/** * 根据公司ID,获得对外合同申请的合同类别 取公司对应的合同类型 如公司为空,则取所有 * * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ private String calExterContractApplyType(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String xml = null; String company_id = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("company_id")); String defalut_type = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("defalut_type")); xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='gbk'?>\n"; org.jdom.Element eleRoot = new org.jdom.Element("root"); org.jdom.Element defalutType = new org.jdom.Element("defalut_type"); defalutType.setAttribute("defalut_type", defalut_type); eleRoot.addContent(defalutType); org.jdom.Element eleRows = new org.jdom.Element("contract_types"); eleRoot.addContent(eleRows); org.jdom.Element eleRow = null; try { List<ExterContractType> lsType = ExterContractType.getContractTypeByCompany(company_id); for (ExterContractType type : lsType) { eleRow = new org.jdom.Element("contract_type"); eleRow.setAttribute("con_type_id", type.getCon_type_id()); eleRow.setAttribute("con_type_name", type.getCon_type_name()); eleRows.addContent(eleRow); } org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter xmlout = new org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter(); xml += xmlout.outputString(eleRoot); JLog.getLogger().debug("xml=\n" + xml); return xml.trim(); } catch (Exception e) { JLog.getLogger().error("", e); } return ""; }
public static Card getCard(Connection con, String card_id) throws Exception { Card cardObj = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = null; sql = "select valid,a.card_id,a.regdate, a.card_no, a.member_id, a.card_class, a.op_type, a.moneyPaid, paidOfPro, con_no, class_name, markup " + " from t_card a " + " where a.card_id=?"; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, card_id); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { cardObj = new Card(); cardObj.card_id = rs.getString("card_id"); cardObj.regdate = rs.getDate("regdate"); cardObj.card_no = rs.getString("card_no"); cardObj.member_id = rs.getString("member_id"); cardObj.card_class = rs.getString("card_class"); cardObj.op_type = rs.getInt("op_type"); cardObj.setMoneypaid(JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("moneyPaid"))); cardObj.paidofpro = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("paidOfPro")); cardObj.con_no = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("con_no")); cardObj.class_name = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("class_name")); cardObj.markup = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("markup")); cardObj.valid = rs.getInt("valid"); } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); return cardObj; }
/** * 检查所选关账日期所有收款有没有审核完毕 * * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws ServletException * @throws java.io.IOException */ private String finishConfirmSk(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, java.io.IOException { com.gemway.util.CNHttpServletRequest req = new com.gemway.util.CNHttpServletRequest(request); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = null; String res = "-1"; try { con = JDatabase.getJDatabase().getConnection(); String company_code = JUtil.convertNull(req.getParameter("company_code")); String close_date = JUtil.convertNull(req.getParameter("close_date")); String model_type = JUtil.convertNull(req.getParameter("model_type")); if ("1".equals(model_type)) { // 留学 sql = "select count(*) from t_lx_money where sk_status=0 and sk_date=? " + "and sk_con_id in (select sk_con_id from t_lx_contract_sk where company_code=? )"; } else if ("2".equals(model_type)) { // 出入境 sql = "select count(*) from t_ym_money where sk_status=0 and sk_date=? " + "and sk_con_id in (select sk_con_id from t_ym_contract_sk where company_code=? )"; } else if ("3".equals(model_type)) { // 外语学校 sql = "select count(*) from t_flSchool_money where sk_status=0 and sk_date=? " + "and stu_id in (select stu_id from t_flschool_student where company_code=? )"; } else if ("4".equals(model_type)) { // 华文学校 sql = "select count(*) from t_chSchool_money where sk_status=0 and sk_date=? " + "and stu_id in (select stu_id from t_chschool_student where company_code=? )"; } pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setDate(1, JUtil.str2SQLDate(close_date)); pstmt.setString(2, company_code); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { if (rs.getInt(1) != 0) { res = close_date.substring(0, 4) + "年" + close_date.substring(5, 7) + "月" + close_date.substring(8, 10) + "日的收款单还未审批完毕!\n现在要审批吗?"; } } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { JLog.getLogger().error("", e); } finally { if (con != null) try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return res; }
/** * 判断是否需要必须录入合同金额 * * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ private String calNeedInputMoney(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String xml = null; String company_id = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("company_id")); String exter_contract_type = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("exter_contract_type")); String need_con_money = "0"; xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='gbk'?>\n"; org.jdom.Element eleRoot = new org.jdom.Element("root"); org.jdom.Element eleNeed = new org.jdom.Element("need_con_money"); try { List<ExterContractType> lsType = ExterContractType.getContractTypeByCompany(company_id); for (ExterContractType type : lsType) { if (type.getCon_type_id().equals(exter_contract_type)) { if (type.getNeed_con_money() == 1) { need_con_money = "1"; } break; } } eleNeed.setAttribute("need_con_money", need_con_money); eleRoot.addContent(eleNeed); org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter xmlout = new org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter(); xml += xmlout.outputString(eleRoot); JLog.getLogger().debug("xml=\n" + xml); return xml.trim(); } catch (Exception e) { JLog.getLogger().error("", e); } return ""; }
