public void loadArgs(String[] args) { DLRLogger.debug(CreateEntireFile.class, "loading args:"); String keyValues = ""; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) { String key = args[i]; String value = args[i + 1]; keyValues += key; keyValues += " " + value + " "; ARGS_MAP.put(key, value); } DLRLogger.debug(CreateEntireFile.class, keyValues); System.out.println(keyValues); }
public String retrieveVehiclePrice(String make, String model, String year, int miles) { RetrieveVehiclePriceResponse response = new RetrieveVehiclePriceResponse(); String price = null; try { CentricService service = new CentricServiceLocator(); CentricSoapBindingStub serviceStub = new CentricSoapBindingStub(service); logger.debug("ICS client web service url: " + CENTRIC_SERVICE_URL); serviceStub._setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, CENTRIC_SERVICE_URL); RetrieveVehiclePriceRequest request = new RetrieveVehiclePriceRequest(); request.setMake(make); request.setModel(model); request.setYear(year); request.setMileage(String.valueOf(miles)); // request.setUserId(userId); // Submit Web Service Call long startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); response = serviceStub.retrieveVehiclePrice(request); long elapsedTime = (new Date().getTime()) - startTime; logger.warn("****** Centric ws call, elapsedTime: " + elapsedTime + " ******"); price = response.getPrice(); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw new DLSSystemException(re.getMessage(), re, logger); } return price; }
public void invokeSubmitPaymentRequestWS(Owner app, String userId) { SubmitPaymentResponse response = new SubmitPaymentResponse(); try { CentricService service = new CentricServiceLocator(); CentricSoapBindingStub serviceStub = new CentricSoapBindingStub(service); logger.debug("ICS client web service url: " + CENTRIC_SERVICE_URL); serviceStub._setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, CENTRIC_SERVICE_URL); SubmitPaymentRequest request = getSubmitPaymentRequest(app); request.setUserId(userId); // Submit Web Service Call long startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); response = serviceStub.submitPayment(request); long elapsedTime = (new Date().getTime()) - startTime; logger.warn("****** Centric ws call, elapsedTime: " + elapsedTime + " ******"); String resultCode = response.getStatus(); if (resultCode.equals("0")) { "ICS inquiry response contained successful result code: " + response.getStatus()); } else { /* TODO implement non successful code */ } } catch (RemoteException re) { throw new DLSSystemException(re.getMessage(), re, logger); } }
private Conviction getConvictionDetails(Long convictionId, HttpServletRequest request) { logger.debug( " .......Starting execution of ViewConvictionController.getConvictionDetails()....... "); try { return convictionBusiness.findConvictionById(convictionId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Exception while getting Conviction and associations", e); } }
private void writeTrailer() throws Exception { try { writer.write("T"); writer.write(HandlerUtil.padding(String.valueOf(count), 10, HandlerUtil.LEFT, "0")); writer.write("\r\n"); } catch (Exception io) { rc = false; String message = io.getMessage(); logger.debug(message, io); if (io.getCause() instanceof DataAccessResourceFailureException) throw new FatalUpdateException(message, io); throw new NonFatalException(message, io); } }
/** * Expunge Conviction functionality. * * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ public ModelAndView expungeOffense(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { logger.debug(" ViewConvictionController.expungeOffense()....... "); String applicantID = request.getParameter("id"); String convId = request.getParameter(LiConstants.CONVICTION_ID); String taskId = ControllerHelper.getTaskId(request); String path = getServletContext().getRealPath("/"); Boolean isReevaluate = new Boolean(request.getParameter("reevaluate")); offenseBusiness.expungeConviction(convId, taskId, path, isReevaluate.booleanValue()); request.setAttribute("msg", "message.expungeOffense"); request.setAttribute("audit", "Expunge Offense"); request .getSession() .setAttribute( "expungeSuccessMsg", "The Conviction " + convId + " is successfully expunged."); return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView("" + applicantID)); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HashMap invokeSubmitProductQueryWS(String[] productIdArray) {"Class ProcessIssuanceUtil...Method invokeSubmitProductQueryWS :line no :63"); SubmitProductQueryResponse response = new SubmitProductQueryResponse(); HashMap productFeeMap = new HashMap(); try { CentricService service = new