public void testPushReplicate() throws Exception { // create mock sync gateway that will serve as a pull target and return random docs MockDispatcher dispatcher = new MockDispatcher(); MockWebServer server = MockHelper.getMockWebServer(dispatcher); dispatcher.setServerType(MockDispatcher.ServerType.SYNC_GW); // fake checkpoint response 404 MockCheckpointGet mockCheckpointGet = new MockCheckpointGet(); dispatcher.enqueueResponse(MockHelper.PATH_REGEX_CHECKPOINT, mockCheckpointGet);; Map<String, Object> replicateJsonMap = getPushReplicationParsedJson(server.getUrl("/db")); Log.v(TAG, "map: " + replicateJsonMap); Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_replicate", replicateJsonMap, Status.OK, null); Log.v(TAG, "result: " + result); assertNotNull(result.get("session_id")); boolean success = waitForReplicationToFinish(); assertTrue(success); server.shutdown(); }
public void testPullReplicate() throws Exception { // create mock sync gateway that will serve as a pull target and return random docs int numMockDocsToServe = 0; MockDispatcher dispatcher = new MockDispatcher(); MockWebServer server = MockHelper.getPreloadedPullTargetMockCouchDB(dispatcher, numMockDocsToServe, 1); dispatcher.setServerType(MockDispatcher.ServerType.COUCHDB); server.setDispatcher(dispatcher);; // kick off replication via REST api Map<String, Object> replicateJsonMap = getPullReplicationParsedJson(server.getUrl("/db")); Log.v(TAG, "map: " + replicateJsonMap); Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_replicate", replicateJsonMap, Status.OK, null); Log.v(TAG, "result: " + result); assertNotNull(result.get("session_id")); // wait for replication to finish boolean success = waitForReplicationToFinish(); assertTrue(success); // cleanup server.shutdown(); }
/** This method is called when a part's headers have been parsed, before its data is parsed. */ public void startedPart(Map headers) { if (_docReader != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("_docReader is already defined"); } Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: Starting new document; headers =%s", this, headers); Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: Starting new document; ID=%s", this, headers.get("X-Doc-Id")); _docReader = new MultipartDocumentReader(_db); _docReader.setHeaders(headers); _docReader.startedPart(headers); }
/** - (void) maybeCreateRemoteDB in CBL_Replicator.m */ @Override @InterfaceAudience.Private protected void maybeCreateRemoteDB() { if (!createTarget) { return; } creatingTarget = true; Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "Remote db might not exist; creating it..."); Future future = sendAsyncRequest( "PUT", "", null, new RemoteRequestCompletionBlock() { @Override public void onCompletion(HttpResponse httpResponse, Object result, Throwable e) { creatingTarget = false; if (e != null && e instanceof HttpResponseException && ((HttpResponseException) e).getStatusCode() != 412) { Log.e(Log.TAG_SYNC, this + ": Failed to create remote db", e); setError(e); triggerStopGraceful(); // this is fatal: no db to push to! } else { Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: Created remote db", this); createTarget = false; beginReplicating(); } } }); pendingFutures.add(future); }
private void revisionFailed(RevisionInternal rev, Throwable throwable) { if (!Utils.isTransientError(throwable)) { Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: giving up on %s: %s", this, rev, throwable); pendingSequences.removeSequence(rev.getSequence()); pauseOrResume(); } completedChangesCount.getAndIncrement(); }
private void setPaused(boolean paused) { Log.v(Log.TAG, "setPaused: " + paused); synchronized (pausedObj) { if (this.paused != paused) { this.paused = paused; pausedObj.notifyAll(); } } }
/** This method is called when a part is complete. */ public void finishedPart() { Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: Finished document", this); if (_docReader == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("_docReader is not defined"); } _docReader.finish(); _onDocument.onDocument(_docReader.getDocumentProperties()); _docReader = null; }
private void waitIfPaused() { synchronized (pausedObj) { while (paused) { Log.v(Log.TAG, "Waiting: " + paused); try { pausedObj.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } }
