public final void onHideCustomView() { zzd zzgQ = this.zzoL.zzgQ(); if (zzgQ == null) { zzb.zzaE("Could not get ad overlay when hiding custom view."); } else { zzgQ.zzex(); } }
protected final void zza(View view, int i, CustomViewCallback customViewCallback) { zzd zzgQ = this.zzoL.zzgQ(); if (zzgQ == null) { zzb.zzaE("Could not get ad overlay when showing custom view."); customViewCallback.onCustomViewHidden(); return; } zzgQ.zza(view, customViewCallback); zzgQ.setRequestedOrientation(i); }
public final void onCloseWindow(WebView webView) { if (webView instanceof zzip) { zzd zzgQ = ((zzip) webView).zzgQ(); if (zzgQ == null) { zzb.zzaE("Tried to close an AdWebView not associated with an overlay."); return; } else { zzgQ.close(); return; } } zzb.zzaE("Tried to close a WebView that wasn't an AdWebView."); }