@Override public Iterable<Cursor> makeCursors(Filter filter, Interval interval, QueryGranularity gran) { Interval actualInterval = interval; if (!actualInterval.overlaps(index.dataInterval)) { return ImmutableList.of(); } if (actualInterval.getStart().isBefore(index.dataInterval.getStart())) { actualInterval = actualInterval.withStart(index.dataInterval.getStart()); } if (actualInterval.getEnd().isAfter(index.dataInterval.getEnd())) { actualInterval = actualInterval.withEnd(index.dataInterval.getEnd()); } final Iterable<Cursor> iterable; if (filter == null) { iterable = new NoFilterCursorIterable(index, actualInterval, gran); } else { Offset offset = new ConciseOffset(filter.goConcise(new MMappedInvertedIndexSelector(index))); iterable = new CursorIterable(index, actualInterval, gran, offset); } return FunctionalIterable.create(iterable).keep(Functions.<Cursor>identity()); }
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private void validate() { checkNotNull(source, "Entity source"); checkNotNull(sensor, "Sensor"); if (readiness == null) readiness = GroovyJavaMethods.truthPredicate(); if (postProcess == null) postProcess = (Function) Functions.identity(); }
@Test public void testIgnorePaths() throws IOException { ProjectFilesystem filesystem = EasyMock.createMock(ProjectFilesystem.class); EasyMock.expect(filesystem.getPathRelativizer()) .andReturn(Functions.<String>identity()) .times(2); BuildTargetParser parser = EasyMock.createMock(BuildTargetParser.class); EasyMock.replay(filesystem, parser); Reader reader = new StringReader( Joiner.on('\n').join("[project]", "ignore = .git, foo, bar/, baz//, a/b/c")); BuckConfig config = BuckConfig.createFromReader(reader, filesystem, parser, Platform.detect()); ImmutableSet<String> ignorePaths = config.getIgnorePaths(); assertEquals( "Should ignore paths, sans trailing slashes", ignorePaths, ImmutableSet.of( BuckConstant.BUCK_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, ".idea", System.getProperty(BuckConfig.BUCK_BUCKD_DIR_KEY, ".buckd"), config.getCacheDir(), ".git", "foo", "bar", "baz", "a/b/c")); EasyMock.verify(filesystem, parser); }
private Function<String, String> createFunction(boolean isForObfuscation) { if (!rawMap.isPresent()) { return Functions.identity(); } ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : rawMap.get().entrySet()) { String original = entry.getKey().replace('.', '/'); String obfuscated = entry.getValue().replace('.', '/'); builder.put( isForObfuscation ? original : obfuscated, isForObfuscation ? obfuscated : original); } final Map<String, String> map = builder.build(); return new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String input) { String mapped = map.get(input); if (mapped != null) { return mapped; } else { return input; } } }; }
@Override public Iterator<Tree> childrenIterator() { return Iterators.concat( Iterators.singletonIterator(openCurlyBrace), properties.elementsAndSeparators(Functions.<Tree>identity()), Iterators.singletonIterator(closeCurlyBrace)); }
public Loader<Cursor> build(Context context) { return new ComposedCursorLoader<Cursor>( context, query.getQueryData(), ImmutableList.copyOf(notificationUris), Functions.<Cursor>identity()); }
private static Optional<Tool> getOptionalTool( String tool, ImmutableList<Path> toolSearchPaths, ExecutableFinder executableFinder, String version) { return getOptionalToolPath(tool, toolSearchPaths, executableFinder) .transform(VersionedTool.fromPath(tool, version)) .transform(Functions.<Tool>identity()); }
@Test public void jsonRepresentationContainsAllRuleKeysWithTransform() throws IOException { Iterable<RuleKey> ruleKeysInATransform = Iterables.transform(TEST_RULE_KEYS, Functions.<RuleKey>identity()); HttpArtifactCacheEvent.Finished finishedEvent = createBuilder().setRuleKeys(ruleKeysInATransform).build(); configureEvent(finishedEvent); String json = JSON_CONVERTER.writeValueAsString(finishedEvent); assertTrue(json.contains(TEST_RULE_KEYS_JSON)); }
public SqlTask createInitialTask() { TaskId taskId = new TaskId("query", "stage", "task" + nextTaskId.incrementAndGet()); URI location = URI.create("fake://task/" + taskId); return new SqlTask( taskId, location, sqlTaskExecutionFactory, taskNotificationExecutor, Functions.<SqlTask>identity(), new DataSize(32, MEGABYTE)); }
@Test public void testIgnorePathsWithRelativeCacheDir() throws IOException { ProjectFilesystem filesystem = EasyMock.createMock(ProjectFilesystem.class); EasyMock.expect(filesystem.getPathRelativizer()).andReturn(Functions.<String>identity()); BuildTargetParser parser = EasyMock.createMock(BuildTargetParser.class); EasyMock.replay(filesystem, parser); Reader reader = new StringReader(Joiner.on('\n').join("[cache]", "dir = cache_dir")); BuckConfig config = BuckConfig.createFromReader(reader, filesystem, parser, Platform.detect()); ImmutableSet<String> ignorePaths = config.getIgnorePaths(); assertTrue( "Relative cache directory should be in set of ignored paths", ignorePaths.contains("cache_dir")); EasyMock.verify(filesystem, parser); }
public Function<Path, Path> getBasePathTransform(int graphSize) { if (this == AUTO && graphSize < MIN_SHALLOW_GRAPH_SIZE || this == NONE) { return Functions.identity(); } return new Function<Path, Path>() { @Nullable @Override public Path apply(@Nullable Path input) { if (input == null || input.getNameCount() <= SHALLOW_MAX_PATH_LENGTH) { return input; } return input.subpath(0, SHALLOW_MAX_PATH_LENGTH); } }; }
