public String getReportText() { final Element rootElement = new Element("root"); rootElement.setAttribute("isBackward", String.valueOf(!myForward)); final List<PsiFile> files = new ArrayList<PsiFile>(myDependencies.keySet()); Collections.sort( files, new Comparator<PsiFile>() { @Override public int compare(PsiFile f1, PsiFile f2) { final VirtualFile virtualFile1 = f1.getVirtualFile(); final VirtualFile virtualFile2 = f2.getVirtualFile(); if (virtualFile1 != null && virtualFile2 != null) { return virtualFile1.getPath().compareToIgnoreCase(virtualFile2.getPath()); } return 0; } }); for (PsiFile file : files) { final Element fileElement = new Element("file"); fileElement.setAttribute("path", file.getVirtualFile().getPath()); for (PsiFile dep : myDependencies.get(file)) { Element depElement = new Element("dependency"); depElement.setAttribute("path", dep.getVirtualFile().getPath()); fileElement.addContent(depElement); } rootElement.addContent(fileElement); } PathMacroManager.getInstance(myProject).collapsePaths(rootElement); return JDOMUtil.writeDocument(new Document(rootElement), SystemProperties.getLineSeparator()); }
@Override @NotNull public List<Usage> getSortedUsages() { List<Usage> usages = new ArrayList<Usage>(getUsages()); Collections.sort(usages, USAGE_COMPARATOR); return usages; }
private void fillList(final HighlightSeverity severity) { DefaultListModel model = new DefaultListModel(); model.removeAllElements(); final List<SeverityBasedTextAttributes> infoTypes = new ArrayList<SeverityBasedTextAttributes>(); infoTypes.addAll(SeverityUtil.getRegisteredHighlightingInfoTypes(mySeverityRegistrar)); Collections.sort( infoTypes, new Comparator<SeverityBasedTextAttributes>() { @Override public int compare( SeverityBasedTextAttributes attributes1, SeverityBasedTextAttributes attributes2) { return attributes1.getSeverity(), attributes2.getSeverity()); } }); SeverityBasedTextAttributes preselection = null; for (SeverityBasedTextAttributes type : infoTypes) { model.addElement(type); if (type.getSeverity().equals(severity)) { preselection = type; } } myOptionsList.setModel(model); myOptionsList.setSelectedValue(preselection, true); }
private void processDependencies( final Set<PsiFile> searchIn, final Set<PsiFile> searchFor, Processor<List<PsiFile>> processor) { if (myTransitiveBorder == 0) return; Set<PsiFile> initialSearchFor = new HashSet<PsiFile>(searchFor); for (DependenciesBuilder builder : myBuilders) { for (PsiFile from : searchIn) { for (PsiFile to : initialSearchFor) { final List<List<PsiFile>> paths = builder.findPaths(from, to); Collections.sort( paths, new Comparator<List<PsiFile>>() { public int compare(final List<PsiFile> p1, final List<PsiFile> p2) { return p1.size() - p2.size(); } }); for (List<PsiFile> path : paths) { if (!path.isEmpty()) { path.add(0, from); path.add(to); if (!processor.process(path)) return; } } } } } }
private static UsageGroupingRule[] getActiveGroupingRules(final Project project) { final UsageGroupingRuleProvider[] providers = Extensions.getExtensions(UsageGroupingRuleProvider.EP_NAME); List<UsageGroupingRule> list = new ArrayList<UsageGroupingRule>(providers.length); for (UsageGroupingRuleProvider provider : providers) { ContainerUtil.addAll(list, provider.getActiveRules(project)); } Collections.sort( list, new Comparator<UsageGroupingRule>() { @Override public int compare(final UsageGroupingRule o1, final UsageGroupingRule o2) { return getRank(o1) - getRank(o2); } private int getRank(final UsageGroupingRule rule) { if (rule instanceof OrderableUsageGroupingRule) { return ((OrderableUsageGroupingRule) rule).getRank(); } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } }); return list.toArray(new UsageGroupingRule[list.size()]); }
private MyTableModel() { myAll = Registry.getAll(); Collections.sort( myAll, new Comparator<RegistryValue>() { public int compare(RegistryValue o1, RegistryValue o2) { return o1.getKey().compareTo(o2.getKey()); } }); }
private static void sortNode(ParentNode node, final Comparator<ElementNode> sortComparator) { ArrayList<MemberNode> arrayList = new ArrayList<MemberNode>(); Enumeration<MemberNode> children = node.children(); while (children.hasMoreElements()) { arrayList.add(children.nextElement()); } Collections.sort(arrayList, sortComparator); replaceChildren(node, arrayList); }
