public ThreadDeadlockInfo( @Nonnull final ThreadInfo aThreadInfo, @Nonnull final Thread aThread, @Nullable final StackTraceElement[] aStackTrace) { m_aThreadInfo = ValueEnforcer.notNull(aThreadInfo, "ThreadInfo"); m_aThread = ValueEnforcer.notNull(aThread, "Thread"); m_aStackTrace = ArrayHelper.getCopy(aStackTrace); }
void setUser(@Nonnull final LoggedInUserManager aOwningMgr, @Nonnull final IUser aUser) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aOwningMgr, "OwningMgr"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aUser, "User"); if (m_aUser != null) throw new IllegalStateException("Session already has a user!"); m_aOwningMgr = aOwningMgr; m_aUser = aUser; m_sUserID = aUser.getID(); }
void internalSessionActivateUser( @Nonnull final IUser aUser, @Nonnull final ISessionScope aSessionScope) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aUser, "User"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aSessionScope, "SessionScope"); m_aRWLock.writeLock().lock(); try { final LoginInfo aInfo = new LoginInfo(aUser, aSessionScope); m_aLoggedInUsers.put(aUser.getID(), aInfo); } finally { m_aRWLock.writeLock().unlock(); } }
public DataTablesOrderColumn( @Nonnegative final int nIndex, @Nonnull final ESortOrder eSortOrder) { ValueEnforcer.isGE0(nIndex, "Index"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(eSortOrder, "SortOrder"); m_nIndex = nIndex; m_eSortOrder = eSortOrder; }
@Nullable public final String getText(@Nonnull final Locale aContentLocale) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aContentLocale, "ContentLocale"); final Locale aLocaleToUse = internalGetLocaleToUseWithFallback(aContentLocale); return aLocaleToUse == null ? null : internalGetText(aLocaleToUse); }
@Nonnull @CheckReturnValue public SizeDouble getAdded(@Nonnull final IHasDimensionDouble aToAdd) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aToAdd, "ToAdd"); return new SizeDouble(m_dWidth + aToAdd.getWidth(), m_dHeight + aToAdd.getHeight()); }
@Nonnull @CheckReturnValue public SizeDouble getSubtracted(@Nonnull final IHasDimensionDouble aToSubtract) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aToSubtract, "ToSubtract"); return new SizeDouble(m_dWidth - aToSubtract.getWidth(), m_dHeight - aToSubtract.getHeight()); }
/** * Get the {@link JAXBContext} from an existing {@link Class} object. If the class's owning * package is a valid JAXB package, this method redirects to {@link #getFromCache(Package)} * otherwise a new JAXB context is created and NOT cached. * * @param aClass The class for which the JAXB context is to be created. May not be <code>null * </code>. * @param aClassLoader Class loader to use. May be <code>null</code> in which case the default * class loader is used. * @return Never <code>null</code>. */ @Nonnull public JAXBContext getFromCache( @Nonnull final Class<?> aClass, @Nullable final ClassLoader aClassLoader) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aClass, "Class"); final Package aPackage = aClass.getPackage(); if (aPackage.getAnnotation(XmlSchema.class) != null) { // Redirect to cached version return getFromCache(aPackage, aClassLoader); } // E.g. an internal class - try anyway! if (GlobalDebug.isDebugMode())"Creating JAXB context for class " + aClass.getName()); if (aClassLoader != null) s_aLogger.warn( "Package " + aPackage.getName() + " does not seem to be JAXB generated. Therefore a new JAXBContext is created and the provided ClassLoader is ignored!"); try { return JAXBContext.newInstance(aClass); } catch (final JAXBException ex) { final String sMsg = "Failed to create JAXB context for class '" + aClass.getName() + "'"; s_aLogger.error(sMsg + ": " + ex.getMessage()); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sMsg, ex); } }
public CSSValueList( @Nonnull final ECSSProperty eProperty, @Nonnull final ICSSProperty[] aProperties, @Nonnull final String[] aValues, final boolean bIsImportant) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(eProperty, "Property"); ValueEnforcer.notEmptyNoNullValue(aProperties, "Properties"); ValueEnforcer.notEmptyNoNullValue(aValues, "Values"); if (aProperties.length != aValues.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Different number of properties and values passed"); boolean bFound = false; for (final ICSSProperty aProperty : aProperties) if (aProperty.getProp() == eProperty) { bFound = true; break; } if (!bFound) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The property " + eProperty + " is not contained in an ICSSProperty instance!"); m_eProperty = eProperty; m_aValues = new ArrayList<CSSValue>(aProperties.length); for (int i = 0; i < aProperties.length; ++i) m_aValues.add(new CSSValue(aProperties[i], aValues[i], bIsImportant)); }
