Exemple #1
   * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
   * @param info - Passed to the function to create
   * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
  public Soldier makeSoldier(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
    JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
    JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
    int playerIndex = -1;
    int victimIndex = -1;
    String x = null;
    String y = null;
    try {
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
      myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
      playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the victim index
      victimIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // the player index of the victim
      myTree.nextName(); // the next name is the Hex location
      myTree.beginObject(); // begining the hex location object
      myTree.nextName(); // the first integer x name
      x = myTree.nextString(); // the x-coordinate
      myTree.nextName(); // the y-coordinate name
      y = myTree.nextString(); // the y-coordinate
      myTree.endObject(); // exiting the hexlocation object

    } catch (IOException e) {
    return new Soldier(
        playerIndex, victimIndex, new HexLocation(Integer.parseInt(x), Integer.parseInt(y)));
Exemple #2
   * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
   * @param info - Passed to the function to create
   * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
  public BuildSettlement makeBuildSettlement(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
    JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
    JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
    int playerIndex = -1;
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    String jsonDirection = "";
    boolean isFree = false;
    VertexDirection direction = null;
    try {
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
      myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
      playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the Vertex Location name
      myTree.beginObject(); // Begining the vertex location object
      myTree.nextName(); // the first integer x name
      x = myTree.nextInt(); // the x-coordinate
      myTree.nextName(); // the y-coordinate name
      y = myTree.nextInt(); // the y-coordinate
      myTree.nextName(); // getting the name of the string vertex direction
      jsonDirection = myTree.nextString(); // the actual vertex direction
      myTree.endObject(); // ending the vertexLocation object
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the free boolean
      isFree = myTree.nextBoolean(); // the "free" boolean

    } catch (IOException e) {
    switch (jsonDirection) {
      case "W":
        direction = VertexDirection.W;
      case "NW":
        direction = VertexDirection.NW;
      case "NE":
        direction = VertexDirection.NE;
      case "E":
        direction = VertexDirection.E;
      case "SE":
        direction = VertexDirection.SE;
      case "SW":
        direction = VertexDirection.SW;
    return new BuildSettlement(playerIndex, x, y, direction, isFree);
Exemple #3
   * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
   * @param info - Passed to the function to create
   * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
  public MaritimeTrade makeMaritimeTrade(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
    JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
    JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
    int playerIndex = -1;
    int ratio = 0;
    String input = null;
    String output = null;
    try {
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
      myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
      playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the ratio
      ratio = myTree.nextInt(); // the ratio
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the input resource
      input = myTree.nextString(); // the input resource
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the output resource
      output = myTree.nextString(); // the output resource

    } catch (IOException e) {
    return new MaritimeTrade(playerIndex, ratio, input, output);
Exemple #4
   * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
   * @param info - Passed to the function to create
   * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
  public YearOfPlenty makeYearOfPlenty(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
    JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
    JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
    int playerIndex = -1;
    String resource1 = null;
    String resource2 = null;
    ResourceType resourceType1 = null;
    ResourceType resourceType2 = null;
    try {
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
      myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
      playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the first resource type
      resource1 = myTree.nextString(); // the first resource type in string form
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the second resource type
      resource2 = myTree.nextString(); // the second resource type in string form

    } catch (IOException e) {
    switch (resource1) {
      case "brick":
        resourceType1 = ResourceType.BRICK;
      case "ore":
        resourceType1 = ResourceType.ORE;
      case "sheep":
        resourceType1 = ResourceType.SHEEP;
      case "wheat":
        resourceType1 = ResourceType.WHEAT;
      case "wood":
        resourceType1 = ResourceType.WOOD;
    switch (resource2) {
      case "brick":
        resourceType2 = ResourceType.BRICK;
      case "ore":
        resourceType2 = ResourceType.ORE;
      case "sheep":
        resourceType2 = ResourceType.SHEEP;
      case "wheat":
        resourceType2 = ResourceType.WHEAT;
      case "wood":
        resourceType2 = ResourceType.WOOD;
    return new YearOfPlenty(playerIndex, resourceType1, resourceType2);
Exemple #5
   * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
   * @param info - Passed to the function to create
   * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
  public OfferTrade makeOfferTrade(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
    JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
    JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
    int playerIndex = -1;
    int recieverIndex = -1;
    int numOfBrick = 0;
    int numOfOre = 0;
    int numOfSheep = 0;
    int numOfWheat = 0;
    int numOfWood = 0;
    try {
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
      myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
      playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the resourceList
      myTree.beginObject(); // beginning the resourceList object
      myTree.nextName(); // the numOfBrick name
      numOfBrick = myTree.nextInt(); // the actual numOfBrick
      myTree.nextName(); // the numOfOre name
      numOfOre = myTree.nextInt(); // the actual numOfOre
      myTree.nextName(); // the numOfSheep name
      numOfSheep = myTree.nextInt(); // the actual numOfSheep
      myTree.nextName(); // the numOfWheat name
      numOfWheat = myTree.nextInt(); // the actual numOfWheat
      myTree.nextName(); // the numOfWood name
      numOfWood = myTree.nextInt(); // the actual numOfWood
      myTree.endObject(); // the end of the offer resource list
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the reciever index
      recieverIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // the player index of the reciever

    } catch (IOException e) {
    ResourceList resources =
        new ResourceList(numOfBrick, numOfOre, numOfSheep, numOfWheat, numOfWood);
    return new OfferTrade(playerIndex, recieverIndex, resources);
Exemple #6
   * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
   * @param info - Passed to the function to create
   * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
  public Monument makeMonument(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
    JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
    JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
    int playerIndex = -1;
    try {
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
      myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
      playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index

