public String[] knownNamespaces() { final PsiElement parentElement = getParent(); BidirectionalMap<String, String> map = initNamespaceMaps(parentElement); Set<String> known = Collections.emptySet(); if (map != null) { known = new HashSet<String>(map.values()); } if (parentElement instanceof XmlTag) { if (known.isEmpty()) return ((XmlTag) parentElement).knownNamespaces(); ContainerUtil.addAll(known, ((XmlTag) parentElement).knownNamespaces()); } else { XmlExtension xmlExtension = XmlExtension.getExtensionByElement(this); if (xmlExtension != null) { final XmlFile xmlFile = xmlExtension.getContainingFile(this); if (xmlFile != null) { final XmlTag rootTag = xmlFile.getRootTag(); if (rootTag != null && rootTag != this) { if (known.isEmpty()) return rootTag.knownNamespaces(); ContainerUtil.addAll(known, rootTag.knownNamespaces()); } } } } return ArrayUtil.toStringArray(known); }
public AntHectorConfigurable(XmlFile file) { myFile = file; myProject = file.getProject(); final VirtualFile selfVFile = myFile.getVirtualFile(); myLocalPath = PathUtil.getLocalPath(selfVFile); myFileFilter = GlobalSearchScope.projectScope(myProject); }
public Object[] get(final PsiElement context, CompletionContext completionContext) { XmlFile containingFile = null; XmlFile descriptorFile = null; final XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(context, XmlTag.class); if (tag != null) { containingFile = (XmlFile) tag.getContainingFile(); descriptorFile = findDescriptorFile(tag, containingFile); } else { final XmlDocument document = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(context, XmlDocument.class); if (document != null) { containingFile = (XmlFile) document.getContainingFile(); final FileType ft = containingFile.getFileType(); if (ft != StdFileTypes.XML) { final String namespace = ft == StdFileTypes.XHTML || ft == StdFileTypes.JSPX ? XmlUtil.XHTML_URI : XmlUtil.HTML_URI; final XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = document.getDefaultNSDescriptor(namespace, true); if (nsDescriptor != null) { descriptorFile = nsDescriptor.getDescriptorFile(); } } } } if (descriptorFile != null) { final List<Object> results = new ArrayList<Object>(); final boolean acceptSystemEntities = containingFile.getFileType() == StdFileTypes.XML; final PsiElementProcessor processor = new PsiElementProcessor() { public boolean execute(@NotNull final PsiElement element) { if (element instanceof XmlEntityDecl) { final XmlEntityDecl xmlEntityDecl = (XmlEntityDecl) element; if (xmlEntityDecl.isInternalReference() || acceptSystemEntities) { final String name = xmlEntityDecl.getName(); final Object _item = getLookupItem(xmlEntityDecl); results.add(_item == null ? name : _item); } } return true; } }; XmlUtil.processXmlElements(descriptorFile, processor, true); if (descriptorFile != containingFile && containingFile.getFileType() == StdFileTypes.XML) { final XmlProlog element = containingFile.getDocument().getProlog(); if (element != null) XmlUtil.processXmlElements(element, processor, true); } return ArrayUtil.toObjectArray(results); } return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY; }
public static DomFileEditor createDomFileEditor( final String name, @Nullable final Icon icon, final DomElement element, final Factory<? extends CommittablePanel> committablePanel) { final XmlFile file = DomUtil.getFile(element); final Factory<BasicDomElementComponent> factory = new Factory<BasicDomElementComponent>() { @Override public BasicDomElementComponent create() { CaptionComponent captionComponent = new CaptionComponent(name, icon); captionComponent.initErrorPanel(element); BasicDomElementComponent component = createComponentWithCaption(committablePanel.create(), captionComponent, element); Disposer.register(component, captionComponent); return component; } }; return new DomFileEditor<BasicDomElementComponent>( file.getProject(), file.getVirtualFile(), name, factory) { @Override public JComponent getPreferredFocusedComponent() { return null; } }; }
