", "); int mediaType = vsnMap != null ? vsnMap.getArchiveMediaType() : -1; String mediaTypeString; if (mediaType < 0) { mediaTypeString = SamUtil.getResourceString("common.mediatype.unknown"); } else if (mediaType == BaseDevice.MTYPE_DISK) { mediaTypeString = SamUtil.getResourceString("common.mediatype.disk"); } else { mediaTypeString = SamUtil.getMediaTypeString(mediaType); } buf.append(mediaTypeString); if (i % 2 == 1) { buf.append("<br>"); } else { buf.append(" "); } } ((CCStaticTextField) getChild(COPY_INFO)).setValue(buf.toString()); }