public void testFacebookToken() { send("PUT", "/db", Status.CREATED, null); Map<String, Object> doc1 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); doc1.put("email", "*****@*****.**"); doc1.put("remote_url", getReplicationURL().toExternalForm()); doc1.put("access_token", "fake_access_token"); Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_facebook_token", doc1, Status.OK, null); Log.v(TAG, String.format("result %s", result)); }
public void testPersonaAssertion() { send("PUT", "/db", Status.CREATED, null); Map<String, Object> doc1 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String sampleAssertion = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.RnDK118nqL2wzpLCVRzw1MI4IThgeWpul9jPl6ypyyxRMMTurlJbjFfs-BXoPaOem878G8-4D2eGWS6wd307k7xlPysevYPogfFWxK_eDHwkTq3Ts91qEDqrdV_JtgULC8c1LvX65E0TwW_GL_TM94g3CvqoQnGVxxoaMVye4ggvR7eOZjimWMzUuu4Lo9Z-VBHBj7XM0UMBie57CpGwH4_Wkv0V_LHZRRHKdnl9ISp_aGwfBObTcHG9v0P3BW9vRrCjihIn0SqOJQ9obl52rMf84GD4Lcy9NIktzfyka70xR9Sh7ALotW7rWywsTzMTu3t8AzMz2MJgGjvQmx49QA~eyJhbGciOiJEUzEyOCJ9.eyJleHAiOjEzNTgyOTY0Mzg0OTUsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6NDk4NC8ifQ.4FV2TrUQffDya0MOxOQlzJQbDNvCPF2sfTIJN7KOLvvlSFPknuIo5g"; doc1.put("assertion", sampleAssertion); Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("POST", "/_persona_assertion", doc1, Status.OK, null); Log.v(TAG, String.format("result %s", result)); String email = (String) result.get("email"); assertEquals(email, "*****@*****.**"); }
// This invokes the tranformation block if one is installed and queues the resulting CBL_Revision private void queueDownloadedRevision(RevisionInternal rev) { if (revisionBodyTransformationBlock != null) { // Add 'file' properties to attachments pointing to their bodies: for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : ((Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) rev.getProperties().get("_attachments")).entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); Map<String, Object> attachment = entry.getValue(); attachment.remove("file"); if (attachment.get("follows") != null && attachment.get("data") == null) { String filePath = db.fileForAttachmentDict(attachment).getPath(); if (filePath != null) attachment.put("file", filePath); } } RevisionInternal xformed = transformRevision(rev); if (xformed == null) { Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: Transformer rejected revision %s", this, rev); pendingSequences.removeSequence(rev.getSequence()); lastSequence = pendingSequences.getCheckpointedValue(); pauseOrResume(); return; } rev = xformed; // Clean up afterwards Map<String, Object> attachments = (Map<String, Object>) rev.getProperties().get("_attachments"); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : ((Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) rev.getProperties().get("_attachments")).entrySet()) { Map<String, Object> attachment = entry.getValue(); attachment.remove("file"); } } if (rev != null && rev.getBody() != null) rev.getBody().compact(); downloadsToInsert.queueObject(rev); }
/** * in CBL_Puller.m - (void) changeTrackerReceivedSequence: (id)remoteSequenceID docID: * (NSString*)docID revIDs: (NSArray*)revIDs deleted: (BOOL)deleted */ protected void processChangeTrackerChange(final Map<String, Object> change) { String lastSequence = change.get("seq").toString(); String docID = (String) change.get("id"); if (docID == null) { return; } if (!Document.isValidDocumentId(docID)) { Log.w(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: Received invalid doc ID from _changes: %s", this, change); return; } boolean deleted = (change.containsKey("deleted") && ((Boolean) change.get("deleted")).equals(Boolean.TRUE)); List<Map<String, Object>> changes = (List<Map<String, Object>>) change.get("changes"); for (Map<String, Object> changeDict : changes) { String revID = (String) changeDict.get("rev"); if (revID == null) { continue; } PulledRevision rev = new PulledRevision(docID, revID, deleted); // Remember its remote sequence ID (opaque), and make up a numeric sequence // based on the order in which it appeared in the _changes feed: rev.setRemoteSequenceID(lastSequence); if (changes.size() > 1) rev.setConflicted(true); Log.d(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: adding rev to inbox %s", this, rev); Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: changeTrackerReceivedChange() incrementing changesCount by 1", this); // this is purposefully done slightly different than the ios version addToChangesCount(1); addToInbox(rev); } pauseOrResume(); }
