public class HgVcs extends AbstractVcs<CommittedChangeList> {

  public static final Topic<HgUpdater> BRANCH_TOPIC =
      new Topic<HgUpdater>("hg4idea.branch", HgUpdater.class);
  public static final Topic<HgUpdater> REMOTE_TOPIC =
      new Topic<HgUpdater>("hg4idea.remote", HgUpdater.class);
  public static final Topic<HgUpdater> STATUS_TOPIC =
      new Topic<HgUpdater>("hg4idea.status", HgUpdater.class);
  public static final Topic<HgHideableWidget> INCOMING_OUTGOING_CHECK_TOPIC =
      new Topic<HgHideableWidget>("hg4idea.incomingcheck", HgHideableWidget.class);
  private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(HgVcs.class);

  public static final String VCS_NAME = "hg4idea";
  private static final VcsKey ourKey = createKey(VCS_NAME);
  private static final int MAX_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_SIZE = 10000;

  private static final String ORIG_FILE_PATTERN = "*.orig";
  @Nullable public static final String HGENCODING = System.getenv("HGENCODING");

  private final HgChangeProvider changeProvider;
  private final HgRollbackEnvironment rollbackEnvironment;
  private final HgDiffProvider diffProvider;
  private final HgHistoryProvider historyProvider;
  private final HgCheckinEnvironment checkinEnvironment;
  private final HgAnnotationProvider annotationProvider;
  private final HgUpdateEnvironment updateEnvironment;
  private final HgCachingCommittedChangesProvider committedChangesProvider;
  private MessageBusConnection messageBusConnection;
  @NotNull private final HgGlobalSettings globalSettings;
  @NotNull private final HgProjectSettings projectSettings;
  private final ProjectLevelVcsManager myVcsManager;

  private HgVFSListener myVFSListener;
  private final HgMergeProvider myMergeProvider;
  private HgExecutableValidator myExecutableValidator;
  private final Object myExecutableValidatorLock = new Object();
  private File myPromptHooksExtensionFile;
  private CommitExecutor myCommitAndPushExecutor;

  private HgRemoteStatusUpdater myHgRemoteStatusUpdater;
  private HgStatusWidget myStatusWidget;
  private HgIncomingOutgoingWidget myIncomingWidget;
  private HgIncomingOutgoingWidget myOutgoingWidget;
  @NotNull private HgVersion myVersion = HgVersion.NULL; // version of Hg which this plugin uses.

  public HgVcs(
      Project project,
      @NotNull HgGlobalSettings globalSettings,
      @NotNull HgProjectSettings projectSettings,
      ProjectLevelVcsManager vcsManager) {
    super(project, VCS_NAME);
    this.globalSettings = globalSettings;
    this.projectSettings = projectSettings;
    myVcsManager = vcsManager;
    changeProvider = new HgChangeProvider(project, getKeyInstanceMethod());
    rollbackEnvironment = new HgRollbackEnvironment(project);
    diffProvider = new HgDiffProvider(project);
    historyProvider = new HgHistoryProvider(project);
    checkinEnvironment = new HgCheckinEnvironment(project);
    annotationProvider = new HgAnnotationProvider(project);
    updateEnvironment = new HgUpdateEnvironment(project);
    committedChangesProvider = new HgCachingCommittedChangesProvider(project, this);
    myMergeProvider = new HgMergeProvider(myProject);
    myCommitAndPushExecutor = new HgCommitAndPushExecutor(checkinEnvironment);

  public String getDisplayName() {
    return HgVcsMessages.message("hg4idea.mercurial");

  public Configurable getConfigurable() {
    return new HgProjectConfigurable(getProject(), projectSettings);

  public HgProjectSettings getProjectSettings() {
    return projectSettings;

  public ChangeProvider getChangeProvider() {
    return changeProvider;

  public RollbackEnvironment createRollbackEnvironment() {
    return rollbackEnvironment;

  public DiffProvider getDiffProvider() {
    return diffProvider;

  public VcsHistoryProvider getVcsHistoryProvider() {
    return historyProvider;