/** * 获得对外合同申请的默认审批人 * * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ private String calDefaultExterContractApprover( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String xml = null; String company_id = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("company_id")); String con_type = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("con_type")); String con_money_str = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("con_money")); String apply_user_id = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("apply_user_id")); Double con_money = null; if (con_money_str.length() > 0) { try { con_money = Double.parseDouble(con_money_str); } catch (Exception e) { } } xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='gbk'?>\n"; org.jdom.Element eleRoot = new org.jdom.Element("root"); org.jdom.Element eleRows = new org.jdom.Element("users"); eleRoot.addContent(eleRows); org.jdom.Element eleRow = null; try { Map<String, JUser> mapUser = null; if (company_id.length() > 0 && con_type.length() > 0) { boolean need_con_money = false; List<ExterContractType> lsType = ExterContractType.getContractTypeByCompany(company_id); for (ExterContractType type : lsType) { if (type.getCon_type_id().equals(con_type)) { if (type.getNeed_con_money() == 1) { need_con_money = true; } break; } } if (!need_con_money || con_money != null) { mapUser = ExterContractApply.getDefaultApprover( company_id, con_type, con_money == null ? 0 : con_money, apply_user_id); } } if (mapUser != null) { for (String userId : mapUser.keySet()) { JUser user = mapUser.get(userId); if (user == null) continue; eleRow = new org.jdom.Element("user"); eleRow.setAttribute("user_id", user.getUserId()); eleRow.setAttribute("user_name", user.getUserName()); eleRows.addContent(eleRow); } } org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter xmlout = new org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter(); xml += xmlout.outputString(eleRoot); JLog.getLogger().debug("xml=\n" + xml); return xml.trim(); } catch (Exception e) { JLog.getLogger().error("", e); } return ""; }
public void save(Connection con_hr, boolean approverEdit) throws Exception { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; int indx = 1; String sql = null; if (JUtil.convertNull(this.term_id).length() == 0) { sql = " insert into t_emp_assess_detail(term_id,assess_id,term_code) values(?,?,?)"; this.term_id = com.gemway.util.ID.getIDObject("default").create(); pstmt = con_hr.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(indx++, this.term_id); pstmt.setString(indx++, this.assess_id); pstmt.setString(indx++, this.term_code); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); } lsParam = this.getLsParam(); if (lsParam.size() > 0) { for (TermParam paramObj : lsParam) { indx = 1; if (JUtil.convertNull(paramObj.term_id).length() == 0) { sql = "insert into t_assess_term_param(term_id,param_name,param_value_emp,param_value_guider) values(?,?,?,?)"; pstmt = con_hr.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(indx++, this.term_id); pstmt.setString(indx++, paramObj.param_name); pstmt.setInt(indx++, paramObj.param_value_emp); pstmt.setInt(indx++, paramObj.param_value_guider); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); } else { if (approverEdit) { sql = "update t_assess_term_param set param_value_emp=? where term_id =? and param_name=? "; pstmt = con_hr.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setInt(indx++, paramObj.param_value_emp); pstmt.setString(indx++, paramObj.term_id); pstmt.setString(indx++, paramObj.param_name); } else { sql = "update t_assess_term_param set param_value_guider=? where term_id =? and param_name=? "; pstmt = con_hr.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setInt(indx++, paramObj.param_value_guider); pstmt.setString(indx++, paramObj.term_id); pstmt.setString(indx++, paramObj.param_name); } pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); } } } }
public void saveModify(Connection con, JUser juser, String modify_content) throws Exception { java.sql.Timestamp now = new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt = null; String sql = null; String modify_memo = JUtil.convertNull(this.getModify_memo()); String szMemo = ""; if (modify_memo.getBytes().length > 950) { // 丢弃前100个字符 modify_memo = "..." + modify_memo.substring(100); } if (modify_memo.length() > 0) szMemo = "\n------------------------------------------\n"; szMemo = "\n" + JUtil.formatDate(now, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm") + juser.getUserName(); szMemo += " 修改本团组,以下为本次修改的内容及原因 \r\n"; szMemo += " 修改内容:\r\n" + modify_content; sql = " update t_ym_book " + " set modify_memo = ? " + " where group_status >= 4 and group_id = ? "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, modify_memo + szMemo); pstmt.setString(2, this.getGroup_id()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); }
public void save(Connection con, JUser user) throws Exception { // 判断卡号是否重复 PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = null; sql = "select card_id from t_card where card_class=? and card_no=? and valid = 0 "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); int colIndex = 1; pstmt.setString(colIndex++, this.card_class); pstmt.setString(colIndex++, this.card_no); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); boolean repeat = false; while (rs.next()) { String cardId = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("card_id")); if (!cardId.equals(this.card_id)) { repeat = true; } } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); if (repeat) { throw new Exception("卡号重复"); } if (this.card_id.length() == 0) this.insert(con, user); else this.update(con, user); }
