private void handleSubpropertyOf(OntProperty p, OntProperty ancestor) { List<RDFNode> list = ancestor.listPropertyValues(RDFS.subPropertyOf).toList(); for (RDFNode node : list) { if (!node.canAs(OntProperty.class)) continue; OntProperty superProperty =; if (superProperty.equals(ancestor)) continue; addFields(p, superProperty); handleSubpropertyOf(p, superProperty); } }
public boolean doGet( MappedResource resource, Property property, boolean isInverse, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Configuration config) throws IOException { Model descriptions = getAnonymousPropertyValues(resource, property, isInverse); if (descriptions.size() == 0) { return false; } Resource r = descriptions.getResource(resource.getWebURI()); List resourceDescriptions = new ArrayList(); StmtIterator it = isInverse ? descriptions.listStatements(null, property, r) : r.listProperties(property); while (it.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = it.nextStatement(); RDFNode value = isInverse ? stmt.getSubject() : stmt.getObject(); if (!value.isAnon()) { continue; } resourceDescriptions.add( new ResourceDescription((Resource), descriptions, config)); } Model description = getResourceDescription(resource); ResourceDescription resourceDescription = new ResourceDescription(resource, description, config); String title = resourceDescription.getLabel() + (isInverse ? " ? " : " ? ") + config.getPrefixes().getNsURIPrefix(property.getNameSpace()) + ":" + property.getLocalName(); VelocityHelper template = new VelocityHelper(getServletContext(), response); Context context = template.getVelocityContext(); context.put("project_name", config.getProjectName()); context.put("project_link", config.getProjectLink()); context.put("title", title); context.put("server_base", config.getWebApplicationBaseURI()); context.put("sparql_endpoint", resource.getDataset().getDataSource().getEndpointURL()); context.put("back_uri", resource.getWebURI()); context.put("back_label", resourceDescription.getLabel()); context.put( "rdf_link", isInverse ? resource.getInversePathDataURL(property) : resource.getPathDataURL(property)); context.put("resources", resourceDescriptions); template.renderXHTML("pathpage.vm"); return true; }
/** * Attempts to find the most plausible RDF type for a given property. * * @param property the property to get the type of * @return either owl:DatatypeProperty or owl:ObjectProperty */ private Resource getPropertyType(Resource property) { StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(property, RDFS.range, (RDFNode) null); if (it.hasNext()) { while (it.hasNext()) { Statement s = it.nextStatement(); RDFNode n = s.getObject(); if (n.canAs(Resource.class) && model.contains((Resource), RDF.type, OWL.Class)) { return OWL.ObjectProperty; } } } return OWL.DatatypeProperty; }
protected Set<ValueFactory> getValueFactory(RDFNode valueNode, OntModel displayOntModel) { // maybe use jenabean or owl2java for this? if (valueNode.isResource()) { Resource res = (Resource); Statement stmt = res.getProperty(DisplayVocabulary.JAVA_CLASS_NAME); if (stmt == null || !stmt.getObject().isLiteral()) { log.debug("Cannot build value factory: java class was " + stmt.getObject()); return Collections.emptySet(); } String javaClassName = ((Literal) stmt.getObject().as(Literal.class)).getLexicalForm(); if (javaClassName == null || javaClassName.length() == 0) { log.debug("Cannot build value factory: no java class was set."); return Collections.emptySet(); } Class<?> clazz; Object newObj; try { clazz = Class.forName(javaClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.debug("Cannot build value factory: no class found for " + javaClassName); return Collections.emptySet(); } try { newObj = clazz.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug( "Cannot build value factory: exception while creating object of java class " + javaClassName + " " + e.getMessage()); return Collections.emptySet(); } if (newObj instanceof ValueFactory) { ValueFactory valueFactory = (ValueFactory) newObj; return Collections.singleton(valueFactory); } else { log.debug( "Cannot build value factory: " + javaClassName + " does not implement " + ValueFactory.class.getName()); return Collections.emptySet(); } } else { log.debug("Cannot build value factory for " + valueNode); return Collections.emptySet(); } }
private List<OntResource> getEnumeratedIndividuals(OntClass type) { Resource equivalentClass = type.getPropertyResourceValue(OWL.equivalentClass); if (equivalentClass == null) { return null; } Resource oneOf = equivalentClass.getPropertyResourceValue(OWL.oneOf); if (oneOf == null) return null; List<RDFNode> nodeList =; List<OntResource> result = new ArrayList<OntResource>(); for (RDFNode node : nodeList) { result.add(; } return result; }