ObjectWithWeight(Object element, String pattern, SpeedSearchComparator comparator) { this.node = element; final String text = getElementText(element); if (text != null) { final Iterable<TextRange> ranges = comparator.matchingFragments(pattern, text); if (ranges != null) { for (TextRange range : ranges) { weights.add(range); } } } Collections.sort(weights, TEXT_RANGE_COMPARATOR); }
protected void restoreTree() { Pair<ElementNode, List<ElementNode>> selection = storeSelection(); DefaultMutableTreeNode root = getRootNode(); if (!myShowClasses || myContainerNodes.isEmpty()) { List<ParentNode> otherObjects = new ArrayList<ParentNode>(); Enumeration<ParentNode> children = getRootNodeChildren(); ParentNode newRoot = new ParentNode( null, new MemberChooserObjectBase(getAllContainersNodeName()), new Ref<Integer>(0)); while (children.hasMoreElements()) { final ParentNode nextElement = children.nextElement(); if (nextElement instanceof ContainerNode) { final ContainerNode containerNode = (ContainerNode) nextElement; Enumeration<MemberNode> memberNodes = containerNode.children(); List<MemberNode> memberNodesList = new ArrayList<MemberNode>(); while (memberNodes.hasMoreElements()) { memberNodesList.add(memberNodes.nextElement()); } for (MemberNode memberNode : memberNodesList) { newRoot.add(memberNode); } } else { otherObjects.add(nextElement); } } replaceChildren(root, otherObjects); sortNode(newRoot, myComparator); if (newRoot.children().hasMoreElements()) root.add(newRoot); } else { Enumeration<ParentNode> children = getRootNodeChildren(); while (children.hasMoreElements()) { ParentNode allClassesNode = children.nextElement(); Enumeration<MemberNode> memberNodes = allClassesNode.children(); ArrayList<MemberNode> arrayList = new ArrayList<MemberNode>(); while (memberNodes.hasMoreElements()) { arrayList.add(memberNodes.nextElement()); } Collections.sort(arrayList, myComparator); for (MemberNode memberNode : arrayList) { myNodeToParentMap.get(memberNode).add(memberNode); } } replaceChildren(root, myContainerNodes); } myTreeModel.nodeStructureChanged(root); defaultExpandTree(); restoreSelection(selection); }
private static void sortInjections(final List<BaseInjection> injections) { Collections.sort( injections, new Comparator<BaseInjection>() { public int compare(final BaseInjection o1, final BaseInjection o2) { final int support =, o2.getSupportId()); if (support != 0) return support; final int lang =, o2.getInjectedLanguageId()); if (lang != 0) return lang; return, o2.getDisplayName()); } }); }
@Nullable private Object findClosestTo(PsiElement path, ArrayList<ObjectWithWeight> paths) { if (path == null || myInitialPsiElement == null) { return paths.get(0).node; } final Set<PsiElement> parents = getAllParents(myInitialPsiElement); ArrayList<ObjectWithWeight> cur = new ArrayList<ObjectWithWeight>(); int max = -1; for (ObjectWithWeight p : paths) { final Object last = ((TreePath) p.node).getLastPathComponent(); final List<PsiElement> elements = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(); final Object object = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) last).getUserObject(); if (object instanceof FilteringTreeStructure.FilteringNode) { FilteringTreeStructure.FilteringNode node = (FilteringTreeStructure.FilteringNode) object; FilteringTreeStructure.FilteringNode candidate = node; while (node != null) { elements.add(getPsi(node)); node = node.getParentNode(); } final int size = ContainerUtil.intersection(parents, elements).size(); if (size == elements.size() - 1 && size == parents.size() - (myInitialNodeIsLeaf ? 1 : 0) && candidate.children().isEmpty()) { return p.node; } if (size > max) { max = size; cur.clear(); cur.add(p); } else if (size == max) { cur.add(p); } } } Collections.sort( cur, new Comparator<ObjectWithWeight>() { @Override public int compare(ObjectWithWeight o1, ObjectWithWeight o2) { final int i = o1.compareWith(o2); return i != 0 ? i : ((TreePath) o2.node).getPathCount() - ((TreePath) o1.node).getPathCount(); } }); return cur.isEmpty() ? null : cur.get(0).node; }