public ActionForward view( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Connection con = null; try { nps.core.User user = (nps.core.User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user"); if (user != null) { String session_order = JUtil.convertNull((String) request.getSession().getAttribute("order")); con = dbUtil.getNfwlCon(); boolean falg = OrderUtil.isNewAndSelfOrder(con, session_order, user.getId()); if (falg) { ITG_ORDERRECManager igom = new ITG_ORDERRECManager(); ITG_ORDERREC igo = (ITG_ORDERREC) igom.get(con, session_order); if (igo != null) { request.setAttribute("orderrec", igo); // 列表信息 CartManager cm = new CartManager(); List<Cart> ls = cm.getUserCarts(con, user.getId(), session_order); request.setAttribute("list", ls); // 地址信息 ITG_ORDERRECDELIVERYManager iodm = new ITG_ORDERRECDELIVERYManager(); ITG_ORDERRECDELIVERY iod = iodm.getByOrder(con, session_order); request.setAttribute("address", iod); // 支付信息 ITG_PAYManager ipm = new ITG_PAYManager(); Bean b = ipm.getByOrder(con, session_order); if (b != null) { request.setAttribute("pay", b); } TokenManager.saveToken(request); } } else { request.getSession().removeAttribute("order"); return mapping.findForward("myorder"); } } else { return mapping.findForward("nologing"); } } catch (Exception e) { JLog.getLogger().error("显示订单信息出错!", e); Message ms = new Message(); ms.setFlag(false); ms.setError("显示订单信息出错!"); request.setAttribute("message", ms); return mapping.findForward("orderError"); } finally { if (con != null) con.close(); } return mapping.findForward("viewSuccess"); }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, java.io.IOException { response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=gbk"); String cmd = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("cmd")); String xml = null; try { if (cmd.equals("calExterContractApplyType")) { // 根据公司ID,获得对外合同申请的合同类别 xml = this.calExterContractApplyType(request, response); } else if (cmd.equals("calDefaultExterContractApprover")) { // 获得对外合同申请的默认审批人 xml = this.calDefaultExterContractApprover(request, response); } else if (cmd.equals("calDefaultGnOrgApprover")) { // 获得国内合作渠道申请的默认审批人 xml = this.calDefaultGnOrgApprover(request, response); } else if (cmd.equals("calNeedInputMoney")) { xml = this.calNeedInputMoney(request, response); } else if (cmd.equals("checkRepeatGnOrg")) { // 检查国内合作渠道的名称是否有重复 xml = this.checkRepeatGnOrg(request, response); } else { xml = ""; } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } java.io.PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.write(xml); }
public void save(Connection con, JUser juser) throws Exception { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; java.sql.Timestamp now = new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); String sql = null; int idx = 1; if (JUtil.convertNull(this.getGroup_id()).equals("")) { sql = " insert into t_ym_book(group_id, group_name, inquire_date, group_no, contact," + " contact_phone, contact_handset, contact_fax, countries, countries_name, group_type, " + " memo, company_id, zxgw_id, zxgw_name, take_out, creater, createrName, created) " + " values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); this.setGroup_id(JUtil.createUNID()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getGroup_id()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getGroup_name()); pstmt.setDate(idx++, this.getInquire_date()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getGroup_no()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getContact()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getContact_phone()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getContact_handset()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getContact_fax()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getCountries()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getCountries_name()); pstmt.setInt(idx++, this.getGroup_type()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getMemo()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getCompany_id()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getZxgw_id()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getZxgw_name()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getTake_out()); pstmt.setString(idx++, juser.getUserId()); pstmt.setString(idx++, juser.getUserName()); pstmt.setTimestamp(idx++, now); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); } else { sql = " update t_ym_book set group_name = ?, inquire_date = ?, memo = ?, " + " group_no = ?, contact = ?, contact_phone = ?, contact_handset = ?, contact_fax = ?," + " countries = ?, countries_name = ?, zxgw_id = ?, zxgw_name = ?, take_out = ? " + " where group_id = ? "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getGroup_name()); pstmt.setDate(idx++, this.getInquire_date()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getMemo()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getGroup_no()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getContact()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getContact_phone()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getContact_handset()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getContact_fax()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getCountries()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getCountries_name()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getZxgw_id()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getZxgw_name()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getTake_out()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getGroup_id()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); } }