/** * This constructor requires a class name, because in case a class has no instance variables the * hash code may be the same for different instances of different classes. * * @param aClass The class this instance is about to create a hash code for. May not be <code>null * </code>. */ public HashCodeGenerator(@Nonnull final Class<?> aClass) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aClass, "Class"); // Use the class name append(aClass.getName()); // Is it an array class? If so add the component class name. final Class<?> aComponentType = aClass.getComponentType(); if (aComponentType != null) append(aComponentType.getName()); }
public void addPrivateKey( @Nonnull @Nonempty final String sAlias, @Nonnull final Key aKey, @Nonnull final String sPassword) throws OpenAS2Exception { ValueEnforcer.notEmpty(sAlias, "Alias"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aKey, "Key"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(sPassword, "Password"); final KeyStore aKeyStore = getKeyStore(); try { if (!aKeyStore.containsAlias(sAlias)) throw new CertificateNotFoundException(null, sAlias); final Certificate[] aCertChain = aKeyStore.getCertificateChain(sAlias); aKeyStore.setKeyEntry(sAlias, aKey, sPassword.toCharArray(), aCertChain); save(getFilename(), getPassword()); } catch (final GeneralSecurityException ex) { throw WrappedOpenAS2Exception.wrap(ex); } }
public void removeCertificate(@Nonnull final X509Certificate aCert) throws OpenAS2Exception { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aCert, "Cert"); final KeyStore aKeyStore = getKeyStore(); try { final String sAlias = aKeyStore.getCertificateAlias(aCert); if (sAlias == null) throw new CertificateNotFoundException(aCert); removeCertificate(sAlias); } catch (final GeneralSecurityException ex) { throw WrappedOpenAS2Exception.wrap(ex); } }
/** * Constructs {@link CSVReader} with supplied {@link CSVParser}. * * @param aReader the reader to an underlying CSV source. * @param aParser the parser to use to parse input * @param bKeepCR <code>true</code> to keep carriage returns in data read, <code>false</code> * otherwise */ public CSVReader( @Nonnull final Reader aReader, @Nonnull final CSVParser aParser, final boolean bKeepCR) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aReader, "Reader"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aParser, "Parser"); Reader aInternallyBufferedReader = StreamHelper.getBuffered(aReader); if (bKeepCR) m_aLineReader = new CSVLineReaderKeepCR(aInternallyBufferedReader); else if (aInternallyBufferedReader instanceof BufferedReader) m_aLineReader = new CSVLineReaderBufferedReader((BufferedReader) aInternallyBufferedReader); else { if (!(aInternallyBufferedReader instanceof NonBlockingBufferedReader)) { // It is buffered, but we need it to support readLine aInternallyBufferedReader = new NonBlockingBufferedReader(aInternallyBufferedReader); } m_aLineReader = new CSVLineReaderNonBlockingBufferedReader( (NonBlockingBufferedReader) aInternallyBufferedReader); } m_aReader = aInternallyBufferedReader; m_aParser = aParser; m_bKeepCR = bKeepCR; }
@Override @Nonnull public String getAlias( @Nonnull final Partnership aPartnership, @Nonnull final ECertificatePartnershipType ePartnershipType) throws OpenAS2Exception { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aPartnership, "Partnership"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(ePartnershipType, "PartnershipType"); String sAlias = null; switch (ePartnershipType) { case RECEIVER: sAlias = aPartnership.getReceiverX509Alias(); break; case SENDER: sAlias = aPartnership.getSenderX509Alias(); break; } if (sAlias == null) throw new CertificateNotFoundException(ePartnershipType, aPartnership); return sAlias; }
@Nonnull @ReturnsMutableCopy public static MultilingualText createMultilingualTextFromMap( @Nonnull final Map<String, String> aMap) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aMap, "Map"); final MultilingualText ret = new MultilingualText(); final LocaleCache aLC = LocaleCache.getInstance(); for (final Entry<String, String> aEntry : aMap.entrySet()) { final String sText = aEntry.getValue(); if (sText != null) ret.setText(aLC.getLocale(aEntry.getKey()), sText); } return ret; }