/** @return the framework search paths with any embedded macros expanded. */ static ImmutableSet<Path> getFrameworkSearchPaths( Optional<ImmutableSortedSet<FrameworkPath>> frameworks, CxxPlatform cxxPlatform, SourcePathResolver resolver) { ImmutableSet<Path> searchPaths = FluentIterable.from(frameworks.get()) .transform( FrameworkPath.getUnexpandedSearchPathFunction( resolver.getPathFunction(), Functions.<Path>identity())) .toSet(); return FluentIterable.from(Optional.of(searchPaths).or(ImmutableSet.<Path>of())) .transform(Functions.toStringFunction()) .transform(CxxFlags.getTranslateMacrosFn(cxxPlatform)) .transform(MorePaths.TO_PATH) .toSet(); }
@Override public void markExpiredPendingUnhealthy( final AutoScalingGroupMetadata group, final Collection<String> instanceIds, final long maxAge) throws AutoScalingMetadataException { final AutoScalingInstance example = exampleForGroup(group); example.setHealthStatus(HealthStatus.Healthy); final List<AutoScalingInstance> instancesToMark = instanceIds.isEmpty() ? Collections.<AutoScalingInstance>emptyList() : persistenceSupport.listByExample( example, LifecycleState.Pending, Property.forName("displayName").in(instanceIds), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), Functions.<AutoScalingInstance>identity()); for (final AutoScalingInstance instance : instancesToMark) { try { persistenceSupport.updateByExample( AutoScalingInstance.withUuid(instance.getNaturalId()), group.getOwner(), instance.getInstanceId(), new Callback<AutoScalingInstance>() { @Override public void fire(final AutoScalingInstance instance) { if (instance.getCreationTimestamp().getTime() < maxAge) { logger.info("Marking pending instance unhealthy: " + instance.getInstanceId()); instance.setHealthStatus(HealthStatus.Unhealthy); } else { logger.debug( "Not marking pending instance unhealthy (within timeout): " + instance.getInstanceId()); } } }); } catch (final AutoScalingMetadataNotFoundException e) { // removed, no need to mark unhealthy } } }
@Override public void markMissingInstancesUnhealthy( final AutoScalingGroupMetadata group, final Collection<String> instanceIds) throws AutoScalingMetadataException { final AutoScalingInstance example = exampleForGroup(group); example.setHealthStatus(HealthStatus.Healthy); final List<AutoScalingInstance> instancesToMark = persistenceSupport.listByExample( example, LifecycleState.InService, instanceIds.isEmpty() ? Restrictions.conjunction() : Restrictions.not(Property.forName("displayName").in(instanceIds)), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), Functions.<AutoScalingInstance>identity()); for (final AutoScalingInstance instance : instancesToMark) { try { persistenceSupport.updateByExample( AutoScalingInstance.withUuid(instance.getNaturalId()), group.getOwner(), instance.getInstanceId(), new Callback<AutoScalingInstance>() { @Override public void fire(final AutoScalingInstance instance) { if (instance.healthStatusGracePeriodExpired()) { logger.info("Marking instance unhealthy: " + instance.getInstanceId()); instance.setHealthStatus(HealthStatus.Unhealthy); } else { logger.debug( "Instance not healthy but within grace period: " + instance.getInstanceId()); } } }); } catch (final AutoScalingMetadataNotFoundException e) { // removed, no need to mark unhealthy } } }
@Test public void shouldRewriteLineMarkers() { BuildRuleResolver ruleResolver = new BuildRuleResolver(TargetGraph.EMPTY, new DefaultTargetNodeToBuildRuleTransformer()); SourcePathResolver pathResolver = new SourcePathResolver(ruleResolver); Path original = Paths.get("buck-out/foo#bar/world.h"); Path finalPath = Paths.get("SANITIZED/world.h"); HeaderPathNormalizer.Builder normalizerBuilder = new HeaderPathNormalizer.Builder(pathResolver, Functions.<Path>identity()); normalizerBuilder.addHeader(new FakeSourcePath("hello/////world.h"), original); HeaderPathNormalizer normalizer = normalizerBuilder.build(); DebugPathSanitizer sanitizer = new DebugPathSanitizer( 9, File.separatorChar, Paths.get("PWD"), ImmutableBiMap.of(Paths.get("hello"), Paths.get("SANITIZED"))); FakeProjectFilesystem fakeProjectFilesystem = new FakeProjectFilesystem(); CxxPreprocessorOutputTransformerFactory transformer = new CxxPreprocessorOutputTransformerFactory( fakeProjectFilesystem.getRootPath(), normalizer, sanitizer); // Fixup line marker lines properly. assertThat( String.format("# 12 \"%s\"", Escaper.escapePathForCIncludeString(finalPath)), equalTo(transformer.transformLine(String.format("# 12 \"%s\"", original)))); assertThat( String.format("# 12 \"%s\" 2 1", Escaper.escapePathForCIncludeString(finalPath)), equalTo(transformer.transformLine(String.format("# 12 \"%s\" 2 1", original)))); // test.h isn't in the replacement map, so shouldn't be replaced. assertThat("# 4 \"test.h\"", equalTo(transformer.transformLine("# 4 \"test.h\""))); // Don't modify non-line-marker lines. assertThat("int main() {", equalTo(transformer.transformLine("int main() {"))); }