@Override protected void executeRequest(HttpClient httpClient, HttpUriRequest request) { Object fullBody = null; Throwable error = null; HttpResponse response = null; try { if (request.isAborted()) { respondWithResult( fullBody, new Exception(String.format("%s: Request %s has been aborted", this, request)), response); return; } response = httpClient.execute(request); try { // add in cookies to global store if (httpClient instanceof DefaultHttpClient) { DefaultHttpClient defaultHttpClient = (DefaultHttpClient) httpClient; clientFactory.addCookies(defaultHttpClient.getCookieStore().getCookies()); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_REMOTE_REQUEST, "Unable to add in cookies to global store", e); } StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine(); if (status.getStatusCode() >= 300) { Log.e( Log.TAG_REMOTE_REQUEST, "Got error status: %d for %s. Reason: %s", status.getStatusCode(), request, status.getReasonPhrase()); error = new HttpResponseException(status.getStatusCode(), status.getReasonPhrase()); } else { HttpEntity entity = null; try { entity = response.getEntity(); if (entity != null) { InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = entity.getContent(); Header contentTypeHeader = entity.getContentType(); if (contentTypeHeader != null) { // multipart if (contentTypeHeader.getValue().contains("multipart/")) { Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "contentTypeHeader = %s", contentTypeHeader.getValue()); _topReader = new MultipartReader(contentTypeHeader.getValue(), this); byte[] buffer = new byte[BUF_LEN]; int numBytesRead = 0; while ((numBytesRead = != -1) { _topReader.appendData(buffer, 0, numBytesRead); } _topReader.finished(); respondWithResult(fullBody, error, response); } // non-multipart else { Log.v( Log.TAG_SYNC, "contentTypeHeader is not multipart = %s", contentTypeHeader.getValue()); GZIPInputStream gzipStream = null; try { // decompress if contentEncoding is gzip if (Utils.isGzip(entity)) { gzipStream = new GZIPInputStream(inputStream); fullBody = Manager.getObjectMapper().readValue(gzipStream, Object.class); } else { fullBody = Manager.getObjectMapper().readValue(inputStream, Object.class); } respondWithResult(fullBody, error, response); } finally { try { if (gzipStream != null) { gzipStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } gzipStream = null; } } } } finally { try { if (inputStream != null) { inputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } inputStream = null; } } } finally { if (entity != null) { try { entity.consumeContent(); } catch (IOException e) { } } entity = null; } } } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_REMOTE_REQUEST, "io exception", e); error = e; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_REMOTE_REQUEST, "%s: executeRequest() Exception: ", e, this); error = e; } finally { Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: BulkDownloader finally block. url: %s", this, url); } Log.v( Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: BulkDownloader calling respondWithResult. url: %s, error: %s", this, url, error); respondWithResult(fullBody, error, response); }
/** * Post the revisions to the destination. "new_edits":false means that the server should use the * given _rev IDs instead of making up new ones. * * <p>- (void) uploadBulkDocs: (NSArray*)docsToSend changes: (CBL_RevisionList*)changes in * CBLRestPusher.m */ @InterfaceAudience.Private protected void uploadBulkDocs(List<Object> docsToSend, final RevisionList changes) { final int numDocsToSend = docsToSend.size(); if (numDocsToSend == 0) { return; } Log.v( Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: POSTing " + numDocsToSend + " revisions to _bulk_docs: %s", PusherInternal.this, docsToSend); addToChangesCount(numDocsToSend); Map<String, Object> bulkDocsBody = new HashMap<String, Object>(); bulkDocsBody.put("docs", docsToSend); bulkDocsBody.put("new_edits", false); CustomFuture future = sendAsyncRequest( "POST", "/_bulk_docs", bulkDocsBody, new RemoteRequestCompletionBlock() { @Override public void onCompletion(HttpResponse httpResponse, Object result, Throwable