public void testSubstituteGlobals() throws Exception {

    ExprRootNode<?> expr = (new ExpressionParser("BOO + 'aaa' + foo.GOO")).parseExpression();
    PlusOpNode plus0 = (PlusOpNode) expr.getChild(0);
    PlusOpNode plus1 = (PlusOpNode) plus0.getChild(0);

    assertEquals("BOO", ((GlobalNode) plus1.getChild(0)).getName());
    assertEquals("foo.GOO", ((GlobalNode) plus0.getChild(1)).getName());

    Map<String, PrimitiveData> globals =
        ImmutableMap.<String, PrimitiveData>of(
    ((new SubstituteGlobalsVisitor(globals, null, false)).new SubstituteGlobalsInExprVisitor())

    assertEquals("boo", ((StringNode) plus1.getChild(0)).getValue());
    assertEquals("goo", ((StringNode) plus0.getChild(1)).getValue());
Exemple #2
 /** Returns a (deep) clone of this object. */
 public ExprUnion clone() {
   return (expr != null) ? new ExprUnion(expr.clone()) : new ExprUnion(exprText);
Exemple #3
 /** Returns the expression text. This method works for both V2 and V1 expressions. */
 public String getExprText() {
   return (expr != null) ? expr.toSourceString() : exprText;
  public void testSubstituteGlobalsFromType() throws Exception {

    ExprRootNode<?> expr = (new ExpressionParser("foo.BOO + foo.GOO")).parseExpression();
    PlusOpNode plus0 = (PlusOpNode) expr.getChild(0);

    assertEquals("foo.BOO", ((GlobalNode) plus0.getChild(0)).getName());
    assertEquals("foo.GOO", ((GlobalNode) plus0.getChild(1)).getName());

    // Fake enum type
    final SoyEnumType enumType =
        new SoyEnumType() {
          private Map<String, Integer> values =
              new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Integer>().put("BOO", 1).put("GOO", 2).build();

          public Kind getKind() {
            return SoyType.Kind.ENUM;

          public boolean isAssignableFrom(SoyType srcType) {
            return true;

          public boolean isInstance(SoyValue value) {
            return false;

          public String getName() {
            return "foo";

          public String getNameForBackend(SoyBackendKind backend) {
            return "foo";

          public Integer getValue(String memberName) {
            return values.get(memberName);

    // Fake type provider
    SoyTypeProvider enumTypeProvider =
        new SoyTypeProvider() {
          public SoyType getType(String typeName, SoyTypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
            if (typeName.equals("foo")) {
              return enumType;
            return null;

    // Create a registry with the enum type
    SoyTypeRegistry typeRegistry =
        new SoyTypeRegistry(ImmutableSet.<SoyTypeProvider>of(enumTypeProvider));
    ((new SubstituteGlobalsVisitor(null, typeRegistry, false)).new SubstituteGlobalsInExprVisitor())

    assertEquals(1, ((IntegerNode) plus0.getChild(0)).getValue());
    assertEquals(2, ((IntegerNode) plus0.getChild(1)).getValue());
 protected final Optional<Expression> visitExprRootNode(ExprRootNode node) {
   return visit(node.getRoot());