public void a(List<PackageInfo> paramList) { JSONArray localJSONArray1; try { localJSONArray1 = new JSONArray(); Iterator localIterator = paramList.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { PackageInfo localPackageInfo = (PackageInfo); JSONObject localJSONObject = new JSONObject(); localJSONObject.put("name", localPackageInfo.packageName); JSONArray localJSONArray2 = new JSONArray(); PermissionInfo[] arrayOfPermissionInfo = localPackageInfo.permissions; int i = arrayOfPermissionInfo.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) localJSONArray2.put(arrayOfPermissionInfo[j].name); localJSONObject.put("permissions", localJSONArray2); localJSONArray1.put(localJSONObject); } } catch (JSONException localJSONException) { BLog.e("MalwareDetector", localJSONException.getMessage()); } while (true) { return; HoneyClientEvent localHoneyClientEvent = new HoneyClientEvent("android_malware_detected_event"); localHoneyClientEvent.d("malware_detector"); localHoneyClientEvent.b("description", localJSONArray1.toString()); this.b.b(localHoneyClientEvent); } }
public void a(long paramLong) { this.b.b(); Semaphore localSemaphore = new Semaphore(0); UserInteractionController.2 local2 = new UserInteractionController.2(this, localSemaphore); try { long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); a(local2); if (!localSemaphore.tryAcquire(paramLong, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) BLog.b(a, "User is interacting with UI. Unblock data processing anyway."); long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - l1; if (l2 > 10L) BLog.b(a, "User interaction blocked data processing for " + l2 + " ms."); b(local2); return; } catch (InterruptedException localInterruptedException) { while (true) BLog.e(a, "Exception when the user interaction to be finished.", localInterruptedException); } }