@NotNull private static XmlFileHeader calcXmlFileHeader(final XmlFile file) { if (file instanceof PsiFileEx && ((PsiFileEx) file).isContentsLoaded() && file.getNode().isParsed()) { return computeHeaderByPsi(file); } if (!XmlUtil.isStubBuilding() && file.getFileType() == XmlFileType.INSTANCE) { VirtualFile virtualFile = file.getVirtualFile(); if (virtualFile instanceof VirtualFileWithId) { ObjectStubTree tree = StubTreeLoader.getInstance().readFromVFile(file.getProject(), virtualFile); if (tree != null) { Stub root = tree.getRoot(); if (root instanceof FileStub) { return ((FileStub) root).getHeader(); } } } } if (!file.isValid()) return XmlFileHeader.EMPTY; return NanoXmlUtil.parseHeader(file); }
/** * TODO: this method should be removed when find by xpath is ready, and currently works fine only * with one attribute * * @return */ @NotNull public static List<XmlTag> findTagInFile( @NotNull XmlFile xmlFile, @NotNull String nodeName, Map<String, String> attributes) { List<XmlTag> xmlTags = new ArrayList<XmlTag>(); // XmlTag rootTag = xmlFile.getRootTag(); // xmlFile.getDocument().getManager(); String xmlText = xmlFile.getText(); // final XPathSupport support = XPathSupport.getInstance(); String regex = "<" + nodeName + "[\\s>]+.*?"; if (attributes != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { String attrName = entry.getKey(); String attrValue = entry.getValue(); regex += attrName + "\\s*" + "=\\s*\"" + attrValue + "\"\\s*"; } } Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher m = p.matcher(xmlText); List<Integer> positions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (m.find()) { positions.add(m.start()); } for (Integer position : positions) { PsiElement psiElement = xmlFile.findElementAt(position); XmlTag xmlTag = XmlHelper.getParentOfType(psiElement, XmlTag.class, false); if (xmlTag != null) { xmlTags.add(xmlTag); } } return xmlTags; }
@Nullable public final <T extends DomElement> DomFileElementImpl<T> getFileElement(XmlFile file) { if (file == null) return null; if (!(file.getFileType() instanceof DomSupportEnabled)) return null; final VirtualFile virtualFile = file.getVirtualFile(); if (virtualFile != null && virtualFile.isDirectory()) return null; return this.<T>getOrCreateCachedValueProvider(file).getFileElement(); }
private static void fillFromSchema(PsiFile file, ElementNames names) { if (!(file instanceof XmlFile)) return; final XmlFile f = (XmlFile) file; final XmlDocument d = f.getDocument(); if (d == null) return; final XmlTag rootTag = d.getRootTag(); if (rootTag == null) return; //noinspection unchecked names.dependencies.add(new NSDeclTracker(rootTag)); try { final Map<String, String> namespaceDeclarations = rootTag.getLocalNamespaceDeclarations(); final Collection<String> prefixes = namespaceDeclarations.keySet(); //noinspection unchecked final Set<XmlElementDescriptor> history = new THashSet<XmlElementDescriptor>(); final XmlElementFactory ef = XmlElementFactory.getInstance(file.getProject()); int noSchemaNamespaces = 0; for (String prefix : prefixes) { final String namespace = namespaceDeclarations.get(prefix); if (isIgnoredNamespace(prefix, namespace)) continue; final XmlTag tag = ef.createTagFromText("<dummy-tag xmlns='" + namespace + "' />", XMLLanguage.INSTANCE); final XmlDocument document = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(tag, XmlDocument.class); final XmlNSDescriptor rootDescriptor = tag.getNSDescriptor(tag.getNamespace(), true); if (rootDescriptor == null || (rootDescriptor instanceof XmlNSDescriptorImpl && ((XmlNSDescriptorImpl) rootDescriptor).getTag() == null) || !rootDescriptor.getDeclaration().isPhysical()) { final QName any = QNameUtil.createAnyLocalName(namespace); names.elementNames.add(any); names.attributeNames.add(any); noSchemaNamespaces++; continue; } //noinspection unchecked names.dependencies.add(rootDescriptor.getDescriptorFile()); final XmlElementDescriptor[] e = rootDescriptor.getRootElementsDescriptors(document); for (XmlElementDescriptor descriptor : e) { processElementDescriptors(descriptor, tag, names, history); } } names.validateNames = names.elementNames.size() > noSchemaNamespaces; // final QName any = QNameUtil.createAnyLocalName(""); // names.elementNames.add(any); // names.attributeNames.add(any); } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) { Logger.getInstance(XsltContextProvider.class.getName()).error(e); } }