CentricServiceLocator(); CentricSoapBindingStub serviceStub = new CentricSoapBindingStub(service); logger.debug("ICS client web service url: " + CENTRIC_SERVICE_URL); serviceStub._setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, CENTRIC_SERVICE_URL); SubmitProductQueryRequest request = new SubmitProductQueryRequest(); request.setProductIds(productIdArray); long startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); /* * Commented the submit product query becuase we are not getting the * product list from drools cache loader */"Class ProcessIssuanceUtil...Method invokeSubmitProductQueryWS :line no :79"); response = serviceStub.submitProductQuery(request); long elapsedTime = (new Date().getTime()) - startTime; logger.warn("****** Centric ws call, elapsedTime: " + elapsedTime + " ******"); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw new DLSSystemException(re.getMessage(), re, logger); } float totalAmount = 0; if (response.getProducts() != null) { Product[] productArray = response.getProducts(); for (int i = 0; i < productArray.length; i++) { Product product = productArray[i]; productFeeMap.put(product.getProductId(), product); totalAmount = totalAmount + (new Float(product.getAmount()).floatValue()); } "Class ProcessIssuanceUtil...Method invokeSubmitProductQueryWS :line no :94 with total amount " + totalAmount); } productFeeMap.put("TOTAL_AMOUNT", totalAmount + ""); return productFeeMap; }
public String retrieveNextPlateNumber() { InventoryResponse response = new InventoryResponse(); String plateNumber = null; try { CentricService service = new CentricServiceLocator(); CentricSoapBindingStub serviceStub = new CentricSoapBindingStub(service); logger.debug("ICS client web service url: " + CENTRIC_SERVICE_URL); serviceStub._setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, CENTRIC_SERVICE_URL); InventoryRequest request = new InventoryRequest(); request.setItemLocation("3"); request.setItemType("0101"); long startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); response = serviceStub.performInventoryOperation(request); long elapsedTime = (new Date().getTime()) - startTime; logger.warn("****** Centric ws call, elapsedTime: " + elapsedTime + " ******"); System.out.println(response.getItemCode() + " " + response.getItemNumber()); if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank(response.getItemCode()) && !"ERROR".equalsIgnoreCase(response.getItemCode())) plateNumber = response.getItemCode().trim().toUpperCase(); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw new DLSSystemException(re.getMessage(), re, logger); } return plateNumber; }
public void basicFlowID() throws Exception { try { long n = 0; java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); t1 = date.getTime(); sqlStr = "SELECT IREC_DOC_NBR, DPSP_LAST_NME, DPSP_FIRST_NME, DPSP_MIDDLE_NME, DPSP_SUFFIX, DPSP_DOB, " + "DMDT_STRT_ADDR_1, DMDT_STRT_ADDR_2, DMDT_CITY, DMDT_STATE, SUBSTR(CHAR(DMDT_ZIP_CDE),1,5) AS ZIPCODE , " + "SUBSTR(CHAR(DMDT_ZIP_CDE),6,4) AS ZIPCODEEXT, SUBSTR(CHAR(IDDC_ORIG_ISS_DTE),1,10) AS OIDTE, " + "IREC_ISSUANCE_TYP FROM " + schema + "DPS_PERSON, " + schema + "ISSUANCE_RECORD, " + schema + "ID_DOCUMENT, " + schema + "DEMOGRAPHIC_DETAIL WHERE IREC_ISSUANCE_TYP = '2' AND DPSP_PERSON_ID = IREC_PERSON_ID " + "AND (DPSP_DV_FLG = '0' OR DPSP_DV_FLG IS NULL) AND (DPSP_DESIGNATION IS NULL OR (DPSP_DESIGNATION NOT IN ('S', 'A'))) " + "AND DPSP_PERSON_ID NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT ADST_PERSON_ID FROM " + schema + "ADMIN_STATUS WHERE ADST_ADMIN_STATUS = '08' " + "AND ADST_REMOVE_DTE IS NULL) AND IREC_ID_NBR = IDDC_ID_NBR AND IDDC_ORIG_ISS_DTE IS NOT NULL " + "AND DPSP_PERSON_ID = DMDT_PERSON_ID AND DMDT_ADDR_TYP = 'P' FOR FETCH ONLY"; stmt2 = con1.prepareStatement(sqlStr); rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); date = new java.util.Date(); t2 = date.getTime(); logger.debug(sqlStr); logger.debug("Elapsed time for excuting SQL statement is " + (t2 - t1) + " ms"); date = new java.util.Date(); t1 = date.getTime(); while ( { count++; n++; String recordStr = createRecord(rs2, "ID"); writer.write(recordStr + "\r\n"); } // end of while( date = new java.util.Date(); t2 = date.getTime(); logger.debug("Elapsed time for excuting while( is " + (t2 - t1) + " ms"); logger.debug("count = " + n); logger.debug(date.toString()); if (rs2 != null) { rs2.close(); rs2 = null; } if (stmt2 != null) { stmt2.close(); stmt2 = null; } } // end of try catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("basicFlowID()" + e); logger.error("Exception during basicFlowID()", e); rc = false; throw new RuntimeException("Exception during basicFlowID()" + e.getMessage()); } }