/** Utility for configuring an action to generate a deploy archive. */ public class DeployArchiveBuilder { /** * Memory consumption of SingleJar is about 250 bytes per entry in the output file. Unfortunately, * the JVM tends to kill the process with an OOM long before we're at the limit. In the most * recent example, 400 MB of memory was enough for about 500,000 entries. */ private static final String SINGLEJAR_MAX_MEMORY = "-Xmx1600m"; private final RuleContext ruleContext; private final IterablesChain.Builder<Artifact> runtimeJarsBuilder = IterablesChain.builder(); private final JavaSemantics semantics; private JavaTargetAttributes attributes; private boolean includeBuildData; private Compression compression = Compression.UNCOMPRESSED; @Nullable private Artifact runfilesMiddleman; private Artifact outputJar; @Nullable private String javaStartClass; private ImmutableList<String> deployManifestLines = ImmutableList.of(); @Nullable private Artifact launcher; private Function<Artifact, Artifact> derivedJars = Functions.identity(); /** Type of compression to apply to output archive. */ public enum Compression { /** Output should be compressed */ COMPRESSED, /** Output should not be compressed */ UNCOMPRESSED; } /** Creates a builder using the configuration of the rule as the action configuration. */ public DeployArchiveBuilder(JavaSemantics semantics, RuleContext ruleContext) { this.ruleContext = ruleContext; this.semantics = semantics; } /** Sets the processed attributes of the rule generating the deploy archive. */ public DeployArchiveBuilder setAttributes(JavaTargetAttributes attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; return this; } /** Sets whether to include build-data.properties in the deploy archive. */ public DeployArchiveBuilder setIncludeBuildData(boolean includeBuildData) { this.includeBuildData = includeBuildData; return this; } /** Sets whether to enable compression of the output deploy archive. */ public DeployArchiveBuilder setCompression(Compression compress) { this.compression = Preconditions.checkNotNull(compress); return this; } /** * Sets additional dependencies to be added to the action that creates the deploy jar so that we * force the runtime dependencies to be built. */ public DeployArchiveBuilder setRunfilesMiddleman(@Nullable Artifact runfilesMiddleman) { this.runfilesMiddleman = runfilesMiddleman; return this; } /** Sets the artifact to create with the action. */ public DeployArchiveBuilder setOutputJar(Artifact outputJar) { this.outputJar = Preconditions.checkNotNull(outputJar); return this; } /** Sets the class to launch the Java application. */ public DeployArchiveBuilder setJavaStartClass(@Nullable String javaStartClass) { this.javaStartClass = javaStartClass; return this; } /** Adds additional jars that should be on the classpath at runtime. */ public DeployArchiveBuilder addRuntimeJars(Iterable<Artifact> jars) { this.runtimeJarsBuilder.add(jars); return this; } /** Sets the list of extra lines to add to the archive's MANIFEST.MF file. */ public DeployArchiveBuilder setDeployManifestLines(Iterable<String> deployManifestLines) { this.deployManifestLines = ImmutableList.copyOf(deployManifestLines); return this; } /** Sets the optional launcher to be used as the executable for this deploy JAR */ public DeployArchiveBuilder setLauncher(@Nullable Artifact launcher) { this.launcher = launcher; return this; } public DeployArchiveBuilder setDerivedJarFunction(Function<Artifact, Artifact> derivedJars) { this.derivedJars = derivedJars; return this; } public static CustomCommandLine.Builder defaultSingleJarCommandLine( Artifact outputJar, String javaMainClass, ImmutableList<String> deployManifestLines, Iterable<Artifact> buildInfoFiles, ImmutableList<Artifact> classpathResources, Iterable<Artifact> runtimeClasspath, boolean includeBuildData, Compression compress, Artifact launcher) { CustomCommandLine.Builder args = CustomCommandLine.builder(); args.addExecPath("--output", outputJar); if (compress == Compression.COMPRESSED) { args.add("--compression"); } args.add("--normalize"); if (javaMainClass != null) { args.add("--main_class"); args.add(javaMainClass); } if (!deployManifestLines.isEmpty()) { args.add("--deploy_manifest_lines"); args.add(deployManifestLines); } if (buildInfoFiles != null) { for (Artifact artifact : buildInfoFiles) { args.addExecPath("--build_info_file", artifact); } } if (!includeBuildData) { args.add("--exclude_build_data"); } if (launcher != null) { args.add("--java_launcher"); args.add(launcher.getExecPathString()); } args.addExecPaths("--classpath_resources", classpathResources); args.addExecPaths("--sources", runtimeClasspath); return args; } /** Computes input artifacts for a deploy archive based on the given attributes. */ public static IterablesChain<Artifact> getArchiveInputs(JavaTargetAttributes attributes) { return getArchiveInputs(attributes, Functions.<Artifact>identity()); } private static IterablesChain<Artifact> getArchiveInputs( JavaTargetAttributes attributes, Function<Artifact, Artifact> derivedJarFunction) { IterablesChain.Builder<Artifact> inputs = IterablesChain.builder(); inputs.add( ImmutableList.copyOf( Iterables.transform(attributes.getRuntimeClassPathForArchive(), derivedJarFunction))); // TODO(bazel-team): Remove? Resources not used as input to singlejar action inputs.add(ImmutableList.copyOf(attributes.getResources().values())); inputs.add(attributes.getClassPathResources()); return inputs.build(); } /** Builds the action as configured. */ public void build() throws InterruptedException { ImmutableList<Artifact> classpathResources = attributes.getClassPathResources(); Set<String> classPathResourceNames = new HashSet<>(); for (Artifact artifact : classpathResources) { String name = artifact.getExecPath().getBaseName(); if (!classPathResourceNames.add(name)) { ruleContext.attributeError( "classpath_resources", "entries must have different file names (duplicate: " + name + ")"); return; } } IterablesChain<Artifact> runtimeJars = runtimeJarsBuilder.build(); // TODO(kmb): Consider not using getArchiveInputs, specifically because we don't want/need to // transform anything but the runtimeClasspath