public int e_voucher_entry( String paid_to_name, String reason_paid_amount, String payment_type, String cash_cheque_no, float cash_cheque_amount, Object sysdate1, String prepare_by) throws SQLException { Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; int rs = 0; String prepare_by1 = prepare_by; String empDataAry[] = prepare_by1.split("\\@"); String prepared_by = empDataAry[0]; // String sysdate="sysdate"; Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf; sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy"); Object creation_date = sdf.format(date); System.out.println(creation_date); String e_voucher_entry_qry = "insert into E_VOUCHER(PAID_TO,REASON_TO_PAY,PAYMENT_TYPE,CASH_OR_CHECK_NO,AMOUNT,ENTER_DATE,PREPARED_BY,in_date) " + " VALUES ('" + paid_to_name + "','" + reason_paid_amount + "','" + payment_type + "','" + cash_cheque_no + "','" + cash_cheque_amount + "','" + sysdate1 + "','" + prepared_by + "','" + creation_date + "')"; System.out.println("e_voucher_entry_qry.." + e_voucher_entry_qry); try { con = GetConnection.getConnection(); stmt = con.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeUpdate(e_voucher_entry_qry); // System.out.println("calling pdf"); if (rs > 0) { // System.out.println("Result set of the in e voucher:::::"+rs); } else { // e_voucher_ret="not saved"; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { stmt.close(); con.close(); } return rs; }
public ArrayList<String> getting_data_voucher() throws SQLException { ArrayList<String> voucher = new ArrayList<String>(); Connection con_ph3 = null; Statement st_ph3 = null; ResultSet rs_ph32 = null; String fetch_phase3_sql = "select v.VOUCHER_NO ,v.PAID_TO ,v.REASON_TO_PAY ,v.PAYMENT_TYPE ,v.CASH_OR_CHECK_NO ,v.AMOUNT ," + "v.ENTER_DATE ,v.PREPARED_BY ,v.IN_DATE from E_VOUCHER v where v.VOUCHER_NO in (select max( VOUCHER_NO) from E_VOUCHER e1)"; /*String fetch_phase3_sql="select v.VOUCHER_NO ,v.EMP_NAME ,v.REASON_TO_PAY ,v.PAYMENT_TYPE ,v.CASH_OR_CHECK_NO ,v.AMOUNT ," + "v.ENTER_DATE ,v.PREPARED_BY ,v.IN_DATE from E_VOUCHER v where VOUCHER_NO=1 ";*/ int voucher_no = 0; String emp_name = ""; String reason_to_pay = ""; String payment_type = ""; String cheque_no = ""; int amount = 0; Date enter_date; String prepared_by = ""; Date sys_date; String final_data; try { con_ph3 = GetConnection.getConnection(); st_ph3 = con_ph3.createStatement(); rs_ph32 = st_ph3.executeQuery(fetch_phase3_sql); while ( { voucher_no = rs_ph32.getInt(1); emp_name = rs_ph32.getString(2); reason_to_pay = rs_ph32.getString(3); payment_type = rs_ph32.getString(4); cheque_no = rs_ph32.getString(5); if (cheque_no == null) { cheque_no = " "; } amount = rs_ph32.getInt(6); enter_date = rs_ph32.getDate(7); prepared_by = rs_ph32.getString(8); sys_date = rs_ph32.getDate(9); System.out.println("cheque no." + cheque_no); final_data = voucher_no + "^" + emp_name + "^" + reason_to_pay + "^" + payment_type + "^" + cheque_no + "^" + amount + "^" + enter_date + "^" + prepared_by + "^" + sys_date; voucher.add(final_data); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("problem for geeting values e voucher"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { rs_ph32.close(); st_ph3.close(); con_ph3.close(); } return voucher; }