public void processArgs(String[] args) { UOption.parseArgs(args, options); if (options[HELP1].doesOccur || options[HELP2].doesOccur) { System.out.println(HELP_TEXT1); return; } String sourceDir = options[SOURCEDIR].value; // Utility.COMMON_DIRECTORY + "transforms/"; String targetDir = options[DESTDIR].value; // Utility.GEN_DIRECTORY + "main/"; String match = options[MATCH].value; skipComments = options[SKIP_COMMENTS].doesOccur; writeIndex = options[WRITE_INDEX].doesOccur; verbose = options[VERBOSE].doesOccur; try { if (writeIndex) { throw new InternalError("writeIndex not implemented."); } else { ElapsedTimer et = new ElapsedTimer(); writeTransforms(sourceDir, match, targetDir + File.separator); System.out.println("ConvertTransforms: wrote " + fileCount + " files in " + et); } } catch (IOException ex) { RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException(); e.initCause(ex.getCause()); throw e; } finally { System.out.println("DONE"); } }
/** Utility to generate the Tansliteration resource bundle files. */ public class ConvertTransforms extends CLDRConverterTool { private static final int HELP1 = 0, HELP2 = 1, SOURCEDIR = 2, DESTDIR = 3, MATCH = 4, SKIP_COMMENTS = 5, WRITE_INDEX = 6, VERBOSE = 7; private static final UOption[] options = { UOption.HELP_H(), UOption.HELP_QUESTION_MARK(), UOption.SOURCEDIR().setDefault(CLDRPaths.COMMON_DIRECTORY + "transforms/"), UOption.DESTDIR().setDefault(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY + "icu-transforms/"), UOption.create("match", 'm', UOption.REQUIRES_ARG).setDefault(".*"), UOption.create("commentSkip", 'c', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.create("writeIndex", 'x', UOption.NO_ARG), UOption.VERBOSE(), }; static final String HELP_TEXT1 = "Use the following options" + XPathParts.NEWLINE + "-h or -?\t for this message" + XPathParts.NEWLINE + "-" + options[SOURCEDIR].shortName + "\t source directory. Default = -s" + CldrUtility.getCanonicalName(CLDRPaths.MAIN_DIRECTORY) + XPathParts.NEWLINE + "\tExample:-sC:\\Unicode-CVS2\\cldr\\common\\gen\\source\\" + XPathParts.NEWLINE + "-" + options[DESTDIR].shortName + "\t destination directory. Default = -d" + CldrUtility.getCanonicalName(CLDRPaths.GEN_DIRECTORY + "main/") + XPathParts.NEWLINE + "-m<regex>\t to restrict the files to what matches <regex>" + XPathParts.NEWLINE // "--writeIndex / -x to write the index ("+ XPathParts.NEWLINE ; // TODO add options to set input and output directories, matching pattern public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ConvertTransforms ct = new ConvertTransforms(); ct.processArgs(args); } private boolean skipComments; private boolean writeIndex = false; private boolean verbose = false; int fileCount = 0; public void writeTransforms(String inputDirectory, String matchingPattern, String outputDirectory) throws IOException { System.out.println(new File(inputDirectory).getCanonicalPath()); Factory cldrFactory = Factory.make(inputDirectory, matchingPattern); Set<String> ids = cldrFactory.getAvailable(); PrintWriter index = BagFormatter.openUTF8Writer(outputDirectory, "root.txt"); doHeader(index, "//", "root.txt"); try { index.println("root {"); index.println(" RuleBasedTransliteratorIDs {"); // addAlias(index, "Latin", "el", "", "Latin", "Greek", "UNGEGN"); // addAlias(index, "el", "Latin", "", "Greek", "Latin", "UNGEGN"); // addAlias(index, "Latin", "Jamo", "", "Latin", "ConjoiningJamo", ""); addAlias(index, "Tone", "Digit", "", "Pinyin", "NumericPinyin", ""); addAlias(index, "Digit", "Tone", "", "NumericPinyin", "Pinyin", ""); // addAlias(index, "Simplified", "Traditional", "", "Hans", "Hant", ""); // addAlias(index, "Traditional", "Simplified", "", "Hant", "Hans", ""); for (String id : ids) { if (id.equals("All")) continue; try { convertFile(cldrFactory, id, outputDirectory, index); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Failure in: " + id); throw e; } } index.println(" }"); index.println(" TransliteratorNamePattern {"); index.println(" // Format for the display name of a Transliterator."); index.println(" // This is the language-neutral form of this resource."); index.println(" \"{0,choice,0#|1#{1}|2#{1}-{2}}\" // Display name"); index.println(" }"); index.println(" // Transliterator display names"); index.println(" // This is the English form of this