@Override protected void handleInitComponentError( final Throwable ex, final boolean fatal, final String componentClassName) { if (PluginManager.isPluginClass(componentClassName)) { LOG.error(ex); PluginId pluginId = PluginManager.getPluginByClassName(componentClassName); @NonNls final String errorMessage = "Plugin " + pluginId.getIdString() + " failed to initialize and will be disabled:\n" + ex.getMessage() + "\nPlease restart " + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName() + "."; PluginManager.disablePlugin(pluginId.getIdString()); if (!myHeadlessMode) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage); } else { //noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr System.out.println(errorMessage); System.exit(1); } return; // do not call super } if (fatal) { LOG.error(ex); @NonNls final String errorMessage = "Fatal error initializing class " + componentClassName + ":\n" + ex.toString() + "\nComplete error stacktrace was written to idea.log"; if (!myHeadlessMode) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errorMessage); } else { //noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr System.out.println(errorMessage); } } super.handleInitComponentError(ex, fatal, componentClassName); }
protected DialogWrapperPeerImpl( @NotNull DialogWrapper wrapper, @Nullable Project project, boolean canBeParent, @NotNull DialogWrapper.IdeModalityType ideModalityType) { myWrapper = wrapper; myTypeAheadCallback = myWrapper.isTypeAheadEnabled() ? new ActionCallback() : null; myWindowManager = null; Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); if (application != null && application.hasComponent(WindowManager.class)) { myWindowManager = (WindowManagerEx) WindowManager.getInstance(); } Window window = null; if (myWindowManager != null) { if (project == null) { //noinspection deprecation project = CommonDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext()); } myProject = project; window = myWindowManager.suggestParentWindow(project); if (window == null) { Window focusedWindow = myWindowManager.getMostRecentFocusedWindow(); if (focusedWindow instanceof IdeFrameImpl) { window = focusedWindow; } } if (window == null) { IdeFrame[] frames = myWindowManager.getAllProjectFrames(); for (IdeFrame frame : frames) { if (frame instanceof IdeFrameImpl && ((IdeFrameImpl) frame).isActive()) { window = (IdeFrameImpl) frame; break; } } } } Window owner; if (window != null) { owner = window; } else { if (!isHeadless()) { owner = JOptionPane.getRootFrame(); } else { owner = null; } } createDialog(owner, canBeParent, ideModalityType); }
/** * @param parent parent component which is used to calculate heavy weight window ancestor. <code> * parent</code> cannot be <code>null</code> and must be showing. */ protected DialogWrapperPeerImpl( @NotNull DialogWrapper wrapper, @NotNull Component parent, boolean canBeParent) { myWrapper = wrapper; if (!parent.isShowing() && parent != JOptionPane.getRootFrame()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("parent must be showing: " + parent); } myWindowManager = null; Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); if (application != null && application.hasComponent(WindowManager.class)) { myWindowManager = (WindowManagerEx) WindowManager.getInstance(); } Window owner = parent instanceof Window ? (Window) parent : (Window) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Window.class, parent); if (!(owner instanceof Dialog) && !(owner instanceof Frame)) { owner = JOptionPane.getRootFrame(); } createDialog(owner, canBeParent); }