/** * Set the global password constraint list. * * @param aPasswordConstraintList The list to be set. May not be <code>null</code>. */ public static void setPasswordConstraintList( @Nonnull final IPasswordConstraintList aPasswordConstraintList) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aPasswordConstraintList, "PasswordConstraintList"); // Create a copy final IPasswordConstraintList aRealPasswordConstraints = aPasswordConstraintList.getClone(); s_aRWLock.writeLock().lock(); try { s_aPasswordConstraintList = aRealPasswordConstraints; } finally { s_aRWLock.writeLock().unlock(); }"Set global password constraints to " + aRealPasswordConstraints); }
public void saveFormState(@Nonnull final FormState aFormState) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aFormState, "FormState"); m_aRWLock.writeLock().lock(); try { m_aMap.put(aFormState.getFlowID(), aFormState); m_bAtLeastOnceAFormState = true; } finally { m_aRWLock.writeLock().unlock(); } if (GlobalDebug.isDebugMode())"Saved form state: " + aFormState.toString()); else"Saved form state for page " + aFormState.getPageID()); }
/** * Applies an RFC 1522 compliant encoding scheme to the given string of text with the given * charset. * * <p>This method constructs the "encoded-word" header common to all the RFC 1522 codecs and then * invokes {@link #getEncoded(byte [])} method of a concrete class to perform the specific * encoding. * * @param sText a string to encode * @param aSourceCharset a charset to be used * @return RFC 1522 compliant "encoded-word" * @throws EncodeException thrown if there is an error condition during the Encoding process. * @see <a * href="">Standard * charsets</a> */ @Nullable protected String getEncodedText( @Nullable final String sText, @Nonnull final Charset aSourceCharset) throws EncodeException { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aSourceCharset, "SourceCharset"); if (sText == null) return null; final byte[] aEncodedData = getEncoded(CharsetManager.getAsBytes(sText, aSourceCharset)); final StringBuilder aSB = new StringBuilder(); aSB.append(PREFIX) .append( .append(SEP) .append(getRFC1522Encoding()) .append(SEP) .append(CharsetManager.getAsString(aEncodedData, CCharset.CHARSET_US_ASCII_OBJ)) .append(POSTFIX); return aSB.toString(); }
@Nullable public static String getFormattedText( @Nonnull final Locale aDisplayLocale, @Nullable final String sText, @Nullable final Object... aArgs) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aDisplayLocale, "DisplayLocale"); if (sText == null) { // Avoid NPE in MessageFormat return null; } if (aArgs == null || aArgs.length == 0) { // Return text unchanged return sText; } final MessageFormat aMF = new MessageFormat(sText, aDisplayLocale); return aMF.format(aArgs); }
public void addCertificate( @Nonnull @Nonempty final String sAlias, @Nonnull final X509Certificate aCert, final boolean bOverwrite) throws OpenAS2Exception { ValueEnforcer.notEmpty(sAlias, "Alias"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aCert, "Cert"); final KeyStore aKeyStore = getKeyStore(); try { if (aKeyStore.containsAlias(sAlias) && !bOverwrite) throw new CertificateExistsException(sAlias); aKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(sAlias, aCert); save(getFilename(), getPassword()); "Added certificate alias '" + sAlias + "' of certificate '" + aCert.getSubjectDN()); } catch (final GeneralSecurityException ex) { throw WrappedOpenAS2Exception.wrap(ex); } }
@Nonnull public static byte[] readHttpPayload( @Nonnull final InputStream aIS, @Nonnull final IAS2HttpResponseHandler aResponseHandler, @Nonnull final IMessage aMsg) throws IOException { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aIS, "InputStream"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aResponseHandler, "ResponseHandler"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aMsg, "Msg"); final DataInputStream aDataIS = new DataInputStream(aIS); // Retrieve the message content byte[] aData = null; final String sContentLength = aMsg.getHeader(CAS2Header.