protected void checkSucceeds(
     ParseTreeNode inputNode, ParseTreeNode expectedResultNode, MessageLevel highest) {
   ParseTreeNode actualResultNode = getRewriter().expand(inputNode);
   for (Message m : mq.getMessages()) {
     if (m.getMessageLevel().compareTo(highest) >= 0) {
   if (expectedResultNode != null) {
     // Test that the source code-like renderings are identical. This
     // will catch any obvious differences between expected and
     // actual.
     assertEquals(render(expectedResultNode), render(actualResultNode));
     // Then, for good measure, test that the S-expression-like
     // formatted representations are also identical. This will catch
     // any differences in tree topology that somehow do not appear
     // in the source code representation (usually due to programming
     // errors).
     assertEquals(TestUtil.format(expectedResultNode), TestUtil.format(actualResultNode));