/** * 检查所选收款日期是否已经关账 * * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws ServletException * @throws java.io.IOException */ private String checkCloseSk(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, java.io.IOException { com.gemway.util.CNHttpServletRequest req = new com.gemway.util.CNHttpServletRequest(request); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = null; String res = "-1"; try { con = JDatabase.getJDatabase().getConnection(); String company_code = JUtil.convertNull(req.getParameter("company_code")); String close_date = JUtil.convertNull(req.getParameter("close_date")); String model_type = JUtil.convertNull(req.getParameter("model_type")); sql = "select count(*) as count from t_closeSk where company_code=? and model_type=? and close_date=?"; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, company_code); pstmt.setString(2, model_type); pstmt.setDate(3, JUtil.str2SQLDate(close_date)); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { if (rs.getInt("count") != 0) { res = close_date.substring(0, 4) + "年" + close_date.substring(5, 7) + "月" + close_date.substring(8, 10) + "日已经关账,\n请重新选择收款日期!"; } } } catch (Exception e) { JLog.getLogger().error("", e); } finally { if (con != null) try { con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return res; }
/** * 获得国内合作渠道申请的默认审批人 * * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ private String calDefaultGnOrgApprover(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String xml = null; String company_id = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("company_id")); String dep_id = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("dep_id")); String contract_template = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("contract_template")); String hasDomain_name = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("hasDomain_name")); xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='gbk'?>\n"; org.jdom.Element eleRoot = new org.jdom.Element("root"); org.jdom.Element eleRows = new org.jdom.Element("users"); eleRoot.addContent(eleRows); org.jdom.Element eleRow = null; Connection con = null; try { con = com.gemway.igo.JDatabase.getJDatabase().getConnection(); Map<String, JUser> mapUser = GnOrgApply.getDefaultApprover(con, company_id, dep_id, contract_template, hasDomain_name); if (mapUser != null) { for (String userId : mapUser.keySet()) { JUser user = mapUser.get(userId); if (user == null) continue; eleRow = new org.jdom.Element("user"); eleRow.setAttribute("user_id", user.getUserId()); eleRow.setAttribute("user_name", user.getUserName()); eleRows.addContent(eleRow); } } org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter xmlout = new org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter(); xml += xmlout.outputString(eleRoot); // JLog.getLogger().debug("xml=\n" + xml); return xml.trim(); } catch (Exception e) { JLog.getLogger().error("", e); } finally { if (con != null) con.close(); } return ""; }
/** * @param biz_type 留学、移民、培训、游学。如果为null则全部 * @return */ public Map<String, List<JCompany>> getCompanysWithBiz(String biz_type) { List<JCompany> lsCompany = null; biz_type = JUtil.convertNull(biz_type); Map<String, List<JCompany>> districtCompany = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<JCompany>>(); String[] districts = JCompany.getDistricts(); for (String district : districts) districtCompany.put(district, new ArrayList<JCompany>()); if (biz_type.equals("lx")) lsCompany = getCompanyListByBiz("留学"); else if (biz_type.equals("fl")) lsCompany = getCompanyListByBiz("外语"); else if (biz_type.equals("ym")) lsCompany = getCompanyListByBiz("移民"); else if (biz_type.equals("yx")) lsCompany = getCompanyListByBiz("游学"); else lsCompany = getCompanyList(); for (JCompany company : lsCompany) { String district = JUtil.convertNull(company.getCompany_district()); if (district.length() == 0) district = "总部"; List<JCompany> companys = districtCompany.get(district); companys.add(company); districtCompany.put(district, companys); } return districtCompany; }
public static String[] getAllCourses(String company_id) { List<String> lsAllCourse = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Item topItem : Item.getTopItems()) { java.util.List<Item> lsItem = topItem.getChildren(); for (Item item : lsItem) { if (JUtil.convertNull(item.getCompany_id()).length() > 0 && !item.getCompany_id().equals(company_id)) continue; lsAllCourse.add(item.getItem_name()); } } String[] arrAllCourse = new String[lsAllCourse.size()]; lsAllCourse.toArray(arrAllCourse); return arrAllCourse; }
public static java.util.List<String> getLsIntCourse(Connection con, String cstm_id) throws Exception { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String qry = null; java.util.List<String> lsIntCourse = new java.util.Vector<String>(); qry = " select item_id from t_fl_interest_courses where cstm_id=? "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(qry); pstmt.setString(1, cstm_id); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { lsIntCourse.add(JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("item_id"))); } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); return lsIntCourse; }