private void sortChildren(CheckedTreeNode node) { final int childCount = node.getChildCount(); if (childCount == 0) { return; } final List<CheckedTreeNode> children = new ArrayList<CheckedTreeNode>(childCount); for (int idx = 0; idx < childCount; idx++) { children.add((CheckedTreeNode) node.getChildAt(idx)); } for (CheckedTreeNode child : children) { sortChildren(child); child.removeFromParent(); } Collections.sort(children, myNodeComparator); for (CheckedTreeNode child : children) { node.add(child); } }
@NotNull private static List<UsageNode> collectData( @NotNull List<Usage> usages, @NotNull Collection<UsageNode> visibleNodes, @NotNull UsageViewImpl usageView, @NotNull UsageViewPresentation presentation) { @NotNull List<UsageNode> data = new ArrayList<UsageNode>(); int filtered = filtered(usages, usageView); if (filtered != 0) { data.add(createStringNode(UsageViewBundle.message("usages.were.filtered.out", filtered))); } data.addAll(visibleNodes); if (data.isEmpty()) { String progressText = UsageViewManagerImpl.getProgressTitle(presentation); data.add(createStringNode(progressText)); } Collections.sort(data, USAGE_NODE_COMPARATOR); return data; }
@Override public Configurable[] getConfigurables() { if (myConfigurables == null) { final ArrayList<Configurable> configurables = new ArrayList<Configurable>(); for (LanguageInjectionSupport support : InjectorUtils.getActiveInjectionSupports()) { ContainerUtil.addAll(configurables, support.createSettings(myProject, myConfiguration)); } Collections.sort( configurables, new Comparator<Configurable>() { public int compare(final Configurable o1, final Configurable o2) { return, o2.getDisplayName()); } }); myConfigurables = configurables.toArray(new Configurable[configurables.size()]); } return myConfigurables; }
private MyExistLocalesListModel() { myLocales = new ArrayList<>(); myLocales.add(PropertiesUtil.DEFAULT_LOCALE); PropertiesReferenceManager.getInstance(myProject) .processPropertiesFiles( GlobalSearchScope.projectScope(myProject), new PropertiesFileProcessor() { @Override public boolean process(String baseName, PropertiesFile propertiesFile) { final Locale locale = propertiesFile.getLocale(); if (locale != PropertiesUtil.DEFAULT_LOCALE && !myLocales.contains(locale)) { myLocales.add(locale); } return true; } }, BundleNameEvaluator.DEFAULT); Collections.sort(myLocales, LOCALE_COMPARATOR); }
private static TreeNode groupAndSortArchetypes(Set<MavenArchetype> archetypes) { List<MavenArchetype> list = new ArrayList<MavenArchetype>(archetypes); Collections.sort( list, new Comparator<MavenArchetype>() { public int compare(MavenArchetype o1, MavenArchetype o2) { String key1 = o1.groupId + ":" + o1.artifactId; String key2 = o2.groupId + ":" + o2.artifactId; int result = key1.compareToIgnoreCase(key2); if (result != 0) return result; return o2.version.compareToIgnoreCase(o1.version); } }); Map<String, List<MavenArchetype>> map = new TreeMap<String, List<MavenArchetype>>(); for (MavenArchetype each : list) { String key = each.groupId + ":" + each.artifactId; List<MavenArchetype> versions = map.get(key); if (versions == null) { versions = new ArrayList<MavenArchetype>(); map.put(key, versions); } versions.add(each); } DefaultMutableTreeNode result = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("root", true); for (List<MavenArchetype> each : map.values()) { MavenArchetype eachArchetype = each.get(0); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(eachArchetype, true); for (MavenArchetype eachVersion : each) { DefaultMutableTreeNode versionNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(eachVersion, false); node.add(versionNode); } result.add(node); } return result; }
