public void run() { fb.ak("LoadBitmapFromDiskRunnable can't be executed in the main thread"); boolean bool1 = false; boolean bool2 = false; Bitmap localBitmap = null; CountDownLatch localCountDownLatch = null; if (this.Cj != null) {} try { localBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(this.Cj.getFileDescriptor()); bool1 = bool2; Object localObject; return; } catch (OutOfMemoryError localOutOfMemoryError) { try { for (;;) { this.Cj.close(); localCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); ImageManager.f(ImageManager.this).post(new ImageManager.f(ImageManager.this, this.mUri, localBitmap, bool1, localCountDownLatch)); try { localCountDownLatch.await(); return; } catch (InterruptedException localInterruptedException) { Log.w("ImageManager", "Latch interrupted while posting " + this.mUri); } localOutOfMemoryError = localOutOfMemoryError; Log.e("ImageManager", "OOM while loading bitmap for uri: " + this.mUri, localOutOfMemoryError); bool1 = true; localObject = localCountDownLatch; } } catch (IOException localIOException) { for (;;) { Log.e("ImageManager", "closed failed", localIOException); } } } }
public void run() { fb.aj("OnBitmapLoadedRunnable must be executed in the main thread"); boolean flag; if (mBitmap != null) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } if (ImageManager.g(Ci) != null) { if (Cl) { ImageManager.g(Ci).evictAll(); System.gc(); Cl = false; ImageManager.f(Ci).post(this); return; } if (flag) { ImageManager.g(Ci).put(new put(mUri), mBitmap); } } ageReceiver agereceiver = (ageReceiver)ImageManager.d(Ci).remove(mUri); if (agereceiver != null) { a(agereceiver, flag); } AD.countDown(); synchronized (ImageManager.ew()) { ImageManager.ex().remove(mUri); } return; exception; obj; JVM INSTR monitorexit ; throw exception; }
public void run() { fb.aj("OnBitmapLoadedRunnable must be executed in the main thread"); boolean bool; if (this.mBitmap != null) { bool = true; } while (ImageManager.g(ImageManager.this) != null) { if (this.Cl) { ImageManager.g(ImageManager.this).evictAll(); System.gc(); this.Cl = false; ImageManager.f(ImageManager.this).post(this); return; bool = false; } else if (bool) { ImageManager.g(ImageManager.this).put(new a.a(this.mUri), this.mBitmap); } } ??? = (ImageManager.ImageReceiver)ImageManager.d(ImageManager.this).remove(this.mUri);