private Field createListField(Frame frame, OntProperty p, OntResource range) { Resource intersection = range.getPropertyResourceValue(OWL.intersectionOf); if (intersection == null) return null; if (intersection.canAs(RDFList.class)) { List<RDFNode> intersectionList =; for (RDFNode node : intersectionList) { if (node.canAs(OntClass.class)) { OntClass intersectionMember =; if (RDF.first.equals(intersectionMember.getPropertyResourceValue(OWL.onProperty))) { // The intersectionMember has an owl:onProperty property whose value is rdf:first Resource elementRdfType = intersectionMember.getPropertyResourceValue(OWL.allValuesFrom); if (elementRdfType != null) { String elementTypeURI = elementRdfType.getURI(); if (elementTypeURI != null) { RdfType elementType = manager.getTypeByURI(elementTypeURI); if (elementType != null) { ListType listType = manager.getListTypeByElementUri(elementTypeURI); if (listType == null) { listType = new ListType(manager, intersectionMember, elementType); manager.add(listType); } return new Field(frame, p, listType); } } } } } } } return null; }
protected List<String> allIndividualsRelatedByObjectPropertyStmts(String uri) { List<String> additionalUris = new ArrayList<String>(); QuerySolutionMap initialBinding = new QuerySolutionMap(); Resource uriResource = ResourceFactory.createResource(uri); initialBinding.add("uri", uriResource); Query sparqlQuery = QueryFactory.create(QUERY_FOR_RELATED); model.getLock().enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(sparqlQuery, model, initialBinding); try { ResultSet results = qExec.execSelect(); while (results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution(); Iterator<String> iter = soln.varNames(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String name =; RDFNode node = soln.get(name); if (node != null) { if (node.isURIResource()) { additionalUris.add(; } else { log.warn( "value from query for var " + name + " was not a URIResource, it was " + node); } } else { log.warn("value for query for var " + name + " was null"); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t, t); } finally { qExec.close(); } } finally { model.getLock().leaveCriticalSection(); } return additionalUris; }
private void unifyRDFSVersion(String ns) { for (Iterator it = Jena.cloneIt(model.listStatements()); it.hasNext(); ) { Statement s = (Statement); Resource newSubject = s.getSubject(); Property newPredicate = s.getPredicate(); RDFNode newObject = s.getObject(); boolean changed = false; if (ns.equals(newSubject.getNameSpace())) { changed = true; newSubject = model.getResource(RDFS.getURI() + newSubject.getLocalName()); } if (ns.equals(newPredicate.getNameSpace())) { changed = true; newPredicate = model.getProperty(RDFS.getURI() + newPredicate.getLocalName()); } if (newObject.canAs(Resource.class)) { Resource oldResource = (Resource); if (ns.equals(oldResource.getNameSpace())) { changed = true; newObject = model.getResource(RDFS.getURI() + oldResource.getLocalName()); } } if (changed) { model.add(newSubject, newPredicate, newObject); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { log.fine( "Replaced deprecated triple " + s + " with " + newSubject + ", " + newPredicate + ", " + newObject); } it.remove(); } } }
public static SHACLFunction asFunction(RDFNode resource) { return; }
public static SHACLArgument asArgument(RDFNode resource) { return; }
public static SHACLTemplateRule asTemplateRule(RDFNode node) { return; }
public static SHACLTemplateConstraint asTemplateConstraint(RDFNode node) { return; }
public static SHACLTemplateCall asTemplateCall(RDFNode resource) { return; }
public static SHACLShape asShape(RDFNode node) { return; }
public static SHACLDerivedPropertyConstraint asDerivedPropertyConstraint(RDFNode node) { return; }
public static SHACLNativeScope asNativeScope(RDFNode node) { return; }