public static XmlNSDescriptorImpl getRedefinedElementDescriptor(final XmlTag parentTag) { XmlFile file = getRedefinedElementDescriptorFile(parentTag); if (file != null) { final XmlDocument document = file.getDocument(); final PsiMetaData metaData = document != null ? document.getMetaData() : null; if (metaData instanceof XmlNSDescriptorImpl) return (XmlNSDescriptorImpl) metaData; } return null; }
@Override public boolean deannotate( @NotNull final PsiModifierListOwner listOwner, @NotNull final String annotationFQN) { try { final List<XmlFile> files = findExternalAnnotationsXmlFiles(listOwner); if (files == null) { return false; } for (XmlFile file : files) { if (!file.isValid()) { continue; } final XmlDocument document = file.getDocument(); if (document == null) { continue; } final XmlTag rootTag = document.getRootTag(); if (rootTag == null) { continue; } final String externalName = getExternalName(listOwner, false); final String oldExternalName = getNormalizedExternalName(listOwner); for (final XmlTag tag : rootTag.getSubTags()) { final String className = tag.getAttributeValue("name"); if (!Comparing.strEqual(className, externalName) && !Comparing.strEqual(className, oldExternalName)) { continue; } for (XmlTag annotationTag : tag.getSubTags()) { if (!Comparing.strEqual(annotationTag.getAttributeValue("name"), annotationFQN)) { continue; } if (ReadonlyStatusHandler.getInstance(myPsiManager.getProject()) .ensureFilesWritable(file.getVirtualFile()) .hasReadonlyFiles()) { return false; } try { annotationTag.delete(); if (tag.getSubTags().length == 0) { tag.delete(); } } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) { LOG.error(e); } return true; } return false; } } return false; } finally { dropCache(); } }
private boolean isGeneratedFromDtd(XmlNSDescriptor defaultNSDescriptorInner) { if (defaultNSDescriptorInner == null) { return false; } XmlFile descriptorFile = defaultNSDescriptorInner.getDescriptorFile(); if (descriptorFile == null) { return false; } @NonNls String otherName = XmlUtil.getContainingFile(this).getName() + ".dtd"; return descriptorFile.getName().equals(otherName); }
public final <T extends DomElement> T createMockElement( final Class<T> aClass, final Module module, final boolean physical) { final XmlFile file = (XmlFile) PsiFileFactory.getInstance(myProject) .createFileFromText("a.xml", StdFileTypes.XML, "", (long) 0, physical); file.putUserData(MOCK_ELEMENT_MODULE, module); file.putUserData(MOCK, new Object()); return getFileElement( file, aClass, "I_sincerely_hope_that_nobody_will_have_such_a_root_tag_name") .getRootElement(); }
@NotNull public final <T extends DomElement> DomFileElementImpl<T> getFileElement( final XmlFile file, final Class<T> aClass, String rootTagName) { //noinspection unchecked if (file.getUserData(MOCK_DESCRIPTION) == null) { file.putUserData(MOCK_DESCRIPTION, new MockDomFileDescription<T>(aClass, rootTagName, file)); mySemService.clearCache(); } final DomFileElementImpl<T> fileElement = getFileElement(file); assert fileElement != null; return fileElement; }
@Nullable private <T> T processSchema(String schema, SchemaProcessor<T> processor) { VirtualFile file = MavenSchemaProvider.getSchemaFile(schema); PsiFile psiFile = PsiManager.getInstance(myProject).findFile(file); if (!(psiFile instanceof XmlFile)) return null; XmlFile xmlFile = (XmlFile) psiFile; XmlDocument document = xmlFile.getDocument(); XmlNSDescriptor desc = (XmlNSDescriptor) document.getMetaData(); XmlElementDescriptor[] descriptors = desc.getRootElementsDescriptors(document); return doProcessSchema(descriptors, null, processor, new THashSet<XmlElementDescriptor>()); }
