Exemple #1
  public static byte[] readHttpPayload(
      @Nonnull final InputStream aIS,
      @Nonnull final IAS2HttpResponseHandler aResponseHandler,
      @Nonnull final IMessage aMsg)
      throws IOException {
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aIS, "InputStream");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aResponseHandler, "ResponseHandler");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aMsg, "Msg");

    final DataInputStream aDataIS = new DataInputStream(aIS);

    // Retrieve the message content
    byte[] aData = null;
    final String sContentLength = aMsg.getHeader(CAS2Header.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH);
    if (sContentLength == null) {
      // No "Content-Length" header present
      final String sTransferEncoding = aMsg.getHeader(CAS2Header.HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
      if (sTransferEncoding != null) {
        // Remove all whitespaces in the value
        if (sTransferEncoding.replaceAll("\\s+", "").equalsIgnoreCase("chunked")) {
          // chunked encoding
          int nLength = 0;
          for (; ; ) {
            // First get hex chunk length; followed by CRLF
            int nBlocklen = 0;
            for (; ; ) {
              int ch = aDataIS.readByte();
              if (ch == '\n') break;
              if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') ch -= ('a' - 10);
              else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') ch -= ('A' - 10);
              else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ch -= '0';
              else continue;
              nBlocklen = (nBlocklen * 16) + ch;
            // Zero length is end of chunks
            if (nBlocklen == 0) break;
            // Ok, now read new chunk
            final int nNewlen = nLength + nBlocklen;
            final byte[] aNewData = new byte[nNewlen];
            if (nLength > 0) System.arraycopy(aData, 0, aNewData, 0, nLength);
            aDataIS.readFully(aNewData, nLength, nBlocklen);
            aData = aNewData;
            nLength = nNewlen;
            // And now the CRLF after the chunk;
            while (true) {
              final int n = aDataIS.readByte();
              if (n == '\n') break;
          aMsg.setHeader(CAS2Header.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(nLength));
        } else {
          // No "Content-Length" and unsupported "Transfer-Encoding"
          sendSimpleHTTPResponse(aResponseHandler, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED);
          throw new IOException("Transfer-Encoding unimplemented: " + sTransferEncoding);
      } else {
        // No "Content-Length" and no "Transfer-Encoding"
        sendSimpleHTTPResponse(aResponseHandler, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED);
        throw new IOException("Content-Length missing");
    } else {
      // "Content-Length" is present
      // Receive the transmission's data
      // XX if a value > 2GB comes in, this will fail!!
      final int nContentSize = Integer.parseInt(sContentLength);
      aData = new byte[nContentSize];

    return aData;