public ApiRequest a(NotificationsChangeSettingsParams paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams); ArrayList localArrayList = Lists.a(); if (!a(paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams.a())) localArrayList.add( new BasicNameValuePair("alert_types_on", paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams.a())); if (!a(paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams.b())) localArrayList.add( new BasicNameValuePair("alert_types_off", paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams.b())); if (!a(paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams.c())) localArrayList.add( new BasicNameValuePair("type", paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams.c())); if (!a(paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams.d())) localArrayList.add( new BasicNameValuePair("setting_id", paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams.d())); if (!a(paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams.e())) localArrayList.add( new BasicNameValuePair("setting_value", paramNotificationsChangeSettingsParams.e())); return new ApiRequest( "graphNotificationsSettings", "POST", "me/notificationssettings", localArrayList, ApiResponseType.JSON); }
public ApiRequest a(PublishLocationParams paramPublishLocationParams) { ArrayList localArrayList = Lists.a(); localArrayList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("project", paramPublishLocationParams.a)); localArrayList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("setting", paramPublishLocationParams.b)); localArrayList.add( new BasicNameValuePair("value", Integer.toString(paramPublishLocationParams.c.getCode()))); return new ApiRequest( "graphObjectLocation", "POST", "me/settings", localArrayList, ApiResponseType.JSON); }
public UserInteractionController(AndroidThreadUtil paramAndroidThreadUtil) { this.b = paramAndroidThreadUtil; this.c = new UserInteractionController.ActivityListener(this); this.d = new WeakHashMap(); this.e = new WeakHashMap(); this.f = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper(), new UserInteractionController.1(this)); this.j = Lists.a(); }
public class FetchImageCoordinator implements Executor { private static final Class<?> a = FetchImageCoordinator.class; private final AndroidThreadUtil b; private final List<Runnable> c = Lists.a(); public FetchImageCoordinator(AndroidThreadUtil paramAndroidThreadUtil) { this.b = paramAndroidThreadUtil; } private void a() { try { ArrayList localArrayList = Lists.a(this.c); this.c.clear(); Class localClass = a; Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject[0] = Integer.valueOf(localArrayList.size()); BLog.a(localClass, "Running %d runnables", arrayOfObject); Iterator localIterator = localArrayList.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) ((Runnable); } finally { } } public void execute(Runnable paramRunnable) { try { if (this.c.isEmpty()) this.b.a(new FetchImageCoordinator.1(this), 50L); this.c.add(paramRunnable); return; } finally { localObject = finally; throw localObject; } }
private void a() { try { ArrayList localArrayList = Lists.a(this.c); this.c.clear(); Class localClass = a; Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject[0] = Integer.valueOf(localArrayList.size()); BLog.a(localClass, "Running %d runnables", arrayOfObject); Iterator localIterator = localArrayList.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) ((Runnable); } finally { } }
public ApiRequest a(FetchNotificationsParams paramFetchNotificationsParams) { FqlMultiQueryHelper localFqlMultiQueryHelper = new FqlMultiQueryHelper(); Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[2]; arrayOfObject[0] = paramFetchNotificationsParams.b(); arrayOfObject[1] = Integer.valueOf(30); localFqlMultiQueryHelper.a( "notifications", StringUtil.a( "SELECT notification_id, sender_id, updated_time, title_text, is_unread, object_id, object_type, icon_url, join_data, mobile_href FROM notification WHERE recipient_id=%s AND is_hidden=0 AND is_mobile_ready ORDER BY created_time DESC LIMIT %d", arrayOfObject)); localFqlMultiQueryHelper.a( "profiles", "SELECT id, name, pic_square, type FROM profile WHERE id IN (SELECT sender_id FROM #notifications)"); ArrayList localArrayList = Lists.a(); localArrayList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("format", "json")); localArrayList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("queries", localFqlMultiQueryHelper.a().toString())); return new ApiRequest( "fetchNotifications", "GET", "method/fql.multiquery", localArrayList, ApiResponseType.JSON); }