/** * 通过审批 * * @param con * @param user * @throws Exception */ public void pass(Connection con, JUser user) throws Exception { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; String sql = null; GroupBook book = GroupBook.getGroupBook(con, this.getGroup_id()); String subject = null; if (JUtil.convertNull(book.getGroup_no()).length() == 0) { sql = " update t_ym_book set group_no = ? " + " where group_id = ? and group_status < 4 "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, createGroupNO()); pstmt.setString(2, this.group_id); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); } subject = book.getGroup_name() + "的" + GroupBasic.getGroupTypeName(this.getGroup_type()) + "审批已已通过"; sql = " update t_ym_book set group_status = 4, pass_date = ? " + " where group_id = ? and group_status < 4 "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setTimestamp(1, new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); pstmt.setString(2, this.group_id); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); int msgWay = JMessageEnum.SYSTEM_MESSAGE; JMessageAdapter.sendMessage( msgWay, new String[] {book.getZxgw_id()}, subject, subject, "-1", "/ym/group/groupBookControl.jsp?cmd=update&group_id=" + this.getGroup_id(), 1); }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, java.io.IOException { response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=gbk"); String cmd = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("cmd")); String xml = null; try { if (cmd.equals("checkCloseSk")) { xml = this.checkCloseSk(request, response); } else if (cmd.equals("finishConfirmSk")) { xml = this.finishConfirmSk(request, response); } else { xml = ""; } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } java.io.PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.write(xml); }
/** * 保存修改 * * @param con * @throws Exception */ public void save(Connection con, JUser juser) throws Exception { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; String sql = null; int idx = 1; int updateCount = 0; if (JUtil.convertNull(this.getApproval_id()).length() > 0) { sql = " update t_ym_process_approval set approver = ?, status = 2 where approval_id = ? and status in(1, 3) "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getApprover()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getApproval_id()); updateCount = pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); if (updateCount != 1) throw new Exception( "更新的记录不只一条approval_id=" + this.getApproval_id() + " con_id=" + this.getCon_id()); } else { sql = " insert into t_ym_process_approval(approval_id, con_id, approver, status, " + " approval_type, approval_type_name, creater, createrName, created) " + " values(?, ?, ?,2, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); this.setApproval_id(JUtil.createUNID()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getApproval_id()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getCon_id()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getApprover()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getApproval_type()); pstmt.setString(idx++, this.getApproval_type_name()); pstmt.setString(idx++, juser.getUserId()); pstmt.setString(idx++, juser.getUserName()); pstmt.setTimestamp(idx++, new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); } }
/** * 生产checkbox html代码 * * @param chkName checkbox 名字 * @param checkedValues 以,分隔 * @param lineValues 一行显示多少个checkbox 0所有 * @return */ public static String getCheckHtml( String company_id, String chkName, List<String> lsChkValues, int lineValues) { int showValues = 0; // 已经显示checkbox 数量 断行后 重新计数 int width = 110; String item_id = null; String item_name = null; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(64); buf.append( "<table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='2' border='0' class='TblClass' style='width:100%'>\r\n"); for (Item topItem : Item.getTopItems()) { showValues = 0; width = 110; if (topItem.getItem_state() == 0) continue; if (topItem.getItem_id().equals("3")) { // continue; } if (topItem.getItem_id().equals("4") && !company_id.equals("xt_qd")) continue; if (topItem.getItem_id().equals("5") && !company_id.equals("xt_kpl")) continue; if (topItem.getItem_id().equals("6") && !company_id.equals("xt_sz")) continue; if (topItem.getItem_code().equals("PERSONAL")) { if (company_id.equals("xiaen")) { topItem = Item.getItemByCode("PERSONAL.JF"); } else { topItem = Item.getItemByCode("PERSONAL.CGKS"); } } if (topItem.getItem_code().equals("PERSONAL.JF") || topItem.getItem_code().equals("PERSONAL.CGKS") || topItem.getItem_code().equals("PERSONAL")) { int rowIndex = 1; buf.append( "<tr height='25px'><td align=\"right\" class=\"DetailBar\" width=80 rowspan=" + topItem.getChildren().size() + ">" + topItem.getItem_name() + "</td>\r\n"); for (Item item1 : topItem.getChildren()) { if (item1.getItem_state() == 0) continue; if (rowIndex == 1) { buf.append("<td align='right' class='DetailBar'>" + item1.getItem_name() + "</td>\r\n"); } else { buf.append( "<tr><td align='right' class='DetailBar'>" + item1.getItem_name() + "</td>\r\n"); } java.util.List<Item> lsItem = item1.getChildren(); buf.append("<td class='DetailBar' style='width:560px'>"); for (Item item : lsItem) { boolean bChecked = false; if (item.getItem_state() == 0) continue; item_id = item.getItem_id(); item_name = item.getItem_name(); for (int idx = 0; lsChkValues != null && idx < lsChkValues.size(); idx++) { String val = lsChkValues.get(idx); if (val.equals(item_id)) { bChecked = true; lsChkValues.remove(idx); break; } } buf.append( " <span style=\"width:" + width + "px\"><input type='checkbox' name='" + chkName + "' showName='" + item_name + "' value='" + item_id + "'"); if (bChecked) buf.append(" checked"); buf.append(">" + item_name + "</input></span>"); showValues++; if (lineValues > 0 && showValues == lineValues) { buf.append("<br>"); showValues = 0; } } buf.append("</td></tr>\r\n"); rowIndex++; } } else { boolean has_child = false; java.util.List<Item> lsItem = topItem.getChildren(); for (Item item : lsItem) { if (!topItem.getItem_id().equals("3")) { has_child = true; break; } if (JUtil.convertNull(item.getCompany_id()).length() > 0 && item.getCompany_id().equals(company_id)) { has_child = true; break; } } if (has_child) { buf.append( "<tr><td align=\"right\" class=\"DetailBar\" width=80>" + topItem.getItem_name() + "</td>\r\n"); buf.append("<td class=\"DetailBar\" colspan=2>"); for (Item item : lsItem) { boolean bChecked = false; item_id = item.getItem_id(); item_name = item.getItem_name(); if (JUtil.convertNull(item.getCompany_id()).length() > 0 && !item.getCompany_id().equals(company_id)) continue; for (int idx = 0; lsChkValues != null && idx < lsChkValues.size(); idx++) { String val = lsChkValues.get(idx); if (val.equals(item_id)) { bChecked = true; lsChkValues.remove(idx); break; } } buf.append( " <span style=\"width:" + width + "px\"><input type='checkbox' name='" + chkName + "' value='" + item_id + "'"); if (bChecked) buf.append(" checked"); buf.append(">" + item_name + "</input></span>"); showValues++; if (lineValues > 0 && showValues == lineValues) { buf.append("<br>"); showValues = 0; } } buf.append("</td></tr>\r\n"); } } } buf.append("</table>"); /* for(int i=0; ls!