Exemple #1
  private byte readImageDescriptor(InputStream is) throws Exception {
    int nindex = 0;
    byte ides[] = new byte[9];

    IOUtils.readFully(is, ides, 0, 9);

    image_x = (ides[nindex++] & 0xff) | ((ides[nindex++] & 0xff) << 8);
    image_y = (ides[nindex++] & 0xff) | ((ides[nindex++] & 0xff) << 8);
    width = (ides[nindex++] & 0xff) | ((ides[nindex++] & 0xff) << 8);
    height = (ides[nindex++] & 0xff) | ((ides[nindex++] & 0xff) << 8);

    return ides[nindex++];
Exemple #2
  private void readLocalPalette(InputStream is, int num_of_color) throws Exception {
    int index1 = 0;
    int bytes2read = num_of_color * 3;
    byte brgb[] = new byte[bytes2read];
    IOUtils.readFully(is, brgb, 0, bytes2read);

    rgbColorPalette = new int[num_of_color];

    for (int i = 0; i < num_of_color; i++)
      rgbColorPalette[i] =
          ((255 << 24)
              | ((brgb[index1++] & 0xff) << 16)
              | ((brgb[index1++] & 0xff) << 8)
              | (brgb[index1++] & 0xff));
Exemple #3
    void readHeader(InputStream is) throws Exception {
      int nindex = 0;
      byte bhdr[] = new byte[13];

      IOUtils.readFully(is, bhdr, 0, 13);

      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) signature[i] = bhdr[nindex++];

      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) version[i] = bhdr[nindex++];

      screen_width = ((bhdr[nindex++] & 0xff) | ((bhdr[nindex++] & 0xff) << 8));
      screen_height = ((bhdr[nindex++] & 0xff) | ((bhdr[nindex++] & 0xff) << 8));
      flags = bhdr[nindex++];
      bgcolor = bhdr[nindex++];
      aspectRatio = bhdr[nindex++];
      // The end
Exemple #4
  private byte[] readFrame(InputStream is) throws Exception {
    // One time read of global scope data
    if (gifHeader == null) {
      if (!readGlobalScopeData(is)) return null;


    int image_separator = 0;

    do {
      image_separator = is.read();

      if (image_separator == -1 || image_separator == 0x3b) { // End of stream
        LOGGER.info("End of stream!");
        return null;

      if (image_separator == 0x21) // (!) Extension Block
        int func = is.read();
        int len = is.read();

        if (func
            == 0xf9) { // Graphic Control Label - identifies the current block as a Graphic Control
                       // Extension
          int packedFields = is.read();
          // Determine the disposal method
          disposalMethod = ((packedFields & 0x1c) >> 2);
              "Disposal method: {}",
              (disposalMethod == 0)
                  ? "UNSPECIFIED"
                  : (disposalMethod == 1)
                      ? "LEAVE_AS_IS"
                      : (disposalMethod == 2)
                          ? "RESTORE_TO_BACKGROUND"
                          : (disposalMethod == 3) ? "RESTORE_TO_PREVIOUS" : "TO_BE_DEFINED");
          userInputFlag = ((packedFields & 0x02) >> 1);
          LOGGER.info("User input flag: {}", (userInputFlag == 0) ? "INPUT_NONE" : "INPUT_SET");
          delay = IOUtils.readUnsignedShort(is);
          LOGGER.info("Delay: {} miliseconds", delay * 10);
          // Read transparent color index
          int transparent_color_index = is.read();
          // Check for transparent color flag
          if ((packedFields & 0x01) == 0x01) {
            transparencyFlag = GIFFrame.TRANSPARENCY_INDEX_SET;
            LOGGER.info("transparent gif...");
            transparent_color = transparent_color_index;
          len = is.read(); // len=0, block terminator!				
        // GIF87a specification mentions the repetition of multiple length
        // blocks while GIF89a gives no specific description. For safety, here
        // a while loop is used to check for block terminator!
        while (len != 0) {
          IOUtils.skipFully(is, len);
          len = is.read(); // len=0, block terminator!
    } while (image_separator != 0x2c); // ","

    byte flags2 = readImageDescriptor(is);

    boolean hasLocalColorMap = false;

    if ((flags2 & 0x80) == 0x80) {
      hasLocalColorMap = true;
      // A local color map is present
      LOGGER.info("local color map is present");

      bitsPerPixel = (flags2 & 0x07) + 1;
      colorsUsed = (1 << bitsPerPixel);

      LOGGER.info("{} color image", colorsUsed);

      readLocalPalette(is, colorsUsed);

    if (!hasLocalColorMap) rgbColorPalette = globalColorPalette;

    if (transparencyFlag == GIFFrame.TRANSPARENCY_INDEX_SET && transparent_color < colorsUsed)
      rgbColorPalette[transparent_color] &= 0x00ffffff;

    if ((flags2 & 0x40) == 0x40) {
      LOGGER.info("Interlaced gif image!");
      return decodeLZWInterLaced(is);

    return decodeLZW(is);