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH); if (sContentLength == null) { // No "Content-Length" header present final String sTransferEncoding = aMsg.getHeader(CAS2Header.HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING); if (sTransferEncoding != null) { // Remove all whitespaces in the value if (sTransferEncoding.replaceAll("\\s+", "").equalsIgnoreCase("chunked")) { // chunked encoding int nLength = 0; for (; ; ) { // First get hex chunk length; followed by CRLF int nBlocklen = 0; for (; ; ) { int ch = aDataIS.readByte(); if (ch == '\n') break; if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') ch -= ('a' - 10); else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') ch -= ('A' - 10); else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ch -= '0'; else continue; nBlocklen = (nBlocklen * 16) + ch; } // Zero length is end of chunks if (nBlocklen == 0) break; // Ok, now read new chunk final int nNewlen = nLength + nBlocklen; final byte[] aNewData = new byte[nNewlen]; if (nLength > 0) System.arraycopy(aData, 0, aNewData, 0, nLength); aDataIS.readFully(aNewData, nLength, nBlocklen); aData = aNewData; nLength = nNewlen; // And now the CRLF after the chunk; while (true) { final int n = aDataIS.readByte(); if (n == '\n') break; } } aMsg.setHeader(CAS2Header.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(nLength)); } else { // No "Content-Length" and unsupported "Transfer-Encoding" sendSimpleHTTPResponse(aResponseHandler, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED); throw new IOException("Transfer-Encoding unimplemented: " + sTransferEncoding); } } else { // No "Content-Length" and no "Transfer-Encoding" sendSimpleHTTPResponse(aResponseHandler, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED); throw new IOException("Content-Length missing"); } } else { // "Content-Length" is present // Receive the transmission's data // XX if a value > 2GB comes in, this will fail!! final int nContentSize = Integer.parseInt(sContentLength); aData = new byte[nContentSize]; aDataIS.readFully(aData); } return aData; }
@Nonnull public DTPButtonsButtonKey setMetaKey(@Nonnull final ETriState eMetaKey) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(eMetaKey, "MetaKey"); m_eMetaKey = eMetaKey; return this; }
@Nonnull public DTPButtonsButtonKey setCtrlKey(@Nonnull final ETriState eCtrlKey) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(eCtrlKey, "CtrlKey"); m_eCtrlKey = eCtrlKey; return this; }
@Nonnull public DTPButtonsButtonKey setAltKey(@Nonnull final ETriState eAltKey) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(eAltKey, "AltKey"); m_eAltKey = eAltKey; return this; }
public AS2ReceiverHandler(@Nonnull final AS2ReceiverModule aModule) { m_aReceiverModule = ValueEnforcer.notNull(aModule, "Module"); }
/** * Constructor to use a custom map for the attribute container * * @param bDummy Dummy parameter to be used to uniquely specify the constructor * @param aAttrMap The attribute map to be used. */ protected MapBasedReadOnlyAttributeContainer( final boolean bDummy, @Nonnull final Map<KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE> aAttrMap) { m_aAttrs = ValueEnforcer.notNull(aAttrMap, "AttrMap"); }
/** * Creates a new string reader. * * @param sStr String providing the character stream. May not be <code>null</code>. */ public NonBlockingStringReader(@Nonnull final String sStr) { m_sStr = ValueEnforcer.notNull(sStr, "String"); m_nLength = sStr.length(); }
/** * Set the factory to create {@link AS2Client} objects internally. Overwrite this if you need a * proxy in the AS2Client object. By default a new instance of AS2Client is created so you don't * need to call this method. * * @param aAS2ClientFactory The factory to be used. May not be <code>null</code>. * @return this for chaining */ @Nonnull public AS2ClientBuilder setAS2ClientFactory( @Nonnull final IFactory<AS2Client> aAS2ClientFactory) { m_aAS2ClientFactory = ValueEnforcer.notNull(aAS2ClientFactory, "AS2ClientFactory"); return this; }
/** * Set the message handler to be used by the {@link #verifyContent()} method. By default an * instance of {@link DefaultAS2ClientBuilderMessageHandler} is used so this method should only be * called if you have special auditing requirements. * * @param aMessageHandler The message handler to be used. May not be <code>null</code>. * @return this for chaining */ @Nonnull public AS2ClientBuilder setMessageHandler( @Nonnull final IAS2ClientBuilderMessageHandler aMessageHandler) { m_aMessageHandler = ValueEnforcer.notNull(aMessageHandler, "MessageHandler"); return this; }
public AbstractSoftMap(@Nonnull final Map<K, SoftValue<K, V>> aSrcMap) { m_aSrcMap = ValueEnforcer.notNull(aSrcMap, "SrcMap"); }