=null&&i< ls.size(); i++) { String szCourse = ls.get(i); if( szCourse.length() ==0) continue; buf.append(" <input type='checkbox' name='" + chkName + "' value='" + szCourse+ "'" ); buf.append(" checked>" + szCourse + "</input>"); showValues ++; if( lineValues >0 && showValues == lineValues){buf.append("<br>"); showValues =0;} }*/ return buf.toString(); }
public ActionForward confirm( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String url = ""; Connection con = null; try { if (TokenManager.isTokenValid(request, true)) { nps.core.User user = (nps.core.User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user"); if (user != null) { String session_order = JUtil.convertNull((String) request.getSession().getAttribute("order")); if (session_order.equals("")) { JLog.getLogger().info("没有订单可以确认"); Message ms = new Message(); ms.setFlag(false); ms.setError("没有订单可以确认!"); request.setAttribute("message", ms); return mapping.findForward("orderFailed"); } else { con = dbUtil.getNfwlCon(); boolean falg = OrderUtil.isNewAndSelfOrder(con, session_order, user.getId()); if (falg) { ITG_PAYManager ipm = new ITG_PAYManager(); ITG_PAY pay = (ITG_PAY) ipm.getByOrder(con, session_order); if (pay != null) { ITG_ORDERRECManager igom = new ITG_ORDERRECManager(); ITG_ORDERREC igo = igom.get(con, session_order); String or_memo = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("or_memo")); String or_invoicetitle = JUtil.convertNull(request.getParameter("or_invoicetitle")); igom.confirmOrder(con, igo, or_memo, or_invoicetitle); if (pay.getPay_type().equals(PayTypeEnum.DEFAULT.getCode())) { url = "/order/pay.do?cmd=pay&or_id=" + session_order; } else { request.setAttribute("or_id", session_order); url = "/order/alipayto.jsp"; } request.getSession().removeAttribute("order"); } else { JLog.getLogger().info("没有支付信息"); Message ms = new Message(); ms.setFlag(false); ms.setError("没有支付信息!"); request.setAttribute("message", ms); return mapping.findForward("orderFailed"); } } else { request.getSession().removeAttribute("order"); return mapping.findForward("myorder"); } } } else { return mapping.findForward("nologing"); } } else { JLog.getLogger().info("非法的确认订单"); Message ms = new Message(); ms.setFlag(false); ms.setError("非法的确认订单!"); request.setAttribute("message", ms); return mapping.findForward("orderFailed"); } } catch (Exception e) { JLog.getLogger().error("确认订单信息出错!", e); Message ms = new Message(); ms.setFlag(false); ms.setError("显示订单信息出错!"); request.setAttribute("message", ms); return mapping.findForward("orderError"); } finally { if (con != null) con.close(); } return new ActionForward(url); }
/** * 根据地区代码或学校关键字得到学校 * * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ private String checkRepeatGnOrg(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='gbk'?>\n"; org.jdom.Element eleRoot = new org.jdom.Element("root"); CNHttpServletRequest _req = new CNHttpServletRequest(request); String company_id_kwd = JUtil.convertNull(_req.getParameter("company_id_kwd")); // String dep_id_kwd = JUtil.convertNull(_req.getParameter("dep_id_kwd")); String org_id_kwd = JUtil.convertNull(_req.getParameter("org_id_kwd")); String org_name_kwd = JUtil.convertNull( java.net.URLDecoder.decode(request.getParameter("org_name_kwd"), "utf-8")); // String org_name_kwd = JUtil.convertNull(_req.getParameter("org_name_kwd")); if (org_name_kwd.length() == 0) throw new Exception("机构名称为空!"); if (org_id_kwd.length() == 0) org_id_kwd = "-"; com.gemway.igo.page.Page pageObj = new com.gemway.igo.page.PageOracle(); java.util.List<com.gemway.igo.page.PageHashMap<String, Object>> lsDate = null; pageObj.setRequest(_req); org.jdom.Element eleRows = null; pageObj.setSelectPartSql( "company_id, a.org_id, org_no, org_name, shinyway_contracter, org_type"); pageObj.setFromPartSql("t_gn_org_company a, t_gn_org b"); pageObj.addWherePartSql(" a.org_id = b.org_id "); pageObj.addWherePartSql(" a.org_id != '" + org_id_kwd + "'"); pageObj.getPageInfo().setSize(21); pageObj.addWherePartSql(" org_name = ? "); pageObj.addWhereParam(org_name_kwd); pageObj.setOrderByPartSql(" created desc "); try { lsDate = pageObj.getPageData(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; i < lsDate.size(); i++) { com.gemway.igo.page.PageHashMap<String, Object> data = lsDate.get(i); eleRows = new org.jdom.Element("org"); if (data.getString("company_id").equals(company_id_kwd)) { // eleRows = new org.jdom.Element("org"); } else { // eleRows = new org.jdom.Element("other_company_org"); } eleRows.setAttribute("company_id", data.getString("company_id")); eleRows.setAttribute( "company_name", JUnit.getUnit(data.getString("company_id")).getUnit_name()); eleRows.setAttribute("org_id", data.getString("org_id")); eleRows.setAttribute("org_no", data.getString("org_no")); eleRows.setAttribute("org_name", data.getString("org_name")); eleRows.setAttribute("org_type", GnOrgBean.getOrgTypeNameById(data.getString("org_type"))); eleRows.setAttribute( "shinyway_contracter", data.getString("shinyway_contracter") == null ? "" : JUser.getUserName(data.getString("shinyway_contracter"))); eleRoot.addContent(eleRows); } org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter xmlout = new org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter(); xml += xmlout.outputString(eleRoot); JLog.getLogger().debug("xml=\n" + xml); return xml.trim(); }