private void rulesChanged() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); final ArrayList<UsageState> states = new ArrayList<UsageState>(); captureUsagesExpandState(new TreePath(myTree.getModel().getRoot()), states); final List<Usage> allUsages = new ArrayList<Usage>(myUsageNodes.keySet()); Collections.sort(allUsages, USAGE_COMPARATOR); final Set<Usage> excludedUsages = getExcludedUsages(); reset(); myBuilder.setGroupingRules(getActiveGroupingRules(myProject)); myBuilder.setFilteringRules(getActiveFilteringRules(myProject)); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Usage usage : allUsages) { if (!usage.isValid()) { continue; } if (usage instanceof MergeableUsage) { ((MergeableUsage) usage).reset(); } appendUsage(usage); } } }); excludeUsages(excludedUsages.toArray(new Usage[excludedUsages.size()])); if (myCentralPanel != null) { setupCentralPanel(); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isDisposed) return; restoreUsageExpandState(states); updateImmediately(); } }); }
private MyTableModel() { myAll = Registry.getAll(); final List<String> recent = getRecent(); Collections.sort( myAll, new Comparator<RegistryValue>() { @Override public int compare(@NotNull RegistryValue o1, @NotNull RegistryValue o2) { final String key1 = o1.getKey(); final String key2 = o2.getKey(); final int i1 = recent.indexOf(key1); final int i2 = recent.indexOf(key2); final boolean c1 = i1 != -1; final boolean c2 = i2 != -1; if (c1 && !c2) return -1; if (!c1 && c2) return 1; if (c1 && c2) return i1 - i2; return key1.compareToIgnoreCase(key2); } }); }
public void sort(Comparator<T> comparator) { Collections.sort(myElements, comparator); fireTableDataChanged(); }
public void setChangeLists(Collection<? extends ChangeList> changeLists) { List<ChangeList> list = new ArrayList<ChangeList>(changeLists); Collections.sort(list, CHANGE_LIST_COMPARATOR); myExistingListsCombo.setModel(new CollectionComboBoxModel(list, null)); }
private void updateDirectories(boolean updateFileCombo) { final Module module = getModule(); List<VirtualFile> valuesDirs = Collections.emptyList(); if (module != null) { final AndroidFacet facet = AndroidFacet.getInstance(module); if (facet != null) { myResourceDir = AndroidRootUtil.getResourceDir(facet); if (myResourceDir != null) { valuesDirs = AndroidResourceUtil.getResourceSubdirs( ResourceFolderType.VALUES.getName(), new VirtualFile[] {myResourceDir}); } } } Collections.sort( valuesDirs, new Comparator<VirtualFile>() { @Override public int compare(VirtualFile f1, VirtualFile f2) { return f1.getName().compareTo(f2.getName()); } }); final Map<String, JCheckBox> oldCheckBoxes = myCheckBoxes; final int selectedIndex = myDirectoriesList.getSelectedIndex(); final String selectedDirName = selectedIndex >= 0 ? myDirNames[selectedIndex] : null; final List<JCheckBox> checkBoxList = new ArrayList<JCheckBox>(); myCheckBoxes = new HashMap<String, JCheckBox>(); myDirNames = new String[valuesDirs.size()]; int newSelectedIndex = -1; int i = 0; for (VirtualFile dir : valuesDirs) { final String dirName = dir.getName(); final JCheckBox oldCheckBox = oldCheckBoxes.get(dirName); final boolean selected = oldCheckBox != null && oldCheckBox.isSelected(); final JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox(dirName, selected); checkBoxList.add(checkBox); myCheckBoxes.put(dirName, checkBox); myDirNames[i] = dirName; if (dirName.equals(selectedDirName)) { newSelectedIndex = i; } i++; } myDirectoriesList.setModel(new CollectionListModel<JCheckBox>(checkBoxList)); if (newSelectedIndex >= 0) { myDirectoriesList.setSelectedIndex(newSelectedIndex); } if (checkBoxList.size() == 1) { checkBoxList.get(0).setSelected(true); } if (updateFileCombo) { final Object oldItem = myFileNameCombo.getEditor().getItem(); final Set<String> fileNameSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (VirtualFile valuesDir : valuesDirs) { for (VirtualFile file : valuesDir.getChildren()) { fileNameSet.add(file.getName()); } } final List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<String>(fileNameSet); Collections.sort(fileNames); myFileNameCombo.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(fileNames.toArray())); myFileNameCombo.getEditor().setItem(oldItem); } }
