protected final synchronized void unsubscribeTenant(String tenantId, String reason) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState( tenantConfig.eventBusMap().containsKey(tenantId), "Cannot unsubscribe %s tenant '%s' (reason: %s) because EventBus not found. %s available: %s", getClass().getName(), tenantId, reason, tenantConfig.eventBusMap().size(), tenantConfig.eventBusMap().keySet()); final EventBus tenantEventBus = tenantConfig.eventBusMap().get(tenantId); Preconditions.checkState( subscriberMap.containsKey(tenantId), "Cannot unsubscribe %s tenant '%s' (reason: %s) because subscribers not found, createSubscribers() never called? %s available: %s", getClass().getName(), tenantId, reason, subscriberMap.size(), subscriberMap.keySet()); final List<Object> subscribers = subscriberMap.get(tenantId); log.debug( "Unsubscribing {} objects from '{}' EventBus: {}. Reason: {}", subscribers.size(), tenantId, subscribers, reason); for (Object subscriber : subscribers) { tenantEventBus.unregister(subscriber); } subscriberMap.remove(tenantId); }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public void testMonitorAndContinueWithoutTimeout() { ScheduledFuture mockFuture = EasyMock.createMock(ScheduledFuture.class); ScheduledExecutorService schedulerMock = EasyMock.createMock(ScheduledExecutorService.class); expect( schedulerMock.scheduleWithFixedDelay( anyObject(Runnable.class), anyLong(), anyLong(), anyObject(TimeUnit.class))) .andReturn(mockFuture); replay(mockFuture); replay(schedulerMock); CoutingEventHandler handler = new CoutingEventHandler(); EventBus eventBus = new EventBus(); eventBus.register(handler); AsyncMonitor<Object> monitor = mockMonitor(schedulerMock, new Object(), mockFunction(MonitorStatus.CONTINUE), eventBus); assertNull(monitor.getFuture()); assertNull(monitor.getTimeout()); monitor.startMonitoring(null); assertNotNull(monitor.getFuture()); assertNull(monitor.getTimeout());; assertEquals(handler.numCompletes, 0); assertEquals(handler.numFailures, 0); assertEquals(handler.numTimeouts, 0); verify(mockFuture); verify(schedulerMock); }
@Test public void insertionDelayIsForwardedToSoneInserter() { EventBus eventBus = new AsyncEventBus(sameThreadExecutor()); eventBus.register(new SoneInserter(core, eventBus, freenetInterface, "SoneId")); InsertionDelayChangedEvent(15)); assertThat(SoneInserter.getInsertionDelay().get(), is(15)); }
protected final synchronized void createSubscribers( String tenantId, AppManifest appManifest, String reason) { @Nullable final List<Object> existing = subscriberMap.get(tenantId); Preconditions.checkState( existing == null, "%s subscribers for '%s' already exists with %s existing subscribers, probably wasn't stopped properly", getClass().getName(), tenantId, existing != null ? existing.size() : null); try (Closeable cl = CommandRequestAttributes.withMdc(tenantId)) { final List<?> subscribers = onReady(tenantId, appManifest); log.debug( "Subscribing {} objects to '{}' EventBus: {}. Reason: {}", subscribers.size(), tenantId, subscribers, reason); final EventBus tenantEventBus = tenantConfig.eventBusMap().get(tenantId); subscriberMap.put(tenantId, ImmutableList.copyOf(subscribers)); for (Object subscriber : subscribers) { tenantEventBus.register(subscriber); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new TenantException( "Cannot create EventBus subscribers for tenant '" + tenantId + "' reason " + reason + ".", e); } }
@Override public ExecResponse call() { checkState(ssh != null, "please call init() before invoking call"); try { ssh.connect(); ExecResponse returnVal; StatementOnNodeSubmission(statement, node)); String command = runAsRoot ? execAsRoot(statement.render(OsFamily.UNIX)) : execScriptAsDefaultUser(statement.render(OsFamily.UNIX)); try { returnVal = runCommand(command); } catch (Throwable e) { StatementOnNodeFailure(statement, node, e)); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } StatementOnNodeCompletion(statement, node, returnVal)); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("<< %s[%s]", statement, returnVal); else logger.debug("<< %s(%d)", statement, returnVal.getExitStatus()); return returnVal; } finally { if (ssh != null) ssh.disconnect(); } }
