   * Retrieve message from retriever and check the body content
   * @param retriever Retriever to read from
   * @param to Account to retrieve
  private void retrieveAndCheckBody(Retriever retriever, String to)
      throws MessagingException, IOException {
    Message[] messages = retriever.getMessages(to);
    assertEquals(1, messages.length);
    Message message = messages[0];

    // Check content
    InputStream contentStream = (InputStream) message.getContent();
    byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(contentStream);
    assertArrayEquals(createLargeByteArray(), bytes);

    // Dump complete mail message. This leads to a FETCH command without section or "len" specified.
    message.writeTo(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
   * Retrieve message from retriever and check the attachment and text content
   * @param retriever Retriever to read from
   * @param to Account to retrieve
  private void retrieveAndCheck(Retriever retriever, String to)
      throws MessagingException, IOException {
    Message[] messages = retriever.getMessages(to);
    assertEquals(1, messages.length);
    Message message = messages[0];
    MimeMultipart body = (MimeMultipart) message.getContent();
    assertEquals(2, body.getCount());

    // Message text
    final BodyPart textPart = body.getBodyPart(0);
    String text = (String) textPart.getContent();
    assertEquals(createLargeString(), text);

    final BodyPart attachment = body.getBodyPart(1);
    assertTrue(attachment.getContentType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/blubb; name=file"));
    InputStream attachmentStream = (InputStream) attachment.getContent();
    byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(attachmentStream);
    assertArrayEquals(createLargeByteArray(), bytes);