e) { if (e == null) { Set<String> failedIDs = new HashSet<String>(); // _bulk_docs response is really an array, not a dictionary! List<Map<String, Object>> items = (List) result; for (Map<String, Object> item : items) { Status status = statusFromBulkDocsResponseItem(item); if (status.isError()) { // One of the docs failed to save. Log.w(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: _bulk_docs got an error: %s", item, this); // 403/Forbidden means validation failed; don't treat it as an error // because I did my job in sending the revision. Other statuses are // actual replication errors. if (status.getCode() != Status.FORBIDDEN) { String docID = (String) item.get("id"); failedIDs.add(docID); // TODO - port from iOS // NSURL* url = docID ? [_remote URLByAppendingPathComponent: docID] : nil; // error = CBLStatusToNSError(status, url); } } } // Remove from the pending list all the revs that didn't fail: for (RevisionInternal revisionInternal : changes) { if (!failedIDs.contains(revisionInternal.getDocID())) { removePending(revisionInternal); } } } if (e != null) { setError(e); } else { Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: POSTed to _bulk_docs", PusherInternal.this); } addToCompletedChangesCount(numDocsToSend); } }); future.setQueue(pendingFutures); pendingFutures.add(future); }
/** - (void) processInbox: (CBL_RevisionList*)changes in CBLRestPusher.m */ @Override @InterfaceAudience.Private protected void processInbox(final RevisionList changes) { Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "processInbox() changes=" + changes.size()); // Generate a set of doc/rev IDs in the JSON format that _revs_diff wants: // <> Map<String, List<String>> diffs = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (RevisionInternal rev : changes) { String docID = rev.getDocID(); List<String> revs = diffs.get(docID); if (revs == null) { revs = new ArrayList<String>(); diffs.put(docID, revs); } revs.add(rev.getRevID()); addPending(rev); } // Call _revs_diff on the target db: Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: posting to /_revs_diff", this); CustomFuture future = sendAsyncRequest( "POST", "/_revs_diff", diffs, new RemoteRequestCompletionBlock() { @Override public void onCompletion(HttpResponse httpResponse, Object response, Throwable e) { Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: got /_revs_diff response", this); Map<String, Object> results = (Map<String, Object>) response; if (e != null) { setError(e); } else { if (results.size() != 0) { // Go through the list of local changes again, selecting the ones the // destination server // said were missing and mapping them to a JSON dictionary in the form // _bulk_docs wants: List<Object> docsToSend = new ArrayList<Object>(); RevisionList revsToSend = new RevisionList(); long bufferedSize = 0; for (RevisionInternal rev : changes) { // Is this revision in the server's 'missing' list? Map<String, Object> properties = null; Map<String, Object> revResults = (Map<String, Object>) results.get(rev.getDocID()); if (revResults == null) { removePending(rev); continue; } List<String> revs = (List<String>) revResults.get("missing"); if (revs == null || !revs.contains(rev.getRevID())) { removePending(rev); continue; } // NOTE: force to load body by Database.loadRevisionBody() // In SQLiteStore.loadRevisionBody() does not load data from database // if sequence != 0 && body != null rev.setSequence(0); rev.setBody(null); RevisionInternal loadedRev; try { loadedRev = db.loadRevisionBody(rev); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e1) { Log.w( Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s Couldn't get local contents of %s", rev, PusherInternal.this); continue; } RevisionInternal populatedRev = transformRevision(loadedRev); loadedRev = null; List<String> possibleAncestors = (List<String>) revResults.get("possible_ancestors"); properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(populatedRev.getProperties()); Map<String, Object> revisions = db.getRevisionHistoryDictStartingFromAnyAncestor( populatedRev, possibleAncestors); properties.put("_revisions", revisions); populatedRev.setProperties(properties); // Strip any attachments already known to the target db: if (properties.containsKey("_attachments")) { // Look for the latest common ancestor and stub out older