private void annotateExternally( @NotNull final VirtualFile file, @NotNull final PsiModifierListOwner listOwner, @NotNull Project project, @NotNull final String packageName, final VirtualFile virtualFile, @NotNull final String annotationFQName, @NotNull final PsiFile fromFile, final PsiNameValuePair[] value) { final XmlFile[] annotationsXml = new XmlFile[1]; List<XmlFile> xmlFiles = findExternalAnnotationsXmlFiles(listOwner); if (xmlFiles != null) { for (XmlFile xmlFile : xmlFiles) { final VirtualFile vXmlFile = xmlFile.getVirtualFile(); assert vXmlFile != null; if (VfsUtilCore.isAncestor(file, vXmlFile, false)) { annotationsXml[0] = xmlFile; if (!CodeInsightUtilBase.preparePsiElementForWrite(xmlFile)) return; } } } else { xmlFiles = new ArrayList<XmlFile>(); } final List<PsiFile> annotationFiles = new ArrayList<PsiFile>(xmlFiles); new WriteCommandAction(project) { @Override protected void run(final Result result) throws Throwable { if (annotationsXml[0] == null) { annotationsXml[0] = createAnnotationsXml(file, packageName); } if (annotationsXml[0] != null) { annotationFiles.add(annotationsXml[0]); myExternalAnnotations.put(getFQN(packageName, virtualFile), annotationFiles); annotateExternally(listOwner, annotationFQName, annotationsXml[0], fromFile, value); } } }.execute(); UndoManager.getInstance(project) .undoableActionPerformed( new BasicUndoableAction() { @Override public void undo() throws UnexpectedUndoException { dropCache(); } @Override public void redo() throws UnexpectedUndoException { dropCache(); } }); }
public static XmlFile findDescriptorFile(final XmlTag tag, final XmlFile containingFile) { final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = tag.getDescriptor(); final XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = descriptor != null ? descriptor.getNSDescriptor() : null; XmlFile descriptorFile = nsDescriptor != null ? nsDescriptor.getDescriptorFile() : containingFile.getDocument().getProlog().getDoctype() != null ? containingFile : null; if (nsDescriptor != null && (descriptorFile == null || descriptorFile.getName().equals(containingFile.getName() + ".dtd"))) { descriptorFile = containingFile; } return descriptorFile; }
@Nullable private static XmlFile findXmlFileInRoot( @Nullable List<XmlFile> xmlFiles, @NotNull VirtualFile root) { if (xmlFiles != null) { for (XmlFile xmlFile : xmlFiles) { VirtualFile vf = xmlFile.getVirtualFile(); if (vf != null) { if (VfsUtilCore.isAncestor(root, vf, false)) { return xmlFile; } } } } return null; }
private static boolean processTagsInNamespaceInner( @NotNull final XmlTag rootTag, final String[] tagNames, final PsiElementProcessor<XmlTag> processor, Set<XmlTag> visitedTags) { if (visitedTags == null) visitedTags = new HashSet<XmlTag>(3); else if (visitedTags.contains(rootTag)) return true; visitedTags.add(rootTag); XmlTag[] tags = rootTag.getSubTags(); NextTag: for (XmlTag tag : tags) { for (String tagName : tagNames) { if (equalsToSchemaName(tag, tagName)) { final String name = tag.getAttributeValue("name"); if (name != null) { if (!processor.execute(tag)) { return false; } } continue NextTag; } } if (equalsToSchemaName(tag, INCLUDE_TAG_NAME)) { final String schemaLocation = tag.getAttributeValue("schemaLocation"); if (schemaLocation != null) { final XmlFile xmlFile = XmlUtil.findNamespaceByLocation(rootTag.getContainingFile(), schemaLocation); if (xmlFile != null) { final XmlDocument includedDocument = xmlFile.getDocument(); if (includedDocument != null) { if (!processTagsInNamespaceInner( includedDocument.getRootTag(), tagNames, processor, visitedTags)) return false; } } } } } return true; }
public void init(PsiElement element) { myFile = (XmlFile) element.getContainingFile(); if (element instanceof XmlTag) { myTag = (XmlTag) element; } else { final XmlDocument document = myFile.getDocument(); if (document != null) { myTag = document.getRootTag(); } } if (myTag != null) { myTargetNamespace = myTag.getAttributeValue("targetNamespace"); } final THashSet<PsiFile> dependenciesSet = new THashSet<PsiFile>(); final Set<PsiFile> redefineProcessingSet = myRedefinedDescriptorsInProcessing.get(); if (redefineProcessingSet != null) { dependenciesSet.addAll(redefineProcessingSet); } collectDependencies(myTag, myFile, dependenciesSet); dependencies = ArrayUtil.toObjectArray(dependenciesSet); }
@Override @NotNull public XmlFileHeader getXmlFileHeader(XmlFile file) { return file.isValid() ? ourRootTagCache.get(ROOT_TAG_NS_KEY, file, null).getValue() : XmlFileHeader.EMPTY; }