@Nullable private DependencyOnPlugin editPluginDependency( @NotNull JComponent parent, @NotNull final DependencyOnPlugin original) { List<String> pluginIds = new ArrayList<String>(getPluginNameByIdMap().keySet()); if (!original.getPluginId().isEmpty() && !pluginIds.contains(original.getPluginId())) { pluginIds.add(original.getPluginId()); } Collections.sort( pluginIds, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return getPluginNameById(o1).compareToIgnoreCase(getPluginNameById(o2)); } }); final ComboBox pluginChooser = new ComboBox(ArrayUtilRt.toStringArray(pluginIds), 250); pluginChooser.setRenderer( new ListCellRendererWrapper<String>() { @Override public void customize( JList list, String value, int index, boolean selected, boolean hasFocus) { setText(getPluginNameById(value)); } }); new ComboboxSpeedSearch(pluginChooser) { @Override protected String getElementText(Object element) { return getPluginNameById((String) element); } }; pluginChooser.setSelectedItem(original.getPluginId()); final JBTextField minVersionField = new JBTextField(StringUtil.notNullize(original.getMinVersion())); final JBTextField maxVersionField = new JBTextField(StringUtil.notNullize(original.getMaxVersion())); final JBTextField channelField = new JBTextField(StringUtil.notNullize(original.getChannel())); minVersionField.getEmptyText().setText("<any>"); minVersionField.setColumns(10); maxVersionField.getEmptyText().setText("<any>"); maxVersionField.setColumns(10); channelField.setColumns(10); JPanel panel = FormBuilder.createFormBuilder() .addLabeledComponent("Plugin:", pluginChooser) .addLabeledComponent("Minimum version:", minVersionField) .addLabeledComponent("Maximum version:", maxVersionField) .addLabeledComponent("Channel:", channelField) .getPanel(); final DialogBuilder dialogBuilder = new DialogBuilder(parent).title("Required Plugin").centerPanel(panel); dialogBuilder.setPreferredFocusComponent(pluginChooser); pluginChooser.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dialogBuilder.setOkActionEnabled( !StringUtil.isEmpty((String) pluginChooser.getSelectedItem())); } }); if ( == DialogWrapper.OK_EXIT_CODE) { return new DependencyOnPlugin( ((String) pluginChooser.getSelectedItem()), StringUtil.nullize(minVersionField.getText().trim()), StringUtil.nullize(maxVersionField.getText().trim()), StringUtil.nullize(channelField.getText().trim())); } return null; }
private void createActions(ToolbarDecorator decorator) { final Consumer<BaseInjection> consumer = new Consumer<BaseInjection>() { public void consume(final BaseInjection injection) { addInjection(injection); } }; final Factory<BaseInjection> producer = new NullableFactory<BaseInjection>() { public BaseInjection create() { final InjInfo info = getSelectedInjection(); return info == null ? null : info.injection; } }; for (LanguageInjectionSupport support : InjectorUtils.getActiveInjectionSupports()) { ContainerUtil.addAll(myAddActions, support.createAddActions(myProject, consumer)); final AnAction action = support.createEditAction(myProject, producer); myEditActions.put( support.getId(), action == null ? AbstractLanguageInjectionSupport.createDefaultEditAction(myProject, producer) : action); mySupports.put(support.getId(), support); } Collections.sort( myAddActions, new Comparator<AnAction>() { public int compare(final AnAction o1, final AnAction o2) { return o1.getTemplatePresentation().getText(), o2.getTemplatePresentation().getText()); } }); decorator.disableUpDownActions(); decorator.setAddActionUpdater( new AnActionButtonUpdater() { @Override public boolean isEnabled(AnActionEvent e) { return !myAddActions.isEmpty(); } }); decorator.setAddAction( new AnActionButtonRunnable() { @Override public void run(AnActionButton button) { performAdd(button); } }); decorator.setRemoveActionUpdater( new AnActionButtonUpdater() { @Override public boolean isEnabled(AnActionEvent e) { boolean enabled = false; for (InjInfo info : getSelectedInjections()) { if (!info.bundled) { enabled = true; break; } } return enabled; } }); decorator.setRemoveAction( new AnActionButtonRunnable() { @Override public void run(AnActionButton button) { performRemove(); } }); decorator.setEditActionUpdater( new AnActionButtonUpdater() { @Override public boolean isEnabled(AnActionEvent e) { AnAction edit = getEditAction(); if (edit != null) edit.update(e); return edit != null && edit.getTemplatePresentation().isEnabled(); } }); decorator.setEditAction( new AnActionButtonRunnable() { @Override public void run(AnActionButton button) { performEditAction(); } }); decorator.addExtraAction( new