    public void run(ContinuationContext context) {
      if (myData == null) {
        finishWithError(context, "Merge start wasn't found", true);
      final boolean reintegrate = myData.isInvertedSense();
      if (reintegrate
          && (!prompt(
              "<html><body>You are going to reintegrate changes.<br><br>This will make branch '"
                  + mySourceUrl
                  + "' <b>no longer usable for further work</b>."
                  + "<br>It will not be able to correctly absorb new trunk ("
                  + myData.inverted().getTarget()
                  + ") changes,<br>nor can this branch be properly reintegrated to trunk again.<br><br>Are you sure?</body></html>"))) {
      final MergerFactory mergerFactory = createBranchMergerFactory(reintegrate);

      final String title =
          "Merging all from " + myBranchName + (reintegrate ? " (reintegrate)" : "");
      context.next(new MergeTask(mergerFactory, title));