private boolean _assignValues(File fle) {
    String strMethod = "_assignValues(fle)";

    if (fle == null) {
      MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil fle");
      return false;

    if (!fle.exists()) {
          this, strMethod, "! fle.exists(), fle.getAbsolutePath()=" + fle.getAbsolutePath());

      String strBody = fle.getAbsolutePath();
      strBody += ":\nDirectory not found.";

      OPAbstract.s_showDialogWarning(super._frmParent_, strBody);

      return true;

    if (!fle.isDirectory()) // statement should never be reached!!!
          this, strMethod, "! fle.isDirectory(), fle.getAbsolutePath()=" + fle.getAbsolutePath());

      String strBody = fle.getAbsolutePath();
      strBody += ":\n  not a directory.";

      OPAbstract.s_showDialogWarning(super._frmParent_, strBody);

      return true;

    if (super._tfdCurSelection_ == null) {
      MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil super._tfdCurSelection_");
      return false;


    if (!_enableButtonsSelectionDone_()) {
      MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "failed");
      return false;

    // --
    // ending
    return true;
  public static boolean s_isWinPro() {
    String strMethod = _f_s_strClass + "s_isWinPro()";

    if (!s_isWindows()) return false;

    if (s_isWinPub()) return false;

    if (_s_strOsName == null) MySystem.s_printOutExit(strMethod, "nil _s_strOsName");

    if (_s_strOsName.toLowerCase().endsWith("nt")
        || _s_strOsName.toLowerCase().endsWith("2000")
        || _s_strOsName.toLowerCase().endsWith("xp")) return true;

        strMethod, "unknown OS, assuming WinPro, _s_strOsName=" + _s_strOsName);

    return true;
Exemple #3
  public boolean doJob() {
    String strMethod = "doJob()";

    try {
      // _validateCmsSignature();
      CMSSignedData cms = _getSignPkcs7();

      SignerInformationStore sis = cms.getSignerInfos();
      Collection colSignerInfo = sis.getSigners();
      Iterator itrSignerInfo = colSignerInfo.iterator();
      SignerInformation sin = (SignerInformation);

      // r�cup�ration du certificat du signataire
      CertStore cse = cms.getCertificatesAndCRLs("Collection", CmsVerif._STR_KST_PROVIDER_BC);
      Iterator itrCert = cse.getCertificates(sin.getSID()).iterator();
      X509Certificate crt = (X509Certificate);

      // Verifie la signature
      boolean blnCoreValidity = sin.verify(crt, CmsVerif._STR_KST_PROVIDER_BC);

      if (blnCoreValidity) {
        MySystem.s_printOutTrace(this, strMethod, "blnCoreValidity=true");

        String strBody = "CMS Detached signature is OK!";

        strBody += "\n\n" + ". CMS signature file location:";
        strBody += "\n  " + super._strPathAbsFileSig_;

        strBody += "\n\n" + ". Data file location:";
        strBody += "\n  " + super._strPathAbsFileData_;

        OPAbstract.s_showDialogInfo(super._frmOwner_, strBody);

        // SignerInfo sio = sin.toSignerInfo();

        SignerId sid = sin.getSID();

        if (sid != null) {
          System.out.println("sid.getSerialNumber()=" + sid.getSerialNumber());
          System.out.println("sid.getIssuerAsString()=" + sid.getIssuerAsString());
          System.out.println("sid.getSubjectAsString()=" + sid.getSubjectAsString());

        /*System.out.println("sin.getDigestAlgOID()=" + sin.getDigestAlgOID());
        System.out.println("sin.getEncryptionAlgOID()=" + sin.getEncryptionAlgOID());
        System.out.println("sin.toString()=" + sin.toString());
        System.out.println("sin.getVersion()=" + sin.getVersion());*/
      } else {
        MySystem.s_printOutWarning(this, strMethod, "blnCoreValidity=true");

        String strBody = "CMS Detached signature is WRONG!";

        strBody += "\n\n" + ". CMS signature file location:";
        strBody += "\n  " + super._strPathAbsFileSig_;

        strBody += "\n\n" + ". Data file location:";
        strBody += "\n  " + super._strPathAbsFileData_;

        OPAbstract.s_showDialogWarning(super._frmOwner_, strBody);

    } catch (Exception exc) {
      MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "exc caught");

      String strBody = "Failed to verify CMS detached signature.";

      strBody += "\n\n" + "Possible reason: wrong data file";

      strBody += "\n\n" + "got exception.";
      strBody += "\n" + exc.getMessage();
      strBody += "\n\n" + "More: see your session.log";

      OPAbstract.s_showDialogError(super._frmOwner_, strBody);

      return false;

    // TODO
    return true;
  private String[] _getStrsAliasSourceToKpr(KeyStore kstOpenToSource) {
    String strMethod = "_getStrsAliasSourceToKpr(kstOpenToSource)";

    String[] strsAliasSourceAll = UtilKstAbs.s_getStrsAlias(super._frmOwner_, kstOpenToSource);

    if (strsAliasSourceAll == null) {
      MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "nil strsAliasSourceAll");
      return null;

    if (strsAliasSourceAll.length < 1) {
      MySystem.s_printOutWarning(this, strMethod, "strsAliasSourceAll.length < 1");

      String strBody = "No aliases found in " + UtilKstBks.f_s_strKeystoreType + " keystore:";

      strBody += "\n" + "  ";
      strBody += super._strPathAbsKstSource_;

      OPAbstract.s_showDialogWarning(super._frmOwner_, strBody);

      return null;

    Vector<String> vec = new Vector<String>();

    try {
      for (int i = 0; i < strsAliasSourceAll.length; i++) {
        if (!kstOpenToSource.isKeyEntry(strsAliasSourceAll[i])) continue;

        Certificate[] certs = kstOpenToSource.getCertificateChain(strsAliasSourceAll[i]);

        if (certs == null) continue;

        if (certs.length < 1) continue;

    } catch (KeyStoreException excKeystore) {
      MySystem.s_printOutError(this, strMethod, "excKeystore caught");

      // show dialog
      String strBody =
          "Got keystore Exception while reading " + UtilKstBks.f_s_strKeystoreType + " keystore:";

      strBody += "\n" + "  ";
      strBody += super._strPathAbsKstSource_;

      OPAbstract.s_showDialogWarning(super._frmOwner_, strBody);

    // --

    if (vec.size() < 1) {
      MySystem.s_printOutWarning(this, strMethod, "vec.size() < 1");

      // show dialog
      String strBody =
          "No aliases pointing to keypair found in "
              + UtilKstBks.f_s_strKeystoreType
              + " keystore:";

      strBody += "\n" + "  ";
      strBody += super._strPathAbsKstSource_;

      OPAbstract.s_showDialogWarning(super._frmOwner_, strBody);

      return null;

    // ---

    String[] strsAliasSourceToKpr = new String[vec.size()];

    for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) strsAliasSourceToKpr[i] = (String) vec.elementAt(i);

    return strsAliasSourceToKpr;