public void actionNextTimerTask() { if (isSlideshowRunning) { userCreatedTouchEvent = false; gallery.setUserCreatedTouchEvent(false); slideshowTimerTask = new SlideshowTimerTask(); slideshowTimerTask.execute(); } }
public void actionToggleTitle() { Analytics.trackEvent(getApplicationContext(), "actions", "slideshow", "tittle-toggle"); Log.d(LOG_PREFIX, "action Toggle Title"); // we need the adapter to change the display title setting CustomGallery gallery = (CustomGallery) findViewById(; View selectedView = gallery.getSelectedView(); ImageAdapter adapter = null; if (gallery == null || selectedView == null || gallery.getAdapter() instanceof ImageAdapter == false) { Log.w( LOG_PREFIX, "Gallery view is not found in actionNextPhoto or adapter is of wrong instance! Let's make sure this doesn't crash the app"); return; } adapter = (ImageAdapter) gallery.getAdapter(); TextView slideshowTitle = (TextView) selectedView.findViewById(; if (slideshowTitle == null) { Log.w(LOG_PREFIX, "slideshowTitle is null. Cannot change visibility"); return; } int currentVisibility = slideshowTitle.getVisibility(); int newVisibility = 0; if (currentVisibility == View.INVISIBLE) { newVisibility = View.VISIBLE; setVisibilityOfSlideshowText(selectedView, newVisibility); adapter.setDoDisplayPhotoTitle(true); } else { newVisibility = View.INVISIBLE; setVisibilityOfSlideshowText(selectedView, newVisibility); adapter.setDoDisplayPhotoTitle(false); } // trick to get cached views to update themselves // adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); // let's extend the time untill the photo changes userCreatedTouchEvent = true; // View nextView = gallery.getChildAt(gallery.getSelectedItemPosition()+1); // setVisibilityOfSlideshowText(nextView, newVisibility); }
/** Scroll to the next photo. If we reach the end, let's start over */ public void actionNextPhoto() { CustomGallery gallery = (CustomGallery) findViewById(; if (gallery == null) { Log.w( LOG_PREFIX, "Gallery view is not found in actionNextPhoto! Let's make sure this doesn't crash the app"); return; } if (userCreatedTouchEvent || gallery.hasUserCreatedTouchEvent()) { Log.i( LOG_PREFIX, "User created a touch even since time task started. Will not skip to next photo yet"); return; } // Log.i(LOG_PREFIX, "Selected position is " + gallery.getSelectedItemPosition()+ " out of "+ // gallery.getCount()); // TODO: Evaluate if we should add all queued photos if we are almost at the end if (gallery.getSelectedItemPosition() + 1 == gallery.getCount()) { Log.i(LOG_PREFIX, "At the end of the slideshow. Starting on the first photo again"); Analytics.trackEvent(getApplicationContext(), "actions", "slideshow", "cycles-free"); gallery.setSelection(0); } else { // skip to next photo gallery.onKeyDown(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT, new KeyEvent(0, 0)); } }
@Override public void onDownloadCompleted(DownloadableObject downloadableObject) { // unsafe cast, but we have control SlideshowPhoto slideshowPhoto = (SlideshowPhoto) downloadableObject; if (queuedSlideshowPhotos == null) { queuedSlideshowPhotos = new ArrayList<SlideshowPhoto>(20); } queuedSlideshowPhotos.add(slideshowPhoto); // we want to add the slideshow photos as seldom as possible, as it creates a refresh of views if (gallery.getCount() <= 5 && queuedSlideshowPhotos.size() >= 5) { addSlideshowPhoto(queuedSlideshowPhotos); queuedSlideshowPhotos = null; } else if (gallery.getCount() - gallery.getSelectedItemPosition() <= 3 && queuedSlideshowPhotos.size() >= 10) { addSlideshowPhoto(queuedSlideshowPhotos); queuedSlideshowPhotos = null; } else if (queuedSlideshowPhotos.size() >= 50) { addSlideshowPhoto(queuedSlideshowPhotos); queuedSlideshowPhotos = null; } }
@Override public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case SlideshowPhoto currentPhoto1 = imageAdapter.getItem(gallery.getSelectedItemPosition()); Analytics.trackPageView(getApplicationContext(), "/setas"); Analytics.trackEvent(getApplicationContext(), "actions", "setas", currentPhoto1.getTitle()); actionSetAsWallpaper(currentPhoto1); return true; case Analytics.trackPageView(getApplicationContext(), "/preferences"); Intent iPreferences = new Intent(this, SlideshowPreferences.class); startActivity(iPreferences); return true; case SlideshowPhoto currentPhoto2 = imageAdapter.getItem(gallery.getSelectedItemPosition()); Analytics.trackPageView(getApplicationContext(), "/share"); Analytics.trackEvent(getApplicationContext(), "actions", "share", currentPhoto2.getTitle()); actionSharePhoto(currentPhoto2); return true; case actionToggleTitle(); return true; case actionPauseSlideshow(); return true; case actionResumeSlideshow(); return true; default: return super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see, android.view.KeyEvent) */ @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { Log.d(LOG_PREFIX, "Keyevent in activity" + keyCode); // Basically some key-aliases for GoogleTV buttons switch (keyCode) { // hardcoded some keyevents in order to support 2.1 // case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP: // case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE: case 86: case 127: actionPauseSlideshow(); return true; // case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY: case 126: actionResumeSlideshow(); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD: userCreatedTouchEvent = true; gallery.onKeyDown(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT, new KeyEvent(0, 0)); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_REWIND: userCreatedTouchEvent = true; gallery.onKeyDown(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT, new KeyEvent(0, 0)); return true; default: Log.d(LOG_PREFIX, "Unhandled keyevent " + keyCode); break; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); }
@Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { if (SlideshowPreferences.KEY_DO_DELETE_CACHE.equals(key)) { // reset photos notifyUser(getString(R.string.msg_cachedphotos_slideshow)); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); cachedPhotosDeleted = true; /*ArrayList<SlideshowPhoto> cachedDrawables = new ArrayList<SlideshowPhoto>(10); SlideshowPhoto initialPhoto = new SlideshowPhotoDrawable(this,"title", "description",R.drawable.trey3); cachedDrawables.add(initialPhoto); //TODO: Find better way for the rootFile to be passed around imageAdapter=null; imageAdapter=new ImageAdapter(this,0,cachedDrawables,rootFileDirectory); gallery.setAdapter(imageAdapter); gallery.setSelection(0); new PhotoUrlsTask().execute();*/ } else if (SlideshowPreferences.KEY_TRANSITION_TYPE.equals(key)) { boolean doCustomTransition = SlideshowPreferences.doCustomTransition(getApplicationContext()); // if doTransition, we should normally check which transition and set the corresponding // in and out animations on the gallery. Currently we have only one, so we skip it gallery.setDoCustomTransition(doCustomTransition); } else if (SlideshowPreferences.KEY_DISPLAY_TITLE.equals(key)) { boolean doDisplayPhotoTitle = SlideshowPreferences.doDisplayPhotoTitle(getApplicationContext()); imageAdapter.setDoDisplayPhotoTitle(doDisplayPhotoTitle); } else if (SlideshowPreferences.KEY_DO_DOWNLOAD_ON_3G.equals(key)) { // attempt to download photos again new PhotoUrlsTask().execute(); } }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // make full screen for pre-honeycomb devices if (AndroidUtils.isAndroid30()) { // 9 == Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY. Done in order to avoid having to use reflection as // value is not present in 2.2 getWindow().requestFeature(9); } else { // all pre-3.0 version requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); getWindow() .setFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); } Analytics.trackPageView(getApplicationContext(), "/start"); String rootPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + SlideshowPreferences.CACHE_DIRECTORY; rootFileDirectory = new File(rootPath); asyncReadQueue = new AsyncReadQueue<Drawable>(getApplicationContext(), this); // register listener so we can handle if the cached photos are deleted SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(SlideshowPreferences.PREFS_NAME, MODE_WORLD_READABLE); settings.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); screenWidthPx = display.getWidth(); screenHeightPx = display.getHeight(); // notifyUser("Resolution discovered "+screenWidthPx + "x"+screenHeightPx); setContentView(R.layout.gallery_1); // Reference the Gallery view gallery = (CustomGallery) findViewById(; // lights out mode for the activity // Reflection call similar to gallery.setSystemUiVisibility(View.STATUS_BAR_HIDDEN); // Needed since android 2.2 doesn't have method onCreateReflectionCalls(gallery, this); //// transition time in millis gallery.setAnimationDuration(5500); // disable annoying click sound on next photo gallery.setSoundEffectsEnabled(false); // disable sleep gallery.setKeepScreenOn(true); boolean doCustomTransition = SlideshowPreferences.doCustomTransition(getApplicationContext()); gallery.setDoCustomTransition(doCustomTransition); // Add some hardcoded photos that will be displayed untill we have download the others ArrayList<SlideshowPhoto> cachedDrawables = new ArrayList<SlideshowPhoto>(10); // FYI the url is only used during share photo cachedDrawables.add( new SlideshowPhotoDrawable( this, "Father", "Graffiti art captured in Bergen, Norway", R.drawable.photo_father, "")); cachedDrawables.add( new SlideshowPhotoDrawable( this, "Handstand", "The lightning was just perfect this day, so why not use it for something productively", R.drawable.photo_handstand, "")); cachedDrawables.add( new SlideshowPhotoDrawable( this, "Lexus", "A showcase photo of the Lexus IS series", R.drawable.photo_lexus, "")); // lets randomize the three hardcoded photos long seed = System.nanoTime(); Collections.shuffle(cachedDrawables, new Random(seed)); // cachedDrawables.add(new SlideshowPhotoDrawable(this,"test", "test",R.drawable.logo)); boolean doDisplayPhotoTitle = SlideshowPreferences.doDisplayPhotoTitle(getApplicationContext()); // create the adapter holding the slideshow photos imageAdapter = new ImageAdapter(this, 0, cachedDrawables, rootFileDirectory, doDisplayPhotoTitle); gallery.setAdapter(imageAdapter); // Set a item click listener, and just Toast the clicked position // gallery.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { // public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) { // Toast.makeText(SlideshowActivity.this, "Photo in position " + position + " clicked", // Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // } // }); // We also want to show context menu for longpressed items in the gallery registerForContextMenu(gallery); // The SlideshowTimerTask task is started by onResume (which is called soon after onCreate // slideshowTimerTask= new SlideshowTimerTask(); // slideshowTimerTask.execute(); // Canvas test = new Canvas(); // Log.i(LOG_PREFIX, " Canvas max " + // test.getMaximumBitmapHeight()+","+test.getMaximumBitmapHeight()); new PhotoUrlsTask().execute(); }