private void blockUntilRunningAndAssignElasticIpsToInstancesOrPutIntoBadMap( Set<RunningInstance> input, Map<NodeMetadata, Exception> badNodes) { Map<RegionAndName, RunningInstance> instancesById = Maps.uniqueIndex(input, instanceToRegionAndName); for (Map.Entry<RegionAndName, RunningInstance> entry : instancesById.entrySet()) { RegionAndName id = entry.getKey(); RunningInstance instance = entry.getValue(); try { logger.debug("<< allocating elastic IP instance(%s)", id); String ip = client.getElasticIPAddressServices().allocateAddressInRegion(id.getRegion()); // block until instance is running logger.debug(">> awaiting status running instance(%s)", id); AtomicReference<NodeMetadata> node = newReference(runningInstanceToNodeMetadata.apply(instance)); nodeRunning.apply(node); logger.trace("<< running instance(%s)", id); logger.debug(">> associating elastic IP %s to instance %s", ip, id); client .getElasticIPAddressServices() .associateAddressInRegion(id.getRegion(), ip, id.getName()); logger.trace("<< associated elastic IP %s to instance %s", ip, id); // add mapping of instance to ip into the cache elasticIpCache.put(id, ip); } catch (RuntimeException e) { badNodes.put(runningInstanceToNodeMetadata.apply(instancesById.get(id)), e); } } }
@Override public void update(final User user) { if (user == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User can't null"); } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(user.getUsername())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Username of the user can't be null or empty"); } User old = find(user.getUsername()); String newEncryptPassword = generateEncryptPassword(user); if (!old.getPassword().equals(newEncryptPassword)) { user.setPassword(newEncryptPassword); } mongoDBUtil.keepConnect( userCollectionName, new CollectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public Void process(MongoCollection<Document> collection) { collection.updateOne( new Document(usernameKey, user.getUsername()), new Document("$set", new Document(usernameKey, user.getPassword()))); return null; } }); cache.put(user.getUsername(), user); }
@Override public void delete(final String username) { mongoDBUtil.keepConnect( userCollectionName, new CollectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public Void process(MongoCollection<Document> collection) { collection.deleteOne(new Document(usernameKey, username)); return null; } }); cache.put(username, new User()); }
public static void updateRates(String type, long rate) { LOGGER.debug("updateRates : type={}, rate={}", type, rate); Iterator<RateLimiterDescriptor> iterator = rateLimiterMap.asMap().keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { RateLimiterDescriptor oldRateDesc =; if (type.equals(oldRateDesc.getType())) { LOGGER.trace("updateRates : invalidated rate={}", oldRateDesc); rateLimiterMap.invalidate(oldRateDesc); RateLimiterDescriptor newRateDesc = new RateLimiterDescriptor(oldRateDesc.getType(), oldRateDesc.getAppId(), rate); LOGGER.trace("updateRates : updating rate desc={}, rate={}", newRateDesc, rate); rateLimiterMap.put(newRateDesc, RateLimiter.create(rate)); rateLimiterMap.refresh(newRateDesc); } } }
void put(LazyTopLevelItem.Key key, TopLevelItem item) { cache.put(key, item); }
@Override public boolean put(DefinitionKey key, Resource value) { localCache.put(key, value); return false; }
private Mustache compileIfChanged(String filename, boolean partial) { Mustache template = mustacheCache.getIfPresent(filename); if (template == null) { String desc = partial ? "partial" : "template"; Log.debug("Compiling Mustache " + desc, "name", filename); Res res = getResource(filename, partial); template = customCompile(filename, res); res.onChange( "mustache", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { invalidateCache(); } }) .trackChanges(); mustacheCache.put(filename, template); } return template; }