private Map<String, String> getPluginNameByIdMap() { if (myPluginNameById == null) { myPluginNameById = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (IdeaPluginDescriptor descriptor : PluginManagerCore.getPlugins()) { myPluginNameById.put(descriptor.getPluginId().getIdString(), descriptor.getName()); } } return myPluginNameById; }
private static boolean loadOldPlugins(File plugins, File dest) throws IOException { if (plugins.exists()) { List<IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl> descriptors = new SmartList<IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl>(); PluginManagerCore.loadDescriptors(plugins, descriptors, null, 0); List<String> oldPlugins = new SmartList<String>(); for (IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl descriptor : descriptors) { // check isBundled also - probably plugin is bundled in new IDE version if (descriptor.isEnabled() && !descriptor.isBundled()) { oldPlugins.add(descriptor.getPluginId().getIdString()); } } if (!oldPlugins.isEmpty()) { PluginManagerCore.savePluginsList( oldPlugins, false, new File(dest, PluginManager.INSTALLED_TXT)); } return true; } return false; }
private static Exception wrapException(InvalidMirrorException e, VirtualFile file) { ClassFileDecompilers.Decompiler decompiler = ClassFileDecompilers.find(file); if (decompiler instanceof ClassFileDecompilers.Light) { PluginId pluginId = PluginManagerCore.getPluginByClassName(decompiler.getClass().getName()); if (pluginId != null) { return new PluginException(e, pluginId); } } return e; }
/** * Should be called whenever a list of plugins is loaded from a repository to check if there is an * updated version. */ public void onDescriptorDownload(@NotNull IdeaPluginDescriptor descriptor) { PluginId id = descriptor.getPluginId(); IdeaPluginDescriptor existing = PluginManager.getPlugin(id); if (existing == null || (existing.isBundled() && !existing.allowBundledUpdate()) || wasUpdated(id)) { return; } boolean supersedes = !PluginManagerCore.isIncompatible(descriptor) && (PluginDownloader.compareVersionsSkipBroken(existing, descriptor.getVersion()) > 0 || PluginManagerCore.isIncompatible(existing)); String idString = id.getIdString(); synchronized (myLock) { if (supersedes) { myOutdatedPlugins.add(idString); } else { myOutdatedPlugins.remove(idString); } } }
// used in upsource protected void readExternal(@NotNull Element element) { final PluginBean pluginBean = XmlSerializer.deserialize(element, PluginBean.class); url = pluginBean.url; myName =; String idString =; if (idString == null || idString.isEmpty()) { idString = myName; } myId = idString == null ? null : PluginId.getId(idString); String internalVersionString = pluginBean.formatVersion; if (internalVersionString != null) { try { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored Integer.parseInt(internalVersionString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.error( new PluginException( "Invalid value in plugin.xml format version: '" + internalVersionString + "'", e, myId)); } } myUseIdeaClassLoader = pluginBean.useIdeaClassLoader; myAllowBundledUpdate = pluginBean.allowBundledUpdate; if (pluginBean.ideaVersion != null) { mySinceBuild = pluginBean.ideaVersion.sinceBuild; myUntilBuild = convertExplicitBigNumberInUntilBuildToStar(pluginBean.ideaVersion.untilBuild); } myResourceBundleBaseName = pluginBean.resourceBundle; myDescriptionChildText = pluginBean.description; myChangeNotes = pluginBean.changeNotes; myVersion = pluginBean.pluginVersion; if (myVersion == null) { myVersion = PluginManagerCore.getBuildNumber().asStringWithoutProductCode(); } myCategory = pluginBean.category; if (pluginBean.vendor != null) { myVendor =; myVendorEmail =; myVendorUrl = pluginBean.vendor.url; myVendorLogoPath = pluginBean.vendor.logo; } // preserve items order as specified in xml (filterBadPlugins will not fail if module comes // first) Set<PluginId> dependentPlugins = new LinkedHashSet<PluginId>(); Set<PluginId> optionalDependentPlugins = new LinkedHashSet<PluginId>(); if (pluginBean.dependencies != null) { myOptionalConfigs = new THashMap<PluginId, String>(); for (PluginDependency dependency : pluginBean.dependencies) { String text = dependency.pluginId; if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(text)) { PluginId id = PluginId.getId(text); dependentPlugins.add(id); if (dependency.optional) { optionalDependentPlugins.add(id); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(dependency.configFile)) { myOptionalConfigs.put(id, dependency.configFile); } } } } } myDependencies = dependentPlugins.isEmpty() ? PluginId.EMPTY_ARRAY : dependentPlugins.toArray(new PluginId[dependentPlugins.size()]); myOptionalDependencies = optionalDependentPlugins.isEmpty() ? PluginId.EMPTY_ARRAY : optionalDependentPlugins.toArray(new PluginId[optionalDependentPlugins.size()]); if (pluginBean.helpSets == null || pluginBean.helpSets.length == 0) { myHelpSets = HelpSetPath.EMPTY; } else { myHelpSets = new HelpSetPath[pluginBean.helpSets.length]; PluginHelpSet[] sets = pluginBean.helpSets; for (int i = 0, n = sets.length; i < n; i++) { PluginHelpSet pluginHelpSet = sets[i]; myHelpSets[i] = new HelpSetPath(pluginHelpSet.file, pluginHelpSet.path); } } myAppComponents = pluginBean.applicationComponents; myProjectComponents = pluginBean.projectComponents; myModuleComponents = pluginBean.moduleComponents; if (myAppComponents == null) myAppComponents = ComponentConfig.EMPTY_ARRAY; if (myProjectComponents == null) myProjectComponents = ComponentConfig.EMPTY_ARRAY; if (myModuleComponents == null) myModuleComponents = ComponentConfig.EMPTY_ARRAY; StringInterner interner = new StringInterner(); List<Element> extensions = copyElements(pluginBean.extensions, interner); if (extensions != null) { myExtensions = MultiMap.createSmart(); for (Element extension : extensions) { myExtensions.putValue(ExtensionsAreaImpl.extractEPName(extension), extension); } } List<Element> extensionPoints = copyElements(pluginBean.extensionPoints, interner); if (extensionPoints != null) { myExtensionsPoints = MultiMap.createSmart(); for (Element extensionPoint : extensionPoints) { myExtensionsPoints.putValue( StringUtil.notNullize( extensionPoint.getAttributeValue(ExtensionsAreaImpl.ATTRIBUTE_AREA)), extensionPoint); } } myActionsElements = copyElements(pluginBean.actions, interner); if (pluginBean.modules != null && !pluginBean.modules.isEmpty()) { myModules = pluginBean.modules; } }