  public VcsHistoryProvider getVcsBlockHistoryProvider() {
    return getVcsHistoryProvider();

  public CheckinEnvironment createCheckinEnvironment() {
    return checkinEnvironment;

  public AnnotationProvider getAnnotationProvider() {
    return annotationProvider;

  public MergeProvider getMergeProvider() {
    return myMergeProvider;

  public UpdateEnvironment createUpdateEnvironment() {
    return updateEnvironment;

  public UpdateEnvironment getIntegrateEnvironment() {
    return null;

  public boolean fileListenerIsSynchronous() {
    return false;

  public CommittedChangesProvider getCommittedChangesProvider() {
    return committedChangesProvider;

  public boolean allowsNestedRoots() {
    return true;

  public <S> List<S> filterUniqueRoots(
      final List<S> in, final Convertor<S, VirtualFile> convertor) {
        in, new ComparatorDelegate<S, VirtualFile>(convertor, FilePathComparator.getInstance()));

    for (int i = 1; i < in.size(); i++) {
      final S sChild = in.get(i);
      final VirtualFile child = convertor.convert(sChild);
      final VirtualFile childRoot = HgUtil.getHgRootOrNull(myProject, child);
      if (childRoot == null) {
      for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
        final S sParent = in.get(j);
        final VirtualFile parent = convertor.convert(sParent);
        // if the parent is an ancestor of the child and that they share common root, the child is
        // removed
        if (VfsUtilCore.isAncestor(parent, child, false)
            && VfsUtilCore.isAncestor(childRoot, parent, false)) {
          //noinspection AssignmentToForLoopParameter
    return in;

  public RootsConvertor getCustomConvertor() {
    return HgRootsHandler.getInstance(myProject);

  public boolean isVersionedDirectory(VirtualFile dir) {
    return HgUtil.getNearestHgRoot(dir) != null;

   * @return the extension used for capturing prompts from Mercurial and requesting
   *     IDEA's user about authentication.
  public File getPromptHooksExtensionFile() {
    if (myPromptHooksExtensionFile == null) {
      // check that hooks are available
      myPromptHooksExtensionFile = HgUtil.getTemporaryPythonFile("prompthooks");
      if (myPromptHooksExtensionFile == null || !myPromptHooksExtensionFile.exists()) {
            " Mercurial extension is not found. Please reinstall "
                + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getProductName());
    return myPromptHooksExtensionFile;

  public void activate() {
    // validate hg executable on start and update hg version

    // status bar
    myStatusWidget = new HgStatusWidget(this, getProject(), projectSettings);

    myIncomingWidget = new HgIncomingOutgoingWidget(this, getProject(), projectSettings, true);
    myOutgoingWidget = new HgIncomingOutgoingWidget(this, getProject(), projectSettings, false);

            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {

    // updaters and listeners
    myHgRemoteStatusUpdater =
        new HgRemoteStatusUpdater(

    messageBusConnection = myProject.getMessageBus().connect();
        new FileEditorManagerAdapter() {
          public void selectionChanged(@NotNull FileEditorManagerEvent event) {
            Project project = event.getManager().getProject();
            project.getMessageBus().syncPublisher(BRANCH_TOPIC).update(project, null);

    myVFSListener = new HgVFSListener(myProject, this);

    // ignore temporary files
    final String ignoredPattern = FileTypeManager.getInstance().getIgnoredFilesList();
    if (!ignoredPattern.contains(ORIG_FILE_PATTERN)) {
      final String newPattern =
          ignoredPattern + (ignoredPattern.endsWith(";") ? "" : ";") + ORIG_FILE_PATTERN;
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    // Force a branch topic update
    myProject.getMessageBus().syncPublisher(BRANCH_TOPIC).update(myProject, null);

  private void checkExecutableAndVersion() {
    if (!ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()
        && getExecutableValidator().checkExecutableAndNotifyIfNeeded()) {

