  * The Elliptic Curve Diffe-Hellman Key Agreement Scheme as specified in ANSI X9.63 and IEEE P1363
  * In ECKAS-DH1 (the Elliptic Curve Key Agreement Scheme, Diffie-Hellman 1), each party combines
  * its own private key with the other party�fs public key to calculate a shared secret key which
  * can then be used as the key for a symmetric encryption algorithm such as AES. Other (public or
  * private) information known to both parties may be used as key derivation parameters to ensure
  * that a dierent secret key is generated every session. This key agreement scheme is described
  * in more detail in section 9.2 of the IEEEP1363 standard. This Calculates a 128 bit secret key
  * from EC domain parameters dp, private key s, public key Wi and key derivation parameter P (an
  * octet string). s belongs to one party, Wi belongs to the other and dp and P are common to both
  * of them.
  * @param dp The EC domain parameters.
  * @param s The EC private key.
  * @param Wi The EC public key.
  * @param P The key derivation parameter.
  * @return
 public static BigInteger ECKAS_DH1(ECDomainParameters dp, BigInteger s, ECPoint Wi, int[] P) {
   Fq z = ECSVDP_DH(dp, s, Wi);
   int[] Z = Utils.FE2OSP(z);
   int[] k = KDF2(Z, 16, P); // 128 bits
   BigInteger K = Utils.OS2IP(k);
   return K;