private void createNewResourceFile(ResourceType resourceType) { AndroidFacet facet = AndroidFacet.getInstance(myModule); XmlFile newFile = CreateResourceFileAction.createFileResource( facet, resourceType, null, null, null, true, null); if (newFile != null) { String name = newFile.getName(); int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index != -1) { name = name.substring(0, index); } myResultResourceName = "@" + resourceType.getName() + "/" + name; close(OK_EXIT_CODE); } }
@Nullable private PsiMetaOwner retrieveOwner(final XmlFile file, final String namespace) { if (file == null) { return namespace.equals(XmlUtil.getTargetSchemaNsFromTag(this)) ? this : null; } return file.getDocument(); }
/** * Create a variation (copy) of a given resource file (of a given type). * * @param xmlFile the XML resource file to fork * @param myNewFolder the resource folder to create, or null to ask the user * @param open if true, open the file after creating it */ public static void forkResourceFile( @NotNull final XmlFile xmlFile, @Nullable String myNewFolder, boolean open) { VirtualFile file = xmlFile.getVirtualFile(); if (file == null) { return; } Module module = AndroidPsiUtils.getModuleSafely(xmlFile); if (module == null) { return; } ResourceFolderType folderType = ResourceHelper.getFolderType(xmlFile); if (folderType == null || folderType == ResourceFolderType.VALUES) { return; } Configuration configuration = null; if (folderType == ResourceFolderType.LAYOUT) { AndroidFacet facet = AndroidFacet.getInstance(module); if (facet != null) { configuration = facet.getConfigurationManager().getConfiguration(file); } } // Suppress: IntelliJ claims folderType can be null here, but it can't (and inserting assert // folderType != null is correctly // identified as redundant) //noinspection ConstantConditions forkResourceFile(module, folderType, file, xmlFile, myNewFolder, configuration, open); }
/** * @param xmlFile * @param tagName * @param tagValue * @param path hierarchy path, this will be the parent of the new tag, ex: root/node1/node2 * @return */ public static XmlTag createTagInFile( final XmlFile xmlFile, String tagName, String tagValue, String path, Map<String, String> attributes) { XmlTag root = xmlFile.getRootTag(); String[] pathElements = path.split("/"); if (pathElements.length > 0 && pathElements[0].equals(root.getName())) { XmlTag lastExistentParent = root; String curPath = pathElements[0]; pathElements = (String[]) ArrayUtils.remove( pathElements, 0); // ArrayUtils.removeElement(pathElements, pathElements[0]); for (String curTagName : pathElements) { lastExistentParent = lastExistentParent.findFirstSubTag(curTagName); if (lastExistentParent == null) { lastExistentParent = createTagInFile(xmlFile, curTagName, "", curPath); if (lastExistentParent == null) { return null; } } curPath += "/" + curTagName; } final XmlTag newTag = lastExistentParent.createChildTag(tagName, "", tagValue, false); if (attributes != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { newTag.setAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } final XmlTag parent = lastExistentParent; Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { new WriteCommandAction.Simple( xmlFile.getProject(), "Create Xml Tag in File", xmlFile) { @Override protected void run() { // newTag = (XmlTag)parent.add(newTag); parent.addAfter(newTag, null); } }.execute(); } };; // PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(xmlFile.getProject()).commitDocument(document); return findSubTag(xmlFile, path + "/" + newTag.getName()); } else { return null; } }
public void testCopyFileDescriptionFromOriginalFile() throws Throwable { final XmlFile file = (XmlFile) createFile("a.xml", "<b>42</b>"); getDomManager() .registerFileDescription( new MockDomFileDescription<>(MyElement.class, "b", file), myDisposable); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runWriteAction( () -> { file.setName("b.xml"); }); assertTrue(getDomManager().isDomFile(file)); final XmlFile copy = (XmlFile) file.copy(); assertTrue(getDomManager().isDomFile(copy)); assertFalse(getDomManager().getFileElement(file).equals(getDomManager().getFileElement(copy))); }