resource."); index.println(" \"%Translit%Hex\" { \"%Translit%Hex\" }"); index.println(" \"%Translit%UnicodeName\" { \"%Translit%UnicodeName\" }"); index.println(" \"%Translit%UnicodeChar\" { \"%Translit%UnicodeChar\" }"); index.println(" TransliterateLATIN{ "); index.println(" \"\","); index.println(" \"\""); index.println(" }"); index.println("}"); } finally { index.close(); } } public static PrintWriter makePrintWriter(ByteArrayOutputStream bytes) { try { OutputStreamWriter outStream = new OutputStreamWriter(bytes, "UTF-8"); BufferedWriter buff = new BufferedWriter(outStream, 4 * 1024); PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(buff); return p; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error: Could not create OutputStreamWriter."); } return null; } private void showComments(PrintWriter toilet, String value) { String[] lines = value.trim().split("\\r\\n?|\\n"); for (String line : lines) { if (!line.startsWith("#")) { line = "# " + line; } toilet.println(line); } } private void convertFile( Factory cldrFactory, String id, String outputDirectory, PrintWriter index) throws IOException { PrintWriter output = null; String filename = null; CLDRFile cldrFile = cldrFactory.make(id, false); boolean first = true; for (Iterator<String> it = cldrFile.iterator("", cldrFile.getComparator()); it.hasNext(); ) { String path =; if (path.indexOf("/version") >= 0 || path.indexOf("/generation") >= 0) { continue; } String value = cldrFile.getStringValue(path); if (first) { String fullPath = cldrFile.getFullXPath(path); filename = addIndexInfo(index, fullPath, id); if (filename == null) return; // not a transform file! output = BagFormatter.openUTF8Writer(outputDirectory, filename); doHeader(output, "#", filename); first = false; } if (path.indexOf("/comment") >= 0) { if (!skipComments) { showComments(output, value); } } else if (path.indexOf("/tRule") >= 0) { value = fixup.transliterate(value); output.println(value); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown element: " + path + "\t " + value); } } output.close(); } public static final Transliterator fixup = Transliterator.getInstance("[:Mn:]any-hex/java"); public static String replaceUnquoted(String value, String toReplace, String replacement) { // quick exit in most cases if (value.indexOf(toReplace) < 0) return value; String updatedValue = ""; int segmentStart = 0; boolean inQuotes = false; boolean ignoreCharValue = false; int length = value.length(); for (int pos = 0; pos < length; ++pos) { char curChar = (char) 0; if (ignoreCharValue) { ignoreCharValue = false; } else { curChar = value.charAt(pos); } if (curChar == '\\') { // escape, ignore the value of the next char (actually the next UTF16 code unit, but that // works here) ignoreCharValue = true; } boolean isLastChar = (pos + 1 >= length); if (curChar == '\'' || isLastChar) { // quote, begin or end of a quoted literal (in which no replacement takes place) if (inQuotes) { // End of a quoted segment; guaranteed to include at least opening quote. // Just add the segment (including current char) to updatedValue. updatedValue = updatedValue + value.substring(segmentStart, pos + 1); segmentStart = pos + 1; } else { if (isLastChar) ++pos; if (pos > segmentStart) { // End of a nonempty unquoted segment; perform requested replacements and // then add segment to updatedValue. String currentSegment = value.substring(segmentStart, pos); updatedValue = updatedValue + currentSegment.replace(toReplace, replacement); segmentStart = pos; } } inQuotes = !inQuotes; } // else the char just becomes part of the current segment } return updatedValue; } static XPathParts parts = new XPathParts(); private String addIndexInfo(PrintWriter index, String path, String transID) { parts.set(path); Map<String, String> attributes = parts.findAttributes("transform"); if (attributes == null) return null; // error, not a transform file String source = attributes.get("source"); String target = attributes.get("target"); String variant = attributes.get("variant"); String direction = attributes.get("direction"); String alias = attributes.get("alias"); String backwardAlias = attributes.get("backwardAlias"); String visibility = attributes.get("visibility"); String status = "internal".equals(visibility) ? "internal" : "file"; fileCount++; String id = source + "-" + target; String rid = target + "-" + source; String filename = source + "_" + target; if (variant != null) { id += "/" + variant; rid += "/" + variant; filename += "_" + variant; } filename += ".txt"; if (direction.equals("both") || direction.equals("forward")) { if (verbose) { System.out.println(" " + id + " " + filename + " " + "FORWARD"); } if (alias != null) { for (String ali : alias.trim().split("\\s+")) { addAlias(index, ali, id); } } index.println(" " + id + " {"); index.println(" " + status + " {"); index.println(" resource:process(transliterator) {\"" + filename + "\"}"); index.println(" direction {\"FORWARD\"}"); index.println(" }"); index.println(" }"); } if (direction.equals("both") || direction.equals("backward")) { if (verbose) { System.out.println(" " + rid + " " + filename + " " + "REVERSE"); } if (backwardAlias != null) { for (String bali : backwardAlias.trim().split("\\s+")) { addAlias(index, bali, rid); } } index.println(" " + rid + " {"); index.println(" " + status + " {"); index.println(" resource:process(transliterator) {\"" + filename + "\"}"); index.println(" direction {\"REVERSE\"}"); index.println(" }"); index.println(" }"); } index.println(); return filename; } void addAlias( PrintWriter index, String aliasSource, String aliasTarget, String aliasVariant, String originalSource, String originalTarget, String originalVariant) { // Spacedhan-Han { // alias {"null"} // } addAlias( index, getName(aliasSource, aliasTarget, aliasVariant), getName(originalSource, originalTarget, originalVariant)); } private void addAlias(PrintWriter index, String alias, String original) { index.println(" " + alias + " {"); index.println(" alias" + " {\"" + original + "\"}"); index.println(" }"); } String getName(String source, String target, String variant) { String id = source + "-" + target; if (variant != null && variant.length() != 0) { id += "/" + variant; } return id; } private void doHeader(PrintWriter output, String quoteSymbol, String filename) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); output.print('\uFEFF'); output.println( quoteSymbol + " ***************************************************************************"); output.println(quoteSymbol + " *"); output.println( quoteSymbol + " * Copyright (C) 2004-" + sdf.format(new Date()) + ", International Business Machines"); output.println( quoteSymbol + " * Corporation; Unicode, Inc.; and others. All Rights Reserved."); output.println(quoteSymbol + " *"); output.println( quoteSymbol + " ***************************************************************************"); output.println(quoteSymbol + " File: " + filename); output.println(quoteSymbol + " Generated from CLDR "); output.println(quoteSymbol + ""); } public void processArgs(String[] args) { UOption.parseArgs(args, options); if (options[HELP1].doesOccur || options[HELP2].doesOccur) { System.out.println(HELP_TEXT1); return; } String sourceDir = options[SOURCEDIR].value; // Utility.COMMON_DIRECTORY + "transforms/"; String targetDir = options[DESTDIR].value; // Utility.GEN_DIRECTORY + "main/"; String match = options[MATCH].value; skipComments = options[SKIP_COMMENTS].doesOccur; writeIndex = options[WRITE_INDEX].doesOccur; verbose = options[VERBOSE].doesOccur; try { if (writeIndex) { throw new InternalError("writeIndex not implemented."); } else { ElapsedTimer et = new ElapsedTimer(); writeTransforms(sourceDir, match, targetDir + File.separator); System.out.println("ConvertTransforms: wrote " + fileCount + " files in " + et); } } catch (IOException ex) { RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException(); e.initCause(ex.getCause()); throw e; } finally { System.out.println("DONE"); } } // fixData ONLY NEEDED TO FIX FILE PROBLEM /* * private void fixData(String inputDirectory, String matchingPattern, String outputDirectory) throws IOException { * File dir = new File(inputDirectory); * File[] files = dir.listFiles(); * for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) { * if (files[i].isDirectory()) continue; * BufferedReader input = BagFormatter.openUTF8Reader("", files[i].getCanonicalPath()); * PrintWriter output = BagFormatter.openUTF8Writer("", outputDirectory + files[i].getName()); * while (true) { * String line = input.readLine(); * if (line == null) break; * if (line.indexOf("DOCTYPE") >= 0) { * line = line.replaceAll(" ldml ", " supplementalData "); * } * output.println(line); * } * input.close(); * output.close(); * } * } */ }