private void loadCompany(Connection con, String unit_code) throws Exception { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String qry = null; JCompany obj = null; qry = " select unit_id, unit_code, unit_name, biz_lx, biz_ym, biz_fl, biz_yx, biz_ch, " + " company_fullName, company_addr,company_district,unit_created " + " from t_unit " + " where unit_code=? "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(qry); pstmt.setString(1, unit_code.toUpperCase()); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { Set<String> bizSet = null; String[] bizTypes = null; String szId, szCode, szName; bizSet = new HashSet<String>(); szId = rs.getString("unit_id"); szCode = rs.getString("unit_code"); szName = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("unit_name")); { if (rs.getInt("biz_lx") == 1) bizSet.add("留学"); if (rs.getInt("biz_ym") == 1) bizSet.add("移民"); if (rs.getInt("biz_yx") == 1) bizSet.add("团组"); if (rs.getInt("biz_fl") == 1) bizSet.add("外语"); if (rs.getInt("biz_ch") == 1) bizSet.add("华文"); bizTypes = new String[bizSet.size()]; int i = 0; for (String biz : bizSet) { bizTypes[i++] = biz; } } obj = new JCompany(szId, szCode, szName, bizTypes); obj.setCompany_fullName(rs.getString("company_fullName")); obj.setCompany_address(rs.getString("company_addr")); obj.setCompany_district(rs.getString("company_district")); obj.setUnit_created(rs.getDate("unit_created")); obj.setBranch(getChildBranch(con, szCode)); } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); if (obj == null) return; /** ******** 放到 列表 中 ****************** */ String szId = obj.getCompany_id(); String szCode = obj.getCompany_code(); lsBizCompany.remove(szId); if (!szCode.startsWith("XT_NB.")) lsBizCompany.add(szId); lsOACompany.contains(szId); lsOACompany.add(szId); mapCompany.put(obj.getCompany_code(), obj); int idx = lsCompany.size(); for (int i = 0; i < lsCompany.size(); i++) { JCompany com = lsCompany.get(i); if (com.getCompany_id().equals(szId)) { idx = i; lsCompany.remove(i); break; } } lsCompany.add(idx, obj); }
/** * 通过审批 * * @param con */ public void pass(Connection con, String suggest) throws Exception { String sql = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; YmContract contract = YmContract.getYmContractByConId(con, this.getCon_id()); java.sql.Timestamp now = new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); int updateCount = 0; sql = "update t_ym_process_approval set status = 4, pass_date = ? where approval_id = ? and status = 2 "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setTimestamp(1, now); pstmt.setString(2, this.getApproval_id()); updateCount = pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); if (updateCount != 1) throw new Exception("更新记录不是一条"); int msgWay = JMessageEnum.SYSTEM_MESSAGE; Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); set.add(contract.getCon_visa_con()); if (!set.contains(contract.getCon_visa_guide())) set.add(contract.getCon_visa_guide()); String toUserIds[] = new String[set.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator<String> iter = set.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) { toUserIds[i] = (String) iter.next(); } String subject = contract.getCstm_name() + "的办理进程" + JUtil.convertNull(this.getApproval_type_name()) + "审批已经通过审批!"; String url = "/ym/processControl.jsp?cmd=update&con_id=" + contract.getCon_id(); JMessageAdapter.sendMessage(msgWay, toUserIds, subject, subject, "-1", url); YmProcessItem item = YmProcessItem.getYmProcessItem(contract.getApply_project(), this.getApproval_type()); if (YmProcess.isNewProcess(contract.getApply_project())) { int count = 0; sql = " select count(*) item_count from t_ym_process_date where con_id = ? and item_id = ? "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, contract.getCon_id()); pstmt.setString(2, item.getItem_id()); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { count = rs.getInt("item_count"); } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); if (count == 0) { sql = " insert into t_ym_process_date(con_id, item_id, done_date) values(?, ?, ?) "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, contract.getCon_id()); pstmt.setString(2, item.getItem_id()); pstmt.setDate(3, JUtil.str2SQLDate(JUtil.formatDate(now, "YYYY-MM-DD"))); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); } else { sql = " update t_ym_process_date set done_date = ? where con_id = ? and item_id = ? "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setDate(1, JUtil.str2SQLDate(JUtil.formatDate(now, "YYYY-MM-DD"))); pstmt.setString(2, contract.getCon_id()); pstmt.setString(3, item.getItem_id()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); } } if (item.getShow_approval() == 1 && this.getApproval_type().indexOf("date_item") > -1) { // 如果时间点已经录过,则不覆盖 sql = " select " + this.getApproval_type() + " as type_date from t_ym_process where con_id = ? "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, contract.getCon_id()); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); java.sql.Date type_date = null; if (rs.next()) { type_date = rs.getDate("type_date"); } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); if (type_date == null) { // 审批时间既为提交时间 sql = " update t_ym_process set " + this.getApproval_type() + " = ? where con_id = ? "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setDate(1, JUtil.str2SQLDate(JUtil.formatDate(now, "YYYY-MM-DD"))); pstmt.setString(2, contract.getCon_id()); updateCount = pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); if (updateCount == 0) { sql = " insert into t_ym_process(" + this.getApproval_type() + ", con_id) values(?,?)"; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setDate(1, JUtil.str2SQLDate(JUtil.formatDate(now, "YYYY-MM-DD"))); pstmt.setString(2, contract.getCon_id()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } KHRecord.saveYjDate( con, JUtil.str2SQLDate(JUtil.formatDate(now, "YYYY-MM-DD")), contract.getCon_no(), this.getApproval_type()); } } // 生成新流程 YmProcessEvolve.initEvolveDay1(con, this.getCon_id()); // 保存办理进程时,修改办理进展 YmProcessEvolve.autoModifyEvolve(con, this.getCon_id()); // 保存办理进程时,修改办理进展(针对于新流程) YmProcessEvolve.autoModifyEvolve1(con, this.getCon_id()); }
