@Override public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { // Verify the source file is annotated. if (doSanityChecks && sourceFile != null) { Preconditions.checkState(sourceFile.equals(n.getProp(Node.SOURCENAME_PROP))); } // Annotate the original name. switch (n.getType()) { case Token.GETPROP: Node propNode = n.getLastChild(); setOriginalName(n, propNode.getString()); break; case Token.FUNCTION: String functionName = NodeUtil.getNearestFunctionName(n); if (functionName != null) { setOriginalName(n, functionName); } break; case Token.NAME: setOriginalName(n, n.getString()); break; case Token.OBJECTLIT: for (Node key = n.getFirstChild(); key != null; key = key.getNext()) { // We only want keys were unquoted. if (!key.isQuotedString()) { setOriginalName(key, key.getString()); } } break; } }
// Only unquoted plain properties are currently supported. private static boolean validateObjLit(Node objlit) { for (Node key : objlit.children()) { if (!key.isStringKey() || key.isQuotedString()) { return false; } } return true; }
private void visitObjectWithComputedProperty(Node obj, Node parent) { Preconditions.checkArgument(obj.isObjectLit()); List<Node> props = new ArrayList<>(); Node currElement = obj.getFirstChild(); while (currElement != null) { if (currElement.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_GETTER) || currElement.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_SETTER)) { cannotConvertYet(currElement, "computed getter/setter"); return; } else if (currElement.isGetterDef() || currElement.isSetterDef()) { currElement = currElement.getNext(); } else { Node nextNode = currElement.getNext(); obj.removeChild(currElement); props.add(currElement); currElement = nextNode; } } String objName = FRESH_COMP_PROP_VAR + compiler.getUniqueNameIdSupplier().get(); props = Lists.reverse(props); Node result = IR.name(objName); for (Node propdef : props) { if (propdef.isComputedProp()) { Node propertyExpression = propdef.removeFirstChild(); Node value = propdef.removeFirstChild(); result = IR.comma(IR.assign(IR.getelem(IR.name(objName), propertyExpression), value), result); } else { if (!propdef.hasChildren()) { Node name = IR.name(propdef.getString()).useSourceInfoIfMissingFrom(propdef); propdef.addChildToBack(name); } Node val = propdef.removeFirstChild(); propdef.setType(Token.STRING); int type = propdef.isQuotedString() ? Token.GETELEM : Token.GETPROP; Node access = new Node(type, IR.name(objName), propdef); result = IR.comma(IR.assign(access, val), result); } } Node statement = obj; while (!NodeUtil.isStatement(statement)) { statement = statement.getParent(); } result.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(obj); parent.replaceChild(obj, result); Node var = IR.var(IR.name(objName), obj); var.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(statement); statement.getParent().addChildBefore(var, statement); compiler.reportCodeChange(); }
private void validateObjectLiteralKeyName(Node n) { if (n.isQuotedString()) { try { // Validate that getString doesn't throw n.getString(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { violation("getString failed for" + Token.name(n.getType()), n); } } else { validateNonEmptyString(n); } }
/** * Expand jQuery.extend (and derivative) calls into direct object assignments Example: * jQuery.extend(obj1, {prop1: val1, prop2: val2}) -> obj1.prop1 = val1; obj1.prop2 = val2; */ private void maybeExpandJqueryExtendCall(Node n) { Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild(); Node objectToExtend = callTarget.getNext(); // first argument Node extendArg = objectToExtend.getNext(); // second argument boolean ensureObjectDefined = true; if (extendArg == null) { // Only one argument was specified, so extend jQuery namespace extendArg = objectToExtend; objectToExtend = callTarget.getFirstChild(); ensureObjectDefined = false; } else if (objectToExtend.isGetProp() && (objectToExtend.getLastChild().getString().equals("prototype") || convention.isPrototypeAlias(objectToExtend))) { ensureObjectDefined = false; } // Check for an empty object literal if (!extendArg.hasChildren()) { return; } // Since we are expanding jQuery.extend calls into multiple statements, // encapsulate the new statements in a new block. Node fncBlock = IR.block().srcref(n); if (ensureObjectDefined) { Node assignVal = IR.or(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), IR.objectlit().srcref(n)).srcref(n); Node assign = IR.assign(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), assignVal).srcref(n); fncBlock.addChildrenToFront(IR.exprResult(assign).srcref(n)); } while (extendArg.hasChildren()) { Node currentProp = extendArg.removeFirstChild(); currentProp.setType(Token.STRING); Node propValue = currentProp.removeFirstChild(); Node newProp; if (currentProp.isQuotedString()) { newProp = IR.getelem(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), currentProp).srcref(currentProp); } else { newProp = IR.getprop(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), currentProp).srcref(currentProp); } Node