@Test public void testTick() { IMocksControl control = createControl(); GregorianCalendar startDateMock = control.createMock(GregorianCalendar.class); GregorianCalendar startDateCloneMock = control.createMock(GregorianCalendar.class); expect(startDateMock.clone()).andReturn(startDateCloneMock).once(); GregorianCalendar currentDateCloneMock = control.createMock(GregorianCalendar.class); expect(startDateCloneMock.clone()).andReturn(currentDateCloneMock).once(); startDateCloneMock.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); EventBus eventBusMock = control.createMock(EventBus.class);; expectLastCall().once(); control.replay(); TimeManagerImpl manager = new TimeManagerImpl(startDateMock, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1, eventBusMock); Calendar newDate = manager.tick(); assertEquals(startDateCloneMock, newDate); control.verify(); }
@Test public void testSocketPreview() { SocketHint<Number> sh = SocketHints.createNumberSocketHint("foo", 0); OutputSocket<Number> socket = new OutputSocketImpl<>(eventBus, sh); final boolean[] handled = new boolean[] {false}; Object eventHandler = new Object() { @SuppressFBWarnings( value = "UMAC_UNCALLABLE_METHOD_OF_ANONYMOUS_CLASS", justification = "This method is called by Guava's EventBus") @Subscribe public void onSocketPreviewed(SocketPreviewChangedEvent e) { handled[0] = true; assertTrue( "A preview event fired for a socket but the socket was not labeled as able to " + "be previewed", socket.isPreviewed()); } }; eventBus.register(eventHandler); socket.setPreviewed(true); eventBus.unregister(eventHandler); assertTrue("SocketPreviewChangedEvent was not received", handled[0]); }
@Override public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) { if (detector.getScaleFactor() < 1f) {; } else {; } }
@Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent a, MotionEvent b, float velocity, float _) { if (Math.abs(a.getY() - b.getY()) > MAXIMUM_OFFSET) { return false; } else if (isLeftOf(a, b, velocity)) {; return true; } else if (isLeftOf(b, a, velocity)) {; return true; } else { return false; } }
@Override public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(final Object bean, final String beanName) throws BeansException { log.trace(Scope.SYSTEM.marker(), "event bus registration of {}({})", beanName, bean.getClass()); eventBus.register(bean); return bean; }
@Override protected void configure() { final EventBus eventBus = new AsyncEventBus(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()); eventBus.register(new DeadEventListener()); bind(EventBus.class).toInstance(eventBus); bind(VideoRecorder.class).to(FFmpegRecorder.class); bind(VideoStreamer.class).to(FFmpegStreamer.class); bind(VideoFacade.class).to(VideoFacadeImpl.class).in(Scopes.SINGLETON); bind(Config.class).in(Scopes.SINGLETON); bind(CommandServer.class).asEagerSingleton(); bind(Monitor.class).annotatedWith(Names.named("DiskSpace")).to(MonitorDiskSpace.class); bind(Monitor.class).annotatedWith(Names.named("RecordingSize")).to(MonitorRecordingSize.class); bind(MonitorManager.class); }
public static void sendEvent(Object event) { if (eventBus != null) {; } else { LOGGER.warning("No event bus available"); } }
private void removeElement(JournalElement elt) { setCurrentEltAndGrp(elt, elt.getGroup()); elt.removeFromGroup(); elementDeletedList.add(elt.getId()); if (request.isXHR()) ajaxResponseRenderer.addRender(elementZone); JournalDeleteEvent(elt)); }
protected void addDataPoint(String s) throws InvalidDataPointException { ArrayList<SDataPoint> arDP = SDataPointHelper.createDataPoint(s, m_swConfiguration); for (SDataPoint dp : arDP) {; } }
/** * If you want to handle event sent to the channel, you can initialize the bus with custom handler * * @param addr * @param addrSync * @param busHandler custom handler instance, which intercept the event. The method which handle * the bus event must be annotate with "@Subscribe" */ public BusGuavaImpl(final String addr, final String addrSync, final List<Object> busHandler) { new BusGuavaImpl(addr, addrSync); for (Object handler : busHandler) { channel.register(handler);"handler={} is registered to the channel={}", handler, CHANNEL_NAME); } }
private void httpRequestReceived(HttpRequest request, Channel channel) { HttpResponse response = getResponse(request);; channel.write(response); channel.disconnect(); channel.close(); }
public void stopSession() { tracker.stopTracking(getSession()); locationHelper.stop(); state.recording().stopRecording(); notificationHelper.hideRecordingNotification(); SessionStoppedEvent(getSession())); }