private void T() { this.aC.setVisibility(8); Object localObject2; String str1; Object localObject1; if (( instanceof MentionsAutoCompleteTextViewInterface)) { MentionsAutoCompleteTextViewInterface localMentionsAutoCompleteTextViewInterface = (MentionsAutoCompleteTextViewInterface); localObject2 = localMentionsAutoCompleteTextViewInterface.getEncodedText(); str1 = localMentionsAutoCompleteTextViewInterface.getRawText(); localObject1 = localMentionsAutoCompleteTextViewInterface.getMentionsEntityRanges(); } while (true) { if ((localObject2 != null) && (!((String)localObject2).equals(""))) { if ((this.aO != null) && (this.aO.canViewerComment)) { String str2 = a(str1, (List)localObject1); Bundle localBundle = new Bundle(); localBundle.putParcelable("addCommentParams", new AddCommentParams(this.aN.d, (String)localObject2, this.aj.a(str2), this.aN.f)); ListenableFuture localListenableFuture = this.aa.a("add_comment", localBundle).e(); this.aW.a(localListenableFuture); HoneyClientEvent localHoneyClientEvent ="comment_request_flyout", (String)localObject2);;, new FeedFlyoutFragment.9(this, localListenableFuture, str2, (String)localObject2)); }""); U(); } return; str1 =; localObject1 = Lists.a(); localObject2 = str1; } }
public TextListWithMoreComputer.Result a(List<String> paramList, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, TextPaint paramTextPaint, int[] paramArrayOfInt) { Paint.FontMetrics localFontMetrics = paramTextPaint.getFontMetrics(); float f1 = localFontMetrics.bottom -; float f2 = Math.max(paramInt3, f1); ArrayList localArrayList = Lists.a(); TextListWithMoreComputer.PeekingIteratorWithCount localPeekingIteratorWithCount = TextListWithMoreComputer.PeekingIteratorWithCount.a(paramList); int i = -1; float f3 = paramTextPaint.measureText(","); StringBuilder localStringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder(100); float f4; float f6; int j; String str1; boolean bool1; label141: float f7; float f8; if ((paramInt2 > 0) && (localPeekingIteratorWithCount.b() > 0) && (f2 >= f1)) { paramInt2--; f4 = f2 - f1; float f5 = paramInt1; localStringBuilder1.setLength(0); f6 = f5; j = i; if (localPeekingIteratorWithCount.hasNext()) { str1 = (String)localPeekingIteratorWithCount.a(); if (localStringBuilder1.length() != 0) { bool1 = true; f7 = a(str1, bool1, paramTextPaint); if ((localPeekingIteratorWithCount.b() <= 1) || (paramInt2 <= 0)) break label599; f8 = f7 + f3; } } } while (true) { int n; if ((paramInt2 > 0) && (f4 >= f1)) { if (f8 < f6) {; if (localStringBuilder1.length() > 0); for (boolean bool5 = true; ; bool5 = false) { a(localStringBuilder1, str1, bool5); n = j; label224: f6 -= f7; j = n; break; bool1 = false; break label141; } } localStringBuilder1.append(","); } label258: int k; int m; while (true) { if (localStringBuilder1.length() != 0) localArrayList.add(localStringBuilder1.toString()); i = j; f2 = f4; break; if (localPeekingIteratorWithCount.b() == 1) { if (f6 < f7) { j = 1;; n = j; break label224; } if (localStringBuilder1.length() > 0); for (boolean bool4 = true; ; bool4 = false) { a(localStringBuilder1, str1, bool4); break; } } k = localPeekingIteratorWithCount.b(); m = a(paramArrayOfInt, localPeekingIteratorWithCount.b()); if (f6 - f7 >= m) break label540; if (k >= 5) break label482; StringBuilder localStringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); if (localPeekingIteratorWithCount.hasNext()) { String str3 = (String); if ((localStringBuilder1.length() != 0) || (localStringBuilder2.length() != 0)); for (boolean bool3 = true; ; bool3 = false) { a(localStringBuilder2, str3, bool3); break; } } if (a(localStringBuilder2, false, paramTextPaint) > f6) break label482; localStringBuilder1.append(localStringBuilder2); } label482: if (localStringBuilder1.length() == 0) { String str2 = a(str1, paramTextPaint, f6 - m); if (str2 != null) { localStringBuilder1.append(str2); localStringBuilder1.append("…"); } } for (int i1 = k - 1; ; i1 = k) { j = i1; break label258; label540:; if (localStringBuilder1.length() > 0); for (boolean bool2 = true; ; bool2 = false) { a(localStringBuilder1, str1, bool2); n = j; break; } return new TextListWithMoreComputer.Result(localArrayList, i); } label599: f8 = f7; } }