assignNode = IR.assign(newProp, propValue).srcref(currentProp); fncBlock.addChildToBack(IR.exprResult(assignNode).srcref(currentProp)); } // Check to see if the return value is used. If not, replace the original // call with new block. Otherwise, wrap the statements in an // immediately-called anonymous function. if (n.getParent().isExprResult()) { Node parent = n.getParent(); parent.getParent().replaceChild(parent, fncBlock); } else { Node targetVal; if ("jQuery.prototype".equals(objectToExtend.getQualifiedName())) { // When extending the jQuery prototype, return the jQuery namespace. // This is not commonly used. targetVal = objectToExtend.removeFirstChild(); } else { targetVal = objectToExtend.detachFromParent(); } fncBlock.addChildToBack(IR.returnNode(targetVal).srcref(targetVal)); Node fnc = IR.function(IR.name("").srcref(n), IR.paramList().srcref(n), fncBlock).srcref(n); // add an explicit "call" statement so that we can maintain // the same reference for "this" Node newCallTarget = IR.getprop(fnc, IR.string("call").srcref(n)).srcref(n); n.replaceChild(callTarget, newCallTarget); n.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, false); // remove any other pre-existing call arguments while (newCallTarget.getNext() != null) { n.removeChildAfter(newCallTarget); } n.addChildToBack(IR.thisNode().srcref(n)); } compiler.reportCodeChange(); }
private void visitObjectPattern(NodeTraversal t, Node objectPattern, Node parent) { Node rhs, nodeToDetach; if (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(parent) && !NodeUtil.isEnhancedFor(parent.getParent())) { rhs = objectPattern.getLastChild(); nodeToDetach = parent; } else if (parent.isAssign() && parent.getParent().isExprResult()) { rhs = parent.getLastChild(); nodeToDetach = parent.getParent(); } else if (parent.isStringKey() || parent.isArrayPattern() || parent.isDefaultValue()) { // Nested object pattern; do nothing. We will visit it after rewriting the parent. return; } else if (NodeUtil.isEnhancedFor(parent) || NodeUtil.isEnhancedFor(parent.getParent())) { visitDestructuringPatternInEnhancedFor(objectPattern); return; } else { Preconditions.checkState(parent.isCatch(), parent); cannotConvertYet( objectPattern, "OBJECT_PATTERN that is a child of a " + Token.name(parent.getType())); return; } // Convert 'var {a: b, c: d} = rhs' to: // var temp = rhs; // var b = temp.a; // var d = temp.c; String tempVarName = DESTRUCTURING_TEMP_VAR + (destructuringVarCounter++); Node tempDecl = IR.var(IR.name(tempVarName), rhs.detachFromParent()) .useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(objectPattern); nodeToDetach.getParent().addChildBefore(tempDecl, nodeToDetach); for (Node child = objectPattern.getFirstChild(), next; child != null; child = next) { next = child.getNext(); Node newLHS, newRHS; if (child.isStringKey()) { Preconditions.checkState(child.hasChildren()); Node getprop = new Node( child.isQuotedString() ? Token.GETELEM : Token.GETPROP, IR.name(tempVarName), IR.string(child.getString())); Node value = child.removeFirstChild(); if (!value.isDefaultValue()) { newLHS = value; newRHS = getprop; } else { newLHS = value.removeFirstChild(); Node defaultValue = value.removeFirstChild(); newRHS = defaultValueHook(getprop, defaultValue); } } else if (child.isComputedProp()) { if (child.getLastChild().isDefaultValue()) { newLHS = child.getLastChild().removeFirstChild(); Node getelem = IR.getelem(IR.name(tempVarName), child.removeFirstChild()); String intermediateTempVarName = DESTRUCTURING_TEMP_VAR + (destructuringVarCounter++); Node intermediateDecl = IR.var(IR.name(intermediateTempVarName), getelem); intermediateDecl.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(child); nodeToDetach.getParent().addChildBefore(intermediateDecl, nodeToDetach); newRHS = defaultValueHook( IR.name(intermediateTempVarName), child.getLastChild().removeFirstChild()); } else { newRHS = IR.getelem(IR.name(tempVarName), child.removeFirstChild()); newLHS = child.removeFirstChild(); } } else if (child.isDefaultValue()) { newLHS = child.removeFirstChild(); Node defaultValue = child.removeFirstChild(); Node getprop = IR.getprop(IR.name(tempVarName), IR.string(newLHS.getString())); newRHS = defaultValueHook(getprop, defaultValue); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected OBJECT_PATTERN child: " + child); } Node newNode; if (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(parent)) { newNode = IR.declaration(newLHS, newRHS, parent.getType()); } else if (parent.isAssign()) { newNode = IR.exprResult(IR.assign(newLHS, newRHS)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("not reached"); } newNode.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(child); nodeToDetach.getParent().addChildBefore(newNode, nodeToDetach); // Explicitly visit the LHS of the new node since it may be a nested // destructuring pattern. visit(t, newLHS, newLHS.getParent()); } nodeToDetach.detachFromParent(); compiler.reportCodeChange(); }