  public void deactivate() {
    if (myHgRemoteStatusUpdater != null) {
      myHgRemoteStatusUpdater = null;
    if (myStatusWidget != null) {
      myStatusWidget = null;
    if (myIncomingWidget != null) {
      myIncomingWidget = null;
    if (myOutgoingWidget != null) {
      myOutgoingWidget = null;
    if (messageBusConnection != null) {

    if (myVFSListener != null) {
      myVFSListener = null;


  public static HgVcs getInstance(Project project) {
    if (project == null || project.isDisposed()) {
      return null;
    final ProjectLevelVcsManager vcsManager = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(project);
    if (vcsManager == null) {
      return null;
    return (HgVcs) vcsManager.findVcsByName(VCS_NAME);

  public HgGlobalSettings getGlobalSettings() {
    return globalSettings;

  public void showMessageInConsole(String message, final TextAttributes style) {
    if (message.length() > MAX_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_SIZE) {
      message = message.substring(0, MAX_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_SIZE);
    myVcsManager.addMessageToConsoleWindow(message, style);

  public HgExecutableValidator getExecutableValidator() {
    synchronized (myExecutableValidatorLock) {
      if (myExecutableValidator == null) {
        myExecutableValidator = new HgExecutableValidator(myProject, this);
      return myExecutableValidator;

  public boolean reportsIgnoredDirectories() {
    return false;

  public List<CommitExecutor> getCommitExecutors() {
    return Collections.singletonList(myCommitAndPushExecutor);

  public static VcsKey getKey() {
    return ourKey;

  public VcsType getType() {
    return VcsType.distributed;

  public CheckoutProvider getCheckoutProvider() {
    return new HgCheckoutProvider();

   * Checks Hg version and updates the myVersion variable. In the case of nullable or unsupported
   * version reports the problem.
  public void checkVersion() {
    final String executable = getGlobalSettings().getHgExecutable();
    HgCommandResultNotifier errorNotification = new HgCommandResultNotifier(myProject);
    final String SETTINGS_LINK = "settings";
    final String UPDATE_LINK = "update";
    NotificationListener linkAdapter =
        new NotificationListener.Adapter() {
          protected void hyperlinkActivated(
              @NotNull Notification notification, @NotNull HyperlinkEvent e) {
            if (SETTINGS_LINK.equals(e.getDescription())) {
                  .showSettingsDialog(myProject, getConfigurable().getDisplayName());
            } else if (UPDATE_LINK.equals(e.getDescription())) {
    try {
      myVersion = HgVersion.identifyVersion(executable);
      // if version is not supported, but have valid hg executable
      if (!myVersion.isSupported()) {"Unsupported Hg version: " + myVersion);
        String message =
                "The <a href='"
                    + SETTINGS_LINK
                    + "'>configured</a> version of Hg is not supported: %s.<br/> "
                    + "The minimal supported version is %s. Please <a href='"
                    + UPDATE_LINK
                    + "'>update</a>.",
        errorNotification.notifyError(null, "Unsupported Hg version", message, linkAdapter);
      } else if (myVersion.hasUnsupportedExtensions()) {
        String unsupportedExtensionsAsString = myVersion.getUnsupportedExtensions().toString();
        LOG.warn("Unsupported Hg extensions: " + unsupportedExtensionsAsString);
        String message =
                "Some hg extensions %s are not found or not supported by your hg version and will be ignored.\n"
                    + "Please, update your hgrc or Mercurial.ini file",
        errorNotification.notifyWarning("Unsupported Hg version", message);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (getExecutableValidator().checkExecutableAndNotifyIfNeeded()) {
        // sometimes not hg application has version command, but we couldn't parse an answer as
        // valid hg,
        // so parse(output) throw ParseException, but hg and git executable seems to be valid in
        // this case
        final String reason = (e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause() : e).getMessage();
        String message = HgVcsMessages.message("", executable);
                    + "<br/> Please check your hg executable path in <a href='"
                    + SETTINGS_LINK
                    + "'> settings </a>"),

   * @return the version number of Hg, which is used by IDEA. Or {@link HgVersion#NULL} if version
   *     info is unavailable.
  public HgVersion getVersion() {
    return myVersion;