and b/c we currently do it twice here and below IterablesChain.Builder<Artifact> inputs = IterablesChain.builder(); inputs.add(getArchiveInputs(attributes, derivedJars)); inputs.add(ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.transform(runtimeJars, derivedJars))); if (runfilesMiddleman != null) { inputs.addElement(runfilesMiddleman); } ImmutableList<Artifact> buildInfoArtifacts = ruleContext.getBuildInfo(JavaBuildInfoFactory.KEY); inputs.add(buildInfoArtifacts); Iterable<Artifact> runtimeClasspath = Iterables.transform( Iterables.concat(runtimeJars, attributes.getRuntimeClassPathForArchive()), derivedJars); if (launcher != null) { inputs.addElement(launcher); } CommandLine commandLine = semantics.buildSingleJarCommandLine( ruleContext.getConfiguration(), outputJar, javaStartClass, deployManifestLines, buildInfoArtifacts, classpathResources, runtimeClasspath, includeBuildData, compression, launcher); List<String> jvmArgs = ImmutableList.of("-client", SINGLEJAR_MAX_MEMORY); ResourceSet resourceSet = ResourceSet.createWithRamCpuIo(/*memoryMb = */ 200.0, /*cpuUsage = */ .2, /*ioUsage=*/ .2); // If singlejar's name ends with .jar, it is Java application, otherwise it is native. // TODO(asmundak): once b/28640279 is fixed (that is, the native singlejar is released), // eliminate this check, allowing only native singlejar. Artifact singlejar = getSingleJar(ruleContext); if (singlejar.getFilename().endsWith(".jar")) { ruleContext.registerAction( new SpawnAction.Builder() .addInputs(inputs.build()) .addTransitiveInputs(JavaHelper.getHostJavabaseInputs(ruleContext)) .addOutput(outputJar) .setResources(resourceSet) .setJarExecutable( ruleContext.getHostConfiguration().getFragment(Jvm.class).getJavaExecutable(), singlejar, jvmArgs) .setCommandLine(commandLine) .alwaysUseParameterFile(ParameterFileType.SHELL_QUOTED) .setProgressMessage("Building deploy jar " + outputJar.prettyPrint()) .setMnemonic("JavaDeployJar") .setExecutionInfo(ImmutableMap.of("supports-workers", "1")) .build(ruleContext)); } else { ruleContext.registerAction( new SpawnAction.Builder() .addInputs(inputs.build()) .addTransitiveInputs(JavaHelper.getHostJavabaseInputs(ruleContext)) .addOutput(outputJar) .setResources(resourceSet) .setExecutable(singlejar) .setCommandLine(commandLine) .alwaysUseParameterFile(ParameterFileType.SHELL_QUOTED) .setProgressMessage("Building deploy jar " + outputJar.prettyPrint()) .setMnemonic("JavaDeployJar") .build(ruleContext)); } } /** Returns the SingleJar deploy jar Artifact. */ private static Artifact getSingleJar(RuleContext ruleContext) { Artifact singleJar = JavaToolchainProvider.fromRuleContext(ruleContext).getSingleJar(); if (singleJar != null) { return singleJar; } return ruleContext.getPrerequisiteArtifact("$singlejar", Mode.HOST); } }
/** Computes input artifacts for a deploy archive based on the given attributes. */ public static IterablesChain<Artifact> getArchiveInputs(JavaTargetAttributes attributes) { return getArchiveInputs(attributes, Functions.<Artifact>identity()); }
@Override public Function<T, T> makeMetricManipulatorFn(QueryType query, MetricManipulationFn fn) { return Functions.identity(); }
@Override protected void submit(NearlineStorage storage, Iterable<RemoveRequestImpl> requests) { storage.remove(transform(requests, Functions.<RemoveRequest>identity())); }
public static <T> TokenBackedBasicResultsPage<T, T> getFirstPage( BatchingVisitable<T> v, int numToVisitArg) { return getFirstPage(v, numToVisitArg, Functions.<T>identity()); }
private static Map<String, Specialization> mapToSpecialisation( Set<String> services, Specialization spec) { return Maps.<String, String, Specialization>transformValues( Maps.uniqueIndex(services, Functions.<String>identity()), Functions.constant(spec)); }
public class Suffix { private Suffix() {} public static final String lowerUnaccentedVowels = "aeiou"; public static final String lowerAccentedVowels = "āēīōū"; public interface Transformer { public char transform(char c); } public static boolean isVowel(char c) { char lc = Character.toLowerCase(c); return lowerUnaccentedVowels.indexOf(lc) >= 0 || lowerAccentedVowels.indexOf(lc) >= 0; } public static boolean isConsonant(char c) { return Character.isLetter(c) && !isVowel(c); } public static boolean isAccented(char c) { return lowerAccentedVowels.indexOf(Character.toLowerCase(c)) >= 0; } public static char accented(char c) { boolean lp = Character.isLowerCase(c); char lc = lp ? c : Character.toLowerCase(c); int p = lowerUnaccentedVowels.indexOf(lc); if (p < 0) { return c; } else { char lac = lowerAccentedVowels.charAt(p); return lp ? lac : Character.toUpperCase(lac); } } public static char unaccented(char c) { boolean lp = Character.isLowerCase(c); char lc = lp ? c : Character.toLowerCase(c); int p = lowerAccentedVowels.indexOf(lc); if (p < 0) { return c; } else { char lac = lowerUnaccentedVowels.charAt(p); return lp ? lac : Character.toUpperCase(lac); } } public static String unaccentString(CharSequence charSequence) { if (charSequence == null) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(charSequence); int s = sb.length(); for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { char c = sb.charAt(i); if (c == ' ') { sb.setCharAt(i, '_'); } else if (isAccented(c)) { sb.setCharAt(i, unaccented(c)); } } return sb.toString(); } public static Iterable<String> ssplitter(String str) { return Splitter.on(CharMatcher.BREAKING_WHITESPACE).omitEmptyStrings().split(str); } public static List<String> ssplit(String str) { return Lists.newArrayList(ssplitter(str)); } public static String makeFormString(String fstr) { return CharMatcher.is('_').collapseFrom(fstr.trim(), ' '); // return fstr.trim().replace('_', ' '); } public static final Function<String, String> toSameString = Functions.identity(); public static final Function<String, String> toFormString = new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(@Nullable String s) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(s); return makeFormString(s); } }; public static <T> Iterable<T> csplitter(String str, Function<? super String, T> tfunc) { str = str.trim(); if (str.