    } catch (IOException e) {
    return new Monument(playerIndex);
Exemple #7
   * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
   * @param info - Passed to the function to create
   * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
  public AcceptTrade makeAcceptTrade(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
    JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
    JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
    int playerIndex = -1;
    boolean willAccept = false;
    try {
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
      myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
      playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the willAccept
      willAccept = myTree.nextBoolean(); // This is the boolean
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return new AcceptTrade(playerIndex, willAccept);
Exemple #8
   * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
   * @param info - Passed to the function to create
   * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
  public SendChat makeSendChat(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
    JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
    JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
    int playerIndex = -1;
    String content = null;
    try {
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
      myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
      playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the content
      content = myTree.nextString(); // the content of the message

    } catch (IOException e) {
    return new SendChat(playerIndex, content);
Exemple #9
   * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
   * @param info - Passed to the function to create
   * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
  public RollNumber makeRollNumber(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
    JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
    JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
    int playerIndex = -1;
    int rolled = 0;
    try {
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
      myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
      playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the integer of the number rolled
      rolled = myTree.nextInt(); // the number rolled

    } catch (IOException e) {
    return new RollNumber(playerIndex, rolled);
Exemple #10
   * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
   * @param info - Passed to the function to create
   * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
  public RoadBuilding makeRoadBuilding(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
    JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
    JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
    int playerIndex = -1;
    int x1 = 0;
    int y1 = 0;
    int x2 = 0;
    int y2 = 0;
    String jsonDirection1 = null;
    String jsonDirection2 = null;
    EdgeDirection direction = null;
    EdgeDirection direction2 = null;
    boolean isFree = false;
    try {
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
      myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
      playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index
      myTree.nextName(); // This is the EdgeLocation name
      myTree.beginObject(); // beginning the Edge Location Object
      myTree.nextName(); // the first integer x name
      x1 = myTree.nextInt(); // the x-coordinate
      myTree.nextName(); // the y-coordinate name
      y1 = myTree.nextInt(); // the y-coordinate
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of Edge Direction
      jsonDirection1 = myTree.nextString(); // the edge direction in string form
      myTree.endObject(); // exiting the Edge Location Object
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the second Edge Location
      myTree.beginObject(); // beginning the second Edge Location object
      myTree.nextName(); // the first integer x name
      x2 = myTree.nextInt(); // the x-coordinate
      myTree.nextName(); // the y-coordinate name
      y2 = myTree.nextInt(); // the y-coordinate
      myTree.nextName(); // the name of the second Edge Direction
      jsonDirection2 = myTree.nextString(); // the second edge direction in string form
      myTree.endObject(); // exiting the second Edge Location Object

    } catch (IOException e) {
    switch (jsonDirection1) {
      case "N":
        direction = EdgeDirection.N;
      case "S":
        direction = EdgeDirection.S;
      case "NW":
        direction = EdgeDirection.NW;
      case "NE":
        direction = EdgeDirection.NE;
      case "SE":
        direction = EdgeDirection.SE;
      case "SW":
        direction = EdgeDirection.SW;
    switch (jsonDirection2) {
      case "N":
        direction2 = EdgeDirection.N;
      case "S":
        direction2 = EdgeDirection.S;
      case "NW":
        direction2 = EdgeDirection.NW;
      case "NE":
        direction2 = EdgeDirection.NE;
      case "SE":
        direction2 = EdgeDirection.SE;
      case "SW":
        direction2 = EdgeDirection.SW;
    return new RoadBuilding(
        playerIndex, x1, y1, direction, new EdgeLocation(new HexLocation(x2, y2), direction2));
Exemple #11
  * This method will create the appropriate Command Object
  * @param info - Passed to the function to create
  * @return - Returns the appropriate Command Object
 public BuildRoad makeBuildRoad(JsonConstructionInfo info) {
   JsonParser myParse = new JsonParser();
   JsonElement myEle = myParse.parse(info.getJsonBody());
   JsonTreeReader myTree = new JsonTreeReader(myEle);
   int playerIndex = -1;
   int x = 0;
   int y = 0;
   String jsonDirection = null;
   EdgeDirection direction = null;
   String isFree = null;
   boolean free = false;
   try {
     System.out.println("We are about to view the JSON");
     myTree.nextName(); // This is the first which is just the type
     myTree.nextString(); // This is the Type name
     myTree.nextName(); // This is the name == playerindex
     playerIndex = myTree.nextInt(); // This is the player index
     myTree.nextName(); // This is the roadLocation name
     myTree.beginObject(); // beginning the Road Location object
     myTree.nextName(); // the first integer x name
     x = myTree.nextInt(); // the x-coordinate
     myTree.nextName(); // the y-coordinate name
     y = myTree.nextInt(); // the y-coordinate
     myTree.nextName(); // the name of road direction
     jsonDirection = myTree.nextString(); // the road direction in string form
     myTree.endObject(); // exiting the Road Location Object
     myTree.nextName(); // the name of the is free boolean
     String test = myTree.peek().toString();
     isFree = myTree.nextString(); // the is free boolean
   } catch (IOException e) {
   if (isFree.equals("true")) {
     free = true;
   } else {
     free = false;
   switch (jsonDirection) {
     case "N":
       direction = EdgeDirection.N;
     case "S":
       direction = EdgeDirection.S;
     case "NW":
       direction = EdgeDirection.NW;
     case "NE":
       direction = EdgeDirection.NE;
     case "SE":
       direction = EdgeDirection.SE;
     case "SW":
       direction = EdgeDirection.SW;
   return new BuildRoad(playerIndex, new EdgeLocation(new HexLocation(x, y), direction), free);