private boolean clickSign() {
    String username = txtUsername.getText().toString();
    String password = txtPassword.getText().toString();
    String host = getText(R.string.server_url).toString();
    String urlReq = host + getText(R.string.url_login).toString();

    Log.i(TAG, "username: "******"urlReq: " + urlReq);

    String prefFileName = (String) getText(R.string.pref_file_name);
    RequestTool requestTool =
        RequestTool.getInstance(this.getSharedPreferences(prefFileName, MODE_PRIVATE));

    // setup params
    Map<String, String> paramsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    paramsMap.put("login", username);
    paramsMap.put("password", password);

    // make the request
    Document doc = requestTool.makePostRequest(urlReq, paramsMap, true, 200);
    if (doc != null) {
      // store the details in the sharedPreferences so
      // other activities can use it.
      putUserDetailsIntoPreferences(username, password, doc);
      return true;
    return false;
  void putUserDetailsIntoPreferences(String username, String password, Document doc) {
    if (doc != null) {
      NodeList profiles = doc.getElementsByTagName("profile");
      Element profileEl = (Element) profiles.item(0);
      Profile profile = Profile.constructFromXml(profileEl);

      CacheDBAdapter cache = new CacheDBAdapter(this);;

      String prefFileName = (String) getText(R.string.pref_file_name);
      SharedPreferences pref = this.getSharedPreferences(prefFileName, MODE_PRIVATE);
      SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit();
      String profileIdStr = profile.getId() + "-" + username;

      // TODO: have to change how the backend expects profile id
      // profile id format (I think) is <profile_id>-<username>
      editor.putString(SeekYouConstants.ProfileId, profileIdStr);

      editor.putString(SeekYouConstants.Username, username);
      editor.putString(SeekYouConstants.Password, password);

      String photoFileName = profileIdStr + "." + profile.photoFileExtension();
      Bitmap photo = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("/data/data/com.cq/files/" + photoFileName);

      // making sure you have the photo and you have the photo file name
      if (photo == null
          && profile.getPhotoFileName() != null
          && profile.getPhotoFileName().length() > 0) {
        editor.putString(SeekYouConstants.PhotoFileName, photoFileName);
        String fileUrl =
                + "/images/"
                + "/thumb/"
                + profileIdStr
                + "."
                + profile.photoFileExtension();
        photo = RequestTool.getInstance(pref).downloadImage(fileUrl);
        photo = ImageTool.resize(photo, 50, 50);
        try {
          FileOutputStream fos =
              getApplicationContext().openFileOutput(photoFileName, MODE_PRIVATE);
          BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
          photo.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 75, bos);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
          Log.w("no profile picture found", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          Log.w("error writeing photo", e);

      if (profile.getStatus() == null) {

      editor.putString(SeekYouConstants.Status, profile.getStatus());