DumbAwareActionButton("Duplicate", "Duplicate", PlatformIcons.COPY_ICON) { @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return getEditAction() != null; } @Override public void actionPerformed(@NotNull AnActionEvent e) { final InjInfo injection = getSelectedInjection(); if (injection != null) { addInjection(injection.injection.copy()); // performEditAction(e); } } }); decorator.addExtraAction( new DumbAwareActionButton( "Enable Selected Injections", "Enable Selected Injections", PlatformIcons.SELECT_ALL_ICON) { @Override public void actionPerformed(@NotNull final AnActionEvent e) { performSelectedInjectionsEnabled(true); } }); decorator.addExtraAction( new DumbAwareActionButton( "Disable Selected Injections", "Disable Selected Injections", PlatformIcons.UNSELECT_ALL_ICON) { @Override public void actionPerformed(@NotNull final AnActionEvent e) { performSelectedInjectionsEnabled(false); } }); new DumbAwareAction("Toggle") { @Override public void update(@NotNull AnActionEvent e) { SpeedSearchSupply supply = SpeedSearchSupply.getSupply(myInjectionsTable); e.getPresentation().setEnabled(supply == null || !supply.isPopupActive()); } @Override public void actionPerformed(@NotNull final AnActionEvent e) { performToggleAction(); } }.registerCustomShortcutSet( new CustomShortcutSet(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE, 0)), myInjectionsTable); if (myInfos.length > 1) { AnActionButton shareAction = new DumbAwareActionButton("Move to IDE Scope", null, PlatformIcons.IMPORT_ICON) { { addCustomUpdater( new AnActionButtonUpdater() { @Override public boolean isEnabled(AnActionEvent e) { CfgInfo cfg = getTargetCfgInfo(getSelectedInjections()); e.getPresentation() .setText( cfg == getDefaultCfgInfo() ? "Move to IDE Scope" : "Move to Project Scope"); return cfg != null; } }); } @Override public void actionPerformed(@NotNull final AnActionEvent e) { final List<InjInfo> injections = getSelectedInjections(); final CfgInfo cfg = getTargetCfgInfo(injections); if (cfg == null) return; for (InjInfo info : injections) { if (info.cfgInfo == cfg) continue; if (info.bundled) continue; info.cfgInfo.injectionInfos.remove(info); cfg.addInjection(info.injection); } final int[] selectedRows = myInjectionsTable.getSelectedRows(); myInjectionsTable.getListTableModel().setItems(getInjInfoList(myInfos)); TableUtil.selectRows(myInjectionsTable, selectedRows); } @Nullable private CfgInfo getTargetCfgInfo(final List<InjInfo> injections) { CfgInfo cfg = null; for (InjInfo info : injections) { if (info.bundled) { continue; } if (cfg == null) cfg = info.cfgInfo; else if (cfg != info.cfgInfo) return info.cfgInfo; } if (cfg == null) return null; for (CfgInfo info : myInfos) { if (info != cfg) return info; } throw new AssertionError(); } }; shareAction.setShortcut( new CustomShortcutSet( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE, InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK))); decorator.addExtraAction(shareAction); } decorator.addExtraAction( new DumbAwareActionButton("Import", "Import", AllIcons.Actions.Install) { @Override public void actionPerformed(@NotNull final AnActionEvent e) { doImportAction(e.getDataContext()); updateCountLabel(); } }); decorator.addExtraAction( new DumbAwareActionButton("Export", "Export", AllIcons.Actions.Export) { @Override public void actionPerformed(@NotNull final AnActionEvent e) { final List<BaseInjection> injections = getInjectionList(getSelectedInjections()); final VirtualFileWrapper wrapper = FileChooserFactory.getInstance() .createSaveFileDialog( new FileSaverDescriptor("Export Selected Injections to File...", "", "xml"), myProject) .save(null, null); if (wrapper == null) return; final Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setInjections(injections); final Document document = new Document(configuration.getState()); try { JDOMUtil.writeDocument(document, wrapper.getFile(), "\n"); } catch (IOException ex) { final String msg = ex.getLocalizedMessage(); Messages.showErrorDialog( myProject, msg != null && msg.length() > 0 ? msg : ex.toString(), "Export Failed"); } } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return !getSelectedInjections().isEmpty(); } }); }