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else { return Iterables.transform(Splitter.on(',').trimResults().split(str), tfunc); } } public static <T> List<T> csplit(String cstr, Function<? super String, T> tfunc) { return ImmutableList.copyOf(csplitter(cstr, tfunc)); } public static List<String> csplit(String cstr) { return csplit(cstr, toFormString); } public static boolean charMatch(char cc, char mc) { if (Character.toLowerCase(cc) == mc) { return true; } else if (mc == '*') { return true; } else if (mc == 'V') { return isVowel(cc); } else if (mc == 'C') { return isConsonant(cc); } else { return false; } } public static boolean seqMatches(CharSequence cs, String ms, int sp) { if (cs == null) { return false; } int mn = ms.length(); int cn = cs.length(); if (sp < 0 || sp + mn > cn) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < mn; i++) { if (!charMatch(cs.charAt(sp + i), ms.charAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } public static boolean startMatches(CharSequence cs, String ms) { return seqMatches(cs, ms, 0); } public static boolean endMatches(CharSequence cs, String ms) { return seqMatches(cs, ms, cs.length() - ms.length()); } public static String selectEndMatcher(CharSequence cs, List<String> msl) { for (String ms : msl) { if (endMatches(cs, ms)) { return ms; } } return null; } public static interface StringTest { public boolean test(CharSequence charSequence); } public static class EndMatcher implements StringTest { public final ImmutableList<String> matchStrings; public EndMatcher(ImmutableList<String> matchStrings) { this.matchStrings = matchStrings; } public boolean test(CharSequence charSequence) { for (String ms : matchStrings) { if (endMatches(charSequence, ms)) { return true; } } return false; } } public static EndMatcher endMatcher(String mss) { return new EndMatcher(ImmutableList.copyOf(csplitter(mss, toSameString))); } public static String removeEnding(String s, String e) { return s.endsWith(e) ? s.substring(0, s.length() - e.length()) : null; } public static boolean checkFormString(String fs) { int s = fs.length(); int lc = -1; for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { char c = fs.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetter(c)) { lc = i; } else if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { if (lc < 0 || i - lc > 1) { return false; } } else { return false; } } return lc + 1 == s; } public static List<String> checkFormStrings(List<String> strings) { for (String fs : strings) { if (!checkFormString(fs)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad form string " + fs); } } return strings; } static class AltsForm implements Formf { public final Object spec; public final ImmutableList<String> alts; public AltsForm(Object spec, List<String> strings) { this.spec = spec; this.alts = ImmutableList.copyOf(checkFormStrings(strings)); } public boolean apply(IFormBuilder formBuilder, Alts.AltChooser altChooser) { String s = Alts.chooseElement(alts, this, altChooser); if (s != null) { formBuilder.add(s); return true; } else { return false; } } public IFormBuilder apply(Alts.AltChooser altChooser) { String s = Alts.chooseElement(alts, this, altChooser); if (s != null) { FormBuilder formBuilder = new FormBuilder(); formBuilder.add(s); return formBuilder; } else { return null; } } public String toString() { return spec.toString() + ":" + alts.toString(); } } public static Formf makeFormf(Object id, List<String> strings) { return new AltsForm(id, strings); } public static Formf makeFormf(String prefix, Object key, List<String> strings) { return makeFormf(prefix + "." + key.toString(), strings); } public static Formf makeFormf(Object id, String fs) { return makeFormf(id, Suffix.csplit(fs)); } public static Formf makeFormf(String prefix, Object key, String fs) { return makeFormf(prefix, key, Suffix.csplit(fs)); } }
public static File copyResources(ClassLoader classLoader, String rootPath, File toDir) { return copyResources(classLoader, rootPath, toDir, Functions.<String>identity()); }
/** * Class used for communicating with an HTTP server via JSONP requests. * * @author [email protected] (Liz Looney) */ public class JsonpConnection { private static final int CONTACT_REQUEST_TIMER_DELAY = 1000; private static final int MINIMUM_UNRESPONSIVE_TIME_LIMIT = 2000; private static int jsonpRequestCounter = 0; private static final Map<String, AsyncCallback<String>> CALLBACKS = new HashMap<String, AsyncCallback<String>>(); // Functions that will be used to transform the server's responses to the appropriate types. // Those that don't need the jsonParser can be static. protected static final Function<String, String> stringResponseDecoder = Functions.