   * Test with a distributed execution with explicit colocation of two functions end up on the same
   * container.
  @Ignore("Need to figure out how to get the tags set by the test") // TODO
  public void testSimpleDistributedHostTags() throws Exception {
    assumeTrue(getTesterType() == StreamsContext.Type.DISTRIBUTED_TESTER);

    Topology t = newTopology();

    TStream<String> sa = t.strings("a");


    sa = sa.filter(new AllowAll<String>());

    getConfig().put(ContextProperties.KEEP_ARTIFACTS, Boolean.TRUE);

    Condition<List<String>> aout = t.getTester().stringContents(sa, "a");

    complete(t.getTester(), aout, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    assertTrue(aout.getResult().toString(), aout.valid());