private void ImportRelationsComposition() throws Exception { List<ObjectProperty> properties = this.jena.listObjectProperties().toList(); for (ObjectProperty property : properties) { OntClass domain = property.listDomain().next().asClass(); if (domain.isUnionClass()) domain = domain.asUnionClass().listOperands().toList().get(0); OntClass range = property.listRange().next().asClass(); if (range.isUnionClass()) range = range.asUnionClass().listOperands().toList().get(0); Relation r = null; if (property.isSymmetricProperty()) r = this.getNameObjectProperty( property.getLocalName(), domain.getLocalName().length(), range.getLocalName().length())); else if (property.getInverse() == null) r = this.getNameObjectProperty( property.getLocalName(), domain.getLocalName().length(), range.getLocalName().length())); else if (property.getInverse() != null) r = this.getNameObjectProperty( property.getLocalName(), domain.getLocalName().length(), range.getLocalName().length()), this.getNameObjectProperty( property.getInverse().getLocalName(), range.getLocalName().length(), domain.getLocalName().length())); Class mobiDomain = new Class(domain.getLocalName()); //; Class mobiRange = new Class(range.getLocalName()); //; if (mobiDomain != null && mobiRange != null) { r.setClassA(mobiDomain); r.setClassB(mobiRange); List<? extends OntResource> individuals = domain.listInstances().toList(); for (OntResource resourceIndividual : individuals) { Individual individualDomain = resourceIndividual.asIndividual(); NodeIterator propertyValues = this.jena.getIndividual(individualDomain.getURI()).listPropertyValues(property); while (propertyValues.hasNext()) { RDFNode node =; Individual individualValue =;;; Instance instanceDomain = new Instance(individualDomain.getLocalName()); Instance instanceRange = new Instance(individualValue.getLocalName()); try {, mobiDomain);, mobiRange); } catch (ExceptionURI e) { } r.addInstanceRelation(instanceDomain, instanceRange); } } r.processCardinality(); if (r.getInstanceRelationMapA().size() > 0); } } }
public static SHACLNativeConstraint asNativeConstraint(RDFNode node) { return; }
/** * If _n_ is a ReifiedStatement, create a local copy of it, which will force the underlying * reifier to take note of the mapping. */ private void noteIfReified(RDFNode n) { if (n.canAs(ReifiedStatement.class)) { ReifiedStatement rs =; createReifiedStatement(rs.getURI(), rs.getStatement()); } }
private void tryRestriction( OntClass theClass, VClassDao vcDao, ObjectPropertyDao opDao, IndividualDao iDao, ArrayList results, String vClassURI) { if (theClass.isRestriction()) { Restriction rest = (Restriction); try { results.add("XX"); Property onProperty = rest.getOnProperty(); ObjectProperty op = opDao.getObjectPropertyByURI(onProperty.getURI()); results.add(op.getLocalNameWithPrefix()); if (rest.isAllValuesFromRestriction()) { results.add("all values from"); AllValuesFromRestriction avfrest = (AllValuesFromRestriction); Resource allValuesFrom = avfrest.getAllValuesFrom(); results.add(printAsClass(vcDao, allValuesFrom)); } else if (rest.isSomeValuesFromRestriction()) { results.add("some values from"); SomeValuesFromRestriction svfrest = (SomeValuesFromRestriction); Resource someValuesFrom = svfrest.getSomeValuesFrom(); results.add(printAsClass(vcDao, someValuesFrom)); } else if (rest.isHasValueRestriction()) { results.add("has value"); HasValueRestriction hvrest = (HasValueRestriction); RDFNode hasValue = hvrest.getHasValue(); if (hasValue.isResource()) { Resource hasValueRes = (Resource); try { if (hasValueRes.getURI() != null) { Individual ind = iDao.getIndividualByURI(hasValueRes.getURI()); if (ind.getName() != null) { results.add(ind.getName()); } } } catch (Exception e) { results.add("???"); } } } else if (rest.isMinCardinalityRestriction()) { MinCardinalityRestriction crest = (MinCardinalityRestriction); results.add("at least " + crest.getMinCardinality()); results.add(LAMBDA); } else if (rest.isMaxCardinalityRestriction()) { MaxCardinalityRestriction crest = (MaxCardinalityRestriction); results.add("at most " + crest.getMaxCardinality()); results.add(LAMBDA); } else if (rest.isCardinalityRestriction()) { CardinalityRestriction crest = (CardinalityRestriction); results.add("exactly " + crest.getCardinality()); results.add(LAMBDA); } results.add( "<form action=\"addRestriction\" method=\"post\">" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_action\" value=\"delete\"/>" + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete\"/>" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_epoKey\" value=\"" + epo.getKey() + "\"/>" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"classUri\" value=\"" + vClassURI + "\"/>" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"restrictionId\" value=\"" + ((rest.getId() != null) ? rest.getId() : rest.getURI()) + "\"/>" + "</form>"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // results.add("unknown property"); } } }
public static SHACLNativeRule asNativeRule(RDFNode node) { return; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode#as(java.lang.Class) */ @Override public <T extends RDFNode> T as(Class<T> view) { return; }