public static JsonValue removePaths(JsonValue jsonValue, Paths paths, Paths pathsToIgnore) { if (paths.matches(pathsToIgnore)) return JsonValue.NULL; if (jsonValue.isObject()) { paths = new Paths(paths); paths.extend("{}"); if (paths.matches(pathsToIgnore)) return JsonValue.NULL; JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); for (String name : jsonValue.asObject().names()) { Paths currentPaths = new Paths(paths); currentPaths.extend(name); jsonObject.set( name, removePaths(jsonValue.asObject().get(name), currentPaths, pathsToIgnore)); } return jsonObject; } if (jsonValue.isArray()) { Paths currentPaths = new Paths(paths); currentPaths.extend("[]"); if (currentPaths.matches(pathsToIgnore)) return JsonValue.NULL; JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray(); for (int index = 0; index < jsonValue.asArray().size(); index++) { currentPaths = new Paths(paths); currentPaths.extend("[]", "[" + index + "]"); jsonArray.add(removePaths(jsonValue.asArray().get(index), currentPaths, pathsToIgnore)); } return jsonArray; } return jsonValue; }
public static JsonArray toJson(String[] arr) { JsonArray json = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { json.add(arr[i]); } return json; }
@Override public GroupChat createGroupChat(Contact... contacts) throws ConnectionException { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); JsonArray allContacts = new JsonArray(); allContacts.add(new JsonObject().add("id", "8:" + this.getUsername()).add("role", "Admin")); for (Contact contact : contacts) { allContacts.add(new JsonObject().add("id", "8:" + contact.getUsername()).add("role", "User")); } obj.add("members", allContacts); HttpURLConnection con = Endpoints.THREAD_URL .open(this) .as(HttpURLConnection.class) .expect(201, "While creating group chat") .post(obj); String url = con.getHeaderField("Location"); Matcher chatMatcher = URL_PATTERN.matcher(url); if (chatMatcher.find()) { String id =; while (this.getChat(id) == null) ; return (GroupChat) this.getChat(id); } else { throw ExceptionHandler.generateException("No chat location", con); } }
@Override public JsonObject toJson() { JsonObject root = new JsonObject(); root.add("name", config.getName()); JsonArray publisherList = new JsonArray(); for (WanPublisherConfig publisherConfig : config.getWanPublisherConfigs()) { WanPublisherConfigDTO dto = new WanPublisherConfigDTO(publisherConfig); publisherList.add(dto.toJson()); } root.add("publishers", publisherList); return root; }
@Override public void fromJson(JsonObject json) { config = new WanReplicationConfig(); config.setName(json.get("name").asString()); List<WanPublisherConfig> publisherConfigs = config.getWanPublisherConfigs(); JsonArray publishers = json.get("publishers").asArray(); int size = publishers.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { WanPublisherConfigDTO dto = new WanPublisherConfigDTO(new WanPublisherConfig()); dto.fromJson(publishers.get(0).asObject()); publisherConfigs.add(dto.getConfig()); } }
/** Tests GetAllMetrics method. */ @Test public void testGetAllMetrics() { Counter onosCounter = new Counter();; Meter onosMeter = new Meter(); onosMeter.mark(); Timer onosTimer = new Timer(); onosTimer.update(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); ImmutableMap<String, Metric> metrics = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Metric>() .put("onosCounter", onosCounter) .put("onosMeter", onosMeter) .put("onosTimer", onosTimer) .build(); expect(mockMetricsService.getMetrics()).andReturn(metrics).anyTimes(); replay(mockMetricsService); WebTarget wt = target(); String response = wt.path("metrics").request().get(String.class); assertThat(response, containsString("{\"metrics\":[")); JsonObject result = Json.parse(response).asObject(); assertThat(result, notNullValue()); JsonArray jsonMetrics = result.get("metrics").asArray(); assertThat(jsonMetrics, notNullValue()); assertThat(jsonMetrics.size(), is(3)); assertTrue( matchesMetric(metrics.get("onosCounter")).matchesSafely(jsonMetrics.get(0).asObject())); assertTrue( matchesMetric(metrics.get("onosMeter")).matchesSafely(jsonMetrics.get(1).asObject())); assertTrue( matchesMetric(metrics.get("onosTimer")).matchesSafely(jsonMetrics.get(2).asObject())); }