<String>identity(); protected static final Function<String, Void> voidResponseDecoder = new Function<String, Void>() { public Void apply(String response) { return null; } }; @VisibleForTesting public static final Function<String, Boolean> booleanResponseDecoder = new Function<String, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(String response) { return Boolean.valueOf(response); } }; @VisibleForTesting public static final Function<String, Integer> integerResponseDecoder = new Function<String, Integer>() { public Integer apply(String response) { return Integer.valueOf(response); } }; @VisibleForTesting public final Function<String, String[]> stringArrayResponseDecoder; /** The connection information for the JSONP server. */ private final JsonpConnectionInfo connInfo; /** The list of {@link ConnectivityListener}. */ private final List<ConnectivityListener> connectivityListeners; /** A timer for sending a contact request periodically to see if the server is still alive. */ private Timer contactTimer; /** The time that last contact request was sent. */ private long contactRequestTime; /** * The time limit (in milliseconds) within which we expect to have received a response to the * contact request. */ private int unresponsiveTimeLimit; /** A timer used to recognize that the server is unresponsive. */ private Timer unresponsiveConnectionTimer; /** The connectivity status. If false, the server might be dead. */ private boolean connectivityStatus; /** The JSON parser used to decode responses. */ private final JSONParser jsonParser; /** A {@link Function} used to escape URL query parameters. */ private final Function<String, String> escapeQueryParameterFunction; /** * Creates a JsonpConnection object with the given connection information, JSON parser, and escape * function. * * @param connInfo the JSONP connection information * @param jsonParser the JSON parser * @param escapeQueryParameterFunction the escape function */ public JsonpConnection( JsonpConnectionInfo connInfo, final JSONParser jsonParser, Function<String, String> escapeQueryParameterFunction) { this.connInfo = connInfo; this.jsonParser = jsonParser; this.escapeQueryParameterFunction = escapeQueryParameterFunction; stringArrayResponseDecoder = new Function<String, String[]>() { public String[] apply(String response) { if (response != null) { JSONValue jsonValue = jsonParser.parse(response); if (jsonValue != null) { JSONArray jsonArray = jsonValue.asArray(); int size = jsonArray.size(); String[] strings = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { JSONValue element = jsonArray.get(i); strings[i] = (element != null) ? element.asString().getString() : null; } return strings; } } return null; } }; connectivityListeners = new ArrayList<ConnectivityListener>(); connectivityStatus = true; unresponsiveTimeLimit = MINIMUM_UNRESPONSIVE_TIME_LIMIT; } /** * Sends a JSONP request by embedding a script tag into the document. Generates a new id for the * request. * * @param request the request to be made * @param parameters the parameters for the request * @param function a function that transforms the response into the type that the callback needs * @param callback the callback that should be called with the transformed response */ public <T> void sendJsonpRequest( String request, Map<String, Object> parameters, Function<String, ? extends T> function, AsyncCallback<T> callback) { String id = getNextRequestId(); sendJsonpRequest(id, request, parameters, function, callback); } /** Returns the next request id; */ @VisibleForTesting public String getNextRequestId() { return "jr_" + (jsonpRequestCounter++); } /** * Sends a JSONP request by embedding a SCRIPT tag into the document. * * @param id the id used for the script tag and to identify the callback * @param request the request to be made * @param parameters the parameters for the request * @param function a function that transforms the response into the type that the callback needs * @param callback the callback that should be called with the transformed response */ private <T> void sendJsonpRequest( String id, String request, Map<String, Object> parameters, final Function<String, ? extends T> function, final AsyncCallback<T> callback) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(id); // Prepare an intermediate callback that converts the String result to T. if (callback != null) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(function); CALLBACKS.put( id, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(String jsonResult) { T result; try { result = function.apply(jsonResult); } catch (RuntimeException e) { callback.onFailure(e); return; } callback.onSuccess(result); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { callback.onFailure(caught); } }); } // Insert a script tag into the document. Document document = Document.get(); ScriptElement script = document.createScriptElement(); String uri = makeURI(request, parameters, id); script.setSrc(uri); script.setId(id); Element bodyElement = document.getElementsByTagName("body").getItem(0); Element previous = document.getElementById(id); if (previous != null) { bodyElement.replaceChild(script, previous); } else { bodyElement.appendChild(script); } } /** * Sends a JSONP request by embedding a SCRIPT tag into the document and then polls for the result * by resending the request with the parameter {@link JsonpConstants#POLLING}. We continue polling * until we receive a response that is not {@link JsonpConstants#NOT_FINISHED_YET}. * * @param request the request to be made * @param p the parameters for the request * @param function a function that transforms the response into the type that the callback needs * @param callback the callback that should be called