Exemple #1
   * Creates a dummy output directory without compiling the module. Either this method or {@link
   * #precompile} should be called first.
  synchronized Job.Result initWithoutPrecompile(TreeLogger logger)
      throws UnableToCompleteException {

    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    CompileDir compileDir = outboxDir.makeCompileDir(logger);
    TreeLogger compileLogger = makeCompileLogger(compileDir, logger);
    ModuleDef module;
    try {
      module = loadModule(compileLogger);

      logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "Loading Java files in " + inputModuleName + ".");
      CompilerOptions loadOptions = new CompilerOptionsImpl(compileDir, inputModuleName, options);
      compilerContext = compilerContextBuilder.options(loadOptions).unitCache(unitCache).build();

      // Loads and parses all the Java files in the GWT application using the JDT.
      // (This is warmup to make compiling faster later; we stop at this point to avoid
      // needing to know the binding properties.)
      module.getCompilationState(compileLogger, compilerContext);

      setUpCompileDir(compileDir, module, compileLogger);
      if (launcherDir != null) {
        launcherDir.update(module, compileDir, compileLogger);

    } finally {
      // Make the compile log available no matter what happens.

    long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
    compileLogger.log(TreeLogger.Type.INFO, "Module setup completed in " + elapsedTime + " ms");

    return new Result(compileDir, module.getName(), null);