/** * 审批 * * @param user * @param jobId * @param agree * @param suggest */ public void approve(JUser user, String jobId, boolean agree, String suggest) throws Exception { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; String sql = null; Job job = null; java.util.Map<String, Object> context = new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>(); StringBuffer contextXML = new StringBuffer(); context.put("user_id", user.getUserId()); // 当前操作人 context.put("approveFlag", (agree ? "1" : "0")); // 审批标记 context.put("suggest", suggest); // 审批意见 boolean end = true; try { con = JDatabase.getJDatabase().getConnection(); con.setAutoCommit(false); job = Job.getJobById(con, jobId); contextXML.append("<ContextData>"); contextXML.append("<approval><flag>" + (agree ? "1" : "0") + "</flag></approval>"); if (agree) { YmContract contract = YmContract.getYmContractByConId(con, this.getCon_id()); YmProcessItem item = YmProcessItem.getYmProcessItem(contract.getApply_project(), this.getApproval_type()); if (item != null && !user.getUserId().equals(this.getApprover()) && item.getCon_lead_app() == 1) { end = false; contextXML.append("<approver>" + this.getApprover() + "</approver>"); } contextXML.append("<Participants>"); contextXML.append("<Participant type=\"user\">"); if (item != null && !user.getUserId().equals(this.getApprover()) && item.getCon_lead_app() == 1) { contextXML.append("<user>" + this.getApprover() + "</user>"); } contextXML.append("</Participant>"); contextXML.append("</Participants>"); } contextXML.append("</ContextData>"); context.put("contextXML", contextXML.toString()); job.setContext(context); job.start(con); if (!agree) { sql = "update t_ym_process_approval set status = 3 where approval_id = ? "; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, this.getApproval_id()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.close(); YmContract contract = YmContract.getYmContractByConId(con, this.getCon_id()); int msgWay = JMessageEnum.SYSTEM_MESSAGE; Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); set.add(contract.getCon_visa_con()); if (!set.contains(contract.getCon_visa_guide())) set.add(contract.getCon_visa_guide()); String toUserIds[] = new String[set.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator<String> iter = set.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) { toUserIds[i] = (String) iter.next(); } String subject = contract.getCstm_name() + "的办理进程" + JUtil.convertNull(this.getApproval_type_name()) + "审核未通过"; String url = "/ym/processControl.jsp?cmd=update&con_id=" + this.getCon_id(); JMessageAdapter.sendMessage(msgWay, toUserIds, subject, subject, "-1", url); } else if (job.getActivityId().equals("manager") && end) { this.pass(con, suggest); } con.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { if (con != null) con.rollback(); if (con != null) con.close(); } }
private static java.util.List<FLSchoolMoney> getSkList( Connection con, String stu_id, String sk_id) throws java.sql.SQLException { java.util.List<FLSchoolMoney> ls = new java.util.Vector<FLSchoolMoney>(); FLSchoolMoney skObj = null; String qry = null; qry = " select a.sk_id, a.stu_id, a.sk_pos_id, a.sk_date, a.invoice_type, " + " a.is_sk, a.sk_item, a.sk_money, a.currency, a.course_con_id, " + " a.sk_status, a.tk_pay_id, a.df_pay_id, a.ds_unit_id, a.sk_memo, " + " a.created, a.creater, a.confirm_date, a.confirmerName, " + " a.modified, a.modifier, a.company_code, a.branch_id, a.sk_type" + " from t_flschool_money a "; if (sk_id != null) { qry += " where a.sk_id=? "; } else { qry += " where a.stu_id=? order by sk_date "; } PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; pstmt = con.prepareStatement(qry); pstmt.setString(1, sk_id); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { skObj = new FLSchoolMoney(); ls.add(skObj); skObj.sk_id = rs.getString("sk_id"); skObj.stu_id = rs.getString("stu_id"); skObj.sk_pos_id = rs.getString("sk_pos_id"); skObj.sk_date = JUtil.formatDate(rs.getDate("sk_date"), "YYYY-MM-DD"); skObj.invoice_type = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("invoice_type")); skObj.is_sk = rs.getInt("is_sk"); skObj.sk_item = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("sk_item")); skObj.sk_money = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("sk_money")); skObj.currency = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("currency")); skObj.course_con_id = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("course_con_id")); skObj.sk_status = rs.getInt("sk_status"); skObj.tk_pay_id = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("tk_pay_id")); skObj.df_pay_id = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("df_pay_id")); skObj.ds_unit_id = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("ds_unit_id")); skObj.sk_memo = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("sk_memo")); skObj.created = rs.getTimestamp("created"); skObj.creater = rs.getString("creater"); skObj.confirmerName = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("confirmerName")); java.sql.Date d = rs.getDate("confirm_date"); if (d != null) skObj.confirm_date = JUtil.formatDate(d, "YYYY-MM-DD"); skObj.modified = rs.getTimestamp("modified"); skObj.modifier = rs.getString("modifier"); skObj.company_code = rs.getString("company_code"); skObj.branch_id = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("branch_id")); skObj.sk_type = JUtil.convertNull(rs.getString("sk_type")); } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); return ls; }