@Override public void fillSyncedFileNames(JsonArray fileNames, ITernScriptPath path) { readLock.lock(); try { Set<String> files; if (path != null) { files = syncedFilesPerPath.get(path); } else { files = sentFiles.keySet(); } if (files != null) { for (String file : files) { fileNames.add(file); } } } finally { readLock.unlock(); } }
private void _testGetAggregation(String uri) throws Exception { Response resp; URI aggrUri = buildURI( "/" + dbTmpName + "/" + collectionTmpName + "/" + RequestContext._AGGREGATIONS + "/" + uri); resp = adminExecutor.execute(Request.Get(aggrUri)); HttpResponse httpResp = resp.returnResponse(); assertNotNull(httpResp); HttpEntity entity = httpResp.getEntity(); assertNotNull(entity); StatusLine statusLine = httpResp.getStatusLine(); assertNotNull(statusLine); assertEquals("check status code", HttpStatus.SC_OK, statusLine.getStatusCode()); assertNotNull("content type not null", entity.getContentType()); assertEquals( "check content type", Representation.HAL_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE, entity.getContentType().getValue()); String content = EntityUtils.toString(entity); assertNotNull("", content); JsonObject json = null; try { json = JsonObject.readFrom(content); } catch (Throwable t) { fail("parsing received json"); } assertNotNull("check not null json response", json); assertNotNull("check not null _embedded", json.get("_embedded")); assertTrue("check _embedded", json.get("_embedded").isObject()); assertNotNull("", json.get("_embedded").asObject().get("rh:result")); assertTrue( "check _embedded[\"rh:result\"]", json.get("_embedded").asObject().get("rh:result").isArray()); JsonArray results = json.get("_embedded").asObject().get("rh:result").asArray(); assertTrue("check we have 2 results", results.size() == 2); results .values() .stream() .map( (v) -> { assertNotNull("check not null _id property", v.asObject().get("_id")); return v; }) .map( (v) -> { assertTrue( "check results _id property is string", v.asObject().get("_id").isString()); return v; }) .map( (v) -> { assertNotNull("check not null value property", v.asObject().get("value")); return v; }) .forEach( (v) -> { assertTrue( "check results value property is number", v.asObject().get("value").isNumber()); }); }
@Test public void testGetMapReduceWithVariable() throws Exception { String uri = "avg_ages"; String aggregationsMetadata = "{\"aggrs\": [" + "{" + "\"type\":\"mapReduce\"" + "," + "\"uri\": \"" + uri + "\"," + "\"map\": \"function() { var minage = JSON.parse($vars).minage; if (this.age > minage ) { emit(, this.age); }; }\"," + "\"reduce\":\"function(key, values) { return Array.avg(values); }\"" + "," + "\"query\":{\"name\":{\"_$var\":\"name\"}}" + "}]}"; createTmpCollection(); createMetadataAndTestData(aggregationsMetadata); Response resp; URI aggrUri = buildURI( "/" + dbTmpName + "/" + collectionTmpName + "/" + RequestContext._AGGREGATIONS + "/" + uri, new NameValuePair[] { new BasicNameValuePair("avars", "{\"name\": \"a\", \"minage\": 20}") }); resp = adminExecutor.execute(Request.Get(aggrUri)); HttpResponse httpResp = resp.returnResponse(); assertNotNull(httpResp); HttpEntity entity = httpResp.getEntity(); assertNotNull(entity); StatusLine statusLine = httpResp.getStatusLine(); assertNotNull(statusLine); assertEquals("check status code", HttpStatus.SC_OK, statusLine.getStatusCode()); assertNotNull("content type not null", entity.getContentType()); assertEquals( "check content type", Representation.HAL_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE, entity.getContentType().getValue()); String content = EntityUtils.toString(entity); assertNotNull("", content); JsonObject json = null; try { json = JsonObject.readFrom(content); } catch (Throwable t) { fail("parsing received json"); } assertNotNull("check not null json response", json); assertNotNull("check not null _embedded", json.get("_embedded")); assertTrue("check _embedded", json.get("_embedded").isObject()); assertNotNull("", json.get("_embedded").asObject().get("rh:result")); assertTrue( "check _embedded[\"rh:results\"]", json.get("_embedded").asObject().get("rh:result").isArray()); JsonArray results = json.get("_embedded").asObject().get("rh:result").asArray(); assertTrue("check we have 2 results", results.size() == 1); results .values() .stream() .map( (v) -> { assertNotNull("check not null _id property", v.asObject().get("_id")); return v; }) .map( (v) -> { assertTrue( "check results _id property is string", v.asObject().get("_id").isString()); return v; }) .map( (v) -> { assertTrue( "check results _id property is a", v.asObject().get("_id").asString().equals("a")); return v; }) .map( (v) -> { assertNotNull("check not null value property", v.asObject().get("value")); return v; }) .forEach( (v) -> { assertTrue( "check results value property is number", v.asObject().get("value").isNumber()); }); }
public static Set<Mod> load( final Path path, final int order, final SettingsModelFactory settingsFactory, final DatabaseModelFactory databaseFactory, final LocalizerModelFactory localizerFactory) { log.debug("Loading mod: {}", path); Set<Mod> mods = new HashSet<>(); // TODO Count all mods and send back progress info Set<Archive> archives = null; try { archives = processModFile(path, settingsFactory); } catch (IOException | StarDBException | ParseException e) { // TODO Error Dialogue log.error("", e); return new HashSet<Mod>(); } for (Archive archive : archives) { Mod mod = new Mod(localizerFactory, settingsFactory); mod.setOrder(order); mod.files = new HashSet<>(); mod.setArchiveName(archive.getFileName()); // Get the modinfo file and parse it JsonObject obj = JsonObject.readFrom(new String(archive.getFile(".modinfo").getData())); mod.setInternalName(obj.get("name").asString()); if (obj.get("version") != null) { mod.setGameVersion(obj.get("version").asString()); } else { mod.setGameVersion("Field Empty"); } Set<String> dependencies = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> ignoredFileNames = new HashSet<>(); if (obj.get("dependencies") != null) { JsonArray arr = obj.get("dependencies").asArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { dependencies.add(arr.get(i).asString()); } } mod.setDependencies(dependencies); if (obj.get("metadata") != null) { JsonObject metadata = obj.get("metadata").asObject(); mod.setDisplayName(JSONHelper.getString(metadata, "displayname", mod.getInternalName())); mod.setAuthor(JSONHelper.getString(metadata, "author", NO_AUTHOR)); mod.setDescription(JSONHelper.getString(metadata, "description", NO_DESCRIPTION)); mod.setURL(JSONHelper.getString(metadata, "support_url", "")); mod.setModVersion(JSONHelper.getString(metadata, "version", NO_VERSION)); if (obj.get("ignoredfiles") != null) { JsonArray arr = obj.get("ignoredfiles").asArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { ignoredFileNames.add(arr.get(i).asString()); } } } else { mod.setDisplayName(mod.getInternalName()); mod.setAuthor(NO_AUTHOR); mod.setDescription(NO_DESCRIPTION); mod.setURL(""); mod.setModVersion(NO_VERSION); } try { mod.setChecksum( FileHelper.getChecksum( new File( settingsFactory.getInstance().getPropertyString("modsdir") + File.separator + mod.archiveName) .toPath())); // TODO Better Path manipulation } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Setting Checksum", e); } for (ArchiveFile archiveFile : archive.getFiles()) { ModFile modFile = new ModFile(); modFile.setPath(archiveFile.getPath()); // Find and list all ignored files for (String ignored : ignoredFileNames) { if (archiveFile.getPath().endsWith(ignored) || archiveFile.getPath().endsWith(".txt")) { modFile.setIgnored(true); } } // Scan all json files and find those with mergeability if (!archiveFile.isFolder() && FileHelper.isJSON(archiveFile.getPath())) { modFile.setJson(true); String fileContents = new String(archiveFile.getData()); if (fileContents.contains("__merge")) { modFile.setAutoMerged(true); } } if (!archiveFile.isFolder()) { mod.files.add(modFile); } } try { databaseFactory.getInstance().updateMod(mod); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("", e); MessageDialogue dialogue = new MessageDialogue( localizer.getMessage("mod.dbconnectionerror"), localizer.getMessage("mod.dbconnectionerror.title"), MessageType.ERROR, new LocalizerFactory()); dialogue.getResult(); return new HashSet<Mod>(); } mods.add(mod); } return mods; }