@Override protected void shutDown() throws Exception { LOG.debug("Stopping InputSetupService"); eventBus.unregister(this); for (InputState state : inputRegistry.getRunningInputs()) { MessageInput input = state.getMessageInput(); "Attempting to close input <{}> [{}].", input.getUniqueReadableId(), input.getName()); Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.createStarted(); try { input.stop(); "Input <{}> closed. Took [{}ms]", input.getUniqueReadableId(), s.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error( "Unable to stop input <{}> [{}]: " + e.getMessage(), input.getUniqueReadableId(), input.getName()); } finally { s.stop(); } } LOG.debug("Stopped InputSetupService"); }
@Subscribe public void onEvent(ModelArchiveDownloadedEvent e) throws IOException { if (!isRunning()) { log(INFO_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING); return; } if (isIndex(e.model)) { File location = repository.getLocation(e.model, false).orNull(); String remoteUri = e.model.getHint(HINT_REPOSITORY_URL).orNull(); if (remoteUri != null) { Pair<File, IModelIndex> pair = openDelegates.get(remoteUri); if (pair == null) { File folder = createIndexLocation(remoteUri); folder.mkdir(); Zips.unzip(location, folder); openDelegate(remoteUri, folder); } else { File folder = Files.createTempDir(); Zips.unzip(location, folder); IModelIndex modelIndex = pair.getSecond(); modelIndex.updateIndex(folder); ModelIndexOpenedEvent()); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(folder); } } } }
/** * Default bus initialization with only one handler, the default publisher * * @param addr * @param addrSync */ public BusGuavaImpl(final String addr, final String addrSync) { Publisher pub = new PublisherZMQImpl();, addrSync); channel.register(pub); "Bus initialized (publisher open with address={} and synchronization address={}, and publisher register to the channel={})", new Object[] {addr, addrSync, CHANNEL_NAME}); }
public void onEditElement(String eltId, String gpId) { JournalElement elt = getElementFromGroup(eltId, getGroupFromGroupsList(gpId)); group = elt.getGroup(); element = elt; JournalEditEvent(elt)); elementEditedId = element.getId(); if (request.isXHR()) ajaxResponseRenderer.addRender(journalZone); }
private HttpResponse getResponse(HttpRequest request) { try { return doGetHttpResponse(request); } catch (Exception e) {; return DEFAULT_HTTP_RESPONSE; } }
/** * Helper for differential analysis which aggregates the TestSummary for an individual target, * reporting runs on the EventBus if necessary. */ private TestSummary.Builder aggregateAndReportSummary( ConfiguredTarget testTarget, AggregatingTestListener listener) { // If already reported by the listener, no work remains for this target. TestSummary.Builder summary = listener.getCurrentSummary(testTarget); Label testLabel = testTarget.getLabel(); Preconditions.checkNotNull( summary, "%s did not complete test filtering, but has a test result", testLabel); if (listener.targetReported(testTarget)) { return summary; } Collection<Artifact> incompleteRuns = listener.getIncompleteRuns(testTarget); Map<Artifact, TestResult> statusMap = listener.getStatusMap(); // We will get back multiple TestResult instances if test had to be retried several // times before passing. Sharding and multiple runs of the same test without retries // will be represented by separate artifacts and will produce exactly one TestResult. for (Artifact testStatus : TestProvider.getTestStatusArtifacts(testTarget)) { // When a build is interrupted ( eg. a broken target with --nokeep_going ) runResult could // be null for an unrelated test because we were not able to even try to execute the test. // In that case, for tests that were previously passing we return null ( == NO STATUS), // because checking if the cached test target is up-to-date would require running the // dependency checker transitively. TestResult runResult = statusMap.get(testStatus); boolean isIncompleteRun = incompleteRuns.contains(testStatus); if (runResult == null) { summary = markIncomplete(summary); } else if (isIncompleteRun) { // Only process results which were not recorded by the listener. boolean newlyFetched = !statusMap.containsKey(testStatus); summary = incrementalAnalyze(summary, runResult); if (newlyFetched) {; } Preconditions.checkState( listener.getIncompleteRuns(testTarget).contains(testStatus) == isIncompleteRun, "TestListener changed in differential analysis. Ensure it isn't still registered."); } } // The target was not posted by the listener and must be posted now.; return summary; }
