  * Method called locate all members used for value injection (if any), constructor {@link
  * com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.ValueInjector} instances, and add them to builder.
 protected void addInjectables(
     DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanDescription beanDesc, BeanDeserializerBuilder builder)
     throws JsonMappingException {
   Map<Object, AnnotatedMember> raw = beanDesc.findInjectables();
   if (raw != null) {
     boolean fixAccess = ctxt.canOverrideAccessModifiers();
     for (Map.Entry<Object, AnnotatedMember> entry : raw.entrySet()) {
       AnnotatedMember m = entry.getValue();
       if (fixAccess) {
         m.fixAccess(); // to ensure we can call it
  * Method that will find if bean has any managed- or back-reference properties, and if so add them
  * to bean, to be linked during resolution phase.
 protected void addReferenceProperties(
     DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanDescription beanDesc, BeanDeserializerBuilder builder)
     throws JsonMappingException {
   // and then back references, not necessarily found as regular properties
   Map<String, AnnotatedMember> refs = beanDesc.findBackReferenceProperties();
   if (refs != null) {
     for (Map.Entry<String, AnnotatedMember> en : refs.entrySet()) {
       String name = en.getKey();
       AnnotatedMember m = en.getValue();
       Type genericType;
       if (m instanceof AnnotatedMethod) {
         genericType = ((AnnotatedMethod) m).getGenericParameterType(0);
       } else {
         genericType = m.getRawType();
       SimpleBeanPropertyDefinition propDef = new SimpleBeanPropertyDefinition(m);
           name, constructSettableProperty(ctxt, beanDesc, propDef, genericType));