@Nullable @Override public MyValidationMessageConsumer collectInformation(@NotNull final PsiFile file) { final FileType type = file.getFileType(); if (type != StdFileTypes.XML && type != RncFileType.getInstance()) { return null; } final XmlFile xmlfile = (XmlFile) file; final XmlDocument document = xmlfile.getDocument(); if (document == null) { return null; } if (type == StdFileTypes.XML) { final XmlTag rootTag = document.getRootTag(); if (rootTag == null) { return null; } if (!ApplicationLoader.RNG_NAMESPACE.equals(rootTag.getNamespace())) { return null; } } else { if (!ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode() && MyErrorFinder.hasError(xmlfile)) { return null; } } final Document doc = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(file.getProject()).getDocument(file); final MyValidationMessageConsumer consumer = new MyValidationMessageConsumer(); ErrorHandler eh = new DefaultHandler() { @Override public void warning(SAXParseException e) { handleError(e, file, doc, consumer.warning()); } @Override public void error(SAXParseException e) { handleError(e, file, doc, consumer.error()); } }; RngParser.parsePattern(file, eh, true); return consumer; }
/** * @param xmlFile * @param path absolute Path * @return */ public static XmlTag findSubTag(XmlFile xmlFile, String path) { XmlTag root = xmlFile.getRootTag(); if (root != null) { String rootName = root.getName(); String relativePath = path.substring(rootName.length() + 1); return findSubTag(root, relativePath); } return null; }
@NotNull private static XmlFile parseXmlFileInTemplate( String templateString, CustomTemplateCallback callback, boolean createPhysicalFile) { XmlFile xmlFile = (XmlFile) PsiFileFactory.getInstance(callback.getProject()) .createFileFromText( "dummy.xml", StdFileTypes.XML, templateString, LocalTimeCounter.currentTime(), createPhysicalFile); VirtualFile vFile = xmlFile.getVirtualFile(); if (vFile != null) { vFile.putUserData(UndoConstants.DONT_RECORD_UNDO, Boolean.TRUE); } return xmlFile; }
public Collection<Html5SectionTreeElement> provideNodes(final TreeElement node) { if (!(node instanceof HtmlFileTreeElement)) return Collections.emptyList(); final XmlFile xmlFile = ((HtmlFileTreeElement) node).getElement(); final XmlDocument document = xmlFile == null ? null : xmlFile.getDocument(); if (document == null) return Collections.emptyList(); final List<XmlTag> rootTags = new ArrayList<XmlTag>(); document.processElements(new FilterElementProcessor(XmlTagFilter.INSTANCE, rootTags), document); final Collection<Html5SectionTreeElement> result = new ArrayList<Html5SectionTreeElement>(); for (XmlTag tag : rootTags) { result.addAll(Html5SectionsProcessor.processAndGetRootSections(tag)); } return result; }
private Collection<SchemaTypeInfo> gatherInheritors(XmlTagImpl xml) { XmlAttribute name = getNameAttr(xml); if (name == null || StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(name.getValue())) return null; String localName = name.getValue(); final boolean hasPrefix = localName.contains(":"); localName = hasPrefix ? localName.substring(localName.indexOf(':') + 1) : localName; final String nsPrefix = hasPrefix ? name.getValue().substring(0, name.getValue().indexOf(':')) : null; final XmlFile file = XmlUtil.getContainingFile(xml); if (file == null) return null; final Project project = file.getProject(); if (project == null) return null; final Set<SchemaTypeInfo> result = new HashSet<SchemaTypeInfo>(); final ArrayDeque<SchemaTypeInfo> queue = new ArrayDeque<SchemaTypeInfo>(); String nsUri; if (!hasPrefix) { nsUri = getDefaultNs(file); } else { nsUri = XmlUtil.findNamespaceByPrefix(nsPrefix, file.getRootTag()); } if (nsUri == null) return null; queue.add(new SchemaTypeInfo(localName, true, nsUri)); final PairConvertor<String, String, List<Set<SchemaTypeInfo>>> worker = SchemaTypeInheritanceIndex.getWorker(project, file.getContainingFile().getVirtualFile()); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { final SchemaTypeInfo info = queue.removeFirst(); final List<Set<SchemaTypeInfo>> childrenOfType = worker.convert(info.getNamespaceUri(), info.getTagName()); for (Set<SchemaTypeInfo> infos : childrenOfType) { for (SchemaTypeInfo typeInfo : infos) { if (typeInfo.isIsTypeName()) { queue.add(typeInfo); } result.add(typeInfo); } } } return result; }