attachments: int minRevPos = findCommonAncestor(populatedRev, possibleAncestors); Status status = new Status(Status.OK); if (!db.expandAttachments( populatedRev, minRevPos + 1, !dontSendMultipart, false, status)) { Log.w( Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: Couldn't expand attachments of %s", this, populatedRev); continue; } properties = populatedRev.getProperties(); if (!dontSendMultipart && uploadMultipartRevision(populatedRev)) { continue; } } if (properties == null || !properties.containsKey("_id")) { throw new IllegalStateException("properties must contain a document _id"); } revsToSend.add(rev); docsToSend.add(properties); bufferedSize += JSONUtils.estimate(properties); if (bufferedSize > kMaxBulkDocsObjectSize) { uploadBulkDocs(docsToSend, revsToSend); docsToSend = new ArrayList<Object>(); revsToSend = new RevisionList(); bufferedSize = 0; } } // Post the revisions to the destination: uploadBulkDocs(docsToSend, revsToSend); } else { // None of the revisions are new to the remote for (RevisionInternal revisionInternal : changes) { removePending(revisionInternal); } } } } }); future.setQueue(pendingFutures); pendingFutures.add(future); pauseOrResume(); }
/** Process a bunch of remote revisions from the _changes feed at once */ @Override @InterfaceAudience.Private protected void processInbox(RevisionList inbox) { Log.d(Log.TAG_SYNC, "processInbox called"); if (canBulkGet == null) { canBulkGet = serverIsSyncGatewayVersion("0.81"); } // Ask the local database which of the revs are not known to it: String lastInboxSequence = ((PulledRevision) inbox.get(inbox.size() - 1)).getRemoteSequenceID(); int numRevisionsRemoved = 0; try { // findMissingRevisions is the local equivalent of _revs_diff. it looks at the // array of revisions in "inbox" and removes the ones that already exist. // So whatever's left in 'inbox' // afterwards are the revisions that need to be downloaded. numRevisionsRemoved = db.findMissingRevisions(inbox); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_SYNC, String.format("%s failed to look up local revs", this), e); inbox = null; } // introducing this to java version since inbox may now be null everywhere int inboxCount = 0; if (inbox != null) { inboxCount = inbox.size(); } if (numRevisionsRemoved > 0) { Log.v( Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: processInbox() setting changesCount to: %s", this, getChangesCount().get() - numRevisionsRemoved); // May decrease the changesCount, to account for the revisions we just found out we don't need // to get. addToChangesCount(-1 * numRevisionsRemoved); } if (inboxCount == 0) { // Nothing to do. Just bump the lastSequence. Log.w( Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s no new remote revisions to fetch. add lastInboxSequence (%s) to pendingSequences (%s)", this, lastInboxSequence, pendingSequences); long seq = pendingSequences.addValue(lastInboxSequence); pendingSequences.removeSequence(seq); setLastSequence(pendingSequences.getCheckpointedValue()); pauseOrResume(); return; } Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: fetching %s remote revisions...", this, inboxCount); // Dump the revs into the queue of revs to pull from the remote db: for (int i = 0; i < inbox.size(); i++) { PulledRevision rev = (PulledRevision) inbox.get(i); if (canBulkGet || (rev.getGeneration() == 1 && !rev.isDeleted() && !rev.isConflicted())) { bulkRevsToPull.add(rev); } else { queueRemoteRevision(rev); } rev.setSequence(pendingSequences.addValue(rev.getRemoteSequenceID())); } pullRemoteRevisions(); pauseOrResume(); }
public void waitForPendingFutures() { if (waitingForPendingFutures) { return; } synchronized (lockWaitForPendingFutures) { waitingForPendingFutures = true; Log.d( Log.TAG_SYNC, "[waitForPendingFutures()] STARTED - thread id: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); try { // wait for batcher's pending futures if (batcher != null) { Log.d(Log.TAG_SYNC, "batcher.waitForPendingFutures()"); // TODO: should we call batcher.flushAll(); here? batcher.waitForPendingFutures(); Log.d(Log.TAG_SYNC, "/batcher.waitForPendingFutures()"); } while (!pendingFutures.isEmpty()) { Future future = pendingFutures.take(); try { Log.d(Log.TAG_SYNC, "calling future.get() on %s", future); future.get(); Log.d(Log.TAG_SYNC, "done calling future.get() on %s", future); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_SYNC, "InterruptedException in Future.get()", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_SYNC, "ExecutionException in Future.get()", e); } } // since it's possible that in the process of waiting for pendingFutures, // new items were added to the batcher, let's wait for the batcher to // drain again. if (batcher != null) { Log.d(Log.TAG_SYNC, "batcher.waitForPendingFutures()"); batcher.waitForPendingFutures(); Log.d(Log.TAG_SYNC, "/batcher.waitForPendingFutures()"); } // If pendingFutures queue is empty and state is RUNNING, fireTrigger to IDLE // NOTE: in case of many documents sync, new Future tasks could be added into the queue. // This is reason to check if queue is empty. if (pendingFutures.isEmpty()) { Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "[waitForPendingFutures()] state=" + stateMachine.getState()); if (isContinuous()) { // Make state IDLE Log.v( Log.TAG_SYNC, "[waitForPendingFutures()] fireTrigger(ReplicationTrigger.WAITING_FOR_CHANGES);"); fireTrigger(ReplicationTrigger.WAITING_FOR_CHANGES); } else { // Make state STOPPING triggerStopGraceful(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_SYNC, "Exception waiting for pending futures: %s", e); } finally { Log.d( Log.TAG_SYNC, "[waitForPendingFutures()] END - thread id: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); waitingForPendingFutures = false; } } }
// Get a bunch of revisions in one bulk request. Will use _bulk_get if possible. protected void pullBulkRevisions(List<RevisionInternal> bulkRevs) { int nRevs = bulkRevs.size(); if (nRevs == 0) { return; } Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s bulk-fetching %d remote revisions...", this, nRevs); Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s bulk-fetching remote revisions: %s", this, bulkRevs); if (!canBulkGet) { pullBulkWithAllDocs(bulkRevs); return; } Log.v(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: POST _bulk_get", this); final List<RevisionInternal> remainingRevs = new ArrayList<RevisionInternal>(bulkRevs); ++httpConnectionCount; final BulkDownloader dl; try { dl = new BulkDownloader( workExecutor, clientFactory, remote, bulkRevs, db, this.requestHeaders, new BulkDownloader.BulkDownloaderDocumentBlock() { public void onDocument(Map<String, Object> props) { // Got a revision! // Find the matching revision in 'remainingRevs' and get its sequence: RevisionInternal rev; if (props.get("_id") != null) { rev = new RevisionInternal(props); } else { rev = new RevisionInternal( (String) props.get("id"), (String) props.get("rev"), false); } int pos = remainingRevs.indexOf(rev); if (pos > -1) { rev.setSequence(remainingRevs.get(pos).getSequence()); remainingRevs.remove(pos); } else { Log.w(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s : Received unexpected rev rev", this); } if (props.get("_id") != null) { // Add to batcher ... eventually it will be fed to -insertRevisions:. queueDownloadedRevision(rev); } else { Status status = statusFromBulkDocsResponseItem(props); error = new CouchbaseLiteException(status); revisionFailed(rev, error); } } }, new RemoteRequestCompletionBlock() { public void onCompletion(HttpResponse httpResponse, Object result, Throwable e) { // The entire _bulk_get is finished: if (e != null) { setError(e); completedChangesCount.addAndGet(remainingRevs.size()); } --httpConnectionCount; // Start another task if there are still revisions waiting to be pulled: pullRemoteRevisions(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_SYNC, "%s: pullBulkRevisions Exception: %s", this, e); return; } dl.setAuthenticator(getAuthenticator()); // set compressed request - gzip dl.setCompressedRequest(canSendCompressedRequests()); synchronized (remoteRequestExecutor) { if (!remoteRequestExecutor.isShutdown()) { Future future = remoteRequestExecutor.submit(dl); pendingFutures.add(future); } } }