with the transformed response */ public <T> void sendJsonpRequestAndPoll( final String request, Map<String, Object> p, final Function<String, ? extends T> function, final AsyncCallback<T> callback) { // Make a new parameters Map so we can add the POLLING parameter below. final Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (p != null) { parameters.putAll(p); } final String initialRequestId = getNextRequestId(); AsyncCallback<String> pollingCallback = new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(String response) { if (JsonpConstants.NOT_FINISHED_YET.equals(response)) { // No response is available yet, create a timer to try again in a second. parameters.put(JsonpConstants.POLLING, initialRequestId); final AsyncCallback<String> pollingCallback = this; Timer timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { sendJsonpRequest(request, parameters, stringResponseDecoder, pollingCallback); } }; timer.schedule(1000); // schedule the timer } else { // The response is available, convert it to the correct type T. T result; try { result = function.apply(response); } catch (RuntimeException e) { callback.onFailure(e); return; } callback.onSuccess(result); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { callback.onFailure(caught); } }; sendJsonpRequest(initialRequestId, request, parameters, stringResponseDecoder, pollingCallback); } /** * Returns the URI for a JSONP request. * * @param request the request to be made * @param parameters the parameters for the request * @param id the id for the request */ @VisibleForTesting public String makeURI(String request, Map<String, Object> parameters, String id) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("").append(connInfo.getPort()).append("/").append(request); sb.append("?") .append(JsonpConstants.OUTPUT) .append("=") .append(JsonpConstants.REQUIRED_OUTPUT_VALUE); sb.append("&") .append(JsonpConstants.CALLBACK) .append("=") .append(JsonpConstants.REQUIRED_CALLBACK_VALUE); sb.append("&") .append(JsonpConstants.ID) .append("=") .append(escapeQueryParameterFunction.apply(id)); sb.append("&").append(JsonpConstants.SECRET).append("=").append(connInfo.getSecret()); if (parameters != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> parameter : parameters.entrySet()) { sb.append("&") .append(parameter.getKey()) .append("=") .append(escapeQueryParameterFunction.apply(parameter.getValue().toString())); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Define the jsonpcb method that is called from javascript for all JSONP requests that we make. */ public static native void defineBridgeMethod() /*-{ $wnd.jsonpcb = function(id, success, s) { if (s != null) { s = decodeURIComponent(s); } @com.google.appinventor.client.jsonp.JsonpConnection::jsonpcb(Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;) (id, success, s); } }-*/; /** * Called from the native jsonpcb method defined above, for all JSONP requests that we make. * * @param id the id of the script tag that made the JSONP request * @param success whether the request was successful or not * @param response the response produced by the JSONP request if successful, or the exception * message if not successful */ public static void jsonpcb(String id, boolean success, String response) { // Remove the script tag from the document. removeScriptTag(id); // Remove the callback from the CALLBACKS map. AsyncCallback<String> callback = CALLBACKS.remove(id); // Call the callback's onSuccess or onFailure method. if (callback != null) { if (success) { callback.onSuccess(response); } else { callback.onFailure(new RuntimeException(response)); } } } /** Removes the script tag with the given id from the document. */ private static void removeScriptTag(String id) { Document document = Document.get(); Element element = document.getElementById(id); if (element != null) { document.getElementsByTagName("body").getItem(0).removeChild(element); } } /** Removes the JSONP request with the given id. */ public void removeJsonpRequest(String id) { removeScriptTag(id); CALLBACKS.remove(id); } /** Sends a JSONP request to the HTTP server telling it to quit. */ public void quit() { sendJsonpRequest(JsonpConstants.QUIT, null, null, null); } /** Registers the given @{link ConnectivityListener}. */ public void addConnectivityListener(ConnectivityListener listener) { connectivityListeners.add(listener); if (connectivityListeners.size() == 1) { createConnectivityTimers(); contactTimer.schedule(CONTACT_REQUEST_TIMER_DELAY); } } /** Unregisters the given @{link ConnectivityListener}. */ public void removeConnectivityListener(ConnectivityListener listener) { connectivityListeners.remove(listener); if (connectivityListeners.size() == 0) { contactTimer.cancel(); } } private void createConnectivityTimers() { // We create these GWT timers lazily. // We must not create them during a java test because they will cause test failures. if (contactTimer == null) { // Create (but don't schedule) a timer to send a contact request. contactTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { sendContactRequest(); } }; } if (unresponsiveConnectionTimer == null) { unresponsiveConnectionTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { handleUnresponsiveConnection(); } }; } } private void sendContactRequest() { contactRequestTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); unresponsiveConnectionTimer.schedule(unresponsiveTimeLimit); sendJsonpRequest( JsonpConstants.CONTACT, null, voidResponseDecoder, new AsyncCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void