public void distributeStateMessage(Class<?> customEvent) { try {; } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "An unexpected exception"); throw new LoaderException(e); } }
private void innerBroadcast(MessageContext ctx) { EventBus carryEventBus = this.getContext().getCarryEventBus(); BroadcastEventProcessor eventProcessor = new BroadcastEventProcessor(); carryEventBus.register(eventProcessor); CommonEventProcessor.MsgIdGenerateEvent msgIdGenerateEvent = new CommonEventProcessor.MsgIdGenerateEvent(); BroadcastEventProcessor.ValidateEvent validateEvent = new BroadcastEventProcessor.ValidateEvent(); BroadcastEventProcessor.PermissionCheckEvent permissionCheckEvent = new BroadcastEventProcessor.PermissionCheckEvent(); BroadcastEventProcessor.BroadcastEvent broadcastEvent = new BroadcastEventProcessor.BroadcastEvent(); msgIdGenerateEvent.setMessageContext(ctx); validateEvent.setMessageContext(ctx); permissionCheckEvent.setMessageContext(ctx); broadcastEvent.setMessageContext(ctx);;;;; carryEventBus.unregister(eventProcessor); }
@BeginRender public void initialize() { if (summaryList == null) summaryList = Lists.newArrayList(); if (elementDeletedList == null) elementDeletedList = Lists.newArrayList(); if (eventBusListener == null) { eventBusListener = new EventBus(); eventBusListener.register(this); } }
@Override public void deleteDocument(String docId, String prevRevId) throws ConflictException { Preconditions.checkState(this.isOpen(), "Database is closed"); Preconditions.checkArgument( !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(docId), "Input document id can not be empty"); Preconditions.checkArgument( !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(prevRevId), "Input previous revision id can not be empty"); CouchUtils.validateRevisionId(prevRevId); DocumentDeleted documentDeleted = null; this.sqlDb.beginTransaction(); try { BasicDocumentRevision preRevision = this.getDocument(docId, prevRevId); if (preRevision == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The document trying to update does not exist."); } DocumentRevisionTree revisionTree = this.getAllRevisionsOfDocument(docId); if (revisionTree == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Document does not exist for id: " + docId); } else if (!revisionTree.leafRevisionIds().contains(prevRevId)) { throw new ConflictException("Revision to be deleted is not a leaf node:" + prevRevId); } if (!preRevision.isDeleted()) { this.checkOffPreviousWinnerRevisionStatus(preRevision); String newRevisionId = CouchUtils.generateNextRevisionId(preRevision.getRevision()); // Previous revision to be deleted could be winner revision ("current" == true), // or a non-winner leaf revision ("current" == false), the new inserted // revision must have the same flag as it previous revision. // Deletion of non-winner leaf revision is mainly used when resolving // conflicts. this.insertRevision( preRevision.getInternalNumericId(), newRevisionId, preRevision.getSequence(), true, preRevision.isCurrent(), JSONUtils.EMPTY_JSON, false); BasicDocumentRevision newRevision = this.getDocument(preRevision.getId(), newRevisionId); documentDeleted = new DocumentDeleted(preRevision, newRevision); } // Very tricky! Must call setTransactionSuccessful() even no change // to the db within this method. This is to allow this method to be // nested to other outer transaction, otherwise, the outer transaction // will rollback. this.sqlDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { this.sqlDb.endTransaction(); if (documentDeleted != null) {; } } }
private GameController(final int width, final int height, final int turns) { _model = DrenchModel.Generator.createRandomModel(width, height, turns); _objective = width * height; _bus = new EventBus(); _loader = new GameAILoader(); _ai = _loader.defaultAI(); _aiName = _loader.defaultAIName(); _bus.register(this); }
@Override public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException { if (shouldRegister(bean.getClass())) {"Registering {} with {}", bean, eventBus); eventBus.register(bean); } return bean; }
@Override public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) throws Exception { Object message = e.getMessage(); if (message instanceof HttpRequest) {; httpRequestReceived((HttpRequest) message, e.getChannel()); } }