public void testDocs() { send("PUT", "/db", Status.CREATED, null); // PUT: Map<String, Object> doc1 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); doc1.put("message", "hello"); Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("PUT", "/db/doc1", doc1, Status.CREATED, null); String revID = (String) result.get("rev"); assertTrue(revID.startsWith("1-")); // PUT to update: doc1.put("message", "goodbye"); doc1.put("_rev", revID); result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("PUT", "/db/doc1", doc1, Status.CREATED, null); Log.v(TAG, String.format("PUT returned %s", result)); revID = (String) result.get("rev"); assertTrue(revID.startsWith("2-")); doc1.put("_id", "doc1"); doc1.put("_rev", revID); result = (Map<String, Object>) send("GET", "/db/doc1", Status.OK, doc1); // Add more docs: Map<String, Object> docX = new HashMap<String, Object>(); docX.put("message", "hello"); result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("PUT", "/db/doc3", docX, Status.CREATED, null); String revID3 = (String) result.get("rev"); result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("PUT", "/db/doc2", docX, Status.CREATED, null); String revID2 = (String) result.get("rev"); // _all_docs: result = (Map<String, Object>) send("GET", "/db/_all_docs", Status.OK, null); assertEquals(3, result.get("total_rows")); assertEquals(0, result.get("offset")); Map<String, Object> value1 = valueMapWithRev(revID); Map<String, Object> value2 = valueMapWithRev(revID2); Map<String, Object> value3 = valueMapWithRev(revID3); Map<String, Object> row1 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); row1.put("id", "doc1"); row1.put("key", "doc1"); row1.put("value", value1); Map<String, Object> row2 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); row2.put("id", "doc2"); row2.put("key", "doc2"); row2.put("value", value2); Map<String, Object> row3 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); row3.put("id", "doc3"); row3.put("key", "doc3"); row3.put("value", value3); List<Map<String, Object>> expectedRows = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); expectedRows.add(row1); expectedRows.add(row2); expectedRows.add(row3); List<Map<String, Object>> rows = (List<Map<String, Object>>) result.get("rows"); assertEquals(expectedRows, rows); // DELETE: result = (Map<String, Object>) send("DELETE", String.format("/db/doc1?rev=%s", revID), Status.OK, null); revID = (String) result.get("rev"); assertTrue(revID.startsWith("3-")); send("GET", "/db/doc1", Status.NOT_FOUND, null); // _changes: List<Object> changes1 = new ArrayList<Object>(); changes1.add(valueMapWithRevNoConflictArray(revID)); List<Object> changes2 = new ArrayList<Object>(); changes2.add(valueMapWithRevNoConflictArray(revID2)); List<Object> changes3 = new ArrayList<Object>(); changes3.add(valueMapWithRevNoConflictArray(revID3)); Map<String, Object> result1 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result1.put("id", "doc1"); result1.put("seq", 5); result1.put("deleted", true); result1.put("changes", changes1); Map<String, Object> result2 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result2.put("id", "doc2"); result2.put("seq", 4); result2.put("changes", changes2); Map<String, Object> result3 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result3.put("id", "doc3"); result3.put("seq", 3); result3.put("changes", changes3); List<Object> results = new ArrayList<Object>(); results.add(result3); results.add(result2); results.add(result1); Map<String, Object> expectedChanges = new HashMap<String, Object>(); expectedChanges.put("last_seq", 5); expectedChanges.put("results", results); send("GET", "/db/_changes", Status.OK, expectedChanges); // _changes with ?since: results.remove(result3); results.remove(result2); expectedChanges.put("results", results); send("GET", "/db/_changes?since=4", Status.OK, expectedChanges); results.remove(result1); expectedChanges.put("results", results); send("GET", "/db/_changes?since=5", Status.OK, expectedChanges); // Put with _deleted to delete a doc: Log.d(TAG, "Put with _deleted to delete a doc"); send("GET", "/db/doc5", Status.NOT_FOUND, null); Map<String, Object> doc5 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); doc5.put("message", "hello5"); Map<String, Object> resultDoc5 = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("PUT", "/db/doc5", doc5, Status.CREATED, null); String revIdDoc5 = (String) resultDoc5.get("rev"); assertTrue(revIdDoc5.startsWith("1-")); doc5.put("_deleted", true); doc5.put("_rev", revIdDoc5); doc5.put("_id", "doc5"); result = (Map<String, Object>) sendBody("PUT", "/db/doc5", doc5, Status.OK, null); send("GET", "/db/doc5", Status.NOT_FOUND, null); Log.d(TAG, "Finished put with _deleted to delete a doc"); }