response) { receivedContactResponse(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // We got a response, even if it is a failure response. receivedContactResponse(); } }); } private void receivedContactResponse() { int elapsedTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - contactRequestTime); contactRequestTime = 0; unresponsiveConnectionTimer.cancel(); setConnectivityStatus(true); // Adjust the unresponsiveTimeLimit. unresponsiveTimeLimit = Math.max(MINIMUM_UNRESPONSIVE_TIME_LIMIT, elapsedTime); if (connectivityListeners.size() >= 1) { contactTimer.schedule(CONTACT_REQUEST_TIMER_DELAY); } } private void handleUnresponsiveConnection() { // Just in case the unresponsiveConnectionTimer still goes off *after* we've canceled it, check // that contactRequestTime is not 0 before calling setConnectivityStatus. if (contactRequestTime != 0) { setConnectivityStatus(false); } } private void setConnectivityStatus(boolean newConnectivityStatus) { // This method may be called repeatedly with true (or false). We only need to do something when // the connectivity status changes. if (connectivityStatus != newConnectivityStatus) { connectivityStatus = newConnectivityStatus; fireConnectivityStatusChange(); } } private void fireConnectivityStatusChange() { // Since listeners may choose to remove themselves during their callback, we use a copy in the // for loop here. List<ConnectivityListener> listenersCopy = new ArrayList<ConnectivityListener>(connectivityListeners); for (ConnectivityListener listener : listenersCopy) { listener.onConnectivityStatusChange(this, connectivityStatus); } } }
@Override public Function<Result<SearchResultValue>, Result<SearchResultValue>> makePreComputeManipulatorFn( SearchQuery query, MetricManipulationFn fn) { return Functions.identity(); }
@Before public void setup() { communicator = new TeamCityCommunicator( new JsonRestRequester(new Gson(), Functions.<String>identity(), channel), "http://foo"); }
public <S, P, E, T, D extends Pda<S, P>> D create( Cfg<E, T> cfg, FollowerFunction<E> ff, PdaFactory<D, S, P, ? super E> fact) { return create(cfg, ff, Functions.<E>identity(), fact); }
private static Map<String, MediaType> mapToMediaType(Set<String> services, MediaType type) { return Maps.<String, String, MediaType>transformValues( Maps.uniqueIndex(services, Functions.<String>identity()), Functions.constant(type)); }
public static BatchingVisitable<Long> getOrderedVisitableUsingSublists( final OrderedSublistProvider<Long> sublistProvider, @Inclusive final long startId) { return BatchingVisitables.getOrderedVisitableUsingSublists( sublistProvider, startId, Functions.<Long>identity()); }
@ImplementedBy(FailingEntityImpl.class) public interface FailingEntity extends TestEntity { @SetFromFlag("failInSubTask") ConfigKey<Boolean> FAIL_IN_SUB_TASK = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey( "failInSubTask", "Whether to throw exception in a sub-task (if true) or in current thread (if false)", false); @SetFromFlag("listener") ConfigKey<EventListener> LISTENER = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey( EventListener.class, "listener", "Whether to throw exception on call to start", EventListener.NOOP); @SetFromFlag("failOnStart") ConfigKey<Boolean> FAIL_ON_START = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey( "failOnStart", "Whether to throw exception on call to start", false); @SetFromFlag("failOnStop") ConfigKey<Boolean> FAIL_ON_STOP = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey( "failOnStop", "Whether to throw exception on call to stop", false); @SetFromFlag("failOnRestart") ConfigKey<Boolean> FAIL_ON_RESTART = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey( "failOnRestart", "Whether to throw exception on call to restart", false); @SetFromFlag("failOnStartCondition") ConfigKey<Predicate<? super FailingEntity>> FAIL_ON_START_CONDITION = (ConfigKey) ConfigKeys.newConfigKey( Predicate.class, "failOnStartCondition", "Whether to throw exception on call to start", null); @SetFromFlag("failOnStopCondition") ConfigKey<Predicate<? super FailingEntity>> FAIL_ON_STOP_CONDITION = (ConfigKey) ConfigKeys.newConfigKey( Predicate.class, "failOnStopCondition", "Whether to throw exception on call to stop", null); @SetFromFlag("failOnRestartCondition") ConfigKey<Predicate<? super FailingEntity>> FAIL_ON_RESTART_CONDITION = (ConfigKey) ConfigKeys.newConfigKey( Predicate.class, "failOnRestartCondition", "Whether to throw exception on call to restart", null); @SetFromFlag("exceptionClazz") ConfigKey<Class<? extends Exception>> EXCEPTION_CLAZZ = (ConfigKey) ConfigKeys.newConfigKey( Class.class, "exceptionClazz", "Type of exception to throw", IllegalStateException.class); @SetFromFlag("execOnFailure") ConfigKey<Function<? super FailingEntity, ?>> EXEC_ON_FAILURE = (ConfigKey) ConfigKeys.newConfigKey( Function.class, "execOnFailure", "Callback to execute before throwing an exception, on any failure", Functions.identity()); public interface EventListener { public static final EventListener NOOP = new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Entity entity, String action, Object[] args) {} }; public void onEvent(Entity entity, String action, Object[] args); } public static class RecordingEventListener implements EventListener { public final List<Object[]> events = Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList(); @Override public void onEvent(Entity entity, String action, Object[] args) { events.add(new Object[] {entity, action, args}); } } }